人教高中英语选修七Unit 4 Sharing单元试卷1(含答案)

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此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ ‎ 2018-2019学年高二下学期训练卷 选修七 Unit4 Sharing 英 语 (一)‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。‎ ‎2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。‎ ‎3. 非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。‎ ‎4. 考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。‎ 一、阅读理解(共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)‎ A ‎“My neighbor doesn’t speak English,but her kindness needs no translation.” Angie Morris said. Angie Morris,an 81-year-old Canadian woman who grew up in wartime Britain and now lives in Vancouver,Canada,was describing how her next-door neighbor,Ms Wing,a 68-year-old Chinese woman,voluntarily cooks meals for her every day. Morris’ moving,first-person narrative which was published last week by the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail with more than 24,000 online readers. “I know what is inside the paper carrier bag,”she wrote. “A thermos with hot soup and a stainless-steel container with a meal of rice,vegetables and either chicken,meat or shrimp,sometimes with a kind of pancake. This has become an almost daily tradition.”‎ Wing started her act of kindness when she learned that Morris had to undergo heart surgery. She took it upon herself to begin feeding her neighbor,even though the two women have no way of communicating verbally. Wing speaks only Mandarin,and Morris’ Mandarin is limited to ni hao(hello). ‎ ‎“Neither of us able to speak the other’s language,but communicating with some help from technology. The doorbell keeps ringing and there is the familiar brown paper carrier bag,handed smilingly to me by Wing,”Morris wrote. Readers and netizens around the world have been touched by this relationship that crosses national boundaries and focuses on human kindness. “You know that most people in this world just want to live a good life,”one reader commented. “I come from old Ireland,so I can tell you a thing or two about conflict. The point is,most people are very good with big hearts and want their children to grow up safe and in places like this country can offer.” Judy Zhu in New York contributed to this story.‎ ‎1. Where does Ms. Wing come from?‎ A. England.   B. Canada.‎ C. China.   D. Ireland.‎ ‎2. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “verbally” in Paragraph 2?‎ A. Orally.   B. Slowly.‎ C. Fluently.   D. Freely.‎ ‎3. Who provided the article to us?‎ A. Ms. Wing.   B. Morris.‎ C. Morris’ husband.   D. Judy Zhu.‎ ‎4. Which might be the best tittle of the passage?‎ A. Foreign language is very important B. Two friendly old ladies moved the world C. Readers and netizens around the world D. Grandma’s kindness touches thousands B On my walk home one night,I saw a man lying on the ground. One or two people noticed him,but walked on by. I decided to stop and check if he was OK. When I spoke to him,he said some words I couldn’t make out. From his breath it was obvious he was drunk. I tried to speak to him until I got his name—Carlton. I asked him where he lived,and he told me a number and a road name that I recognized. It was only a ten-minute walk from here.‎ Part of me wanted to help,but there was also fear arising. He was much bigger than ‎ me,six feet three inches or so. In the end I decided to go for it and help him walk home. I got him to his feet,he held onto my shoulders and arm,and we walked slowly to his home. The walk took about forty minutes instead of the usual ten. Every few steps he stopped to pull his trousers back up because he didn’t have a belt. Throughout the walk,I felt a constant anxiety.‎ Halfway to his home,he stopped,took out his phone from his pocket and then handed it to me. I asked him why he was doing that,and he said,“To test your loyalty. ”That moment struck me. All this time I was worried about what he might do to me. And it meant I didn’t have the ability to empathize(感同身受)with what he was feeling. He was probably feeling the same anxiety. So when he handed me his phone, as a sign of trust,I felt touched and honored at this act of courage. We walked the rest of the way to his home. When we got close,before I got to see the door number,I noticed he recognized his home. When we walked up,sure enough,it was the door number he had told me. I felt a sense of relief. I handed him back his phone,he thanked me and I made my way home,now with a lesson in empathy.‎ ‎5. How was the author likely to be feeling before helping the man?‎ A. Curious. B. Hesitant.‎ C. Moved. D. Excited.‎ ‎6. Why did it take the author and the man forty minutes to complete the ten-minute walk?‎ A. They were having an interesting conversation.‎ B. The man was attempting to waste time.‎ C. The man kept stopping every few steps.‎ D. The author was too weak to support the big man.‎ ‎7. Why did the man hand his phone to the author?‎ A. He wanted to show his wealth.‎ B. He wanted the author to help him hold his phone.‎ C. He wanted to express his gratitude to the author.‎ D. He hoped that they could both trust each other.‎ ‎8. The author created the characters by describing their ________.‎ A. mental activities   B. appearances C. conversations   D. backgrounds 二、七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ Two days before Christmas, I was shopping in a local grocery store. I bought a lot of vegetables and some food for my two children. My cart was full as I entered the checkout lane (付款通道). 1 ‎ It was beginning to snow and I found that the lady looked worried. 2 I turned back and insisted she go before me. She was surprised and then she thanked me sincerely.‎ ‎ 3 We took advantage of this little time and had a nice chat about kindness. I told her that she seemed close to my mother's age and I hoped that someone would do the same for her.‎ After her goods were tallied (清点), she was handed a receipt. Her receipt had a message that she would receive a special gift for a child at customer services. 4 ‎ As I stood there, I felt that there may have been a child that would benefit from that gift in her own family or circle of friends and realized that one act of kindness could have a chain reaction. Had I denied myself that opportunity to practice this random act, I would have received the “free gift” receipt. 5 ‎ Furthermore, by allowing myself the opportunity to show generosity, I also received a gift — the satisfaction of helping others.‎ A. Seeing this, she was delighted.‎ B. She thought I was just telling a joke.‎ C. But I knew in my heart that she needed it more.‎ D. It occurred to me that I should do something for her.‎ E. There were still several people waiting in line before us.‎ F. A little elderly lady was behind me with a full cart as well.‎ G. I was a little worried because I would have to wait for at least ten minutes.‎ 三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ It was 11:30 in the evening. A 1 American lady of about seventy was standing on the side of an Alabama 2 trying to bear a pouring rainstorm. Her car had 3 and at the moment she 4 needed a ride. Wet to the skin,she decided to flag down the next 5 .A young white man stopped to help her—generally unheard 6 in those conflict-filled(矛盾冲突)1960s.The man 7 her to safety in his car,and 8 taxicab(a kind of car)for her. She seemed to be in a great 9 .She wrote down his 10 ,thanked him and drove away. Several days went by and a 11 came on the man’s door. To his 12 ,a very big color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was 13 to it. It read,“Dear sir,thank you so much for assisting a(n) 14 colored woman on the freeway 15 night. The rain 16 wet all over not only my clothes 17 my spirits. Then you 18 along. Because of you,I was 19 to make it to my dying husband’s bedside just 20 he passed away. God bless you for helping me and kindly serving others. Sincerely,Mrs Nat King Cole.”‎ ‎1. A. black B. white C. poor D. sick ‎2. A. railway B. freeway C. street D. avenue ‎3. A. broken up B. speeded up C. broken down D. slowed down ‎4. A. seriously B. badly C. fairly D. probably ‎5. A. bus B. truck C. taxi D. car ‎6. A. from B. by C. before D. of ‎7. A. put B. led C. fetched D. took ‎8. A. hired B. took C. sent D. asked ‎9. A. need B. help C. hurry D. trouble ‎10. A. address B. number C. Name D. words ‎11. A. lady B. salesman C. letter D. knock ‎12. A. surprise B. delight C. joy D. satisfaction ‎13. A. offered B. given C. stuck D. written ‎14. A. aged B. dark C. lucky D. unhappy ‎15. A. another B. the other C. other D. any ‎16. A. let B. made C. had D. turned ‎17. A. and B. but C. or D. otherwise ‎18. A. got B. went C. ran D. came ‎19. A. able B. ready C. likely D. willing ‎20. A. after B. before C. until D. since 四、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. The ________ (诊所) opened for business last October and since then has treated more than 200 people.‎ ‎2. After a month of training, he became equal to the work as a ________ (拖拉机) driver.‎ ‎3. Look in the ________ (目录) to see whether the library has this book.‎ ‎4. The ________ (裁缝) took my measure for a new suit.‎ ‎5. Barbara had found the box in a________(大衣箱) that stood under the window in Kate's room.‎ ‎6. We didn't understand how difficult it was to ________ (分发) a national paper.‎ ‎7. When you ___________ (购买)something, you buy it.‎ ‎8. Thank you for your going to our party. Today is the wedding ____________(周年记念日)of Jim and I.‎ ‎9. ________ (提醒)not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is really dangerous.‎ ‎10. Poor health and lack of money may both be _________ (障碍) to educational progress.‎ 五、 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. Please help me to draw off these_______(mud) boots.‎ ‎2. We have made all the_______(arrange) for the conference.‎ ‎3. We will continue to support the work of the ________ (volunteer) sector and promote volunteering.‎ ‎4. The rules do not permit much flexibility in their ________ (operate), so it is important that they operate fairly.‎ ‎5. There were no ________ (sew) machines at first so everything had to be sewn by hand.‎ ‎6. A _______ (week) is a newspaper or magazine that is published once a week.‎ ‎7. I _______ (toast) by him most eloquently at the dinner. ‎ ‎8. We encourage students________ (participate) fully in the running of the college.‎ ‎9. They are only interested in preserving the power of the________ (privilege).‎ ‎10. If something ________ (click) or if you click it, it makes a short, sharp sound.‎ ‎2018-2019学年高二下学期训练卷 选修七 Unit4 Sharing ‎ 英 语 (一)答 案 一、阅读理解 ‎1-4 CADD 5-8 BCDA ‎ 二、七选五 ‎1-5 FDEAC 三、完型填空 ‎1-5ABCBD 6-10DDACA 11-15DACAB 16-20BBDAB 四、单词拼写 ‎1. clinic 2. tractor 3. catalogue 4. tailor 5. trunk ‎6. distribute 7. purchase 8. anniversary 9. Reminded 10. barriers 五、单句语法填空 ‎1. muddy 2. arrangements 3. voluntary 4. operation 5. sewing ‎ ‎6. weekly 7. was toasted 8. to participate 9. privileged 10. clicks

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