冀教版六年级英语Unit 2 Lesson 12 Helen Keller练习题(带答案)

冀教版六年级英语Unit 2 Lesson 12 Helen Keller练习题(带答案)


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 Lesson 12  Helen Keller一、中英文连线。1. deaf                   A. 生气的;愤怒的2. blind                  B. 大学3. angry                  C. 失明的4. wrote                  D. 聋的5. university               E. write的过去式,写二、对话连线。1. Why did Helen often get angry?       A. Yes, the teacher was great.2. Was Helen’s teacher great?           B. Yes, I know the book.3. Do you know the book The Story of My Life?  C. Because she couldn’t hear anything and couldn’t speak at all.4. What can you learn from Helen Keller?  D. Yes, I like Helen’s teacher very much.5. Do you like Helen’s teacher?         E. Helen gives us hope.三、单项选择。(  ) 1. ________ minutes do you walk? A. How many B. How much C. How often(  )2. Danny plays ping-pong _________ a day.  A. two  B. two time    C. twice(  )3. I’m going to ________ more sports on TV. A. watch  B. look   C. see(  )4. Before breakfast, my mother _______ her teeth. A. brush    B. is brushing C. brushes四、把下列句子翻译成中文。 1. Why did Helen often get angry?          ______________________________2. Was Helen’s teacher great?              ______________________________           3. What can you learn from Helen?    ______________________________    4. Because she couldn’t hear anything and couldn’t speak.______________________________答案:一、1—D  2—C  3—A  4—E  5—B二、1—C  2—A  3—B  4—E  5—D三、1. A  2. C  3. A  4. C四、1. 为什么海伦总是生气? 2. 海伦的老师很好吗?  3. 我们从海伦身上学到了什么?4. 因为她听不见任何声音,也说不出话来。

资料: 7.8万


