译林版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Unit 1

译林版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Unit 1


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1 译林版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案 Unit 1 第二卷 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项填空。(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) (  )21. —Amy,it's 10:00 p. m. It's time to go to bed now. —OK,____, Mum! A. good morning B. good afternoon C. good evening D. good night (  )22. Daniel is ____ Canada,and he's good ____ English. A. in;from B. from;at C. in;in D. at;from (  )23. Sandy's hair ____ black and long. A. are B. is C. am D. / (  )24. —Is this your dog? —No. Tom is its ____. A. driver B. master C. worker D. teacher (  )25. —Which ____ are you in,Li Lei? —I'm in ____ 4. A. Class;class B. Class;Grade C. class;grade D. class;Class (  )26. —____? 2 —My name's Kitty. A. How old are you B. What are you C. What's your name D. How are you (  )27. —____ Amy come from the USA? —No, she ____ from Canada. A. Is; come B. Does; come C. Is; comes D. Does; comes (  )28. Lily likes playing ____, and Lucy likes playing ____. A. football; piano B. the football; piano C. the football; the piano D. football; the piano (  )29. Could you please tell me how ____ to the park? A. get B. gets C. to get D. getting (  )30. —This is a good book,right? —Yes,it is. I love ____ it. A. reading B. looking C. meeting D. doing 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) A Jason is an American __31__. He is thirteen. He lives __32__ his family in China. There are __33__ people in his family:his father William Smith, his mother Cathy, his little sister Anna and Jason. His father is a doctor. He works in a __34__. His mother is a housewife. She always does __35__ at home. Jason and his __36__ go to the same school. Jason can't __37__ Chinese well, __38__ he loves Chinese very much. He loves all his 3 __39__ at school. Jason has a lovely dog named(取名) Gigi. Anna likes __40__ with Gigi. (  )31. A. girl B. boy C. dog D. children (  )32. A. in B. at C. on D. with (  )33. A. two B. three C. four D. five (  )34. A. hospital B. school C. factory D. farm (  )35. A. homework B. housework C. sports D. reading (  )36. A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister (  )37. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk (  )38. A. and B. so C. but D. or (  )39. A. lessons B. students C. books D. pens (  )40. A. eating B. studying C. working D. playing B I am a student. I have a good e­friend. His name is Tony. He is from __41__. He lives in a small town near London. He is in Class 4, Grade 7. He and his classmates are learning __42__ in their school. His Chinese teacher's name is Wang Lan. She is very nice. She comes from Beijing. Tony has some good friends. __43__ of Tony's friends is Jimmy. Jimmy is tall and he __44__ black hair. He is good at __45__ basketball. He is __46__ the school basketball team. He plays basketball after school every day. Tony's sister is Mary. She __47__ a yellow dress sometimes. She can __48__ Chinese well. She is a short and beautiful girl __49__ glasses. She likes swimming very much. She is a member (成员) of the Swimming Club. Mary is friendly and __50__. Tony and his friends all like her. 4 (  )41. A. America B. England C. China D. Japan (  )42. A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. French (  )43. A. The one B. Two C. They D. One (  )44. A. has B. have C. is D. are (  )45. A. doing B. playing C. making D. taking (  )46. A. of B. at C. in D. for (  )47. A. puts on B. wearing C. be in D. wears (  )48. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk (  )49. A. for B. with C. on D. in (  )50. A. hard B. well C. strong D. helpful 七、补全对话。(每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多 余选项。 A:Excuse me, are you Sam? B:Yes, I am. 51. ________ A:My name is Bob. B:52. ________ A:Nice to meet you, too. 53. ________ B:No, I'm not. 54. ________ Where are you from? A:I'm from Shanghai. 55. ________ B:Thank you. A. How do you do? B. I'm in Class 4. C. Welcome to Shanghai. D. Are you from England? E. What's your name? F. I'm from the USA. G. Nice to meet you. 5 八、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) A Lily lives with her family in Beijing. Now she is talking about her family in English in class. The man is my father. He is 40 years old. He is from Guangzhou. He is a good cook. He likes watching films. This is my mother. She is 39 years old. She is from Beijing. She is a policewoman. She is good at kung fu(功夫). This is my brother Mike,an eleven­year­old boy. He is short. He likes playing computer games,and he always wears glasses. He is good at Chinese, but his English is not good. (  )56. How many people are there in Lily's family? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. (  )57. What is Lily's father good at? A. Swimming. B. Singing. C. Cooking. D. Kung fu. (  )58. What's Lily's mother? A. She is a teacher. B. She is a doctor. 6 C. She is a student. D. She is a policewoman. (  )59. What does Mike look like? A. He is short. B. He is slim. C. He is tall. D. He is heavy. B My name is Liu Ming. I am from Guangzhou, China. I am twelve. I am in Grade 7. I have short hair and big eyes. I am tall and slim. I play too many computer games, so I wear glasses. I like listening to music very much. My name is Mary. I am thirteen years old. I was born in America but I live in Tianjin now. I am in Grade 8. I am short and strong. I like sports very much. I like football. I play it for half an hour after school every day. I want to be a football player. (  )60. What grade is Liu Ming in? A. In Grade 6. B. In Grade 7. C. In Grade 8. D. In Grade 9. (  )61. What does Liu Ming like doing? A. Playing football. B. Playing volleyball. C. Listening to music. D. Reading. (  )62. How old is Mary? A. 11. B. 12. C. 13. D. 14. (  )63. How long does Mary play football every day? A. For half an hour. B. For an hour. C. For two hours. D. For three hours. C 7 My name is Kelly. I am a student. I live with my parents ,two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English at No. 6 Middle School. I study at the same school. I like my new school and the classmates. Because they are very kind to me. They like to play with me. I have blue eyes and long blonde(金色的) hair. So they often say I look like a doll. And I speak English well,so lots of students like to talk with me to improve(提高)their English. (  )64. What are Kelly's parents? A. Doctors. B. Teachers. C. Farmers. D. Workers. (  )65. Why does Kelly like her new school? A. Because it is very big. B. Because it is very beautiful. C. Because the classmates are kind to her. D. Because the teachers are good. (  )66. What colour are Kelly's eyes? A. Blonde. B. Black. C. Blue. D. Yellow. (  )67. Why do the students like to talk with Kelly? A. Because Kelly is a beautiful girl. B. Because Kelly's English is very good. C. Because Kelly is very interesting. D. Because Kelly is great. D Dear Alice, 8 Thank you for telling me about your best friend. In this letter I will tell you about mine. Her name is Trudy. Trudy has long dark brown hair and blue eyes. She is the same age as me, but a little taller. We are classmates. We always go home together after school and play computer games for an hour. Trudy is learning to play the piano. I am learning to play the flute(笛子). We practise(练习) together every day. Sometimes Trudy stays in my house for a night,or I stay in her house. We always have a good time. Do you ever stay in your best friend's house for a night? Write soon. Yours, Lily (  )68. Who is Lily's best friend? A. Trudy. B. Alice. C. Daisy. D. Mary. (  )69. What is Trudy's hair like? A. Long and green. B. Long and dark brown. C. Short and dark. D. Short and brown. (  )70. When do Trudy and Lily play computer games? A. Before school. B. At the weekend. C. At night. D. After school. (  )71. What do Trudy and Lily practise every day? A. Writing letters. B. Using the computer. C. Playing the piano and the flute. D. Staying in the house. 9 (  )72. Who writes the letter? A. Alice. B. Trudy. C. Jenny. D. Lily. E 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。 My name is Eric. I am 12. I'm a boy with glasses. My birthday is on 12th October. I am from America. I'm in Class 3,Grade 7. I'm learning Chinese at school. My Chinese teacher's name is Wang Hao. I like music. Here are some of my friends. Jimmy is tall and he has black hair. He likes basketball and is good at playing basketball. He is a member(成员)of the Basketball Club(俱乐部). May is short and she wears glasses and a yellow dress. She likes English very much and speaks English very well. Sally is an African(非洲的)girl. She has short hair. She likes swimming. She is the best swimmer in the swimming team. 73. When is Eric's birthday?(不超过 5 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 74. What does Jimmy look like?(不超过 10 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 75. Where does Sally come from?(不超过 5 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 九、单词拼写。(每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 76. How many s (学生)are there in your class? 77. My new classmate wears a pair of g (眼镜). She is very kind to me. 78. E (每一个人)likes Mr Zhou's English lessons. 79. I am g (高兴的)to meet my new friend,Jim. 10 80. Tom's h (业余爱好)are reading and playing football. 十、书面表达。(20 分) 以“My good friend-Amy”为题,写一篇 60 词左右的短文。 要点提示: 1. Amy 12 岁,留着又长又黑的头发,来自北京,现在和父母一起住在上海; 2. Amy 又高又苗条,看上去讨人喜欢,不戴眼镜; 3. Amy 擅长画画,喜爱舞蹈; 4. Amy 擅长所有功课; 5. Amy 在学校有许多好朋友,他们都对她很好。 My good friend-Amy _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 五、21. D 解析:10:00 p. m. 为晚上 10 点,“good night 晚安”,故选 D。 22. B 解析:本题考查 be from 来自哪里,be good at 擅长,故选 B。 23. B 24. B 解析:本题考查 master,意为“主人”。故选 B。 11 25. D 解析:用“Class/Grade+基数词”表示具体几班或几年级,class 和 grade 首字母都要大写,故选 D。 26. C 解析:情景交际,根据回答“我叫 Kitty”应问“What's your name?” 你叫什么名字,故选 C。 27. D 解析:问对方来自哪里用 come from 或 be from,问句中已有 come from,且题中 Amy 为第三人称单数故用助动词 does 来构成一般疑问句, 第二空主谓要保持一致,故选 D。 28. D 29. C 30. A 六、A)31~35:BDCAB 36~40:DBCAD B)41~45:BCDAB 46~50:CDABD 七、51~55:EGDFC 八、A)56~59:BCDA  B)60~63:BCCA  C)64~67:BCCB  D)68~72:ABDCD E)73. On 12th October. 74. He is tall and he has black hair. 75. She comes from Africa. 九、76. students  77. glasses  78. Everyone  79. glad  80. hobbies 12 十、One possible version: My good friend—Amy Amy is 12 years old. She has long and black hair. She comes from Beijing. She lives in Shanghai with her parents now. Amy is tall and slim. She looks lovely and doesn't wear glasses. Amy is good at drawing,and she likes dancing. She is good at all the subjects. She has many good friends at school. They are all nice to her.

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