训练04 读后续写示例与写作训练4-2021年新高考英语读后续写&概要写作能力提升训练

训练04 读后续写示例与写作训练4-2021年新高考英语读后续写&概要写作能力提升训练


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读后续写示例与写作训练 4 【写作示例】 【原文呈现】 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband , Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children as we would go there when he made everything settled. During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He almost got lost in those unfamiliar blocks. When he came back in the late afternoon, he discovered that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport. For a while, he was overwhelmed with depression with no one to turn to. He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in a strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one. Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath. My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend. My husband was so excited about the return of the suitcase. Meanwhile, the kindness of this family made him feel that this place could be a new start, a new home for a brand new life. 注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2. 应使用 5 个以上短文标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。 Paragraph 1: In order to thank this family,… _______________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: A few weeks later, my children and I arrived in Sydney. _______________________________________________________________________________ 【思维路径】 [核心内容] 文本主要内容为:主人公 Rashid 来到陌生的城市悉尼,打算找房子开始他的新生活。 然而他的手提箱却意外丢失,包括里面所有的重要文件,他向警方报案,在这座陌生城市他 感到孤独和无助。幸运的是,最后手提箱被一个善良的家庭捡到,并顺利回到 Rashid 手中。 [写作思路] (1)明确故事人物关系(characters)。故事中主要人物为 Rashid,捡到旅行箱的热心 家庭。 (2)理清故事主要事件(events)。Rashid 来到陌生城市准备找房子安顿下来;结果意外 丢失其重要的旅行箱;旅行箱被当地一户善良的人家捡到,失而复得。 (3)根据已知人物、事件及续写段落首句预测故事发展(development)。故事总体的 发展应该是主人公 Rashid 为了表示对这户家庭的感谢晚上请他们一家在餐馆吃饭,同时也 聊到了 Rashid 的经历以及在陌生城市的迷惘和无助。这户人家在知道了 Rashid 的事情之后,决定帮助 Rashid 找房子,同时帮助他熟悉街区,一来一往之后,Rashid 和他们成为了挚友。 几个星期之后,Rashid 的妻子和孩子也来到了悉尼,他们的房子已经定下来,开启了他们人 生的一段新旅程。 (4)结合下划线词罗列写作要点(points)。结合下划线词和文本内容,展开尽可能丰 富的想象,罗列出尽可能多的故事发展情节。例如,第一段可以通过问以下问题来获取写作 要点“According to the story, what would Rashid do to thank this family? How could he find his house?等”第二段可以问以下问题来获取写作要点:“What would happen when Rashid’s family came to Sydney? Would they have a new life in this unfamiliar city, why?等” [参考范文] In order to thank this family, Rashid invited them to a dinner in a nearby restaurant. Rashid told them he was a newcomer in this city and wanted to find a house to settle down here waiting for his family to join him. “When I found out that my suitcase was missing, I was disappointed and hopeless. Thank you sincerely for your help. What a timely assistance for me! ” Rashid said. This family could have chosen to ignore this suitcase. However, they didn’t. They found out the owner out of their kindness and turned this trash into a treasure. “You are welcome, Rashid. I heard that there are some houses for sale in my neighborhood. I can show you around, if you’re interested.” Again, thanks to this kind family, Rashid found a sweet home. A few weeks later, my children and I arrived in Sydney. My husband had prepared a new home for us surrounded by kind neighbors. Though the beginning of the story was filled with terrible troubles, it worked out perfectly in the end. This family let us feel the warmth from this unfamiliar city. A small kindness can indeed make a difference.(除给定词外,160 words) [范文解析] 范文围绕文章的内容进行了合情合理的拓展。根据故事发展的线索,范文第一段将续写 Rashid 为了回报这个家庭的善举请他们在餐馆里。于是 Rashid 向他们叙说了自己的处境, 而捡到手提箱的家庭又一次帮助 Rashid 找到了住处。第二段,Rashid 的家人来到悉尼,而 此时,Rashid 已经安顿好了一切,虽然这个城市对他们来说仍旧陌生,但是他们相信这是一 个值得安家定居的地方因为当地人的善行。在故事的最后,再一次点名主题。[提炼归纳] 1. 合理拓展情节 读后续写首先要读通给定文本,把握故事的人物和事件。在此基础上根据提示对故事 的发展作出合情合理又合乎逻辑的预测。为了将预测过程显性化,可以通过设问的方式,将 预测重点以问题的方式显示出来,以利后续写作时的信息整理和语言组织。在该练习中,我 们通过 4 个问题来拓展并整理自己的写作思路,这 4 个问题以 Rashid 以及其家人为表达的 主体,问题之间有一定的逻辑联系,符合故事发展的合理结局。 2. 有效运用连接手段 在具体的写作过程中我们要对罗列的要点进行筛选和整合,还要考虑写作要点之间连接 手段(connectives)的有效运用,例如范文中我们用了 However,though 来说明事件的转折, again 表示 Rashid 再一次对这户家庭的感谢。这些连接词的使用可以使文本更加紧凑连贯。 【写作演练】 1.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写 的词数应为 150 左右。 I lay on my bed, legs leaning against the wall, desperately wishing my mother would call. But I remembered the last time I'd seen her, right before the train for Providence pulled out of the station, “You know how expensive it is to call,” she said, then hugged me tight and said good- bye. This was my first birthday away from home. I missed my mom, missed my sister, and most certainly missed the special pound cake my mother always made for my birthday. Since getting to college that year, I would watch jealously as the other freshmen received care packages from their parents on their birthdays--and even on ordinary days. Big boxes containing summer slacks and blouses, packages of M&M's and Snickers , things they needed and things they didn't. Instead of feeling thrilled about my upcoming eighteenth birthday, I felt empty. I wished my mom would send me something, too, but I knew that she couldn’t afford presents or the postage. She had done her best with my sister and me--raising us by herself. The simple truth was there just was never enough money. But that didn’t stop her from filling us with dreams. “You can be anything you want to be,” she would tell us. “Politicians, dancers, writers -- you just have to work for it; you have to get an education.” Thanks to my mom's sacrifices and big dreams, I’d made it to the Ivy League: Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. As I was recalling these things, my roommate joined me on the bed. “Hey. After we study, let's buy ice cream and cake.” I nodded, closed my eyes, and imagined the cake Mom would have made. Mmm. I could see the golden yellow of each of the twelve eggs, and I could almost smell the vanilla(香草) filling the house while the cake baked. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; Paragraph 1 As I daydreamed, there was a knock on the door. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 How had she managed to afford it? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2..阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写 的词数应为 150 左右。 Mr. Plumbean lived on a street where all the houses were the same. He liked it that way. So did everybody else on Mr. Plumbean's street. Then one day a seagull flew over Mr. Plumbean's house and made a big orange splot(斑块) on Mr. Plumbean's house. “Oh! Too bad!” everybody said. “Mr. Plumbean will have to paint his house again.” So Mr. Plumbean got some blue paint and some white paint, and that night he got busy. He painted at night because it was cooler. When the paint was gone, the roof was blue. The walls were white. And the big orange splot was still there. Then he got some more paint. He got red paint, yellow paint, green paint, and purple paint. In the morning the other people on the street came out of their houses. Their houses were all the same. But Mr. Plumbean's house was like a rainbow. It was like a jungle. It was like an explosion. There was the big orange splot. And there were little orange splots. There were stripes. There were pictures of elephants and lions and pretty girls and steam-shovels. That day Mr. Plumbean bought carpenter's tools. That night he built a tower on top of his roof, and he painted a clock on the tower. At night the next day Mr. Plumbean got a truck full of green things. He planted palm trees, baobabs , bushes, and onions. When the other people came out of their houses, they saw Mr. Plumbean swinging between two palm trees and Mr. Plumbean was drinking lemonade. Plumbean has gone too far! “Plumbean, what have you done to your house?” the people shouted. “My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams,” Mr. Plumbean said. The people went away. They asked the man who lived next door to Mr. Plumbean to go and have a talk with him. "Tell him that we all liked it here before he changed his house. Tell him that his house has to be the same as ours so we can have a neat street." 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。 Paragraph 1 The man went to see Mr. Plumbean that evening. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 Then, one by one, they went to see Mr. Plumbean, late at night. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写 的词数应为 150 左右。 I had been swimming competitively for five years and was ready to quit because I felt I was horrible at it. I was often the only African American at a swimming competition. I kept receiving “Honourable Mentions”. Any athlete knows that you don’t want to have a bookshelf full of “Honourable Mentions”, which you get just because you showed up. One summer day, the day before a big swim meet, I decided to break the news to my grandma that I was quitting the swim team. When I told her of my desire to quit swimming, she looked me into my face, saying firmly but warmly, “Baby, remember these words ‘Quitters never win and winners never quit.’ Your grandmother didn’t raise losers or quitters. You go to that meet tomorrow, and you swim like you are a grandchild of mine, you hear?” I was too afraid to say anything but “Yes, ma’am.” The next day we arrived at the swim meet late, missing my group of swimmers in the 15/16 age group. My coach insisted I be allowed to swim with the older group. I knew she was including me in the race so our long drive would not be wasted, and she had no expectations whatsoever that I would come in anything but eighth place and only that because there were not nine lanes. As I was mounting the board, all the other girls looked at me. I quickly noticed that these girls were here to do one thing—beat me! All of a sudden my grandma’s words rang in my head: “Quitters never win and winners never quit. You swim like you are a grandchild of mine. Quitters never win and winners never quit...” “Yes, grandma, I will swim like I am a grandchild of yours, ” I said to myself. Paragraph 1: SPLASH! I was swimming harder than I’d ever swum before. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Paragraph 2: Just then, cheers and claps overwhelmed me. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________ 4.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文, 续写 的词数应为 150 左右。 Mike licked the last of the mint chocolate chip ice cream. It was almost time to leave. He jumped into the car with his parents and headed off to the Olympic-sized pool for the big swim meet. When his race came up, Mike was confident. He was strong and swift. Mike climbed out the pool, smiling. He had just won first place, making him the fastest boy in his age group. “Congratulations, son, “ his father said. His mom gave him a hug, even though he was soaking wet.A week later, it was time for another swim meet. Like before, Mike decided to enjoy his favorite ice cream flavor. Mike remembered that the last time he had won a race, he also ate mint chocolate chip ice cream first. Maybe he’d win again. He took first place again in his race. Mike was feeling pretty good. As it turned out, Mike decided to have mint chocolate chip ice cream before every one of the next few swim meets. He began to think of it as his lucky charm. After several mouths of placing in the top positions of every race he swam, Mike was feeling unbeatable. And he wouldn’t admit it, but all that ice cream was adding a few pounds to his athletic swimmer’s build. It didn’t take long after that for Mike to start coming in second place---and then third---and then last place in his races. The lucky mint chocolate chip ice cream had lost its magic. On the day of his next swim meet, his mother sat down at the table with him. “Mike, we all love ice cream, bu it’s not healthy for your body to eat so much of it. Maybe it’s time to quit the sweet treats for a while, especially before you go swimming.” Mike unwillingly agreed. He went to the swim meet, and didn’t perform well. His father offered to go running with him a few days a week to help him feel better and strengthen his muscles. The extra weight soon disappeared, and Mike found himself breathing easier at swim practices. Paragraph 1: It was the last meet of the season, and Mike wasn’t sure what to expect. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 Finally came the end of the race. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________5.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整 的短文。 I would like to share an act of kindness, which I practice regularly and which gives me great joy. I always carry at least $ 10 in my car and also in my pocket. I save it for the first person who asks if I can “spare some change. Smiling at the person, I always respond very cheerfully with a comment like, “Yes, I would love to.” or “It would be my pleasure. “ And I give them the money. Then I replace it with my next $ 10 for the next person. I never spend this money myself. I think that it is the possession of the next person who asks for it. Ten dollars is a small amount, yet it means a lot to the person who expects it, especially when delivered with joy and respect to them. I also have taken to carrying things in my car, such as hats, socks, gloves and umbrellas, just in case someone needs them. Recently I put together some care packages for the homeless. It occurred to me that things like band-aids, toothpaste, aspirin, combs, as well as food and bottled water would be of use. I imagined that they would need things that are non - breakable, so I chose plastic or paper containers. The folks who received them were delighted. But I feel it’s not just that I give them things that matters. I always remember it is they who bless me with an opportunity to be kind. What a joy! 注意: 1.续写的词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 The idea of helping others this way came to me when I got similar help from a woman. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Interestingly enough, I often get something in return from the person I help. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________答案与解析 1.【参考范文】 Paragraph 1: As I daydreamed, there was a knock on the door. My roommate opened it to find a deliveryman asking for me. He handed her a large box, which she carefully placed on the desk near my bed. “Open it”. I did, and inside was a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. In icing were the words: “Happy Birthday, Sande! Love, Mom.” I was filled with excitement, as if Mom were right there hugging me close. Paragraph 2: How had she managed to afford it? I felt as if I were back at home with her, safe and secure while she sang and told me how much she loved having me in her life. I ran out to the hall and knocked on my dormmates’ doors. “Birthday cake,” I called. I cut cake for the students gathering in my room and watched their faces as they ate, because I didn't need to eat to feel both full and rich inside. 【解析】 第 1 步:根据提示可知,本文要求续写两段内容(我收到妈妈送我的生日蛋糕和我的感 受以及我和室友们一起分享的情节),注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;2.续写部分 分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好时态应为一般过去时。 第 2 步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如; deliveryman(送货员),carefully(小 心翼翼地),excitement(兴奋),secure(安全), hug(拥抱)及 gather(聚集)等。 第 3 步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第 4 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范 清晰,保持卷面的整洁美观。【范文点评】 范文语言地道,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级词汇和句式,高级 词汇有 be filled with(充满),run out(跑出去),as if (仿佛、好像),ask for sb(找某人)以 及 knock on(敲门),而且还使用了非限定性定语从句“He handed her a large box, which she carefully placed on the desk near my bed.”,状语从句“I was filled with excitement, as if Mom were right there hugging me close.”以及“I cut cake for the students gathering in my room and watched their faces as they ate, because I didn't need to eat to feel both full and rich inside.”,非谓语动词 “My roommate opened it to find a deliveryman asking for me.”,全文没有语法错误,上下句转 换自然流畅。 2.【参考范文】 Paragraph 1 The man went to see Mr. Plumbean that evening. They sat under the palm trees drinking lemonade and talking all night long. Early the next morning the man went out to get rope and nails and paint. When the people came out of their houses they saw a red and yellow ship next door to the house of Mr. Plumbean. “What have you done to your house?” they shouted at the man. “My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams,” said the man, who had always loved ships. Paragraph 2 Then, one by one, they went to see Mr. Plumbean, late at night. They would talk about their dreams. Whenever anybody visited Mr. Plumbean's house, the very next day that person would set about changing his own house to fit his dreams. Whenever a stranger came to the street, the stranger would say, “This is not a neat street.” Then all the people would say, “Our street is us and we are it. Our street is where we like to be, and it looks like all our dreams.” 【解析】 通过阅读所给文章可知,这篇文章主要讲了 Plumbean 先生按照自己的想法设计和改造 房子,使得街道看起来很不整洁,人们让 Plumbean 先生的邻居去劝说他。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:那天晚上,这个人去见了 Plumbean 先生,所以后 文应该是讲述这个人见到了 Plumbean 先生后,发生的事情,并且第二天这个人对自己的房 子进行了改变。第二段开头是:然后,他们一个接一个地在深夜去见 Plumbean 先生。本段 应该写同样的故事继续上演着,所有人都对自己的房子进行了改变。当有陌生人问起时,所 有的人都会异口同声地回答 Plumbean 先生经常说的话。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应 为 150 左右。 【范文点评】 本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:“My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams,” said the man, who had always loved ships.表语从句和非限制性定 语从句的运用;Whenever anybody visited Mr. Plumbean's house, the very next day that person would set about changing his own house to fit his dreams.时间状语从句的运用。 3.【参考范文】 SPLASH(扑通一声)! I was swimming harder than I’d ever swum before. As I drew my right arm back, I noticed I was tied with one person. I assumed we were battling for eighth place and I refused to finish dead last, so I added more kick on the last 200 yards. I hit the wall and looked to the left and to the right for the swimmers who had beat me, but no one was there. They must have gotten out of the water already. Just then, cheers and claps overwhelmed me. I raised my head to see my coach screaming hysterically. My eyes followed her pointing finger and I couldn’t believe what I saw. The other swimmers had just reached the halfway point of the pool! That day, at age 15, I broke the national 17/18­year­old 400­freestyle record. I hung up my honourable mentions and replaced them with a huge trophy. “Yes, grandma, you’re right. Quitters never win and winners never quit.” 【解析】 通过阅读所给文章可知,上文讲述了作者已经参加了五年的游泳比赛,准备退出,因为 觉得自己很糟糕。一个夏天的一天,在一个大型游泳比赛的前一天,作者把决定退出游泳队 的消息告诉了奶奶,结果奶奶让作者坚持下去。第二天作者和奶奶来到比赛地点,没有赶上作者 15/16 岁年龄组的游泳选手。教练坚持允许作者和年龄大一些的人一起游泳。当作者登 上跳板时,其他所有的女孩都看着自己。作者很快注意到这些女孩是来做一件事的——打败 自己!突然,奶奶的话在作者的脑海里回响:“放弃者永不成功,胜利者永不放弃。” 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:扑通一声!我游得比以前任何时候都努力。所以后 文应该是讲述作者比赛的经过和心理活动;第二段开头是:就在那时,欢呼声和掌声淹没了 我。本段应该写作者打破了 17/18 400 自由泳的全国纪录,以及作者获胜后的感想。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右。 【范文点评】 本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:add on,hysterically,honourable 等高级词汇;As I drew my right arm back, I noticed I was tied with one person.运用时间状语从 句;My eyes followed her pointing finger and I couldn’t believe what I saw.运用宾语从句等高级 句式。 4.【参考范文】 It was the last meet of the season, and Mike was not sure what to expect. He’d been training hard with his dad, and staying away from the rich desserts he enjoyed so much. He felt healthy again, but he didn’t know if he still had any speed in the pool.As he jumped into the water, he kicked his legs and stretched his arms as far as he could. He made the turn at the end of the lane perfectly, and was feeling strong. Whenever he came up for a breath, he could see he was gaining on the boy ahead of him in the next lane. Feeling determined to pass him, Mike found the power in his muscles to push ahead, and as his hand touched the edge of the pool, the race was over. Finally came the end of the race. His jaw dropped as he realized he had beaten his own best time, and everyone else’s too. Mike had won his race. The audience and his teammates cheered loudly, and his parents were grinning from ear to ear. “Hey champ, let’s go grab some of your favorite ice cream and celebrate!” said his father.“Thanks, Dad, but I’ll pass on the ice cream; it’s not such a lucky charm after all!” he said. 【解析】这是一篇读后续写类书面表达。前文记叙了迈克游泳比赛的表现。根据其内容和所给段 落开头语,续写两段,构成一篇完整的短文。 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知, 迈克以比赛前吃冰淇淋为幸运符, 开始时能获得第一名,之后导致成绩逐步下滑。放弃甜食后,也没有表现好。父亲同他一起 跑步,使他游泳时呼吸更加轻松。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:这是本赛季的最后一场比赛,迈克不知道该期待什 么。所以应该写比赛前他对自己的看法以及比赛时的表现:他一直在和父亲一起刻苦训练, 远离他非常喜欢的油腻甜点。他又恢复了健康,但他不知道自己在泳池里是否还有速度。当 他跳进水里的时候,他踢着他的腿,并把他的手臂尽可能地伸展。努力的进行比赛。第二段 开头是:比赛终于结束了。本段应该写比赛结束后迈克的成绩,以及结束后对自己取得的成 绩的感悟。要注意所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右。 【范文点评】 本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:stay away from,at the end of , come up 等高级词汇;省略关系词 that 的定语从句 He’d been training hard with his dad, and staying away from the rich desserts he enjoyed so much.,as 引导的时间状语从句 As he jumped into the water, he kicked his legs and stretched his arms as far as he could.等高级句式。 5.【参考范文】 The idea of helping others this way came to me when I got similar help from a woman. One day, I was shopping at a grocery store and when I went to pay for my groceries I discovered my wallet was gone. You can imagine how embarrassed I was then. Luckily, a woman, overhearing my problem, offered to pay my bill. I was so thankful and asked for her phone number so that I could pay back the money. “Don’t pay it back. Pay it forward,” the woman replied with a smile. That was when I decided to do something nice for whoever needs help. Interestingly enough, I often get something in return from the person I help. The other day, a young lady to whom I gave some change, asked if I could use a spare pair of gloves she had. So I accepted them for the next person who needs them. I was touched to see she wanted to give me something. In fact, she gave me more. She gave me a feeling of happiness that only those who are happy to show kindness to others can understand. 【解析】 通过阅读所给文章可知,文章主要为作者分享自己经常做的一件善事,它给了作者莫大 的快乐。作者总是在车里和口袋里至少带 10 美元,会把它留给第一个问“能不能给点零钱” 的人。对着别人微笑,作者总是非常愉快地回答说:“是的,我很乐意。”或者“这是我的荣 幸。”然后我给他们钱。作者还习惯在车里放一些东西,比如帽子、袜子、手套和雨伞,以 防有人需要。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:当我从一位女士那里得到类似的帮助时,我产生了 用这种方式帮助别人的想法。所以后文应该是讲述让作者有了这种善举的原因是,作者从一 个女士那里得到了类似的帮助,记叙故事发生的经过;第二段开头是:有趣的是,我经常从 我帮助的人那里得到一些回报。本段应该写作者是如何从自己帮助的人那里得到回报的。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右。 【范文点评】 本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:grocery store,pay for,ask for,in fact 等高级词汇;One day, I was shopping at a grocery store and when I went to pay for my groceries I discovered my wallet was gone.运用时间状语从句;She gave me a feeling of happiness that only those who are happy to show kindness to others can understand.运用定语从句等高级句式。

资料: 1.9万


