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2020 届上海市高考英语口语测试模拟试题 Test 1 I.SPEAKING Section A Directions: Read aloud the following two sentences. For each sentence, you will have thirty seconds to prepare and fifteen seconds to read. 1.You must bring your application form back to school tomorrow. 2.Instead of trying to change something you can't change, focus your energy on changing something that is within your control. Section B Directions: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Treating diseases by bathmg4ias-been-popular for centuries. For many years, frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s health and was avoided. By the 18th century, doctors began to say that soap and water were good for people to be clean. In the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night became common. Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases. Consequently, in the United States people generally bathe often. They consider a daily bath essential to good health. Section C Directions: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation. Questions 1—2: You are asked to look after your uncle's cat while he is away on a tour. Ask him about the job. Question 1: Question 2: Questions 3—4: Your classmate has just come back from a painting exhibition. Ask him two questions about the exhibition. Question 1: Question 2: Section D Directions: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk in at least five sentences about the following pictures. Begin your talk with the sentence given: It was late at night. II. LISTENING AND SPEAKING Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear four sentences. Make quick responses to the sentences you have heard. l.________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read twice. After you hear the passage, answer the first question with the information you hear and the second question in your own opinion with at least 3 sentences. For the first question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to talk. For the second question, you will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk . Questions: 1.Besides the lack of proper time management skills, what are the other two reasons that students delay doing what they should be doing? 2.What’s our way to manage time? 录音内容 II. LISTENING AND SPEAKING Section A 1. Do you have a good park around here to recommend? 2. I’ve just gotten my exam results. I failed. 3. I still haven’t decided what to get my brother for Christmas. 4. Jane, why not go out for a meal tonight? Section B Listen to the following speaker talking about not doing things on time. Following a schedule and doing things on time is extremely important in today's busy world. Unfortunately, not everyone is very good at doing this. Many people put off doing things that they need to until it's too late. Students will often put off studying for a test or writing an important paper until the night before. According to recent studies, there are three main reasons that students behave in this way. First, many have poor time management skills and often try to do too much in too little time. In the end, these students often feel overburdened and will put off doing many things they need to. Another reason is that they feel a subject is boring or because they have difficulty concentrating on an assignment. These students will often avoid doing something because they don't like it. A third reason that many students put off doing things is that they are very anxious about doing assignments well enough. These students often worry that their work will never be as good as it should be and fear failure of any kind. Unfortunately, trying to do everything perfectly can often cause these students to put off doing any work at all. Questions: 1.Besides the lack of proper time management skills, what are the other two reasons that students delay doing what they should be doing? 2.What’s our way to manage time? 2020 届上海市高考英语口语测试模拟试题答案 推荐答案 I.SPEAKING Section C Questions 1~2: 1.How often should I feed the cat a day? 2.What should I do if the cat doesn’t feel well? Questions 3-4 3. Is the painting exhibition far away from here? 4. What do you think of the painting exhibition? Section D It was late at night. Most people were already sleeping, but a dog kept barking outside Mr. Li’s house. He was awakened and felt so much annoyed that he picked one of his shoes up and threw it at the dog. The dog felt surprised while being ...hit by the shoe. It turned 'round to see where the shoe came from. Suddenly, the dog seemed to find out what happened. So it picked up the shoe and ran up to the window of Mr. Li's house. It seemed that it wanted to return the shoe to Mr. Li. Seeing that, Mr/ Li was completely awake and at a loss.II. LISTENING AND SPEAKING Section A 1.There's one around the corner of the street. / Sorry, the park is far away from here. 2.I'm sorry to hear that. / Take it easy. 3.Why not get him a tie? / He'll be pleased for anything you buy for him. 4.That's a good idea. / Good. I know a nice Japanese restaurant nearby. Section B 1.Students feel a subject is boring or because they have difficulty concentrating on an assignment. Students are very anxious about doing assignment well enough. 2.Usually, every morning, I will make a plan for what to do in a day. I will choose to do what is urgent and important first. But sometimes I can't help surfing the Internet while doing some boring things. It leads to my failing in accomplishing my plan. 评分标准答题分析 I.SPEAKING Section A 朗读部分评分标准:(每题 1 分,共 2 分) 1 分 能流利朗读命给的句发音清楚;语音语调节奏正确;能正确处理句子重音、意 群停顿;并熟练掌握连读、失爆等朗读技巧。 0.5 分 能基本读出所给的句子,语音语调有错误,但不影响理解。 0 分 不能朗读或朗读'时错误严重,以致所读内容无法理解。 Section B 朗读部分评分标准;(共 2 分) 2 分 能流利朗读所给的段落;发音清楚;语音语调节奏正确;能正确处理句子重音、 意群停顿、语气转换;并熟练掌握连读、失爆等朗读技巧。 1 分 能以正常语速朗读所给的段落,语音语调有错误,但不影响理解。 0 分 不能朗读或朗读时错误严重,以致所读内容无法理解。学生在朗读部分出现的问题主要包括: 1. 部分多音节单词不能正确朗读,如 Section A 第一句中的“application”及 Section B 第 二段中的“frequency”,主要体现为发音不正确重音位置不正确。Section A 卖错一个单 词扣 0.5 分,Section B 如读错 3 个以上单词扣 1 分。 2. 部分单词虽然音节不多,但由于受其他单词发音的影响也不能正确朗读,如将 Section B 中的关键词 “bathe” 读成 “bath”。 3. 不能合理运用“连读”、“失爆”等发音规则。如果这样的错误影响听众的理解,Section A 及 Section B 分别扣 0.5 及 1 分 4. 不能根据意群合理停顿:如有部分学生在朗读 Section B 第一段最后一句时,习.惯 性地在“on Saturday”后停顿。如果这样的错误影响听众的理解,Section A 及 Section B 分别扣 6.5 及 1 分。 Section C (每题 2 分,一个问题一分,共 4 分) 情景提问部分评分标准: 1 分 能对所给的情景进行提问,内容恰当,问句结构正确。 0.5 分 提问基本符合情景要求,但语言结构有错误。 0 分 不能提问或提问不符合情景要求。 (注:1.对同一情景问两个一般疑问句,第二个问题得 0.5 分;2.两个问题针对同 一信息, 第二个问题得 0.5 分;3.问两个特殊疑问句不扣分。) 学生在情景提问部分出现的问题主要包括: 1. 所提的问题与題目要求无关,如 Questions 1~2 要求学生就“照顾小猫”这个话题向舅 舅提问,但有部分学生的问题是“When are you away on a tour?”,与题目的要求完全不符。 扣 1 分。 2. 所提的两个问题都是一般疑问句,但题目要求至少有一个问题是特殊疑问句。 扣 0.5 分。 3. 所提的两个问题针对同一个信息点,只是形式不同而已。如有学生在针对 Question 3-4 的情景进行提问时,他们的问题为“Is it interesting?”和“ what do you think of it?”很明 显,这两个问题都是在询问对方对画展的看法。扣 0.5 分。 Section D看图说话部分评分标准:(3 分) 3 分 能有条理地、完整地叙述一个主题,内容与图片相符;表达清楚,叙述 连贯流畅; 语言结构和用词符合交际要求;语音正确。 2 分 能较连贯地叙述一个主题,内容基本与图片相符;语言结构与用词有错误,但不影 响整段意义的表达与理解;语音基本正确。 1 分 能讲述&句,但主题不清楚,内容不连贯,与图片关系不大,叙述中大多数语言结 构混乱,用词不正确;语音错误严重,使人珪解困难。 0 分 没有答题或答题内容与图片内容无关。 学生在看图说话部分出现的问題主要包括: 1:不能正确理解图意。被离题情况酌情扣分,如完全与图片内容无关不得分。 2.木能用恰当的语言进行表达,.如将“The dog was barking.”说成“The dog was shouting.”。如这样的错误较多,以致影响听众的理解,视影响程度扣 1--2 分。 3.表达不够生动,仅仅只是将四副图的主要内容用简单的句子说一遍。扣 1 分。 II, LISTENING AND SPEAKING Section A 快速应答部分评分标准: (每题 1 分,共 4 分) 1 分 能对所给的情景进行应答,内容正确,且基本符合英语表达习惯。 0.5 分 应答内容正确,语言表达有些错误。 0 分 应答内容不正确。 学生在快速应答部分出现的问题主要包括: 不能理解问句的真正功能,只是从形式上来考虑如何应答。如第一题,该问句要 求应 答者推荐一个公园,因此应答最好是给予相应的建议,但有些学生仅仅只是 从该问句 的形式出发,错误地认为这是一个简单的一般疑问句,用“Yes”或者 来回答。_又如第 三题,这句话可以理解为表 fc•种焦急的情绪,也可以是 征求意见,因此应答可以是对 说话者的安慰或给予建议,但有些学生仅仅以“I’m sorry to hear that.”来作答。这样的作 答均不能得分。. Section B 听短文回答问题部分评分标准:(共 2 题,第一题 2 分,第二题 3 分,共 5 分) Question 1 (2 分) 2 分 能根据题目要求进行回答;内容切题、完整;语言基本正确。 1 分 尚能根据题目要求进行回答;内容不完整;语言虽有错误,但不影响理解。 0 分 不能根据题目要求进行回答。 Question 2 (3 分).: 3 分 能连贯流畅地表达思想;内容切题;语言正确。 2 分、基本能连贯完整地表达思想;能针对题目谈话;语言虽有错误,但不影 响理解。 1 分 不能连贯完整地表达;语言错误较多,使人理解闲难 0 分 没有答题或答题内容与试题无关。 ° 学生在听短文回答问题部分出现的问题 主要包括: 1. 在回答第一个问题时未能从文中提取与问题相关的信息,.如回答上文第一个问 another reason 与 a third reason 这些关键词来获得信息,而误答为“these students often feel overburdened”;如两个信息都未答出扣 2 分。 2. 在回答第二个问题时没有根据题意作答,脱离自身实际,不谈自己如何安排掌控时间, 而是泛泛而谈学生应该如何合理安排时间。在原有得分基础上扣 1 分。

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