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四年级英语第二学期期末复习试卷 班别:_______ 姓名:_________ 学号:_______ 成绩:_________ A 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) (   )1    A. short       B. shirt       C. skirt (   )2    A. lamb       B. lamp       C. fan (   )3    A. pair        B. pear       C. wear (   )4    A. 15         B. 50         C. 13 (   )5    A. write       B. white       C. why (   )6    A. slippers     B. sneakers    C. sandals (   )7    A. cheap       B. sheep       C. ship (   )8    A. there       B. those       C. these (   )9    A. horse       B. house       C. mouse (   )10   A. small       B. short        C. smell 二、听录音,补全句子中所缺的单词,每空一词。(10分) 1. Look at the __________. It’s very _____________. 2. These are my _________. Those are _________ shoes. 3. The __________ is on the third__________. 4. What__________ is it? It’s __________. 5. It’s ____________ in China. 6. What are they? They are __________. 三、听录音,圈出你所听到的图片。(10分) 1、 2、   3、       A       B             A           B             A         B 4、   5、  6、       A       B              A            B              A          B 7、        8、                   A               B                    A            B 9、                   10、        A             B                         A              B  四、听录音,用阿拉伯数字写出你所听到的时间或价钱。(10分) 1. (    )      2. (    )      3. (    )      4. (    )       5. (    ) 6. (    )      7. (    )      8. (    )      9. (    )      10. (    ) 五、听录音,选出最佳答案,写编号。(10分) (   )1、 A. There are 20.     B. I can see 20.         C. I have 20. (   )2、 A. Yes, it isn’t.       B. Yes, it is.           C. No, it is. (   )3、 A. They are 40.      B. They are 40 yuan.    C. It’s 40 yuan. (   )4、 A. This is pencils.    B. These are pencil.     C. They are pencils. (   )5、 A. It’s is 5 o’clock.   B. It’s 5 o’clock.       C. There are 5 clocks. (   )6、 A. Yes, I want a shirt.  B. I can see one.       C. No, it’s not. (   )7、 A. There are 100.    B. They are expensive.   C. The socks are 500 yuan. (   )8、 A. Yes, it is.        B. Yes, he is.          C. Yes, she is. (   )9、 A. It’s a blue duck.    B. They are blue.      C. It’s blue. (   )10、A. Yes, you do.      B. Yes, you can.        C. No, I don’t. B 笔试部分 六、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(10分) (   )1    A. fan         B. many           C. washroom (   )2    A. have        B. cake           C. has (   )3    A. cup         B. use            C. tube (   )4    A. five         B. expensive       C. hi (   )5    A. open        B. hole           C. box (   )6    A. these        B. sheep          C. smell (   )7    A. apple        B. class          C. pants (   )8    A. close        B. those          C. on (   )9    A. take         B. potato         C.carrot (   )10   A. hen         B. the            C. fresh 七、选择正确的答案。(10分) (   )1. It’s time _______  P. E. class.          A. of               B. to                C. in (   )2. How many ________ books do you have?          A. english           B. China            C. Chinese (   )3. -Whose jacket is this?  -It’s ______.          A. my              B. Mike             C. your sister’s. (   )4. These ______ your shorts.         A. am              B. are               C. is (   )5. This is _____ bag. That is _____ bag.         A. my; you          B. me; your          C. my; your (   )6. Where is the canteen? It’s ______ first floor.         A. in               B. at                C. on (   )7. We have _____ art rooms in our school.         A. an              B. a                 C. two (   )8. -________ time is it?  - ______ is 8 o’clock.         A. What’s; It’s       B. What; It           C. What; it (   )9. There are nine ________.         A. o’clock          B. clock             C. clocks (   )10. I want a pair of sandals _____ my son.         A. for             B. of                 C. to 八、 看图,把句子补充完整,每空一词。(10分) 1. It’s very _________ .  I want to put on my _________ . 2. There are two big __________ in our ____________. 3. It’s time for P. E. class. Put on your __________. 4. Is this a jacket?  Yes, _______ _________. 5. _______ _________ is the T-shirt? It’s blue. 6.Are these ___________?  Yes, they are. 九、把下面的对话补充完整。(10分) A: I have a pair of new shorts. B: _____________________________ A: They are 20 yuan. B: Oh, they are very cheap. A: Yes. What’s the weather like tomorrow? ___________________________ B: Yes, it’s sunny tomorrow. A: Good. I am going to the farm. There are many animals. Look! I have a picture of the farm. B: Oh, it’s very big. __________________________ A: No, it’s not a horse. It’s a donkey. B: ___________________________ A: They are goats. B: ___________________________ A: The sheep is under the tree. 十、阅读理解,判断下列句子的正误,用打“√”和打“X”表示。(10分) Hello! I’m Amy. Today is the Teacher’s Day. It’s sunny. There are many gifts on the teacher’s desk. Look! Miss Wang is coming. She is our English teacher. She is very pretty. There is also a big box on the teacher’s desk. It’s my gift for Miss Wang. Guess, what’s in it? It’s a dress. But it’s small. It’s not for Miss Wang, but it’s for her baby. (    ) 1. It’s fine today.. (    ) 2. Miss Wang is not our math teacher. (    ) 3. Miss Wang is beautiful. (    ) 4. My gift is a dress. (    ) 5. Miss Wang has a baby. 2007-2008学年第二学期期末复习四年级英语试卷听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. My T-shirt is too short. 3. What do you like? I like pears. 5. The onions are white. 7. The jacket is very cheap. 9. This is a house.. 2. The lamp is on the desk. 4. There are 50 goats. 6. Can I wear my slippers? 8. What are these? 10. My shorts are small. 二、听录音,补全句子中所缺的单词,每空一词。 1. Look at the notebook. It’s very expensive. 2. These are my socks. Those are your shoes. 3. The library is on the third floor. 4. What colour is it? It’s brown. 5. It’s sunny in China. 6. What are they? They are tomatoes. 三、听录音,圈出你所听到的图片。 1. Go to the teacher’s office. 3. Put on your jacket. It’s cold. 5. What’s the weather like?  It’s windy. 7. Are those sheep? No, they are lambs. 9. How many geese can you see? I can see two. 2. It’s time for music class. 4. Put away your sweater. 6. Can I wear my new slippers? 8. It’s snowy in Beijing. It’s very cold. 10. It’s very hot today. Can I wear my new T-shirt? 四、听录音,用阿拉伯数字写出你所听到的数字、时间或价钱。 1. What time is it?   It’s 12:15. 2. I go to bed at 9:45. 3. Do you have English class at 8:40?   No, I have English class at 8:30. 4. How much are they?    They are 20 yuan. 5. How many potatoes are there.  There are 11. 6. I can see 14 pairs of boots. 7. Is it 17? Yes, it is. 8. There are 24 horses and 13 donkeys. How many animals are they? 9. How old are you?   I’m 8. 10. The colourful dress is 60 yuan. 五、听录音,选出最佳答案,写编号。 1. How many sweaters are there? 2. Is this your ruler? 3. How much are the bananas? 4. Are these pencils?  Yes, they are. 5. What time is it? 6. Can I help you? 7. Look at the shorts. They are 500 yuan. 8. Is your mother a doctor? 9. What colour is the dog? 10. Can I have an apple, please?
