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 三年级英语第三周达标测评卷             (Unit 2       Part A)题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 等级得分            一、读一读,判断图片与单词是否相符,相符画 ,不相符画 。(5分)1.     2.    3.    4.    5.  father      woman       pen        mother      ten(    )      (    )      (    )      (    )     (    )二、选择正确的一项,补全单词。(5分)(    )1.f__th__r       A. a;a      B. u; e     C.a;e(    )2. s__ st_r       A. i; e      B. a;e      C.i;i(    )3.t__n          A.a        B.e        C.i(    )4. gr __ndm__   A.a; u      B. e; o      C.a; a(    )5.d__d         A.i         B.a        C.e三、单项选择。(10分)(    )1.--_______ is that woman?    -- She's my mother.A.Who              B .What           C. How(    )2. -Who's that_______?        --He's my new teacher.A.woman             B.man            C.boy (    )3.-Who's that man?      --_______is my father. A.She         B.He           C.It (    )4. -Who's that woman?   --_______is my mother. A.She         B.He           C.It(    ) 5. My father's father is my_______. A.grandpa     B.grandma        C.father四、将图片与相符的句子连起来。(6分)1.                         A. This is my sister.2.                          B. He's my father.3.                          C. She’s my grandma.4.                          D.My mum is an actress.5.                          E. This is my grandfather.6.                          F. He's my brother.五、连词成句。(注意标点符号及大小写)(16分) 1. my, the, is, man, father (.) __________________________________________ 2.is, my, this, mother (.) __________________________________________ 3. is, she, teacher, a, new (.) __________________________________________4.you, to, meet, nice, too (.)__________________________________________六、根据情景,选择合适的选项。(15分)  A.Really?     B. Who's that woman?    C. Come on! D. How funny!        E. Sorry, I don't know.(    )1.当你询问照片上的女人是谁,应说:_______(    )2.当你想让别人和你一起做事,应说:_______(    )3.当别人问你Who is the girl?”你不能回答,应说:_______(    )4.当你对某事表示怀疑,可以说:_______(    )5.当你夸赞对方的样子很滑稽,应说:_______七、判断下列句子对错。(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(15分)(    )1. She are my sister.(    )2. He's my grandma.(    )3. This is my friend,Amy.(    )4. Who's they boy?(    )5. The man is my father.八、补全对话。(16分) A. This is my father.            B. Who is that man? C. Who is that woman?         D.Is this your grandmother?Tom: It is photo(照片) of my family.Amy: That is good. _____1____Tom: She is my mom. Look!  _____2____.Amy: Your father looks young.  ____3_____.Tom: He is my grandfather.Amy: _____4____.Tom: Yes, she is.九、情景小对话:请帮小伙伴们选择合适的句子完成对话。(12分)1. ______________ She is my mother.2. Who is that man?______________3.______________ Yes. She is.  A. Is this your sister?  B. Who is that woman?C. He is my father.三年级英语第三周达标测评卷参考答案            一,1.   2.   3.   4.   5.二、1.C  2.A   3.B  4.C   5.B三、1.A   2.B   3.B   4.A   5.A四、1.E   2.D   3.C    4.B   5.F   6.A五、1. The man is my father. 2. This is my mother. 3. She is a new teacher. 4. Nice to meet you, too.六、1.B   2.C   3.E   4.A   5.D七、1.×  2.×  3.√  4.×  5√八、1.C   2.A   3.B    4.D九、1.B   2.C    3.A

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