外研五上Module 7 Unit 1 He can’t see.练习题

外研五上Module 7 Unit 1 He can’t see.练习题


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Module 7 Unit 1 He can’t see. 一、将单词补充完整。 1.盲的 bl nd 2.聋的 d af 3.有用的 se ul 4.消防员 fi fighter 5.听到 h r 6.晚餐 di er 7.节目 sh 8.聪明的 c e er 9.可爱的 c t 二、选词填空。 A.blind B.hear C.last D.useful E.here ( )1.She can’t .She is deaf. ( )2.Dogs are .They can do a lot. ( )3.She can’t see. She is . ( )4. week,There was a fire. ( )5. is your dinner. 三、根据汉语补充句子。 1.有一个关于植物的电视节目。 There is a TV show . 2.他将来想当一名消防员。 He a firefighter in the future. 3.狗非常聪明,它们能帮很多忙。 Dogs are very .They can help . 4.这条狗帮助这个盲人。 The dog the man. 四、为句子选择相应的图片。 A B C D E ( )1.Here is your dinner, hot dogs. ( )2.My father is a firefighter . ( )3.The family is watching TV.( )4.Dogs can help the firefighters. ( )5.This man is blind. The dog helps him. 五、连词成句。 1.is,your,hot,here,dog(.) 2.we,sausages,some,can,have(?) 3.week,there,fire,was,last,a(.) 参考答案 一、1.i 2.e 3.u,f 4.re 5.ea 6.n,n 7.o,w 8.l,v 9.u,e 二、1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.E 三、1.about plants 2.wants to be 3.clever, a lot 4.helps, blind 四、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.D 五、1.Here is your hot dog. 2.Can we have some sausages 3.There was a fire last week.

资料: 3.6万


