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绝密★启用前 试卷类型 A 威海市2017年初中学业考试 十三互 ,r日 注意事项: 1,本试卷共8页 ,共 80分 。考试时间90分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考 生务必用0,5毫 米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的 位工上。 3,需要涂卡的小题,选 出答案后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如 需改动,用 橡 皮擦千净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案选在试卷上无效。 4.非 选择题必须用0.5毫 米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内相应的位置,写在试卷 上的答案无效;如 需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不 能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带, 不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 一、阅读理解(共 五篇短文,共25小题,计 30分 。其中1-20每小题1分 ;21-25每 小题2分 ) 阅读A、 B篇,从文后每小题A、 B、 C选项中选择最佳答案。请将答案编号涂卡。 A Mr and Mrs Albina,with 64 children,have the world’ s largest famiu Not one。 f the△ children is adopted(领 养), When people hear about the AlbhW largc fami玩 the frst question they ask is,“ How is it possible?How can one woman giv· eb△曲 to 64 Ghildren in her lifetime?” The answer is simple∶ Every time Mrs Albha gave b△ 曲,she had twhs or triplets, soon anter the Albinas got maⅡ ied the child「 en came quick玩 in“vos and threes.The】△t21 children were boys.b压rs Albina loved her sons,but she wanted a daughter very nluch. The Albinas spentthe early years in Argentma.Then thcy decided to move to Chile.To travel nr。m Argentma to Chile,they had to cross the.Andes Mountams.Mr and Mrs Albina and theL 21 sons made the dimcu△ ,twoˉweekjoumey on mules.One night there was a terible snowstorm in the mountams.Du1△1g the snowstorm,MIs Albina gave birth to triplets,a boy and-two girlsl The oldest Albina children are in their thinics and forties.They a「 e on their own now,but 18 of伍e Albha children still live with】 1eir parents.The family lives in a1woˉ room shaCk in Colina, Chile,The shack has electricity but no toilet or nInning water.The children wash in a small bowl in the dusty b∞ kyard. At times there is very little food in the A1binas’ small house.When there is not enough food for everyone,Mrs Albina makes sure the youngest Children do not go hungry,“ The smallest eat Erst,and伍 en the bigger ones.We’ ve always done it th耐 way,’ she says,obvious玩 the Albhas do not hwe enough money forthe△ big famiu Why,then,do thγ GOntmue to have children? The Albinas do not use饨 也oontol because it is agalnst their re△ gion (宗 教).They could let other people take care of伍 eir children,but Mrs Albina will not allow it,“ Ⅵ%en m,y two brothers and I were babies,” she says,‘ ℃ur mothcr len us at an orphanage(孤 儿院)and never 「emmed,we lived there toge△1er until we were ive.Then a couple adopted my brothers,and I was len behind.I was heartbroken,I promised myserthat when I became a mother,I would never give my children away,Evem if I didn’ t have much money,I wOuld always take care of my children m.yself.” ~Irs Alblna has kept her promise. 英语试题第1页 (共 8页 ) 1,How mmy pcoplc are there in thc world’ s largest fami炒? A.66∶ a mother,a father and their 64 adoptcd children. B.66∶ am.other,a fathcr and their 64 children. C.23∶ am.0出le△ a fath,er and their 21 sons. 2.All ofthe A‘lblna children are A,living in Argentina B,m their thirties and fortics C.twins or triplets 3,Thc Albina fam1~is A.poor B.middle class C.nch 4.’rhe Albinas do not use birth control because A.t】1ey、vant to have as nlany children as possible B.they don’t know about bir曲 control C,it is agalnst their religion 5.Mrs Albina· will not let other people take care ofher children bccause_. A.shc is a△aid other people won’ ttake good care of曲 e1n B.she pronlised that she w· ould always takc care ofher Ohildren hersellf C.she has a lot ofm.oney and can take care ofthe1n herser B Many children in E.ngland get given lunch at schoo1.′ I’ here arc new rules about what child「 en m,ay be given for these lunches.The rcason for this is to give children healdlier food.There are many foods that children aren’t allowed to eat and they’ re only allowed to eat sma11 amomts of fa“y or sweet food.Ifyou were at a schoolthere,you might hear this conversation as you wait for your lunch. Jos肋 r 〃%曰f‘ ヵ `彻″幽 Prw御r幽ps` Dr″″召r助匆 r Ⅳc幽忉s rod″,b叨 切 乃夕歹c乃 ps彻Fc引加s wc滋 曰 `昭 曰匆 Jos屁 f 0肋 `(彡 冫J《;rγ ヵ曰v召 曰c加c尼召刀 `r召 v`仂 grσ″ D切昭r助秒ⅣD,sσV肠 叨’v劭 曰d四 z型 丝丝业(油 酥食品)o″cc枥 s we酷 夕J″曰匆 Jos乃 r R臼 `夕 Po乃 's,o刀 形 o刀dq'.I勿叱 w乃dc御 r乃印 ePJu`r切 `邵 勿 ″ 'm〃 “ . a″昭 r助矽 rN。,sorry P箔勿 co丝沁 邵 (算 作 是 )曰 `曰 sr〃 功业 .勘 yo叨 c御 `乃 四 ε茁切 岛¢仂eF 及羽 ’v劭 曰歹 Jγ`o`曰sr`v钴 s乃cs r屁 沁 w召功 ~曰 〃幽 r`r召 曰刀J曰 `rzz曰 。及冫叨C曰″乃m`纟 V召g召 `曰 3助s ors曰扔d.7.%召 〃召曰汤曰JJs夕昭 ″|c召 rodg, Jos力 r 彳″rrg″.r’〃ヵ四召〃四r3夕JJs御 ds幽″刃vcg幽砌s.r乃。pc仂锣勿‘曰s″ D|刀″召F助矽r形印切驷o'ヵr刀″/ Jos乃 r r〃 rss〃y幽 's.7勿 印饧″yヵ vo″招,r掰 召dr。 肋四纟r尼 召淝c1,召 〃d叩,3咖 ″ r乃 csc刀 召v`r“ 助sc曰〃ε:″ . DF″昭r助秒 ,饧叱茁切r‘ v匆 r乃cse″助sw“ D翻 g乃rr刀 ,%o″ myc乃JJ抛刀w“ e雨″g `叨 磁 力od,cΨ 召c沏 `夕 幽忉s,C助 I′d昭刀Jr拓B劭,ps,3叨 r仂 锣 mg″ y曰 乃召曰 ``勿 y幽 of∞ . Jos乃 r rW尼 m'g夕刀口pp助 `功 c召 lv`仂 砀曰r,`勿曰sc. DJ刀″rJ“匆r OK,扬rrrb o刀 夕 `50〃 J.肠叨夕昭刀 `曰`Jow刃 〃o″ 仂‘″功曰r邵 ヵr“ 乃贺s〃g曰 ` r刀 r】 ∶z%“ ew r叨 Jes召 刀co″ r曰g召 冫o〃 ro加 磁w曰r召 `肋 sq`洳 刀泌曰r夕rr. studems cannot hwe more than“ vo ponions(份 额)a week offood dlat has been deep~自ried. They must have at least mree difFerent fruits and three diJerent vegetables every week.Whole gralns such as brown bread are to be given,instead of“ white” grains. Thcsc nlles are to teach healthy eatmg and to stop Children puttmg on too muCh wcight,This will makc surc that more people arc healthy in the hture, 英语试题 第 2页 (共 8页 ) 叫H卜 工 =△^ 巾 创 巾 剁 舯 蝉 慰6.′rhe new rules about givcn lunch are broughtin to_. A.givc children healthier food B.sell fruit and vegetables C,help students save m.oney 7.What did Josh have for lunch in the conversation? A.Chips. B.A chicken pie with gravy. C.Ⅳ 【eatballs and stea∶ I【led vegctables. 8,The new· rules encourage Children to have~a week. A.150″,Jsoa c△ inks B.3 ponions ofdeep-fhedfood C,m,ore than 3 kinds ofvegetables 9,Many childrcn in England get given lunch.In that way,childrcn A,can eat whatwer th叩 like B,must choose food by mles C.can put on weight quickly 10,The passage is about_, A.hea1山y schoollunches B.how to order food C.school rules C 阅读C篇 ,根据文后要求作答。 Water is a liquid(液 体);butit Oan dso be a solid when itis very cold and tums to iCe,It can 献so be a gas,when it evaporates(蒸发)and become w亚 旦r nmur(水 蒸气). The water cycle Water is vev important,and without it life on E盯 山would be impossible.The oceans that covcr three quarters of the Earth’ s surfacc can be dlought of as our great water reseⅣ oirs,All the tmlc,Watcr is bemg evaporatcd△om the ocean’ s surface by the warnlth ofthe sun.High m the so this watervapour,mmsinto clouds which drint(漂 浮)overthc land,ORcn creatmg rainfal1.As the rain falls,it seeps(渗 漏)hto the soil and then mto nversthat now back mt。 the oceans,where“ is ready to begin all over again! 下面是被打乱的有关The water cycle(水 循环)的 信息,请根据短文内容重新排序。 请将答案编号涂卡。首句已给出: VVater is、″arrned by the sun and turns into、 ″ater vapour and rises into the sky. 11 12 13 14 15 A.Rain falls△0m the clouds. B.Thc rivers take the· water back to the sea, C.The clouds di.R overthe land. D.The Ⅵ7ater seeps through the soil and back into hvers. E.As thc water vapour cools,ittums into clouds. D 阅读D篇 ,根据博文后要求作答。 、0 qL 0D 0 哂 啕0 Day 1:Who needs money when the sun is shining?There was a musiC festiva|in the park this evening so l went with my friend Rache|(whO‘ a|sO taking pa戊 h· Fun is Free.week),We met some Other friends and had a greattime-unti|it started raining1 17。 ~RaChe|wanted to cheat and get the bus`but l didnlt|et herl Day a:The weather was sti|l bad this mOrning and lcOu|dnft even use the lnternet because my cOmputer wasnft wOrking,l needed tO haveit ixed`butit wou|d haVe cost money.so l asked Jake if he Cou|d help,He managed tO nx my cOmputerand llent him sOme DVDs that he wanted tO bOrrOw,18.~What a bargain! Day::loday my class had Our phOtO taken by a phOtographer from the |Oca|newspaperl Aiourna|ist asked us for some tips On saVing mOneyfOf his article abOut IFun is FreeJ week.19._rtheyfre in gOOd ω nditiOnI secOndˉ hand bOOk shops wi||give yOu cash orother bOoks fortheml 0 十he high g|lilude. 【 W。 ler is /by$e sun gnd hrns inb w¤ ler vopour ^¨(二 `,' Woler v¤ pour lurns inb liny drop|ets thol moke clouds oslhey coo|in l 拂,r· ¨ C|ouds drim。 n|he wind ond onen poss over|he|ond. R¤ in h||s onIO lhe hills gnd moun|oins. Woler seePs lhrough the soil ond feeds 拈e sIreoms ond rivers. '^ '''舀 \\ `、′\ \′ ` ` The kids in my class are dOing an experiment, We want to show that you don· t need to spend money to have funf so we aren·t gOing to buy anything for a whole vveekl VVe·ve even had some· FunisFree’ △shirts specially made,All the moneythatwesavewill goto chariV16· ~“●· 1^^。 =:· ·r· ˉrˉ ˉ】, 7tl J1rn 1 - slregms ond rivers cgrry lhe woler bock down b lhe Isegs ong Ocegns. 口 rt, . .. n 扌In rlor oreosl rlveFs someIIn、 es"oog when there is loo much woler lor the river chonne1. Day 0:How can yOu getsOlηe neW C|Othes withOut gOing shopp|ng? The answer-ac|Othes swapping party1 2o.~My friends and|had a great time trying things On at our party and we avOided al|the queues at the department stores,l Went hOme with|ots of.neW′ Outntsl 「T~~1Davs:We1 it′s the end Ofthis week and rve mana。ed tO save f35! 9m Ju。 I而night rm going to have a pizza de|ivered and rent a DVD to Celebrat. 工~.hJ|think|deserve itr don.t you? 一 ' ' e一 繁 ` 〓亵宀 弛山们 θ山Jum 8m J1Jle 筏 tL 一 〓 〓 JJJ 〓 盯 L· 〓 · 氵 Fr一 '< 英语试题 第 3页 (共 8页 ) 英语试题 第 4页 (共 8页 ) \ /一巾 划 巾 划 舯 岬 慰 根据博文内容,将 下面方框中的句子还原到博文当中,使 博文内容完整。 请将答案编号涂卡。 A.lVic were both happy and it cost us nothing. B.Keep reading this blog(博 客)to scc how it goes! C.The others wentto a cafe and we had to walk home! D.卜Iinc was∶ Don’tthrow your old books away. E.Everyonc’s got things thatthey don’t wcar any morc,butthat somcOnc clsc mightlike 阅读E篇 ,根据书信内容简要回答问题。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。 June 10,2017 beor Kids Advice`叭o9ozine` Hi` 'ny nome is Evcn cnd being lhe e|desi child in lhe fonli|y sure|y hos ils disodvcnloges. Firsl of ol|、 王hove十 o shore cl|rny十 oys cnd gcrnes l″ i|h rny younger sib|ings,Wi||iorn ond Ju|io.of course`lhcy donul need lo rclurn lhe fovour beccuse IIIm.lo1。 ||y uninleresled in lheir lhings. Besides lhol、 Ju|io cnd Willion1 cre o|w.cys hongin9 oround me.I|]s espeCic||y onnoying w.hen I hove o friend over.VVe|ook for旦 sem四ed卫oce in the house where十 hey ccn]十 dislurb(打 扰)us`bu十 Wilhin minu扌 es、 theyive found us ond ore nsking lo join in,I Jus十 Con· l seem|o gel o momen1.s peoce. Al meo|limes`I hove lo eol whdleveris on my p|ole regord|ess of十 he porlion size or loste,Wi||iorn ond Ju|io on|y need十 o十 ry one bile w· hen ilis nol lheir fovorile food, Nol on|y|his,bul I.m expecled lo be cooperdive(合 作的,配合的)d十 o||times becouse II汀、lhe o|desl cnd need lo be o ro|e mode|for lhem, Il doesn l seenl folr ellher lh。 l I hove Iη ore Chores lo do oround lhe house lhon Ju|ia and .Wi|lio"、 pul ioge十 her. Plus, w.hen i十 Cornes 十o prdC十 ising our rnusicu| inslrunlenls`I hdve lo proclise Iη ore lhon doub|c lhe lime.oh`ond lhe l″ orsl porl of il dl|is十 he huge quonlilies of hornew.ork 1 gel cornpoped十 o the"、 . Itm feeling rolher onnoyed l″ i十 h nly sib|ing siludlion.Cun you p|eose w.rile bock wilh solme odvicep y。 urs lru|y` 己灿s斌 21,How many children are there in Evan’ s fami~? 22.What does the undcrlined phrasc‘ ‘a secluded place’ ’nlean in Chinese? 23,`Vhy is Evan expected to be cooperative at alltimes? 24.How did Evan feel when he wrote this lctter9 25.Evan thinks mmy things u“ Ⅱ毛but in fact some of仇 em are not his brother and sister’ s fault,List 2 ofthe‘ ‰nf缸r” things. 二、单词拼写(共 8小 题,计 8分 ) 根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。 26.W11atcan we do to cut down aⅡ · /pollu:Jn/? 27,I’ ve got a really bad /lhedeIk/and I飞 vantto have a rest, 28.My English /llevl/has greatly improved with my teacher’ s help. 29.Junko Tabei /sokIsi:dId/reaching the top ofQomolangmain 1975. 30.Is the bridge strong enough to /salpo:t/t、 vo heavy trucks at the sanle tin1e’ 31.You’ ll hwc morejob /叮α:nsIZ/ifyou can speak a foreign language. 32,Li Ming has bcen /la· bsant/frO【n class three tiInes this“ `eek, 33.A classmate of mine was /lpΛ nIft/for breaking the school mles. 英语试题 第 6页 (共 8页 ) E ''``` 英语试题 第 5页 (共 8页 )三、动词填空(共 8小题,计 8分 ) 用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位正。 My bcst fhend has two打 st names,One is Heather,and the otheris Naˉ Ⅱ,I34._(never see) her use the name Naˉ H.But today,for the frst time,she is wnthg a letter wi山 伍is naIne, she 35,____Oear)in south Korea and adopted by Ameocan parents when she was two years old.C)ne day,she told 1ne about her childhood,Wh.en she、 vent out to dinner,so11ne south Korean siangers iied to talk to her in Korean,she didn’ t undestand wh扯 they 36,~(say),so shejust looked at them.she said that she still remembered how they looked at her Their eyes seemed to say,“Poor gir1.You are an abimdoned child.’ ’From that day,Heather tied to keep sayln.g to herserthat she was Ameican. Two days ago,she received a le优 er nr。ms。udl Korea.The letter 37.~(send)to Na-。 .she wa.s so surpn.sed that she couldn’ t open the letter so I did it for her The letter was wntten in Korean.I said,“ Heather,you should ask someone 38,_— (read)this for you.It was written in Korean.” But she Was silent. Yesterday,on the way home,I saw her 39.__— (c〃)on a bench near my house,“ 、hat is it, honey’ ”I said,shc told me that her birth mother had blood cancer,and the only cure for her ilhess might be Heathers bl。 。d,I asked how she knew mis.Heather said she had learned Korean secretly,Crymg hard,Heather only repeated,“ `/hat should I do’ What should I do?” I rea11y had no ans、 ver This momhg,Heather called me.“ 40._you_(be)with me when I wnte a le“ cr to soutll Korea’”I gladly Ⅵ`ent ovcr to her housc.Heather didn’ t seenl to have slept at al1.I hugged her and told her everything would be okay,Now I 41.~(sit)in nront。 f Heather watchhg her w· nte a lctter.she hasn’ ttold me w· hat she is w· nting,but I Gan guess,Hcather is wnting,“ Nˉaˉ n is conling,nlother,” 四、完成句子(共 6小题,计 12分 ) 根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词 数不限。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位正。 42.他 发现戒烟很难。 43.Tom和 T1m都 没有看过这部电影。 44.明 天学校礼堂里有音乐会吗? 45,树 种得越多,空气越清新。 46.我 想知道他刚才为什么没有接电话。 47.尽 管天很热,但 是工人们没有停止工作。 英语试题第7页 (共 8页 ) 五、短文填空(共 10小 题,计 10分) 根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使 短文意思完整。每个选项至多使用一 次。请将答案编号填写在答题卡指定位置。 A.many B,c1osed the door E,kind R by using my cyes I.showing that he、 vas、vcllˉeducated C.wrote his nallllc lD.carehl Cl sentthe others away I.I.while J.instead ofpushing ule。 thcrs asidc A man once advertised for a person to work in his oⅢ Ge,and nearly sf~people applied for the place.From all the applicants(应 聘者),in ashoi dme,he chose a boy and~48_. “I would like to know,” said a fiend,‘ ‰ow you camc to choose that boy.He had not a single recommendation(推 荐信 )with h血 。” “You are mistaken,” sod山e man,“He had_49_.” “He cleaned his shoes before he came in,and~50_af∞ r him,showing dlat he was tidy and orderly.” “ I·le gave up his seat at once to an.old nlan,sho、 vi11g that he was_51_.’ ’ “Hetook orhis cap when he camein,and answered my questions politely,~52~,” “He liaed up me b。。k which I had purposely laid on the no。 r,and put it on the table, _53~all the others stepped over it,or pushed it aside,showing伍 at he was~54_,” “And he waited quietly for his tum,_55_,showing dlat he had good mmners,” “When I talked with him,I nouced that his clothes were carefully bmshed,his halr in nice order,and his teedl as white as 1nilk.” “When he_56__,I noticed th耐 his nngemails were clean,instead of being tipped with pcn.” “Don’ t you call曲 ese things le“ ers of recommendation?I do and whatI can te11 about a boy, _57_forten mmutes,is worm more than allthe wellˉ prepared leters he can brmg me.” 六、书面表达(共 1小 题,计 12分 ) 58.假 如你是“Kids Advice Magazine” 的编辑,请 针对本试卷第5页 阅读理解E篇 中Evan 的烦恼,用 英语给他写一封80词 以上的回信,对他进行开导。信的开头和落款已给出,不 计入词数。 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。 要点提示: 1.陈述有兄弟姐妹的优势:弟 妹的崇拜、不孤单、学会与人相处或分享⋯⋯ 2.说 明不同年龄段有不同的责任和义务:自 己的,父母的,弟 妹的⋯⋯ 3.建议、鼓励:不 比较、不抱怨,做好自己所能做的事 词汇提示(仅 供参考):complon抱 怨(v〃 滋吨),adm△e,compare⋯ ⋯ Dear Evan, It’s not easy being in your situation.Irs n。 rmal to have these feelings.But evely coin has Yours m玩 Ron Todd -」 “Vo sldes 英语试题 第 8页 (共 8页 )威海市2017年初中学业考试 英语试题参考答案及评分标准 -、 朗读理解(共五篇短文,25小涵,计 ∞分。) (l-20小题,每 小题1分 ) 1-5 BCACB 6— lO ACCBA ll-15 ECADB i⒍ _20BCADE (21-25小 题,每 小题2分 )(大 小写错误不扣分。) 21.η⒑四’rc 3/‘Ⅱ虫ohlldrc△ Ⅲ伍cf如△1v 22,一个安静/不被打扰/私密/隐蔽的地方。(答 对意思即可。) 23.B∞m田 hO虹坐oldest nnd塑 出山山凵Ⅱ山垫塑龃出山坐坐.(答对一处即可得分。) 24油 ‘eIt岫alr/He啷 四lmoyed`mgy`unhappy 25.He has如 e至山鱼豳胚亚直鲤鱼置迦殳regadess of0le pom()ns法 or tas∞ . Ite is cxpcc∞ d to=虫迪∞匹虫鱼回鲑丛生鱼钽./Hc n∞ ds to be红 卫虫里凶工鱼F hln brothcr and sIst“ . He垭豇丝咖 to do ar。lnd thc house血 洫JuⅡB and WⅡ Ⅱ‘口l putoogc伍 σ. He hasto p塑匝鲤皿旦亟垒1~鱼昼查匹亘鱼:鱼卫塑卫~mm.double the Itmc. He hasthe hu鲫 lantltles oFho:newo钛 . (以 上任意两个答案,答 对·处得-分 。列出要点也可得分。) 二`单词拼写〈共3小题,计 8分 .每小题1分 ,〉 2(i,p(,1IIItion. ∶27.head.aclle |2.8,leve1 29.succ(xxiod. 3(),su.p1,oIt 31.clla】 .lCes 32,absent 33.p.u】 l瓜he(i 三、动词填空〈共8小题,计 8分 。每小题1分 ) 34.havc ncvcr sccn 35.was boit. 36.wcrc sI、 `ing 37· Was sent 38.to rcad 39.。,Ing 40.ml1..,bc(Are⋯ going to be也 可得分) 41.ml simng 四、完成句子(共 6小题,计 12分。每小题2分 .) 考生要能准确运用适当的句式、恰当的时态、语态以及正确的单词和短语来完成句子。 时态、词序、旬了结构错误分别扣1分 ,其他语法错误每处扣0.5分 ,个别单词拼写错误 不扣分。 42.Hc鱼‘‘l‘i~∶‘至立oli鱼on∶‘~∠ .坠巫且“L直yst~△1oz~‘ 】1o12~s!0∶ ‘i丛鱼g. nc鱼亟⊥鱼凼丛亟业丛衄凶更皿迎厶n够塑丛皿. 43.尘匣±区上湮卫匹卫坐L咀盥塑』虫互鱼工里四虫(说 明:用 bod1..and,但 时态正确 且主谓一致,可得1分 ;仅 时态正确,得 0.5分 。) 44,WⅡ thcrc bc a∞ Ⅱocn Ⅲ伍c sdlool ha11tomorow? Is mcrc goⅢ g to bc a co△ cert Ⅲ伍e sohool ha11tOInorow9 45,The more t∞s:lrc plmted,伍e riesher伍c ar will be/bOoo】 nc. T· he mor.】 Bcs people`、 vc plant,曲 c nresher dte alr wiII bc/b∞ ome, 46.I wondOr`wantto know why hc dldn· t allswOr曲 c phoncju耐 nOw/nI]lomellt吧 o. 47A11hough/Though i“ s ho、 the w0钛 。弱.won’‘/don’tstop wo钛 “3. A.ithough/· nlough it was h.o吒 thc w0放 Crs dldn’ tstop wo依Ing. It is hot,butthe workers wou’ t/don’ts的p wo钛亦B, nw凼 h。h bul the worke:恣 di山 ’t sop wo旅 lnB.(说 明:|司 时使用AIthough` η⒑ugll+but,扣 1分 ) 五、短文填空(共 10小 题,计 10分 。每小题1分 。) 48.G sentthe others away 49.A,many 50.B,closed dle door 51.E.khd 52,I.showing that hc was wcl1ˉ cducatcd 53,H,whilc 54.D.carcful 55.J.instead of pushmg the omcrs asidc 56.C wote his nanle 57.R by usmg my cyes 六、书面表达(共 1小题,计 12分 。) 58.参考例文 Dear Evan, It’s not easy being in your situation.It’ s nonnal to have these feelings.|But cvery coin has “vo sides.Bc1.ng the cldcst child in~thc family slrcly has its advantagcs. Firstly,you used to engoy a11 the love Erom your parents.You’ re loved and admired by your b「other and sister.· Viou won’ t feel loncly with t11cnl around you and you can learn how to share and how to gct on with othcrs.Togcther with曲 cm you’ ll grow up more quckly. secondly,people of digerent agcs have digcrcnt duties.Think of yotr parents how hard t.hcy are working! As you are growing olde毛 you are supposed to do lllorc and do better than your brodher and sistc△ l巳vcryonC has to grow up and wc all havc to do what we should do.1Vic have to be responsible for ourselves. so I dlink if you don’t compare with babies,just think of your duty,you will feel much betteE Don’ t colm.plann about your situation,Try your bcstto do thc things ofyour age, Attitudc is cvclythmg.You arc surc to grow into an outstandmg youlg man. Yours m玩 Ron Todd 评分标准 1.考 生能采用适当的时态、语态,运用适当的句式和词语进行表述,说理恰当,论述 充分,层次清楚,阅 卷教师根据具体情况判分,不 受参考答案影响。 2.对 于语言结构运用丰富,表述充分,说理恰当,语 言流畅,能 充分显示出考生灵 活运用语言能力的文章,可 以给满分。 分四档评分: 第一档:内 容完整,表述充分,层 次结构清晰,语 言丰富、流畅、规范、准确。1卜一12分 第二档:内 容完整,表述比较充分,层 次结构比较清晰,语 言比较流畅、规范,有少量语 言错误。7一 四分 第二档:内 容不够完整,表述不够充分,层 次结构不够合理,有 较多语言错误。4-6分 第四档:内 容不完整,语 言表述错误很多或仅几个单词可读,不 能完整表达意思。(卜一3分 天语符案 第 1大 (共 2 Jt) 英语符案 第 2贝 (共 2火 )

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