6B期中测试英语Unit1-Unit6 试卷

6B期中测试英语Unit1-Unit6 试卷


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 六年级英语形成性检测题                            听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,给下列图片排序,将序号填在图下的括号内。 (听三遍)(10分) a.           b.            c.             d.          e. (     ).   (     )    (     )    (     )    (     ) 二、选出你所听到的字母、数字、时间、单词、短语和句子。 (听三遍)(5分) (    )1. A.  g r d           B. g i b               C. g r p    (    )2. A.  7:25           B. 7:35                C. 8:25          (    )3. A.  minute         B. middle              C. museum (    )4. A.  lion                  B. long                C. along     (    )5. A. very well              B. very much          C. every minute       三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与句意相符,在括号内打√或×。(听三遍)(5分) (    )1. I go to bed later than my sister.. (    )2. Jiang Shan and Jiang Chuan are twins. (    )3. There’s a bus every fifteen minutes. (    )4. My parents often go for a walk every evening. (    )5. I can jump farther than all the boys in my school. 四、根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的答句。(听三遍)(10分) (    )1. A Yours are.             B Yours is.         C Your is. (    )2. A It’s right              B All right           C That’s all right. (    )3. A Yes, he does.          B Yes, she does.      C Yes, they do. (    )4. A Let’s go.              B By car.            C Get on the car. (    )5. A. My father is.         B. My father.       C. My mother. 笔试部分(70分) 一、选择填空。(20分) (     )1、Whose hair is longer, yours or_______? A. me                   B . my               C. mine (     )2、The woman _____red is my grandmother. A . with                  B . in                C .of (     )3、_______your friend from the UK?         A. Does                 B. Are               C. Is (     )4、Be quick, or you ______late for school. A . will             B. will be             C. are (     )5、-- Thank you verymuch. -- You are________.  A. welcome        B. OK               C. all right (     )6、You can ______bus No.3 here and______at the sixth stop. A . take, get off          B. by, get off         C. get on, get off      (     )7、Jim gets up_________than ______.           A. earlier, me             B. earlier, I            C. early, me (     )8、The post office is _______Jianguo Street.         A. on              B. in                C. at (     )9、How far is it ______?           A. away            B. from here          C. from to (     )10、How can I ________ the Sun Park?.         A  go to                 B  get              C get to 二、在II栏中选出I栏中句子的正确答语。(10分)         I                II(     )1. Where’s Jim from?                    A. My brother is. (     )2. Is Helen as thin as you?                B. It’s over there. (     )3. Where’s No.1 Primary School?      C. Yes, she is.(     )4. How old is your brother?          D. He’s from London.(     )5. Who’s taller than you?           E. He is twenty. 三、选词填空。(5分)           How far ;  as fast as ;  Hurry up ;  younger  than ;  How many 1、My mother is _____________________ my father. 2、_____________________  stops are there? 3、Liu Tao runs _____________________  Gao Shan. 4、_____________________ is it from here? 5、_____________________! The Museum is 5 kilometres away. 四、选择词语的正确形式填空。( 5分) 1. My sister can            ( jump, jumps) very high. 2. The             (one, first) day of a week is Sunday? 3. I can do very              (good, well) in computer. 4. Miss Li is good              ( in , at ) English. 5. I don’t have             (some, any )brothers and sisters. 五、根据句意填入适当的单词,每空一词。( 10分) 1、很高兴见到你,年轻的朋友。            to see you ,            friend. 2、我的爸爸又高又壮。 My father is              and             . 3、你能告诉我去淮海路的路吗?   Can you tell me the            to Huaihai            . 4、让我们慢点走。 Let’s _________            . 5、我怎样才能到达第一医院? How can I                         No.1 Hospital? 六、阅读理解。前三小题为判断正误(对的打T,错的打F);后三小题为选择题。(共12分) One Sunday morning, Mrs Green said to his son,“ Jack, There’s a party for our Ladies Club(女士俱乐部) in MrsYoung’s house at lunch time today, and I want to go there. I’ll leave you some food for lunch. Is that right?” “Oh, yes,” her son answered.” What are you going to leave for my lunch?” “This tin of fish,” Mrs Green said. “And some bread and pies, too.” Jack said, “I’ll have a good lunch.” So Mrs Green went to her meeting. All the ladies had lunch in Mrs Young’s house. (     )1、Today is Saturday. (     )2、Mrs Green want to go to a party. (     )3. Some of the ladies had lunch in Mrs Young’s house.       (     )4. Jack is Mrs Green’s_______.                      A. father       B.brother      C. son (     )5. What’s for Jack’s lunch?                     A. A fish.        B. A tin of fish.    C. Fish,bread and pie. (     )6. Who had lunch in Mr Young’s house?                     A. Some of the ladies. B. All of the ladies.   C. Mrs Green. 七、完形填空。( 8分) Suzhou is a very big_______. I _______ there last year _______ my parents. There are _______ famous (著名的) places in Suzhou. For example (例如), Guanqian Street. There are many _______ there, it is very _______ .But  _______don’t want to go there, they want to go to Suzhou Amusement Land (苏州乐园), because they can _______happily there. I hope you can go there one day. (    )1. A. country           B. city                     C. town       (    )2. A. go                B. get                     C. visited            (    )3. A. and                B. with                  C. to                                                 (    )4. A. many               B. a lot                 C. a (    )5. A. shop                B. shops               C. shopping centre    (    )6. A. short              B. long                   C. longer                                                     (    )7. A. children            B. boys                  C. girls (    )8. A. look              B. visit                  C. play    六年级英语听力内容 一、 听录音,根据所听内容,给下列图标上序号。(听三遍) 1. My grandfather is fifty-five.This old man looks older than him. I think, he is about sixty, 2. Look, the little pig is flying a kite. But it flies very low. 3. A: Excuse me, how can I get to the bookshop? B: You can take bus NO.6 . 4. I’m good at skating, I can skate well, but the girl can skate better than me. 5. A: Can you tell me the way to the shopping centre? B: Go along the road then turn right at the second crossing, you can’t miss it.  二、选出你所听到的字母、数字、单词、短语和句子。(听三遍) 1. g r p  2. twenty-five to eight   3.middle  4. along   5. every minute  三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,在括号内打√或×。(听三遍) 1. My sister goes to bed at 8 o’clock, but I go to bed at 9.:00. 2. Jiang Shan has a twin brother, his name is Jiang Chuan. 3. There’s a bus every quarter.  4. Sometimes my family take a walk in the evening. 5. I can jump farther than some of the boys in my class.   四、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案。(听三遍) 1. Whose dog is fatter? 2.  Thank you very much. 3.  Does you friends run faster than you? 4.  How can we go there?  5.  Who is younger, your father or your mother?  
