秘密 ★ 启用前 【考试时间:2020年 4月 14日 15:00~17:00】
九市联考 ·内江市高zO20届第二次摸拟考试
本试卷申四个部分组成。其中,第 一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题,第 三部分
的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。满分150分 ,考 试时间120分钟。 亻
1.答 卷前,考 生务必将自己的姓名(准 考证号和座位号填写在答题卡上。
,2。 回答选择题时,选 出每小题答案后,用 铅笔把答题卡对应题目标号涂黑。如需改动,
用橡皮擦干净后,再 选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将 答案写在答题卡上,乌 在本试
卷上无效。 口
3.· 考试结束后,将 本试卷和答题卡ˉ并收回。 '
第一部分 听力(共 两节,满 分∞分)
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你 将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案
第一节 (共 5小题;每 小题1.5分 ,满 分7.5分 )
∶ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有⊥个小题。从题中所给的A、 B`C三个选项中选出最佳
选项j并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒 钟的时间来回答有关小题和
1。 Where does the c。nversation take place?
A。 In O shopping center∶ B。 In a library。 C。 In a restaurant。
2.What is the man doing now?
A。 Waiti吨 for a bus。 B。 Going shⅡpin⒏ C.W卩 tching a game。
3。 Whars the m。st probable relaⅡ onship between the tWo speakers? 1
A。 Noghbors。 B。 stmngers。 C。 Classmates。
4.Who was borrl on the8th of December?
A。 %e ψomars father。 B。 The ψomars mother。 C。 %e mars shter。
5.What does the mah mean? ·
A。 He ha。 no time for the εlm。 ·
B。 He doesn℃ like the cartoon,
C。 He doesn℃ beheve th。 woman。
第二节 (共 15小题;每 小题1.5分 ,满 分”。5分 ) ∶
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选
题,每 小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍:
听第6段材料,回 答第6、 7题。
6.What is the woman’ s opinion about the man?
A。 He should have a studio。
B。 Hds indeed become fat。
C。 He’s changed his Ⅱnuo;ic style。
英语试题第1,页 (共 8页 )7.What is the woman most probably?
A。 An anist。 ·
, B。 A reporter。 c。 A studi。 。wneⅠ。
听第7段材料,回 答第8至 10题 。
8.What does the man thhk ofth。 ir marketing efforts?
A。 Unsat、 fying。 B。 Helpful。 c。 useless。
9.What is the man’s9uggestioh? ,
A。 Fire βo叩e employees。 B∶ Rg肛⒒e the summary。 C。 Have group dhcuss0is。
10.What topic wⅡ l the speakers discuss?
A。 New ma础 呷td。vdoPmen!· B· New products’ pⅡ ces。 C。 Ane卜mles seⅡ妃e。
听第8段材料.回 答第11至 13题。
11.Why does the man advise nying out in the moming?
A。 I1saves them more time∶ ·
B。 It costs them less money。 C。 It mak。s them more relaxed。
12.How did the woman get to th。 airpo⒒ last year? ·
A。 By car。 卩。B∮ taxi. C。 By und¢驷 und。
13.What are tho speakers lllainly talking about?
A· ηe△ p此γious vacation。 B。 Thek plan for a holⅡ ay。 c。 %占亡dFa"holⅡ ays。
听第9段 材料,回 答第14至 16题。
14.Where did the man use Ahbnb? 】 · ∶
A。 In AmeⅡ ca。 B,Ih Japan。 c。 In Thailand。
1罕 ·If you use A岫 nb吵妃trav山 ng,where涮 l yol】 stay?
A:In a hotel。 B。 In a tent。 c。 In。Ⅱl apartment。
16.What飞 the womars直 ttnude t。 wards Airbnb?
'A。 It飞 worth t=” ng. B.It飞 expeh盂ve。 ,c。 It飞 unsafe。 ·
呀第10段材料,回 答第17至 zO题 。
17.Wh妃h country is sarah%omas fro血 ?
A。 France。 B。 E卩gland。 c。 ⒒ e UsA。
18.What made sar曲 Thomas山ange her planned path?
A。 Her sρⅡous disease。 B。 Strong Ⅱmoˇing water。 C。 H。ving no enough food。
19.What day was h when sarah t、 ohas f1nished her last lap? ·
A。 ‰0sday。 B。 satuFd砷 。 c。 sund呷∷
20.How many叩 iles dⅡ sarah η⒑mas swim nonˉ stop altogether?
A。 Over50。 B。 Over80。 c。 0ver130。
第二部分 阅读理解(共 两节,满 分们分)
第-节 (共 15小题;每小题2分 ,满分30分 )
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C和 D四个选项中,选 出最佳选项。∶
Ⅱzza ddive1v dHver ·
湃:r蚤蕊‰冕甜森找瑟耵器⒒me c亿赢g·
Paid $10per hour+$2per deliyery+free dinner。
n‘ must have yo"own car。 ∶
Email us with infoIⅡ .ation about wh0ther you ever cooked and when you can work。 The Piz立a
Place@telstra。 c0m
英语试题 第 2页 (共 8页 )TV Host
AⅡ扭ional TV哎ation wahto∞ εnd two1people tQ host a new primetime(黄 金时段)game
show。 I"t山℃sted?You meed to have ′ .
¤h∞nf1dent岫d liveˇ peⅡonahty·
¤son⒑ expe血汨ce of wo曲ng m the mo由 a hdust叩
沦good comm而cation酞 ills
¤an enthu乩 s【 u、r pefoming .
£ 00,000per year
Apply to Jonhkeirs@tvho莎 。com
Casual saIe A∞ 、m"| 、
· We a沌 l∞king for casual team membe阝 to扣h ourt叩 m for10-30hours peF week!
You must have a positive attitude,and great wⅡ lingness to talk t0others,can work in both a
teaⅡ|and as an individual and be avaⅡ able to w°rk on Mondays and weekends between9aⅡ L and
5pm。 ∴
You而 11be respomsibb for usimg山 e cash reg1哎 er,tidying up sllelves and helping cud。 meⅡ
Ⅱnd`h0t.they are lookⅡ g for。 、
Pay【s $14.50/hF,but $25/hr at weekends
To0pply,get:ih touch Ⅵ汀th the nlanager .
ToⅡ y Robins ρn(02)98761234or Tony。 RobinsO JB-HiFi。 blacktown。 org.ao
ouf estabⅡshed laⅡguage βchool is looking for Chinese teachers。 Our classes are small and
s!udemts are a11ages,, ∷ ~
You mlu叱 have巳 un|versity de田 ㈦e and teaching ekpe。 ence and a health oertif【 cate。
丫m must als。 be able to soeak and wⅡ te C"nese nuently.
30h叫rs per week(nexible times)
£ 30per hour,plus bonuses
Apply to s血 itho gm耐 l。 com
21。 The c。 mdⅡ乩e for芭 p△z芭 ddhery dⅡ v丬 must te11toe employer h、/her~ˉ__。
A。 persO1Lality B。 dⅡ 呐ng expeⅡ en∞ :
C。 avolnbⅡi” , D.salary expectation ∷
zz。 How mucⅡ caⅡ %m get灬 a casual mle灬 sistQnt if working2hours oFl sunday?
A。 $20。 B。 $29。 C。 $30。 · D。 $50。
23。 Who must bc outgoing?
A。 TV host and Chinese teacher。 ·
.B。 TV host and Casual sale0ssistant。
C。 Pizza deⅡ veηr dⅡ ver and Chinese teacher。
D。 Casual sal0assistant and Pizza dehveη 厂driVer。 ·
、 B
In tho last few years,companies like oⅡ、e have begun n。 。ding streets i】 places hke Japan
and AustraⅡ a with bikes。 Busihessman WⅡ ke Than Tun Win reahzed these bikes could do much
good for sch∞ lchⅡ dren in MyaⅡ mar,of whom some ψalk an hour or more evely day to school。 Then
he created Less1Valk订 hich buys up the bikes、 from other countries。 ˉ
英语试题第3页 (共 8页 )Le$Walk modi犰 s(改 装)bikes to m酞 e them mom Ⅱoful for studmts。 %e"ntal hkes Ⅱefl
to"quire a smartphone.app to unlock them。 LessWa琢 chang0d thh for a lock with a kt· y。 They al∞
added a second seat in the back of the bikes,allowiog two children to ride to school on o卩 o bike∶
Recently tlle/Fe"placing the bikds reE;l11ar tires with a solid t订 0that can’t go nat。 with al1the
changos,each bike packed attracⅡ vely cρ sts LessWalk about $35。 “Despite the co§t,the benests it
can develop are wol1Wo⒒ h tlying,” Than told TechCmnch、 '
The pηjeo bought thoumnds of Ⅱntd bik∞ f1· om∶ 1iE1iled colnpa而 es and shipped them to
Myann1ar。 The p忆 cess wasn’ t as easy as it soundsˉ ˉˉther。 was lots of pape「Ⅳork concerned in
nloving th(E;bikes from Qne country to another。 But glving out the bikes takes a litue longer g1ven
thar Lesswalk1盯 ants to make sure that the bikes go,for free,to the students who need th(∶ ulthe n1o9t
and Myanmar has a population of0ver50Π lilhon people and nlore than nin0Ⅱ li11ion studehts。 The
pηject忆 worbng with Myanma`s governmeht and叩 hool systems to focus on poor students w时 hng
bng distances a oay to school。
Than hopes to bⅡ ng in as many as100,000bikes ahd expand the∶ progran1tQ Other countries
like Laos an-CambQdia。 Than is also hopeful that he can ins。ire“ global fri。 nds” to follow him to
put the abandoned b小 es to work,instead of creating yet more urban waste。
24.How many modiflcations does LessWalk do to the bikes? j
A。 2。 B。 3。 ·
C。 4。 D。 5。
25.1Vhy does it take l。 nger to donate the recycled bikes?
A.shⅡphg tho bi-es诒 so由 |[l【 licut· ’
C。 The bikes need packing carefully。
A。 Amhtious。
C。 We11ˉ experienced。
27.What can be a suitable title for tho text?
A。 R。ir11ioval of Urban Rubbish
C。 Benests beyρ nd the Cost
B。 There’re too!11r1any poor students。
D。 Targeted bike donation is needed。
“。Which can be哎 describe Tllan‰ n Wh as山 e leader of the pη 卜ct?
B。 Enco讧raged。 '
D。 Nature-loving。
B。 Recycle。 f Donated Bikes ·
D。 students’ New Ⅴehicles '
C ˇ
Them飞 a Woll-known story ih the wodd of hterary tmnslators a-o刂 tlle tmFshtor who1oras
thrilled to∞ eh、 w⒍k芭ppear at bqea!len£ ;to in an art忆 le in a popul(1r mag卩 zine。 He had transl:1ted
nl直ny novels-y a httle-known scJndinavian novehζ t,who he beheved had been ignored and no!
re∞ived the甜tenton σ pmise山 e novd泅 desewed。 He had devoted much time to try⒒ g砧 get t卜 is
novehst some recognition。 The a⒒ iclo agreed with his assesoment of the novdist飞 works mentioning
long pass直ges f1· om his translations。
But something was lllissing。 The translator searched in vain for a:mention of his nanle。 It didn’ t
appear anywhe℃ 。The transl扭ors joy。 t the· covefage(报 道)of the author he hked wβ s
∞nsⅡerably mined by thh。 He felt that he h,mself slloulcl have had some re∞ gnition in the adide。
It was as if the translator did not exist,and all the effo⒒ s he had made had nevgr happened。
M0st people would agree that it was wFOng of the maga犭 ne not to mention the tranda!or。
However,it is also true that most” aders· 山emselves opemte in o攴 |ctly tlle· mme Way,aid for them
it is also as if the translator didn1exist。 17hen oeople read a"叼 1n4ation。f a novel,they want to feel
they are reading What the n。 vehst,and not someone else,`ˇ rote。 They do。 飞want to be reΠlinded that
they are not reaⅡ ng,and would not be able to read,the oⅡ 臣nd novd cre耐 ed by the novdist,not
Ⅵ汀shing to know who the translator lvas or pay any attention to what they have done。 ‘
∷ 英语试题第4页 (共 8页 )In this global age,【 uo1o(≥ and叩 oIn∈,works of sction a!Ⅱ(,beihg trmslated into n⒗re and m¤ ⒃
lm驷ages。 R()tatle竭 are noW abk to expeⅡ ence ancl u叫 ersIantl dher cultures mo忆 thm ever throu酗
the reading of translated novels。 So the works of Ⅱnore and more novehsts can reach people in other
pa⒒ s of the worlcl。 This applies not only to new novels but also to伽 ∞h tmnsl乱 ions of。 ld cl乩 gcs。
2s.Wh甜 can we khoW about the translator in Paragmph1?
A。 hⅡ s。piniρn was sha1·ed by the magazine。
B。 The novehst飞 works were his favouⅡ te。
C q He ofteh sent articles t。 th。 maga犭 ne。
D。 The n。veli⒍ got忆mρ us with hiβ help。
29.How did the translator fee11盯 hen he looked closely at the adhole in the maga民 ine?
J∫lL.Regdful。 B。 Proud。 c。 Upset。
30.What is the third para罗aph mⅡ nly abou田
A。 The cont1r|ibutions of novel translators。
B。 The general Ⅰ彐ittitude,towards translators。
C。 The readers’ different tastes in literature。
D。 The ihportance of reading ori臣 nal works。
31.1Vhat does the authof stress1盯 hen talking about the global age?
A。 The shoⅡage of able novel transl引 brs。
B。 The number of readers of or圪 “al wσ ks。
C。 The· value of novels in different countries。
D。 The variety of‘ ction avaⅡable to readers。
D。 skeptica1.
Qn z3Julle2016,UK(U“ tecl⒗ ngdom)adults:uade a hi哎 oⅡc decision。 More山 m33mⅡ ior1·
peρpleˇoted for the.UK to leave the European U耐 on(EU)。 In the refeⅡ hdu品 ,the result was山at
around52%of them-△ ust over half-voted to leave the罗 oup of28countHes。 This is called B昭 凭讠氵
luade up t0descHbe the“ Brhish Exit” 。No counhγ had eVer l。 ft the EU before,so Brexit was a
signiRcant rLloment in Eulopean hist0叩 。
After UK and EU leade几 had lots of hard negotiations about how Bre攴 it would work,on22mI,
Jalluary,2020,Wedne叫叮 ,the BⅡ tish Pa曲 ament EnaⅡ y aporoved aη agreemellt about the Urs
dhoⅡhg the EU,wh忆 h Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ agreed to on Thursday。 The de破 was expected沆 pas。
Ⅱ dle Eur。 pean Padiament the next week。 If everything went wqll,dle UK would leave the EU on
Janualy31′ ,2020。 It did! The UK f1naⅡy and offlcially len the Eu at Il pm on this day,ending a
process that began th1℃ e and a half years before。 PFime Minister BoⅡ s Johnson and Bre攵 it 勤ns
celebrated with srewo球 s and big parties。 For m。ny they。 械led it the UK’s Independence Day。 For
many othe1Γ廷。in the UK,it mp∞ sented theˉ ⒒nd stage。f something they fought hard to pmvent,Now
the deal has been signed and Britain has leR,but it doesn’ t mean the lifo in BⅡ tain wⅡ l change
suddenly。 Unti1 31st Decen1ber 2020,freedom of movement wⅡ l continue and this nleans UK
citi卩 ens wⅡl have thQ righl to live and work in the EU。 、
Making things even more diJlficult is the f11ct that the next cha11enge ρf Brexit has arrlVed。 The
L丨 K and EU now have al:uost one year to work out the detaⅡ s of the relationship they will have in
the future。 卜1ahy experts express their colnmon concern that making these neW agree” ents will go
through the mme exper忆nce as the oHJnal Bre姑 t ded。
32.ηVhat does the underlined woid‘ ‘referenduⅡ l∶
’ in Para⒏aph1 mean?
A。 Explanation∶ B。 Ⅴt,te。 C。 Deal。
英语试题第5页 (共 8页 )
D。 statement。33.What day was it when thρ UK left t11e EU on⒏ cially?
A。 Tuesday。 B。 Wednesday。 C。 Thursday。 D。 Friday。
34.What can We say about Brexit? ··
A。 It was an extremdy diⅢ cult· p1Γ】c)cess。 B。 It,is a great victory for威 l UK people。
C。 It means a te1nporary loss for the EU。 D。 It brings UK pe0ple a new life overnight。
35.What is the expeltr attitude tolvards BⅡ ex⒒飞next work? .
A。 Ambiguoug。 B。 ConJ:ident: C。 W℃rⅡ ed。 D。 Cautious。
第二节 (共 5小题;每 小题2分 ,满 分10分 )
根据短文内容,从 短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多
It is not diⅢ cult to pFpare for exams。 , ,
You should review your notes regularly。 Eve】 f∶
one of you has formed the habit of taking notes。
However that’ s not enough。 Make sure b revieW and expand upon your t)lass。 notes regularly
throughout the!em· ~ˉ36
Don’ tc乩m(突击备考)at the l宙 哎second。 Evidence shows th狨 students experience decliⅡ ng
retums乩 theh effoⅡ s when they attempt to哎 udy for four and sve hours st壬 ai宫ht.sQ yot1shouldn’ t
be re访 eψing the n圯ht before the exam because you wⅢ wak♀ up tired。 37 0b访 ously,it?s not
w0皮h the cost。 ˉ
You should also complete.a mock(穆 鼍羽以)te哎 。If you complete it3-4days before an exam,
y。r11then know where to focus your stud” ng. 38 F¢ your ev。 ry su砀 ect,try answeHng a
couple of potent⒈ d questons on a timed,d∞ ed book o灬 is and seρ how you do.Anot|er⒍ mple way
to conduct a mock test is to ask a f1iend or a class血ate to give you an oral quiz`based on contents
in the textbook9or in your notes。
39 A group study sess0n“ a fant灬tic model to re说 ew and compare notes,ask。 ach oth¢
questons,expl葫 n ideas to one another,and discuss th占 diⅢ cult concepts。 To focus on the” ’c,do
set an agenda and a speci伍 c tirrlo framo for your group study session。 · ·
40 The best壬 ood for the brain is sleep,so you11need enough sleep duHng exan1ti:nes。
Try and gd good quality deep。 Don℃ deep雨 th your books all cDv甲 your bed or诵 th hgh“ ,mus忆 or
the、computer on。 . ˇ
A。 How can you snish this step? ·
B。 Make sure to get plenty of sleep。 、
C。 Make your room cρ lr10Ifortable while sleeping。 ·
· D。 Find a group of dθ ssm出es with whom to study.
E。 If so,you will not be able to focus during the exam。
F。 Organize a study group before Qxams to discuss your notes。
G。 Making go。 d use of your nρ tes wⅡ l leaψ e you well-prepared at exan1tirne。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满 分笱分)
第-节 (共 ⒛小题;每 小题1.5分 ,满 分3O分 ) ,
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B