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九年级英语第二学期月考试卷 (满分100分,时间:90分钟)              一、单项选择。(15’) 1.. --Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk? -- ______. I think I'll just have a glass of water. A. Both        B. Neither        C. None              D. Either 2. --Could you tell me _____ to visit Dr Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum(陵墓)?    --The day after tomorrow, I think.    A. when will you go               B. when you will go    C. when would you go             D. when you would go 3. -----Whose volleyball is this?    -----It_____ be Carla’s. she never plays it and she dislikes it.    A can’t    B may not     C could    D mustn’t 4. ----Do you know ________ we'll get there at 3∶00 this afternoon?   ----I'm afraid we'll be late.   A. that              B. how          C. why            D. whether 5.  _____ important news you’ve told me!    A. How an                     B. How                 C. What an            D. What 6. — Do you know whether Mary will go there?    — I’m not sure. She says she will stay at home unless she      to the party. A. is inviting          B. invites          C. was invited     D. is invited 7. ---Have you worked out the problem?      ---No, it is          difficult for me. A.much too        B. too much           C.much          D. such 8.  ----- What do you think of the song?       ----- _____ .     A. I like it, too              B. I like music very much    C. With pleasure   D. It sounds sweet 9. ----- _____ ?              ----- Orange, I think. A. What is it                                          B. How is the food     C. What colour do you think of it            D. Is there any fruit around here 10. -----What's one -fourth and a half, do you know?    ----- Yes, it's _____.     A. two-sixths         B. three-fourths    C. one-three                D. three-sixths 11.Not only his parents but also his grandfather ____ to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here. A. has gone  B. has been  C. have gone  D. have been 12. –My aunt goes to climb Mount Gu every Sunday . –Oh ? But she ____ hate climbing mountains . A. used to   B. use to   C. uses to   D. is used to 13. –I can’t stop playing computer games .  –For your health , my boy , I’m afraid you ____ .   A. can      B. may    C. must     D. have to 14. –Look ! What a good garden !  –Yes . It ____ every day . A. has been cleaned      B. is cleaned     C. is being cleaned      D. was cleaned 15. They feel ____ tired ____ finsh this work,so they stop ____  .. A. so, that ; to have a rest        B. such, that; having a rest   C.to,too ; having a rest           D. too,to ; to have a rest  二、完型填空。(20')                                    A Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular not only with grown ups but also with students. Meanwhile, they also 16  a problem for middle schools in the past few years. Some children have got mobile phones as Christmas or birthday gifts, and more will  17  want them.Many like SMS because it is easy and  18  . Some parents felt happy because they could get in touch  19  their children. Some teachers said mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事) to students during school hours and it also gave them much  20   in their classrooms. Sometimes students  21   use phone messages to cheat(作弊) during exams. A new study found that some teenagers send messages in class even hurt their fingers because they can’t stop  22  SMS.Many teachers suggested that students should not have phones at school,  23  if there was a good reason, they could  24  their  phones at school office. Many people think they understand  25  parents would want their children to have them, but they agree school should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.?16.  A. because         B. had become         C. have become       D. will become?17.  A. still              B. yet                C. already            D. too?18.  A. quickly           B. quick               C. hurry              D. sharp?19.  A. against           B. on                 C. with               D. to?20.  A. business         B. information         C. things             D. trouble?21.  A. dare             B. have to             C. should             D. might?22.  A. using            B. to use              C. used               D. used to?23.  A. and             B. but                C. though              D. however?24.  A. miss            B. leave               C. lie                 D. fetch?25.  A. whether        B. because             C. why                D. since?     B Antarctica (南极洲) is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is mostly covered with ice. This is one of the driest and   26  in the world. But people from all over the world come to   27    there. Near the South Pole, three thousand people live together in a place   28   Amundsen-Scott Station. The station has libraries, cinemas, shops, sports rooms, canteens and laboratories(实验室). There is electricity(电), and they have   29   -- the system that they use to have a conversation(交谈)with someone in another place. And they have   30   -- electronic machines that stores information and uses programs to help them find, organize, or change the information. . But the people here   31   travel by car, or train, or bus, because there aren’t any roads or railways near the station. They travel by ship, helicopter, plane, or snow tractor, or   32   dogs. There aren’t   33   trees or flowers there, but there are hundreds of different birds and other animals. Most of the people here are  34   . They study plant and animal life and how ice moves. The ice can tell us about changes in climate. Ray Kingman is an expert at Amundsen-Scott Station, telling us on the phone, “This is my second year here. It’s a very interesting and beautiful place, but life is very hard   35   . In the summer we can go swimming in hot pools of water. We welcome newcomers here for further study of the continent!” 26. A. warm areas        B. coldest places         C. cool areas         D. hottest places 27. A. travel          B. go sightseeing       C. work              D. enjoy themselves 28. A. called              B. call                   C. calls               D. calling 29. A. telephones        B. radios              C. televisions         D. record players 30. A. printers        B. icons           C. mouses             D. computers 31. A. don’t         B. didn’t          C. weren’t             D. aren’t 32. A. with         B. instead of        C. on             D. in front of 33. A. much         B. any          C. many                D. either 34. A. teachers            B. scientists            C. doctors              D. workers 35. A. during the autumn season       B. in the springtime     C. in all weathers                D. in the winter  三、阅读理解。(40’) A Canada      4:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Canada is a big country with six time zones(时区). In the west, it is four a.m., and everyone is asleep, but in the east it is half past eight and people are awake. It is a cold Friday morning in November. Scotland    12:00 noon Scotland is part of the UK. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, and the capital of the UK is London. It is twelve noon, or midday, in Edinburgh. Children are having lessons, but they are looking forward to the weekend because there is no school on Saturday and Sunday. Egypt        2:00 p.m. Friday is already the weekend in Egypt. Friday is a special day for Muslims, so schools, offices and shops are closed in all Arab countries. So now, at two p.m., most people in Egypt are having lunch with their families. Japan     9:00 p.m. Japan is seven hours ahead of Egypt, so it is already Friday evening there. The weekend is beginning. Most people are out with friends or watching television or playing computer games. 36. If it is 8:00 a.m. in western Canada, the time is _______ in eastern Canada.    A. 12:00           B. 2:00 p.m.        C. 12:30 p.m.     D. 4:00 a.m. 37. While Canadian children are waking up, children in Scotland are ________.    A. having lessons    B. sleeping         C. watching TV   D. playing games 38. Who needn’t go to work on Fridays?    A. Canadians.       B. Scots.           C. Japanese.      D. Egyptians. 39. Which country will welcome Saturday first, Canada, Japan, UK or Egypt?    A. UK             B. Japan           C. Egypt         D. Canada 40. What does “ahead of” mean in English?    A. earlier than       B. later than        C. after           D. until     B In the sea, bigger fishes often eat the smaller ones. But sometimes a small fish can be great too!     There is a small fish like this in the American cartoon film Shark Tale.     In the film, Oscar is a small fish and he talks a lot. He has very big dreams. He wants to be the No. 1 fish in the sea! But, in fact, he is only a cleaner.   Angie is his friend. She often helps him. She thinks Oscar does a good job and she loves Oscar.      One day, a shark named Frankie dies. An anchor(船锚) hits him. But Oscar says he killed  Frankie! So, he quickly becomes a hero. People call him “Shark Killer”.   But it’s not a fun game. Oscar gets into a lot of trouble! Frankie’s father, Don Lino, is the sharks’ head. He wants Oscar to die for his son, and sends a group of fishes to catch him!Oscar also meets Lola. Lola is a pretty but bad fish. She tries to make Oscar like her!  Can Oscar learn a lesson in life, and find Angie’s love for him? You have to watch the film to find out! 41. The story mainly tells us _______.A. why people call Oscar “Shark Killer”    B. about a cartoon movie Shark Tale C. how Oscar finds Angie’s love for him    D. how to become the No. 1 fish in the sea、 42. The underlined phrase “learn a lesson” means “______” in  Chinese.     A. 学习一课    B. 上课       C. 接受教训         D. 学会一篇课文 43. From the story we know that _______.A. smaller fishes never eat the bigger ones     B. Oscar is a hero because he killed a shark C. all the fishes are good                  D. Oscar has to learn a lesson in life 44. _______ is Oscar’s real friend.A. Angie       B. Lola      C. Frankie        D. Don Lino 45. According to the passage, Oscar has to run away because _______.A. he wants to make his dreams come true        B. he loves Don LinoC. Frankie’s father wants to kill him             D. he is afraid of Lola                                              C Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "I'm going to fly to New York next week because I've got some work there." "Where are you going to stay there?" his wife asked. "I don't know yet." Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered. He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it. In the evening he didn't have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o'clock and said, "Now I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner." He found a taxi (出租车) and the driver said, "Where do you want to go?" But Dick didn't remember the name and address of his hotel. "Which hotel are my things in?" he said, "And what am I going to do tonight?" But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, "Please send me my address at this post office." Choose the right answer 46. Dick flew to New York because ___. A. he went there for a holiday                 B. he had work there C. he went there for sightseeing (观光)          D. his home was there 47. Why did his wife want a telegram from him? A. Because she didn't know his address yet     B. Because she wanted to go to New York, too C. Because she might send him another telegram D. Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York 48. Where did Dick stay in New York? A. In the center of the city.   B. In a hotel.     C. In a restaurant.   D. At his friend's house. 49. Who would send him the name and address of his hotel? A. The manager (经理) of his hotel.          B. The police office. C. The taxi driver.                        D. His wife. 50. Which of the following is not true? A. Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city. B. Dick didn't work on the first night of his arrival. C. Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram. D. Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi. D Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Most Chinese hotels often provide guests with things like disposable (一次性的) toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and slippers. Many guests like the idea because they don't have to bring their own. But, if you travel to Beijing, remember to bring your own things. Starting from June, some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables. They want to ask people to use less disposable things. Many disposable things are made of plastic. People throw them away after only using them once. It is a waste of natural resources (资源) and is very bad for the environment. Do you know, one Chinese person makes as much as 400kg of waste a year! Most of that waste comes from disposable things. In Beijing, people throw away about 19,000 tons of plastic bags and 1,320 tons of plastic lunch bowls every year! Plastic can take between 100 and 400 years to break down. So the less plastic we throw out, the better. So, wherever you travel, bring your own things and use them again and again. Back at home and school, you can also do something to make our world a better place. Try to do these things in your daily life:  Use cloth shopping bags, not plastic ones. After using a plastic bag, wash it out and let it dry. Then you can use it over and over again. Do not use paper cups. At your school canteen(食堂), use your own bowl and chopsticks instead of disposable ones. 51. Why do many hotels provide guests with some disposable things? A. Let their guests be convenient during their travelling. B. Hope their guests use less disposable things. C. Wish their guests to save money. D. Want their guests to use more disposable things. 52. Some Beijing hotels will no longer provide guests with ____.A. cheap food and drink            B. disposable things   C. good service                   D. free TV programmes 53. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Many disposable things are made of plastic. B. Throwing disposable things away is a waste of natural resources.C. Plastic is very bad for the environment.D. Plastic breaks down easily. 54. What can we do to make our world a better place at home and school?    A. Use shopping bags made of plastic.              B. Do not throw away paper cups.    C. Use disposable plates, bowls and chopsticks.     D. Do not forget to reuse daily necessities(日用品). 55. We can tell from the story that ____.A. people don't like disposable things at allB. we can't use paper or plastic bowls at schoolC. we should use less plastic things and protect our environmentD. hotels won't provide disposable things because they want to save money   四、补全对话。(5’) J im: Which do you prefer, art or music?Kate: I prefer music to art.  56  Jim: Really? I can't agree with you. Art is more interesting than music.  57   I prefer art to music.Kate: No. Music is much more popular.   58Jim: But I have to say you don't sing well. I'm afraid nobody likes to listen to you when you sing.Kate: But you draw badly.  59  Mum: Oh, my children, stop taking like that, please.  60  They make our life more interesting.   A. They're both important.B. You can see nice art everywhere.C. I don't think art is as interesting and popular as music.D. It can be heard every day.E. Nobody likes you.F. I think music is more interesting than art.G. No one enjoys your picture.   五、书面表达。(20’) 现在中学生的视力问题越来越严重,请以“爱护我们的眼睛,养成好的读书习惯”为主题写一份宣传稿,呼吁大家保护视力。(题目已给出) 提示词语:protcet eyesight        become short sighted        reading habit 要求:1.词数:80字左右。          2.书写规范,语句通顺,行文流畅,结构完整,语法正确。   Love Your Eyes  
