国旗下讲话稿:总结期中,奋力前行尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好,我是来自高二年级12杨xx,今天我国旗下演讲的题目是《总结期中,奋力前行》。 本学期期中考试的大幕已经落下,考试的风波却并没有平息,走过清晨的校园,依然会听到关于考试的对话,有人欢喜有人悲。 哲人说:如果错过星星时,你在哭泣,那么你也会错过月亮和太阳。其实,换个角度说,如果得到星星时,你在狂喜,那么你也必将会错过月亮和太阳将会错过月亮和太阳冷静的分析、坚持的行动,才是致胜的法宝毕竟,我们的目标在前方,而不在此处! 考试成绩不理想固然不是件值得庆贺的事,但是从另一个角度看,每一次考试之后,暴露出的问题越多,只要能够解决,那么下一次考试可能发生的意外就越少,所以,又何须自怨自艾,自我怀疑呢?以平和的心态面对成绩,考得好,高兴一两天也就过去了;考得不理想,更要尽快打起精神,迎接下一步的学习。 同学们,春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子,让我们携起手来,共同努力吧!我的演讲到此完毕,谢谢大家! 以下是英文演讲内容: Dear teachers and students: Good morning everyone, I am ZhangXinyu (张xx)from class twelve senior two. today our speech is the title of "summary period, struggling to move forward." This term in the middle of the exam curtain has fallen, the exam storm has not calmed down, walked through the early morning campus, still will hear the conversation about the examination, some people happy and sad. The philosopher said: If you are crying when you miss the stars, you will also miss the moon and the sun. In fact, to put it another way, if you get the stars, you are ecstatic, then you will also miss the moon and the sun will miss the moon and the sun calm analysis, insist on action, is the magic weapon to win after all, our goal is in front, not here! Not ideal test results is certainly not a cause for celebration, but from another point of view, after each exam, the more problems exposed, as long as can be solved, then the next exam may occur less accidents, so, why should self-complain, self-doubt? Happy a day or two also passed; the examination is not ideal, but also as soon as possible to lift the spirit, to meet the next step of learning. Students, spring seed a grain of millet, autumn harvest 10,000 pieces, let us join hands, work together!