《last weekend》公开课教学设计

《last weekend》公开课教学设计


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《last weekend》公开课教学设计 Teaching aims 1. Learn the new words, “watched TV、washed clothes、cleaned the room、played football、visited grandparents”. 2. Can talk with the sentences: What did you do? I…… . Teaching contents Let’s try Let’s talk Key and difficult points Students focus on learning the past tense verbs change suffix rules Teaching aids Recorder course-ware many teachers’ pictures computer English book photos Teaching Steps Teacher’s Activities Students’ activities Suggestions 1. Action show 1 )Chant:Book 6 Unit 6 what do you do on the weekends和Book 5 Unit 4 what can you do? 2)free talk: Teacher do and let the student guess the clauses of the actions, e.g. the teacher is washing clothes, the students say: wash the clothes. After review the verb phrases, teacher asks the students: What do you usually do on the weekend? … Then write the sentence on the blackboard. 2.Presentation T: What day is it today?(CAI present the word Saturday in the calendar, and ask the students.) Ss: It’s Saturday. T: Its the weekend. What do you do on Saturdays/the weekend? Ss: On Saturday/the weekend, I usually…. Then the teacher show the calendar again, show the last Saturday, and ask Ss. T: What was that day? Ss: It was the last Saturday. T: It was the last weekend. What did you do last weekend? Then the teacher can lead in the sentence: What did you do last weekend? Then write the sentence on the blackboard, and read it, then present the clause: watched TV、washed clothes and so on. According to the differences of the clause and sentences, Ss can learn the past tense verbs well, meanwhile they can distinguish the pronunciation like watched/t/,washed/t/,cleaned/t/,played/d/,visited/id/ 和/d/后加ed发/id/音。 Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. 3. Practice Teacher and students ask and answer: T: Who cleaned your room? Ss: I cleaned my room. T: Who washed your clothes? Ss: I washed my clothes. T: Who cooked a meal? Ss: I cooked a meal. T: Who watched TV? Ss: I watched TV. 4. Production After read the dialogue, the teacher can let the Ss answer the questions: What did Mike do last weekend? What did Grandpa do? How was their weekend? 5. Emotion Go out with your parents. Ss chant what do you do on the weekends. T: What’s this? Ss: wash the clothes. T:What do you usually do on the weekend? … … … Greeting S1: It’s Saturday. T: Its the weekend. What do you do on Saturdays/the weekend? Ss: On Saturday/the weekend, I usually…. T: What was that day? Ss: It was the last Saturday. T: It was the last weekend. What did you do last weekend? Then the teacher can lead in the sentence: What did you do last weekend? Ss: watched TV、washed clothes … …. watched/t/,washed/t/,cleaned/t/,played/d/,visited/id/ Listen to the tape twice and repeat. Ss: I cleaned my room. Ss: I washed my clothes. Ss: I cooked a meal. Ss: I watched TV. Answer the questions. Homework 1. Listen, read and practice the key word and sentences. 2. Listen and read the words on P14. Writing on blackboard Lesson 1 Unit 2 A What did you do? I watched TV、washed clothes、cleaned the room、played football、visited grandparents
