牛津6B Unit6周末练习

牛津6B Unit6周末练习


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Unit 6 练习 一、词组互译 1. 进行一次野餐                         2. by the way                             3. 京剧                                 4. give a concert                          5. 参加                                 6. go on an outing                         7. 看话剧                               8. the sports meeting                       9. 谈话                                10. have school                            二、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. Let’s           (take) them to your bedroom. 2. What’s Tom doing?  He           (swim) in a river with his brother. 3. He’s very strong. So he can           (carry) the big box. 4. The camera           (be) on the desk a moment ago. 5. Did you           (have) a good time? 6. Mary’s eyes are           (big) than Lucy’s. 7. I           (go) rowing and fishing tomorrow. 8. I like           (play) basketball. He           (like) watching TV. 9. You shouldn’t           (put) your mobile phone beside the computer. 10. Would you like __________(take) some photos? 三、情景匹配 (    ) 1. What are you going to do tomorrow?                A. She's going to buy them some flowers. (    ) 2. Is that Liu Tao speaking?                          B. About 4:30, I think. (    ) 3. Would you like to join us?                         C. To the library. (    ) 4. What time are you going to come home?              D. I'm going to see my grandparents. (    ) 5. What is she going to buy for her friends?              E. OK. (    ) 6. How are you?                                   F. Yes, this is Liu Tao. (    ) 7. Shall we meet at 8:00 tomorrow morning?             G. Not bad, thanks. (    ) 8. Where are you going?                             H. Yes, I'd love to. 四、选择填空。 (    )1.What animals          you going to look at?         A. do                    B. are                   C. will (    )2.You          me about it yesterday.         A. told                  B. tell                  C. talked (    )3.What are you going to          this evening?         A. do                    B. did                   C. does (    )4.There          a concert in the school tomorrow.         A. is                    B. see                   C. has (    )5.Who's older, you or your sister? We're twins. I'm as        as my sister.         A. old                   B. older                 C. young (    )6.Jim does          in PE and Science.         A. good                  B. nice                  C. well (    )7.David                   than Gao Shan.         A. run fast              B. runs fast             C. runs faster (    )8.I                   a walk yesterday evening.         A. went to               B. went for              C. go for (    )9.Look, the old woman is         the bus. Let's help         .         A. gets on, her           B. getting on, she        C. getting on, her (    )10.Sorry, I'm late. I'll get up          tomorrow.         A. earlier               B. earlyer               C. earliest 五、改错,选出错误的那一项,并在横线上改正 (    ) 1. He's going to see he parents today.                                        A   B       C          D (    ) 2. Would you like go with us?                                           A    B     C  D (    ) 3. Where are you going to do?                                               A      B   C     D (    ) 4. He is going to watch a Beijing opera show.                         A       B  C      D  (    ) 5. It's warm and sun today.                                               A    B     C   D (    ) 6. We're going to do a picnic this afternoon.                                   A     B    C   D (    ) 7. They're talking their plans for the weekend.                                  A     B        C   D (    ) 8. She don't have any lessons today.                                        A   B       C    D 六、根据上下文完成对话,每空格填一词 David:  Liu Tao,            are you           ? Liu Ta I’m            to the library. I want to find some books about music. After that Wang Bing and I are going to buy some presents             Ben. David:  Birthday presents? Liu Ta             , Ben is going to             his parents in New York. David:  Really?              is Ben going to buy them? Liu Ta He is going to buy them some big kites. David:                  to buy them? Liu Ta At the shopping center near our school. Would you like to go with              ? David:  Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to              a race with my dad. 七、看图完成对话,每空一词 1. A: Hello. Is         Liu Tao?                          1   B: Yes. This is Liu Tao         .   A: This is Mike.         going to          a play  . tomorrow. Would you like to go          me? B: Sure. See you tomorrow. 2. A: Mum, what's the weather          tomorrow?   B: It's sunny. Why?                                    2   A: Because we'll                   an outing.   B: Where are you         ?   A: We're going to the zoo.   B: How are you going there?   A: We're going there on         . 八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Mr. King lived in a small town, but he has a job in a big city, so he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday. On that day Mr. King took his new car out of the garage(车库) and washed it. A neighbour(邻居) came and looked at the new car for a minute. Then Mr. King turned and saw him. “That's a new car. Is it yours?” The neighbour asked. “Sometimes,” Mr. King answered. The neighbour was surprised. “Sometimes?” he said. “What do you mean?” “Well,” answered Mr. King slowly, “when there's a party in town, it's my daughter's. Where there's a football game, it belongs to(属于) my son. When I washes it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas(汽油),it's mine.” (    )1.There are          people in the story.       A. three           B. four            C. six             D. five (    )2.Mr. King worked in         .       A. a small town    B. a big city      C. the garage      D. the gas station (    )3.When Mr. King was washing the new car, his neighbour came to ask him      .       A. if(是否) the car is new     B. what car it is  C. if the car is Mr. King's      D. how much is the car (    )4.“Sometimes”in the story means that        .       A. when there is a party in town, the car belongs to his daughter.       B. when there is a football game, it is his son's.       C. when the car looks nice and clean, it's his wife's.       D. when the car wants gas, it belongs to him.
