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外研版五年级英语上册期中试题及答案 2 套 期中测试卷(一) 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十 一 十 二 十 三 总 分 得 分 听力部分 (30 分) 一、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是(T)否(F)一致。(5 分) (     ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) 二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(5 分) (  )1. A.     B.    C. (  )2. A. B. C. (  )3. A. B. C. (  )4. A. B. C. (  )5. A. B. C. 三、听录音,给下面的图片排序。(10 分)         (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10 分) (  )1. A. I come back every Sunday.     B. I came back last Sunday. (  )2. A. We went to the British Museum. B. We sent you a postcard. (  )3. A. I like bananas. B. Six. (  )4. A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,I did. (  )5. A. Yes,there are. B. Yes,you do. 笔试部分 (70 分) 五、按例词给单词分类。(5 分) cheese  went  plant  shorts  sixteen  ice cream  met flower sweater forty egg came lake T­shirt fifteen juice bought river trousers thirty 1. bread:__________________________________________________ 2. dropped:________________________________________________3. mountain:_______________________________________________ 4. skirt:___________________________________________________ 5. nineteen:________________________________________________ 六、根据图片,补全短语。(8 分) 1. go _______ 2. drop the ______ _______ 3. have _______ 4. send an _______ 5. lost the _______ _______ 6. have a ________ 7. by ________ 8. a lot of ________ 七、择优录取。(10 分) (  )1. Amy,look ________ those ice creams! A. at       B. in       C. of (  )2. When did they ________? A. arrive B. arrives C. arrived (  )3. How ________ cheese do you want? A. many B. old C. much (  )4. There are fifteen ________ in the class. A. child B. children C. childs (  )5. We need food ________ our picnic. A. by B. to C. for (  )6. Let's ________ some ice creams. A. buy B. to buy C. bought (  )7. — ________ did you find this bag? —On the bus. A. What B. When C. Where (  )8. —Do you like bananas? —________. A. Yes,I do B. No,I didn't C. Yes,I can (  )9. Did they ________ ice creams? A. bought B. buy C. go (  )10. There ________ a teacher in the class. A. are B. be C. is 八、选出符合句意的图片。(6 分) (  )1. There are only five chairs in the classroom. (  )2. Mum bought new trousers for Tom. (  )3. Your red sweater is on the line. (  )4. They went to Beijing by train. (  )5. We arrived there at ten o'clock. (  )6. I bought some bananas at the supermarket. 九、看图,补 全句子。(10 分)1. —What did you do yesterday? —I ________ ________ ________ ________.           2. —________ ________ milk did you buy? —I bought ________ ________. 3. —________ did your father go to Beijing? —________ ________. 4. —________ ________ girls are there in your class? —There are ________. 5. —Did you come back from England? —No, ________ ________. I ________ ________ from China. 十、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(5 分) 1. buy, juice, how, did, much, you ( ? ) ___________________________________________________________________ 2. are, twenty, crayons, box, the, in, there ( . ) ___________________________________________________________________ 3. at, did, where, go, you, weekend, the ( ? )___________________________________________________________________ 4. bought, a, T­shirt, new, me, for, mum ( . ) ___________________________________________________________________ 5. back, we, came, Sunday, last ( . ) ___________________________________________________________________ 十一、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)[建议用时:5 分钟] Dear friend, My name is Peter. I'm glad to write to you. Let me tell you something about my weekend. I went to the Great Wall last Sunday. I went there with my parents. We walked there happily. Mum bought a hot dog for me. Dad took many pictures. We came back by bus. How about your weekend? Yours, Peter (  )1. They went to the Bird's Nest last Sunday. (  )2. They went there on foot. (  )3. Peter's mother bought him a hamburger. (  )4. Peter's father took many pictures. (  )5. They went home by bike. 十二、阅读短文,回答问题。(6 分)[建议用时:6 分钟] Three years ago, Ben lived in a small village. There were only two shops and most of the people worked on farms. Ben's village school was very small, too. There were only sixty pupils. But now, Ben lives in a big city. The city has many people, cars and tall buildings. In the city, Ben goes to a new school. There are 600 pupils. Ben loves the city and his new school. 1. Where did Ben live three years ago?___________________________________________________________________ 2. How many shops were there in the village? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Is Ben's new school bigger(更大) than(比) his village school? How do you know? ___________________________________________________________________ 十三、写作。(10 分) 同学们,你们的学校一定很漂亮吧?请你以 My School 为题,向大家介绍一下你们的学 校。要求:语法正确,语句通顺;不少于 6 句话。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 期中测试卷 听力材料: 一、1. I went to Big Ben with my mother. 2. I want five bottles of milk. 3. Tom went to Beijing by plane. 4. There are six pens and two children. 5. There are no people in the playground. 二、1. I had noodles yesterday. 2. We bought some eggs last Sunday. 3. Lucy went to Badaling by bus. 4. Mum bought a new T­shirt for Tom. 5. Jim took photos in the park. 三、1. We arrived there at ten o'clock. 2. I like the bus ride. 3. I had noodles this morning. 4. There are three pencils. 5. There are four apples. 四、1. When did you come back? 2. Where did you go? 3. How many eggs did you buy? 4. Did you walk to school yesterday? 5. Are there five bananas in your bag? 答案: 一、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 二、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 三、3 5 2 4 1 四、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 五、1. cheese, ice cream, egg, juice 2. went, met, came, bought 3. plant, flower, lake, river 4. shorts, sweater, T­shirt, trousers5. sixteen, forty, fifteen, thirty 六、1. swimming 2. ice cream 3. rice 4. email 5. shopping list 6. party 7. train 8. chocolate 七、1. A 解析:look at“看……”是固定搭配。 2. A 3. C 解析:how much 后接不可数名词,cheese 为不可数名词。 4. B 解析:fifteen 后接名词复数,child 的复数形式是 children。 5. C 6. A 解析:let's 后接动词原形。 7. C 解析:由答语“在公交车上。”可知上句问“你在哪儿发现的这个包?”故用 where。 8. A 9. B 10. C 解析:there is 后接可数名词单数或不可数名词。 八、1. D 2. F 3. A 4. E 5. B 6. C 九、1. rowed a boat yesterday  2. How much; three bottles 3. How; By train  4. How many; fifty 5. I didn't; came back 十、1. How much juice did you buy? 2. There are twenty crayons in the box. 3. Where did you go at the weekend? 4. Mum bought a new T­shirt for me. 5. We came back last Sunday. 十一、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 十二、1. He lived in a small village three years ago. 2. There were only two shops. 3. Yes, it is. There were only sixty pupils in the village school. But there are 600 puipls in the new school. 十三、范文: My School I have a big school. There are many teachers and pupils in the school. There is a playground in the school. Near the playground, there are lots of trees and flowers. They are very beautiful. My school is very clean. I like it very much. 期中检测卷(二) 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总分 得分 第一部分 听力(30 分) 一、听录音,选出所听句子中包含的单词或短语。(5 分) (  ) 1. A. som B. many C. any (  ) 2. A. fourteen B. forty C. fifty (  ) 3. A. week B. with C. weekend (  ) 4. A. best B. lost C. floor (  ) 5. A. all right B. give up C. give out 二、听录音,判断图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(5 分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) 三、听录音,根据所听对话内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10 分) (  ) 1. Daming came to school by bike yesterday. (  ) 2. Sam bought four bottles of juice. (  ) 3. Lingling went to the Great Wall last Sunday. (  ) 4. Amy likes this T­shirt. (  ) 5. Sam lost his schoolbag yesterday. 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10 分) (  ) 1. A. Hello! B. I’m Amy. C. I’m fine, thank you. (  ) 2. A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, he did. C. Yes, she does. (  ) 3. A. I bought some fruit. B. I like milk. C. No, I didn’t. (  ) 4. A. By bike. B. At nine o’clock. C. In London. (  ) 5. A. Yes, I will. B. On the bus. C. I went to the park. 第二部分 笔试(70 分) 五、单项选择。(10 分) (  ) 1. Dad ________ new shoes for Tom last Sunday. A. buys B. buy C. bought (  ) 2. ________ red T­shirt is on the line. I washed it for ________. A. Your; your B. Your; you C. You; your (  ) 3. ________ people are there in Sam’s family?A. How many B. How much C. How old (  ) 4. ________ the matter with Daming? A. What B. What’s C. Where (  ) 5. There ________ so many flowers in the park. A. am B. is C. are 六、判断下列句子与图片内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10 分) (  ) 1. —What did you do yesterday? —I played basketball on the playground. (  ) 2. —What’s the matter with John? —He lost his T­shirt. (  ) 3. There are so many apples in the box.   (  ) 4. —Did you go to school by bike yesterday? —Yes, I did. (  )5. Ten and forty is fifty.   七、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10 分) 1. Liu Lei ________ (drop) his cake on my new shoes. 2. There ________ (be) lots of people in the park. 3. Did you ________ (wear) Lingling’s shorts? 4. —Mum, Tom ________ (take) my T­shirt. —No, he didn’t. I washed it for you. 5. They are having a party ________ (happy). 八、按要求改写句子。(8 分) 1.    —What’s the matter with Peter? —He lost his cap. (仿写)     2. Amy, photo, her, mother, took, of, a ( . ) (连词成句) __________________________________________________________________ 3. I went to the Great Wall last Sunday. (对画线部分提问) __________________________________________________________________ 4. ________ rice did you buy? (How many/How much) 九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10 分) (建议用时:5 分钟) There was an American boy in our class before. His name is Tom. He was short and thin at that time. He came to China with his parents(父母). He liked Chinese, so we taught(教) him Chinese, and he taught us English. We had a good time then. Last year, Tom’s parents took him back to America. We couldn’t see him. Yesterday, I got a letter from him and a picture of him. He is taller now than before, and he is so fat! (  )1. Tom is from ________. A. China B. England C. America (  )2. Tom was ________, but now he is ________. A. short; thin B. tall; fat C. thin; fat (  )3. Tom taught us ________. We taught him ________. A. English; Chinese B. Chinese; English C. English; maths (  )4. ________, Tom’s parents took him back to America. A. Yesterday B. Last year C. Last weekend (  )5. We couldn’t see Tom because ________. A. he is taller than before B. he is fatter than before C. he went back to America 十、阅读短文回答问题。(10 分)(建议用时:5 分钟) Yesterday a boy played with a ball in the street. He threw(扔) the ball too hard, and it broke(破 坏) the window of a house and fell inside(里面). A woman walked out with the ball and shouted(喊) at the boy. The boy ran away, but he wanted his ball back. Then he walked back to the house and said to the woman, “My father’s going to come and fix(修理) your window soon. ” Then a man came. So the woman let the boy take his ball away. When the man finished fixing the window, he said to the woman, “Ten dollars. ” “But aren’t you the father of that boy?” the woman asked. “Of course not,” he answered. “Aren’t you his mother?” 1. What did the boy do yesterday? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Who shouted at the boy? __________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the boy want his ball back? __________________________________________________________________ 4. Is the man his father? __________________________________________________________________ 5. The boy is ________. A. bad B. naughty C. nice 十一、书面表达。(12 分) 同学们,学校是我们最熟悉的地方了。请你以“My school”为题,介绍一下你的学校吧。 要求:条理清晰,语句通顺,不少于 50 词。 提示:运用 there be 句型。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 期中检测卷 听力材料: 一、1. Did you buy any bananas? 2. There are forty desks in our class. 3. What did you do at the weekend? 4. I lost my bag. 5. Please give out the crayons. 二、1. We visited Big Ben last year. 2. I went to Xiamen by plane. 3. He likes this pair of trousers. 4. I bought four bottles of juice. 5. There is a tiger at the zoo. 三、1. —Did you walk to school yesterday, Daming? —No, I came to school by bike. 2. —How much milk did you buy, Sam?—I bought three bottles. 3. —Where did you go last Sunday, Lingling? —I went to the zoo. 4. —Do you like this T­shirt, Amy? —No, I don’t. 5. —What’s the matter with Sam? —He lost his cap yesterday. 四、1. How are you? 2. Did Lucy go to the park last Saturday? 3. What did you buy? 4. When did you go to the British Museum? 5. Where did you lose it? 答案: 一、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 二、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F  三、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F  四、1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B  五、1. C 解析:last Sunday 上周日,句子为一般过去时,动词用过去式。 2. B 解析:your 形容词性物主代词,意为“你的”。you 既是主格形式又是宾格形式, 意为“你”,第二个空应填宾格形式作 for 的宾语,故选 B。 3. A 4. B 5. C 六、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F  七、1. dropped2. are 解析:lots of people 意为“很多人”,故用 are。 3. wear 4. took 5. happily 八、1. —What’s the matter with Mary? —She lost her skirt. 2. Amy took a photo of her mother. 3. Where did you go last Sunday? 4. How much 九、1. C 2. C 解析:由 “He was short and thin at that time.”和 “He is taller now than before, and he is so fat!”可知。 3. A 4. B 5. C 解析:由 “Last year, Tom’s parents took him back to America.”可知。 十、1. Yesterday the boy played with a ball in the street. 2. A woman.  3. Yes, he did.  4. No, he isn’t. 5. B 十一、范文: My school My school is very big and very beautiful. There are six grades. There are many students. There is a big playground. We play with our friends on the playground after class. There are lots of trees. They’re very tall. There is a very big garden. And there are many flowers in it. We love our school. We are happy in our school.

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