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外研版五年级英语上册期末试题及答案 2 套 期末检测卷(一) 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总分 得分 第一部分 听力(30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5 分) (  ) 1. A. Finish your ice cream. B. Finish your homework. C. Finish your juice. (  ) 2. A. How much cheese did you buy? B. How much juice did you buy? C. How much milk did you buy? (  ) 3. A. Can you run fast? B. Can you ride fast? C. Can you swim fast? (  ) 4. A. Is he feeling bored? B. Is he feeling tired? C. Is he feeling sad? (  ) 5. A. Don’t climb the tree. B. Don’t walk on the grass. C. Don’t play football here. 二、听录音,给下列图片标上序号。(5 分) (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )    (  )   (  ) 三、听录音,选择正确答语。(10 分)(  ) 1. A. He is in the bedroom. B. No, he isn’t.     C. He is playing hide­and­seek. (  ) 2. A. No, I didn’t. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I am. (  ) 3. A. There are many pupils. B. Forty. C. No, I didn’t. (  ) 4. A. Two hours. B. At nine o’clock. C. Yes, they are. (  ) 5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he does. C. Yes, he does. 四、听录音,补全短文。(10 分) Dear Amy, Yesterday I got up at 1. ________ o’clock. It was late. I didn’t have breakfast. I 2. ________ to school. But I was late for 3. ________. I had lunch at twelve. I didn’t play football after school. I 4. ________ my homework at nine o’clock. I read a book 5. ________ going to bed. Love, Lingling 第二部分 笔试(70 分) 五、根据图意补全短语。(8 分) 1. in the ______ 2. feel ______ 3. drink ______ 4. draw with ______ 5. an ______ ______ 6. send an ______ 7. along the ______ 8. a pair of ______ 六、单项选择。(20 分) (  ) 1. —________ juice do you want? —Three bottles. A. How many B. How much C. How (  ) 2. —How ________ the boy feel? —He ________ very tired. A. does; feels B. does; feel C. do; feels (  ) 3. I can ride a bike, but my little sister ________. A. can’t B. can C. doesn’t (  ) 4. This little boy is deaf, so he can’t ________. A. walk B. see C. hear(  ) 5. There ________ any eggs in this box. A. are B. is C. aren’t (  ) 6. What’s wrong ________ Jack? A. to B. with C. about (  ) 7. What did you do ________ Sunday? A. at B. in C. on (  ) 8. Yesterday I ________ some chocolate. A. had B. have C. has (  ) 9. —You can play basketball well, Joe.  —________ A. OK. B. Yes, I do. C. Thank you. (  ) 10. —________ does your school start? —At nine o’clock. A. What B. What time C. Where 七、选择合适的句子补全对话。(10 分) A : Hi, Lily! You didn’t come to school yesterday. Where did you go? B : 1. ________ A : What’s the matter? B : 2. ________ Dad and I took him to the hospital. A : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. 3. ________ B : He’s better now. But he needs to stay in hospital for a week. A : 4. ________ B : Yes. I will take some fruit to him. A : 5. ________ B : Sure. Thank you. A. How is your grandpa now?   B. My grandpa was ill. C. Can I go and see him with you? D. Are you going to the hospital to see him after school? E. I went to the hospital. 八、阅读理解。(10 分) (建议用时 : 5 分钟) In England, people like to talk about the weather because the weather does not always stay the same in one day. In England, you can also have summer in winter or have winter in summer. So in winter sometimes you can swim, and in summer sometimes you should wear warm clothes. In England, you will see that some English people usually take umbrellas with them when they go out in the morning, though the sun is shining. You should not laugh at them. If you don’t take an umbrella, you will regret(后悔) later in the day. 根据短文内容选择正确的一项。 (  ) 1. In England, people like to talk about the ________. A. food B. weather C. sports (  ) 2. The weather doesn’t always stay ________ in one day. A. not the same B. the same C. the different (  ) 3. In England, you can also have summer in winter or have ________. A. winter in summer B. spring in winter C. autumn in winter (  ) 4. If you don’t take an umbrella, ________. A. everyone will laugh at you B. you will ask others for help C. you will regret later in the day (  ) 5. You shouldn’t laugh at the people who take ________. A.umbrellas B.bread C.water 九、阅读理解。(10 分) (建议用时:5 分钟)One day, a monkey drove his car near a lake. Suddenly, he saw a tiger under a tree. The tiger saw him, too. The tiger ran very fast at the monkey. The monkey was very afraid and he and his car fell into the lake. The monkey couldn’t swim and he shouted. A rabbit came and he jumped into the lake. The rabbit swam to the monkey but did not help him. Both of them shouted for help. Luckily, a giraffe came along. He was very tall. He helped the rabbit and the monkey. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 1. The monkey saw a lion under a tree. (  ) 2. The tiger didn’t run at the monkey. (  ) 3. The monkey’s car fell into the lake. (  ) 4. The rabbit helped the monkey. (  ) 5. The giraffe helped the rabbit and the monkey. (  )十、书面表达。(12 分) 俗话说,“无规矩不成方圆”。一个良好的班集体需要班规的约束。请给你的班级制定几条班 规吧!(不少于 50 词) 提示:可用 You can…/Don’t…的句型结构。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 期末检测卷 听力材料: 一、1. Finish your homework. 2. How much milk did you buy? 3. Can you run fast? 4. Is he feeling bored? 5. Don’t walk on the grass. 二、1. There are six crayons in the box. 2. We do morning exercises before school. 3. Don’t take photos here. 4. The baby is sleeping. 5. She dropped her hamburger. 6. We visited the London Eye last year. 三、1. Where is Tom? 2. Did you wash Lingling’s T­shirt? 3. How many pupils are there in your class?4. What time does your school start? 5. Is Tom feeling hungry? 四、Dear Amy, Yesterday I got up at eight o’clock. It was late. I didn’t have breakfast. I ran to school. But I was late for school. I had lunch at twelve. I didn’t play football after school. I started my homework at nine o’clock. I read a book before going to bed. Love, Lingling 答案: 一、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B  二、5 6 1 2 4 3 三、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A  四、1. 8/eight 2. ran 3. school 4. started 5. before 五、1. kitchen 2. angry 3. tea 4. Crayons 5. ice cream 6. email 7. river  8. shorts 六、1. B 解析:句中 juice 意为“果汁”,不可数名词,故选 B。 2. A 3. A 解析:由句中 but 可知,but 表示转折。 4. C 5. C 解析:any 用在否定句或疑问句中意为“一些”,故选 C。 6. B 7. C 解析:在星期几用介词 on。 8. A 解析:由 Yesterday 可知此句是一般过去时,have 的过去式是 had,故选 A。 9. C10. B 解析:根据答语可知是询问时间,故选 B。 七、1. E 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C  八、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A  九、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 十、范文: Classroom Rules You can read in the classroom. Don’t shout. Don’t sleep in class. Don’t be late for school. Don’t play football in the classroom. You can clean the blackboard for the teacher. You can listen to the teacher carefully. You can help each other. These are our classroom rules. 期末测试卷二 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十 一 十 二 十 三 总 分 得 分 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5 分) (  )1. A. fell     B. full      C. feel (  )2. A. sad B. send C. said (  )3. A. thank B. think C. thin (  )4. A. blue B. behind C. blind (  )5. A. kitchen B. cake C. kite 二、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听内容是否相符,相符的在括号里画“√”,不相符的画“×”。 (5 分)1. (     ) 2. (  ) 3. (  ) 4. (  ) 5. (  ) 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10 分) (  )1. A. When did you come back?  B. When did he come back? C. When did she come back? (  )2. A. How many bananas do you want? B. How much milk do you want? C. How much cheese do you want? (  )3. A. You can play football well. B. You can play basketball well. C. You can run fast. (  )4. A. Are you feeling sad? B. Are you feeling happy? C. Are you feeling tired? (  )5. A. Don't shout. B. Don't climb the tree. C. Don't walk on the grass. 四、听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语。(10 分) (  )1. A. Yes,he did. B. Yes,she did. (  )2. A. Yes,she can. B. No,he can't. (  )3. A. He is in the classroom. B. He is watching TV. (  )4. A. Yes,they are. B. Yes,it is. (  )5. A. It's a chair. B. It's eight o'clock. 笔试部分 (70 分) 五、短语图片对对碰。(5 分)1. get up 2. do exercise 3. take a photo 4. play football 5. have an ice cream 六、根据图片或汉语提示完成句子。(5 分) 1. There are ________ ________ . 2. I bought ________ ________ of milk . 3. We went to the ________ ________ . 4. Yesterday I worked on the __________ , so I feel __________(疲惫) . 5. I lost my ________ . I feel ________ (伤心) . 七、单项选择。(10 分)(  )1. Where ________ Tom ________ last week? A. does;go    B. did;go   C. did;went (  )2. I can play football ________. A. well B. good C. nice (  )3. The girl is ________, so she can't see. A. blind B. deaf C. hear (  )4. This is________ cap. A. her B. him C. me (  )5. They ________ lots of places last Friday. A. visits B. visit C. visited (  )6. I want three ________ of sweets. A. box B. boxs C. boxes (  )7. Don't ________ in the street. A. walk B. walks C. walking (  )8. — ________is your grandma?  —She is better now. A. What B. How C. Who (  )9. She can ________ very well. A. sings B. sing C. singing (  )10. —Is this your bike?  —No,it's ________. A. me B. my C. Sam's 八、判断下列句子与图片表达的意思是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(5 分)(  )1. This little girl can't walk. Her father helps her. (  )2. This little girl can sing very well. (  )3. The girl is deaf. She can't hear. This dog helps her. (  )4. This is a firefighter. (  )5. This man is deaf. He can't hear. 九、从方框中选择正确的句子完成对话。(10 分) A. Let's play football together.   B. I can help you.   C. I went shopping. D. But I can't play it well. E. A football. Tom: Hi,Daming!What did you do yesterday? Daming: 1. ________ Tom: What did you buy? Daming: 2. ________ I like playing it very much. Tom: Me too. 3. ________ Daming: Oh,I can play it very well. 4. ________ Tom: Great! 5. ________ 十、选择合适的疑问词或词组填空。(5 分)what colour, where, how many, what time, how much 1. —____________ do you have your breakfast? —At seven. 2. ____________ cheese did you buy? 3. I can't find my new pen. ____________ is it? 4. I have got three books. ____________ books have you got? 5. —____________ is the ruler? —It's blue. 十一、完形填空。(10 分) My name is David. I have a brother. __1__ name is Jack. This is __2__ room. There are two beds in it. My __3__ is on the left, and the one on the __4__ is Jack's bed. There is a desk and __5__ chairs. We both like our room. It's clean and bright(明亮的). (  )1. A. Her   B. His    C. Its (  )2. A. my B. our C. his (  )3. A. brother B. book C. bed (  )4. A. left B. right C. behind (  )5. A. a B. two C. one 十二、阅读短文,回答问题。(10 分) My name's Manman. I have some good friends. We have different hobbies(爱好). I can swim. Mingming can play ping­pong well. Xiaoli can run fast. But she can't jump high. Lingling can draw. She's good at drawing. Liu Fang can sing. She got fifty points in the competition(竞赛). And she won! 1. What can Mingming do? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Can Xiaoli jump high? ___________________________________________________________________3. What can Lingling do? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Can Liu Fang sing very well? ___________________________________________________________________ 十三、写作。(10 分) Peter 是一名学生。看图,根据图片提示的内容向大家描述一下他的作息时间,可适当发 挥想象。 要求:①语法正确,语意连贯;②词数 50 左右。 Peter is my friend. He ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 期末测试卷二 听力材料: 一、1. feel 2. sad 3. think 4. behind 5. kitchen 二、1. The dog is behind the sofa. 2. There is a bag on the bed. 3. The baby is sleeping. 4. Don't climb the tree. 5. She is watching TV. 三、1. When did you come back? 2. How much milk do you want? 3. You can run fast. 4. Are you feeling sad? 5. Don't walk on the grass. 四、1. Did Tom play basketball yesterday? 2. Can he fly a kite? 3. Where is Sam? 4. Are these your books? 5. What time is it now? 答案: 一、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 二、1. × 2. × 3. × 4. √ 5. × 三、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 四、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 五、1. D 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. B 六、1. thirteen crayons 2. two bottles 3. London Eye 4. farm; tired 5. shorts; sad 七、1. B 解析:由 last week 可知此句为一般过去时,助动词用 did;而 did 后面接动词原形, 后一个空要用 go。 2. A 解析:well 可以作副词,good, nice 是形容词。 3. A 解析:由“……所以她看不见。”可知这个女孩是失明的, deaf 失聪的。  4. A5. C 解析:由 last Friday 可知此句为一般过去时,故选 C。 6. C 解析:由 three 可知要用复数。box 的复数形式为 boxes。 7. A 解析:Don't 后面接动词原形。 8. B 解析:询问某人的身体状况常用 how。 9. B 解析:can 为情态动词,后面接动词原形。 10. C 八、1. √ 2. × 3. × 4. √ 5. × 九、1. C 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. A 十、1. What time 2. How much 3. Where 4. How many 5. What colour 十一、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 十二、1. Mingming can play ping­pong well. 2. No,she can't. 3. Lingling can draw. 4. Yes,she can. 十三、范文: Peter is my friend. He gets up at seven o'clock in the morning. Then he has breakfast. After breakfast, he goes to school by bus. His school starts at eight o'clock. He plays in the playground at nine o'clock. At twelve, he has lunch. He finishes his class at half past three in the afternoon. After school, he plays football with his friends at ten past six.

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