必修二Unit6 Period three作业题带详细解析(北师大版)

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Period Three Lesson 2 Great Buildings ‎                   ‎ Ⅰ.语境填词 ‎1.China will become a modern socialist country with Chinese ________ (特征).‎ ‎2.The ________ (雕像) of Liberty is in New York.‎ ‎3.She is really an ________ (天使) coming to help us.‎ ‎4.Many ________ (房顶) of the houses were blown away by the strong wind.‎ ‎5.The ________ (废墟) of ancient Rome can remind us of its prosperity.‎ ‎6.Back outside,I walked in the ________ (城堡) garden and felt like a princess.‎ ‎7.You can see the sea from our ________ (阳台).‎ ‎8.The new ________ (摩天大楼) is still under construction.‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 ‎1.The Chrysler Building in New York ______________ new materials:metal,concrete and glass.‎ ‎2.Our school ________________ the center of the town.‎ ‎3.We can’t go hiking today.It is raining and ______________ cold.‎ ‎4.We all feel happy to ________________ your success.‎ ‎5.Tragedy is ________________ literature that involves death,suffering or disaster.‎ ‎6.With a history of more than 2,000 years,some of the sections of the Great Wall ________ now ________________ or even entirely disappeared.‎ Ⅲ.同义词辨析 用damage,destroy,ruin的适当形式填空 ‎(1)They managed to repair the house that had been ________.‎ ‎(2)The earthquake ________ many houses and made many people homeless.‎ ‎(3)Heavy smoking ________ his health.‎ ‎(4)After the earthquake,the whole city lies in ________.‎ Ⅳ.单项填空 ‎1.After the earthquake,the house lay________.‎ A.in ruin B.in ruins C.in ruined D.on ruin ‎2.I haven’t received his letter for months.Frankly speaking,I am________ worried about him.‎ A.a kind of B.slight C.sort of D.a type of ‎3.—How is Dennis getting along with his work?‎ ‎—Well,he can always________a new idea for increasing sales.‎ A.come up with B.come about C.come out D.come over ‎4.—Do you think Jack is to blame?‎ ‎—Yeah,it was very rude________facial paper to the guests at the table.‎ A.of him to throw B.for him to throw C.that he threw D.enough to throw ‎5.This hair style is already________.‎ A.out of order B.out of date C.in order D.in date ‎6.I know you hate him very much,but________,he is your only brother.‎ A.in all B.above all C.at all D.after all ‎7.He has three brothers,________ is a doctor.‎ A.all of them B.neither of whom ‎ C.none of whom D.both of them ‎8.The door and the windows were all closed and there was no________ of forced entry.‎ A.scene B.signal C.sign D.sight ‎9.As is known to us,theory is based on practice and________ serves practice.‎ A.by chance B.in turn C.in return D.in reply ‎10.The students left the room________all the lights on.‎ A.with B.and C.but D.when Ⅴ.完形填空 In front of the large Shibuya train station in Tokyo,there is a life-size bronze statue of a dog.Even though the statue is very __1__ when compared to the huge neon signs (霓虹灯广告) shining around it,it isn’t __2__ to find.It has been used as a(n) __3__ point since 1934 and today you will find hundreds of people waiting there for their friends to __4__.‎ Hachiko,an Akita __5__,was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924.His __6__,Eisaburo Uyeno and he were close __7__ right from the start.Each day Hachiko would __8__ with his owner,a professor at the Imperial University,to Shibuya train station where the professor left for __9__.When he came back,the professor would always __10__ the dog waiting patiently (耐心地) for him.Sadly,the professor __11__ suddenly at work in 1925 __12__ he could return home.‎ ‎__13__Hachiko was still a young dog,the bond (关系) between him and his owner was very __14__ and he continued to wait at the __15__every day.Sometimes,he would__16__there for days at a time,and some people believe that he kept returning__17__the food he was given by the salespeople on the street.He__18__familiar (熟悉的) to commuters (上下班往返者) over time.In 1934,a statue of him was__19__ outside the station.In 1935,Hachiko died at the place he__20__saw his friend alive.‎ ‎1.A.old B.short C.small D.simple ‎2.A.difficult B.boring C.easy D.far ‎3.A.acting B.talking C.missing D.meeting ‎4.A.disappear B.arrive C.call D.know ‎5.A.boy B.student C.dog D.man ‎6.A.owner B.teacher C.father D.manager ‎7.A.neighbors B.friends C.relatives D.workers ‎8.A.go B.play C.run D.ride ‎9.A.study B.swimming C.work D.shopping ‎10.A.raise B.hope C.touch D.find ‎11.A.fell B.hurt C.died D.crashed ‎12.A.when B.before C.since D.after ‎13.A.If B.Although C.Unless D.Until ‎14.A.big B.wide C.strong D.weak ‎15.A.yard B.house C.school D.station ‎16.A.stay B.remember C.start D.leave ‎17.A.by B.according to C.without D.because of ‎18.A.changed B.became C.wished D.liked ‎19.A.set up B.set out C.set off D.set down ‎20.A.never B.later C.last D.recently concrete n.混凝土 生义:v.用混凝土覆盖;adj.混凝土制的;确定的,具体的 ‎(1)Concrete is very strong and is used in many modern buildings.‎ 混凝土很结实,被用在许多现代建筑物中。‎ ‎(2)The garden had been concreted over.‎ 花园里铺设了混凝土。‎ ‎(3)Have you got any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?‎ 处理这种困难你有什么具体的想法?‎ ‎【答案解析】‎ Period Three Lesson 2 Great Buildings Ⅰ.1.features 2.statue 3.angel 4.roofs 5.ruins 6.castle 7.balcony 8.skyscraper Ⅱ.1.is made of 2.is located in 3.sort of 4.hear of 5.a type of 6.are in ruins Ⅲ.(1)damaged (2)destroyed (3)ruined (4)ruins ‎[(1)destroy表示十分彻底的“损坏”,一般不能或很难修复。‎ ‎(2)damage通常是部分性的“损害;伤害”,局部功能损害,并且能够修复。‎ ‎(3)ruin指把某物损害到了不能修复、不能再使用的程度,常用于抽象的借喻中。既可用作名词,也可作动词,in ruins为固定短语,“成为废墟”。]‎ Ⅳ.1.B [lie in ruins表示变成一堆废墟。故选B项。]‎ ‎2.C [句意为:我好几个月没收到他的来信了,坦白地说,我有点担心他。sort of=kind of=slightly有点;稍微地,符合题意。a kind/type of一种;一类;slight为形容词,意为“轻微的,稍微的”。]‎ ‎3.A [考查动词短语辨析。come up with提出,拿出;come about发生,产生;come out出来,发行;come over顺便来访。句意为:——Dennis工作怎么样?——他总能提出促进销售的新主意。]‎ ‎4.A [本句是“It’s+形容词+for/of sb.to do sth.”句型,译为“某人做某事是……的”。如果是表示人的性质、品格的形容词,要用of,故选A项。]‎ ‎5.B [out of date表……过时了,不再时尚;而out of order指的是秩序乱了;in order表示秩序好的意思;in date短语不存在。故选B项。]‎ ‎6.D [根据题意,此处应表示“毕竟,别忘了”。]‎ ‎7.C [句意为:他有三个兄弟,没有一个是医生。由定语从句中的is可排除A、D。neither指“两者都不”。]‎ ‎8.C [考查名词辨析。句意为:门窗都关闭着,没有强力侵入的迹象。这里sign表示“迹象”;scene表示“场景,景色”;signal表示“信号”;sight则表示“视野;景观”。根据句意,选C项。]‎ ‎9.B [本题考查固定词组的用法。by chance偶然地;in turn轮流;反过来;in return 作为回报;in reply答复。根据句意“我们都知道,理论以实践为基础,反过来又服务于实践”可知选C项。]‎ ‎10.A [此处是with引导的介词短语作状语。and,but,when是连词,需引导句子。故选A项。]‎ Ⅴ.1.C [从本句后面的“when compared to the huge neon signs”中的huge一词可知,此处填表示对比的“小(small)”。]‎ ‎2.A [从后文来看,人们建立这样一座狗的雕像是要传扬对朋友的忠诚,其来历众所周知。自1934年以来,人们就把这座雕像作为朋友们见面的地点,由此来看雕像虽小,但应不难找到。]‎ ‎3.D [meeting point会面处。]‎ ‎4.B [Hachiko常在这里等Eisaburo Uyeno教授,因此人们把这里当作等待朋友到达、会见朋友的地点。]‎ ‎5.C [上文提到是一座狗的雕像,在后文又明确提到Hachiko是一只狗。]‎ ‎6.A [Eisaburo Uyeno是Hachiko的主人,后文两次出现的his owner可作提示。]‎ ‎7.B [从一开始Eisaburo Uyeno和Hachiko就是非常亲密的朋友。friend一词在文章最后一句也出现了。]‎ ‎8.A [Hachiko每天都会随它的主人一起“去(go)”Shibuya火车站。]‎ ‎9.C [Eisaburo Uyeno是到火车站坐车去上班,根据本段最后一句“...suddenly at work”可知。]‎ ‎10.D [用would表示过去习惯性的动作,指教授总是会“发现(find)”Hachiko在耐心地等他。]‎ ‎11.C [sadly一词和他再也没有回家说明教授在工作时突然“去世(died)”。]‎ ‎12.B [教授是在工作时去世的,他没有回到家,用before表示“还没有……,还未来得及……”的意思。]‎ ‎13.B [依据下文可以看出前后分句为转折关系,“尽管……但是……”。]‎ ‎14.C [前后句表示让步关系,“尽管(although)”Hachiko是只小狗,但它和教授之间有很“强的(strong)关系”。]‎ ‎15.D [Hachiko继续每天在“车站(station)”等候。]‎ ‎16.A [有时候它在那儿一次会“待(stay)”上几天。由本段第一句的“wait at the________ every day”可知不可能是leave。]‎ ‎17.D [Hachiko有时候一次能在火车站待上几天,因此一些人认为“因为”有人给它食物吃。]‎ ‎18.B [随着时间的流逝,Hachiko每天在火车站等主人归来,对于那些上下班往返者,它就“变得(became)”越来越熟悉。]‎ ‎19.A [与句首“there is a life-size bronze statue of a dog”呼应。]‎ ‎20.C [此时距Eisaburo Uyeno离世有十年之久,不可能选D项;Eisaburo Uyeno生前,Hachilo每天送主人到这里,所以A项也不正确;B项与Eisaburo Uyeno已不在世的情境不符。C项符合语境,最后一句意为“1935年,Hachiko在最后一次看到它的朋友的地方死去”。]‎

资料: 10.8万


