感恩父母,回报社会 英文演讲稿

感恩父母,回报社会 英文演讲稿


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Grateful parents give back to the society Judges, teachers The title of my speech today is "grateful parents, return to the society". Cherish life, give life more wonderful connotation. The poet zang kejia once said: "some people live, he has died, some people die, he is still alive. Therefore, we should learn to be grateful, only know how to be grateful people, will know how to pay, in order to make contributions to the motherland and society. We need to be grateful, because our parents have the grace to raise us, our teachers have the grace to educate us, our classmates have the grace to help us, the society has the grace to love us, the motherland has the truth to care about our grace world, we need everyone to be grateful. Anyone living in this world can not be separated from the help of others, can not be separated from our growth, if there is no father, mother, grandpa, grandma and the help of teachers, classmates, there is no growth of us. Therefore, we should have a grateful heart. A real person should not only honor his parents, respect teachers, help students, but also to help their own people, should express gratitude, should not be ungrateful. Cherish life, learn to be grateful. Thank our parents for giving us life. Whether handsome or ugly, rich or poor, strong or weak. There is no such thing as a flaming mountain as long as you live. Be grateful. "Be grateful to everyone around you, whether it's the people who helped you, the people who cared about you, the people who criticized you. These are all good memories from your short life." So, let's be a person who cherishes life and learns to be grateful!

资料: 6


