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豫南九校2019-2020学年上期第二次联考 高二英语试题 (考 试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分 ) 第一部分 听力(略 ) 第二部分 阅读理解(共 两节,满 分40分 ) 第一节(共 15小题;每 小题2分 ,满 分30分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C和 D四 个选项中,选 出最佳选项。 A rlo刀0G乃d‘rorr,'have chased each other to the top of a po11 about which cartoon stars adults n10st e△oyed· 1he Hanna-Barbera duo-the stars of 161 cartoons from 1940 and winners of seven oscars-beat the likes of scoob9`-Doo,Top Cc莎 cr1d r‰ e FJ讠 硝Jo尼6. 1.lhe survey of 1,000 adults aged betlveen 25 and 54 ·was Inade on behalf of children’ s ′rV channel Boomerang.‘ ‘Anin1als · h⒎ith hun1an characten.stics are an unbeatable con1billation,’ ’channe1 n1anager Dan iBalaam said, I· Ie said that animal characters had proved rnost popular in the survey. The shows are extremely inventive and humorous With an endless stream ofjokes,which is why they attract all ages,“ %e only humans in the list are in the hrln of%e FJj硝 莎。″s,Pope7e and%e ‰砌Ro饿 ” scoo勿 一Doo,launched(投 放市场)in 1969 and recently made into a live-acu。 nm。vie starring sarc凡 nf·jc凡eJJe CoJJc``, can1e second, iEye-patch wearing secret agent I冫 c尼g·c″mo△se, w·ho made his debut(首 播)on ITV in 1981,made it to third place. The James Bond Parody-with Dovjd Jason voicing D.cngermOI劣 e and 1o″γ scOJJ as his close conlpanion Plenfold-is the only · 1JKi production on the list. It w· as made by Manchester-based production house Cosgrove I· lal1, A.nother I· Ianna-iBarbera creation, Top Cat- the leader of a gang of New York alley cats-calne fourth.Iˉ Iis adventures,based on 1950s Us colmedy,F· %e Pi九 jJ Sj浼昭rs s九ov,were changed into Boss Cc`r in the UK to avoid confusion with a brand of cat food. 21.Which of the fo11owing canoons is below rop CcJ in the list? A.%m@nd Je″ γ. B.Scoo3,'-Doo. C.Donger″1o“e. D.r‰ e FJJ“ J。 铭s. 22.About Top Cat,we know that_, A.it was based on Boss Cat B,the cat was played by a real hulman C.it was another name of a brand of cat food D.it was changed into Boss Cat in order not to be misunderstood 高二英语试题 第1页 (共 8页 )23。 According to the passage, wˉ e can infer that 1.nany cartoon filΠ ls are very popular arnong people because A.their cartoon charaCters are a11 aninlals B.a11 ages like their cartoon characters C.their cartoon characters are hunlorous and attractive E).their cartoon characters have close connection with people’ sw·ay of life B Marie1 Margaret Hamm was born on March 17,1972,selma,Alabama,U.s, she was an Ameican footba11 player,who became the srst intemational star of the women’ s galne.Playing forward,she stan· ed on the U.s.national team that won Wodd Cup chalnpionships in 1991 and 1999 and olym.pic gold lnedals in 1996 and 2004. she was respected for her all-around skill,competitive spirit,and knack(诀 窍)for goal scoong.she retired from the national team in 2004 with 158 goals in international competition,the most by any player,male or female.she was twice named Women’ s World Player of the Year(2001-02)by the F6d6ration Intemationale de Footbau Ass。ciation(FIFA). I·Iamm’s goa1-scoring talent as a teenager drewi attention from top college progralns as w· e11 as the nation.al tean1. ~A.t age 15 she became the youngest person ever to becom.eam.ember of the(J.s. tealn. In 1989 IIalnnl entered the University of North Carolina at Chapel Iˉ Ii11,and,by the time she graduated in 1994,she had helped the Tar Heels win four Nationa1 Co11egiate Athletic Association chan1pionships. Hiamm.im.ade 276 appearances with the national team. Duing her career,in addition to winning the four rn句 or championships,the U.s. women finished third in the 1995 and 2003 Wodd Cup tournaments and took a bronze medal at the 2000 01ympics.With Hamm as the star,they e△ oyed media attenuon unprecedented(空 前的)for a women’ s spons team,especidly duing the 1999 World Cup l1.eld in the tJnited states. JeFsey.2 with her nurnber 9 becan1e a top.seller, and her populanty, 飞″hiCh has continued into her retireInent, equaled that of the best-known male at111etes. Hamm also played professionally for the Washington Freedom of the short-lived Women’ s United soccer Association(2001-03). 24.After working in national teanl for_years,IIalnm left the national tealn, A.10 B.13 C.15 D.17 25..A.ccording to what happened to IIarnm, which is the correct order? a.entered the University of North Carolina b.took an olympic bronze meda1 C.took an olympic gold medal d.was named Women’ s World Player of the Year by FIFA A.a,b,c,d ∶B.a,c,b,d C.c,a,b,d lD.c,d,a,b 高二英语试题 第2页 (共 8页 )26。 17hat can the underlined w· ord‘‘ Jerseys” be? A。 A person。 B.A place。 C。 A sweater。 D。 A cow. 27.What happened to Harnlm in 1995? A~。 she played for National Co11egiate Athletic A。 ssociation chalinpionship。 B.she took a bronze luedal in the World{〔 lup tournarnent。 C。 she took an(Olylnpic gold n1edal。 E)。 she becalne the best-known 1· 11ale athlete。 C Salt irltake has been on the decrease in{China since 2000, but it currently is sti11 nearly twice the amount recommended by the World Health organization(WH0),a new study said Tuesda,y。 The study,published in the U。 S。 joumal JAMA,was based on total diet surveys in 2000 and 2009-20】 1 in 12 of China’ s31 rrlainland provinces, covering at least 46 percent of the Chinese population. The researchers found the average dietaw salt consumption(消 耗量)of Chinese residents decreased by 22.2 percent, frO111 1 1.8 grairns per day in 2000 tO 9。 2 gralns peF day in 2009. “ If w· e continue on the current pace, it’ s possible for China to achieve the target proposed by the World I.1ealth organization to reduce average daily salt consunaption by 30 percent by 2025,” lead author ˉ Yongning 1Wˉu of the China |National Center for Food safety iRisk .Assess1nent, told Ⅹinhua。 But simply weighing dietav salt intake underestimated(低 估)sodium(钠 )consumption in China, Wu noted。 When taking salt打 om soy sauce(酱 油),pr。 cessed foods and pickled(腌 制的)vegetables into account,sodium intake in China in the studied years decreased just by 12。 3 percent,from 6。 4 grairrls per day to 5.6 grarns per day, he said。 ‘‘rrhis rate is not optilnistic,” said Wu。 The V△ˉIO recoInrnends that people should consunle less than five grarns of salt, or tw· o gralins of sodiuⅡl per day。 ‘‘Although average salt consurnption of Chinese residents fell a lot during the 10 years, it’ s still 111r froFrl the ideal sodiun.1 intake,’ ’ Wu said。 Rising occurrence of high b1ood pressure and other chronic diseases also indicated that China needed to strictly control and continuously reduce salt intake. A study published in the U。 S。 journal The New England Journal of M[edicine in 2014 showed that about 1.65 rni11ion heart-related deaths per year worldwide can be caused by high sodiurn consurlnptlon。 高二英语试题 第3页 (共 8页 )28.What’ s the Inain idea of the passage? A。 ()hinese eating less salt, but still t00 nluch。 B.Eating lnore salt leads high blood pressure. C。 Ho·wn'luch salt should be consurned every day。 E)。 .A ne。w study about salt consurnption of Chinese residents. 29.17hich of the fo110· wing is true according to the passage? A。 The study in the U。 s. journal only depended on 46% 。f the Chinese population。 B.ITIhe average dietary salt intake of Chinese residents 1″ as 9.2 granils per day in 2ooo。 C1.It’ s likely to reach the almlount recolFl1· nended by WII|0)at present pace by 2025。 D.Only wˉ eighing dietary salt intake estilnated sodiun· l consurnption in China。 30.17·hich of the follσ wing is not rrlentioned in the passage? A。 soy sauce. B.B。 iled eggs。 C。 Processed foods。 D。 Pickled vegetables 31.What can you infer fronl the passage? 、⒋。′rhe wIIo}advises people to consunle less than thilty five granils of salt per wˉ eek。 B} IIIigh sodiun1 consurnption has led to about 1。 65 rnillion heart-related deaths in China。 C。 High b100d pressure has nothing to do with the an10unt of taking in salt。 E).Chinese eating salt is higher than any other country in the w· orld。 D The problen1 with giving a child an allo· wance is that it suggests a ‘‘solnething for nothing” mentality(心 理 )。 An example ofthis is when parents have kids line up on saturday and the kids say “give 1|ne lrly Fn.oney” 。 Kids need to lean1 that there is a connection between perforrrlance a11d reward, ALt our house, w· e’ ve set up a systen· 1、vheFe our kids have 4 sirrlple things to do each day。 ′rhey have a pegboard with 4 pegs(犭 、钉)and as they do these things on theiF Own plan,they put the pegs in the board。 The nrst thing is“ getting up on time” 。(2)doing their homework,(3)completing their task around the house, and 4th is getting to bed on ti1· ne and having their clothes laid out for the 11ext z·norning。 Tlhey recorcii this thernselves Ⅵ吐th the pegboard and by filling in a slip each night nurrlbeFed 1-4, checking off the things they did, and getting it signed by a parent。 Then they put the slip in a“ falnily bank” and on saturday the bank is opened up and it is called‘ ‘pay day” instead of“ allow· ance day。 ” I|Iow 1· nuch they get paid depends on how 111any of the things they renlen1bered to do during the w·eek。 so they begin to get the feeling that this is really 1.ny 1.noney· ··I earned it by doing the things that I was supposed to do。 Tlhis begins to teach the child responsibility and they feel that they really earned their lnoney。 Kids will leain· 1 that how· ·we11 they pe11iorn1△ 1eans ho· w llnuch linoney they will receive, and they will take better care of things they buy. 高二英语试题 第4页 (共 8页 )32.17hich of the follo· wing doesn’ t appear on the pegboard? A。 Cleaning their rooFr1 carefu11y。 B。 Getting up and going to bed on tirne。 C.Answ· ering the teacher’ s questions actively。 E).1· Iaving their clothes laid out for the next rno△ 1ing。 33.What’ s the 11aain idea of the third paragraph? A。 【.1oˉw the children get their pay。 B.17hy the children put the slip in a‘ ‘farylily bank” 。 C。 17hen a parent signs his nanae。 E)。 When the children get their pay。 34。 What can you infer fronl the passage? A。 【ˉI0·wn|luCh t11e children get paid depends on their parents. B.(∶)hilflren will actively do what they should to earn their Fnoney。 C。 ′The syste△ 1 set up by theˉ w·riter ai1.ns to respect their parents。 E)。 rrhe children will take better care of their desks and chairs. 35。 `乃 `rh。 is the passage is written for? A.Teac11ers。 B。 ∶Kids。 C.Parents。 D。 Students。 第二节(共 5小 题;每 小题2分 ,满 分10分 ) 根据短文内容,从 短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 哂厂hen I was growing up,I relmernber 1ny nlother saying dozens of tirrles,“ Live your life so that at the end of it you’ll have no regrets。 ”~36~she w·as her city’ s first licensed fe1nale pi1ot, w· ent alone in 1936 on a six-1nonth bicycling tour of Europe, raised three girls and helped lny dad build their retirelrlent house。 she did a11 the things she wanted to do and died at peace with her life in 2001 at age 88. ~卫三_I saved the money while paying my way through co11ege to save for my own three- naonth tour of Europe。 I’ ve gone up in a hot— air ba11oon, traveled widely, worked for good causes in rny church and taught hundreds of children to read during 1· ny 23-plus-year career as a special education teacher for Massachusetts public schools。 M[y husband,David,and I raised thFee happy,creative children,all Π∶la1ried now, and enjoy our eight grandchildren。 ~38_|He has a11ow· ed rne to liVe rny life as I wanted to live it. I.Ie did double duty around the house when I went back to school to get l了 1y1.naster’ s degree, and w· atched nervously as I took a ride on a IIarley。 I.Ie w· o|Hriedly wished nle a good voyage several ti1nes as I traveled far and wide during sunwners when he had to w· ork。 Eight 1nonths ago, I w· as unexpectedly diagnosed with colon cancer. since then, I’ ve had 高二英语试题 第5页 (共 8页 )surgeries and several rounds of chemotherapy(化 疗)。 Statistics say I have about another year to live。 ~旦⒉_At some point-hopefully much later than the doctors predict-I’ ll feel too poor to e刂oy what used to give me pleasure。 Then,I hope to do just as my mother did.I’ ll reca11 family and friends about Frly 1wonderful life experiences。 ~40_And I’11 say to anyone who’ ll listen, “I believe you should live your life so that at the end of it you will have no regrets。 ” A。 ske sure did。 B。 I’ ll e刂 oy my 1nemories. C。 We’ ll w· ork on it together。 D。 I believe in living my life。 E。 Then there’ s your 6 o’ c10ck news on the televisioll。 F.I’ ve been lucky enough to have had a supportive husband。 G.I玉ving z.ny life so I’ d have ‘‘no regrets” w。as a lesson I took in and believed in. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共 两节,满 分45分 ) 第一节 完形填空(共 20小题;每 小题1。 5分 ,满 分30分 ) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C和 D四 个选项中,选 出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 1a1了1 a good child。 I gre· w· up in()hina, a country where~41~is the center of every child’ s life。 I had~42~during lunch, Fnath and lmguage classes twice a day。 ′I1here w· ere punishrnents for not paying attention。 I was~43~with a ruler。 I learned to do anything to get a good grade。 I believe in duty, 44_that belief comes with sacrifice(牺 牲)。 The achievements I~卫 5~ come with a cost。 I remember srst grade,the~4鱼_scalf士lapping.(飘 动 ) in the wind,wanting more than anything to be the nrst one t。 ~4IL_it,允 r it is the symbol of responsibility,excellence and loyalty。 The first thing that~4,8~to mind wˉ hen I putit on wˉ as hoˉ w glad Iny farnily w· ould be, and how_49~the 1·notherland wˉ ould be of the child it had given bilith to. All 111y pride, love, self-respect-they develop into~50_. rrhere have been ti1nes I wanted to._卫~away everything,but duty and obligation(义 务)were always there to visit me and to ~.王L~me strong。 I would think:My parents and grandparents~53~me up,my country gave me shelter,my teachers spent so much time~54~my foundations just to have me throw it all away? Nˉ o, I can’ t do that! I1rlust~55~a11 that they have done。 “I1nust,” “I should,” ‘‘I have to,” a11 those little phFases~56 ~ rny life and the lives of rnany of 1· ny clasmlates。 We struggle on because duty~57~us that the coming success is not just for us。 It’ s for our families and our country。 I believe in the~158~of duty。 Only duty wi11~59~lne solmlething true, son△ ething~60~ of lrly effort and the support of rrly falnily and country。 高二英语试题 第6页 (共 8页 )41.A。 culture 42。 A。 homework 43。 A。 educated 44.A。 and 45.A。 do 46。 A。 red 47.A。 put on 48。 A。 nashed 49。 A。 wondeful 50.A。 deⅤ otion 51。 A。 throw 52.A。 put 53。 A.cheered 54。 A。 building 55.A。 return 56。 A。 goⅤern 57。 A。 suggests 58.A。 strength 59。 A。 offer B。 prolmise C。 show 60。 A。 sure B。 hopeful C。 fu11 第二节(共 10小题;每 小题1。 5分 ,满 分15分 ) 阅读下面短文,在 空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 rrlhe hun.an body is rnade up of 60% water。 It regulates body ternperature, delivers oxygen all over the body,aids in digesting,~.工 1~performs various other tasks that keep our bodies~匹 2~ (health). Not~63_(drink)enough water can lead to health problems such as headaches,bad temper, and poor physical peJormance。 ~64~(You)b0dy needs more water when you are in hot climates, when you are_65_(physical)active,and if you have a fever。 The United states National Agriculture Libra叮 _6.6~(say),kids generally need between 10 to 14 cups of water every day。 rrhis water can corne froFFl a 1.nix of drinks and foods~67~contain high am。 unts of Water,suCh as melons,or~m_(tomat。 ).It is also recommended that nuids(流 体)_2_(COme)fr。m water instead Of suga叮 drinks that are high in calories and can lead to weight problems。 “The good news is that this is a public health problen1 with a si1· nple so1ution,” said senior author on the study and professor health sociology at I.Iarvard 1Jniversity, steven Cr。 rtrnaker。 “ If wˉ e can focus on helping children drink more water,we can improve their hydration status(水 合状态), which may a110w many children~7-L~(feel)better thrOughout the day and do better in school。 ” 高二英语试题 第7页 (共 8页 ) ∶B}。 education B.milk B。 beaten B。 however B。 make B。 ye11ow B.wear B。 ca11ed B。 proud B.quality B。 give B。 keep B。 picked B。 shaking B。 mention B。 save B。 teaches B。 sense C。 struggle C。 housework C。 warned C。 but C。 carry C。 blue C。 dress C。 turned C。 excited C。 duty C。 keep C。 stay C.brought C.serving C。 repay C.make C.reminds C。 energy D。 teaching D。 bread D。 measured D。 so D。 gain D。 white D。 pull on D。 stopped D。 inspiring D。 confidence D。 put D。 remaln D。 built D。 planning D。 scold D。 explore D.lnforms D.power D.owe D。 worthy第四部分 写作(共 两节,满 分35分 ) 第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每 小题1分 ,满 分10分 ) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请 你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有10处语言错误,每 句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在 缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把 多余的词用斜线(\)划 掉。 修改:在 错的词下划一横线,并 在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1。 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处 ,多 者(从第11处起)不 计分。 Hi Kath, I want to share solrnething to you. I have ernail pal in Ger1nany. We have been sending each other things about our countries. Isn’t it anflazed ho· w Jackie {Chan brings people together? She just sent mine the DⅤ D of Jackie Chan doing his tour of Hong Kong。 It’ s so niCely!I know I wi11 never go there, so Jackie Chan IInakes one to feel you are there。 You linay have seen luy friends on the 1rlessage board. Her nalfne is Hedi。 We sure do haⅤ e nothing in cO1n1· non-w· e both love Jackie Chan to death! If you can,please tell Jackie Chan how lfnuch lmy faΠ lily loved hinn。 Wanda USA 第二节 书面表达(满 分25分 ) 假定你是李华,寒 假即将来临,你 的英国朋友Peter发 来电子邮件,询 问你如何度过。请你 回邮件介绍一下你的寒假计划。 内容要点: 1.适 当放松休息,外 出观光旅游; 2.探 望祖父母并跟他们介绍保持健康的方法; 3。 看书、补习功课; 4.帮 父母做家务。 要求: 1。 100词 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但 不计入总词数); 2。 可结合自己的实际情况进行适当的发挥。 Dear Peter, I’ rn glad to receive your e-lnail。 You ask line about 1ny plan for Winter IIOliday。 17elcolm.e to{China when convenient to yOu。 Yours, Li Hua 高二英语试题 第8页 (共 8页 )

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