01-05 BBCCA 06-10 CBABA 11-15 ABAAC 16-20 BBCAC
21--25 DBADB 26--30 ACCBB 31--35 DCBDA
七选五 36--40 DBFAG
41--45 ADBCA 46--50 CDACB
51--55 BBADD 56--60 ADBCC
61. to see 62.whom 63.was interviewed 64.or 65.closely
66.has led 67.pressure 68. higher 69.twice 70. from
1. plan-->planning 2.advices--> advice 3.That-->When 4. so 去掉
5. many-->much 6. Additional-->Additionally 7.You-->They
8. broadened --> broaden 9.under -->with 10.rich 前加a
9. 作文
Dear respected guests,
Welcome to our school! On behalf of our school, I’m here to express our enthusiasm to you, hoping that this journey will leave a sweet impression on all of you.
During your one-week stay, you’ll have the chance to be exposed to our traditional courses which feature paper-cutting, calligraphy and gu zheng.The schedule of the courses will be distributed to you later. And you’re required to attend the courses at specific rooms on time. We have prepared available accommodations for you so that you just need to sort out your luggage in the arranged rooms.
Now we will show you around our school. Let’s go !
Yours sincerely,