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天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ Unit 7 Journeys Lesson 21 To the South pole v◆ 教材分析 本课是第七单元的 Lesson 21 To the South Pole,是一节阅读课,内容为南极探险。在八年级上册教材第三单元, Lesson 9 Together To the Poles也是讲南北极探险,虽然后者侧重于歌颂世界最年轻的探险者Janek Mela不放弃的精神,但其中也谈到了南北极探险需要的准备以及困难。本课主要讲述作者南极探险遇到的重重困难,他们是怎么克服困难的,以及对到达目的地后的美好憧憬和作者通过探险旅程获得的深度感慨。两课内容有相通之处。‎ ◆ 教学目标 ‎【知识目标】‎ 能够通过阅读有关南极探险的文本,找到2-5段探险中遇到的各种困难的主题句,推测支持主题句的细节信息,并能找到本文中支持主题句的细节信息。‎ ‎【能力目标】‎ 能够通过解读文本中南极探险所遇到的困难,以及作者和队友怎样面对困难,解决困难,挖掘作者和队友的品质,并能用一些动词和形容词来描绘。‎ ‎【情感目标】‎ 能够通过阅读本文,体会南极探险的不容易,学会不畏困难,不言放弃。‎ ◆ 教学重难点 ◆ ‎【教学重点】‎ 能够通过阅读有关南极探险的文本,找到文本每段的主题句,并能找到支持主题句的细节信息。‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎【教学难点】‎ ◆ 课前准备 ◆ 解读文本中南极探险所遇到的困难,以及作者和队友怎样面对困难,挖掘作者和队友的品质。 ‎ ‎1. 课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; ‎ ‎2. 教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。‎ ◆ 教学过程 Step1. Warm-up ‎1. Let students talk about the south pole and say the symbols they know.‎ ‎2. Let students talk about the difficulties people face on the way to the south pole.‎ Step2. ‎Reading ‎1. Skim the text and answer the questions.‎ ‎2. Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph with the evidence. ‎ ‎3. Guess the supporting information of each topic sentence.‎ ‎4. Scan and find out the supporting information.‎ ‎5. Read the last paragraph and answer what we can learn from the passage.‎ Step3. Language points 1. expedition n. 考察,远航; 考察队,远征军 Forty-three members of the expedition were killed.‎ ‎2. against the wind 顶风逆风 逆风; 迎风 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ The wall screens them against the wind.‎ again 迎着,逆着 They were going to sail around the little island, against the tide.‎ ‎3. move over 挪动一下,腾地方 Move over this way a little bit. ‎ ‎4. route n.路; (公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线; 航线 All escape routes were blocked by armed police.‎ ‎5. awful adj.糟糕的; 可怕的; 非常的; 极坏的 I don't know how often I heard the same awful jokes. ‎ ‎6. in good shape 完整无损,处于良好状态,健康情况良好 The old actor is still in good shape.‎ Step4. Discussion 1. Let students debate over a difficult journey and the challenges they would face.‎ Would you like to take a journey like this one day?‎ Have you ever met with difficulties?‎ How do you face and overcome the difficulties?‎ ‎2. Ask students to brainstorms various difficulties to overcome.‎ ‎3. Let students share with their ideas of journey.‎ Step5. Homework ‎1. Retell the difficulties they face and the ways they overcome them.‎ ‎2. Prepare a speech: How to face and deal with the difficulties in life.‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎ ‎3. Surf the Internet and get more information about the South Pole if you like. ‎ 无 天添资源网 http://www.ttzyw.com/‎

资料: 29.3万


