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Recycle 2 第二课时 一、单项选择。‎ ‎()1. August is the_________month of the year.‎ A. seventhB. ninthC. eighth ‎()2.一________? 一They are swimming.‎ A. What do they do?B. What are you doing?‎ C. What are the monkeys doing?‎ ‎()3.一Why do you like summer best? ‎ 一________the colors are pretty. ‎ A.With B.Because C.Which ‎()4.My pen is red .________is yellow.‎ A.You B.Yours C.Your 二、补全对话。‎ Alex: Hey,Kate.1.______‎ A.Ilikewinter very much.‎ B. When is your birthday?‎ C.What's the date today?‎ D. What do you do on your birthday?‎ E.Do youlikewinter?‎ Kate:It's December lst. It's winter now. ‎ Alex:2._______‎ Kate: No, I don' t. What about you?‎ Alex:3._______Because my birthday is in winter.‎ Kate:4._______‎ Alex: It' s on December 28th.‎ Kate:5._______‎ Alex: I often have a birthday party.‎ 三、选词填空。‎ ‎1. The children are making a snowman. They are_____ (happy/sad) .‎ ‎2. The singing contest will be__________(at/on)May 4th.‎ ‎3.Do you see__________(some /any)pandas in the zoo?‎ ‎4. Listen!The boy___________(sing/is singing) in his room.‎ ‎5.—Can we play music with the robot?‎ ‎—Sure.P1ease take__________ (turn/turns).‎ 答案:‎ 2‎ 一、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 二、1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D 三、1. happy 2. on 3. any 4. is singing 5. turns 2‎

资料: 10.8万


