高一英语必修一Module 5 单元检测题(有答案外研版)

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Module 5 单元检测题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。‎ 第Ⅰ卷(选择题)‎ 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.What does the man mean?‎ A. He hurts his hand.‎ B. He's carrying too many televisions.‎ C. He's very busy.‎ ‎2.What does the man mean?‎ A. China's agriculture is more developed than that of America.‎ B. Americans were the pioneers of farming.‎ C. Chinese developed farming science first.‎ ‎3.What can we learn from the conversation?‎ A. The woman's grades in science are very good.‎ B. The woman doesn't want to take any more science courses.‎ C. She hasn't taken enough courses in science.‎ ‎4.What is the woman's suggestion?‎ A. To increase their products.‎ B. To advertise their products.‎ C. To increase the sale of their products.‎ ‎5.How is the weather at the weekend?‎ A. Bright and cold.      ‎ B. Wet and cold.‎ C. Wet and cool.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。‎ ‎6.Where is Tom?‎ A. At the cinema. ‎ B. At the party.‎ C. At home.‎ ‎7.What will Bill and Tom do next Sunday?‎ A. Go to the cinema. ‎ B. Have a picnic.‎ C. Go to the restaurant.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。‎ ‎8.How long have the Chinese been making paper?‎ A. For 2000 years. ‎ B. For 3000 years.‎ C. For 200 years.‎ ‎9.How did Chinese keep records before writing was developed?‎ A. By carving on animal bones.‎ B. By carving on wood and bamboo.‎ C. By putting stones together.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.What are over a quarter of all the world's medicine based on?‎ A. Animals. ‎ B. Plants.‎ C. Human beings.‎ ‎11.For what reason do millions of people take aspirin?‎ A. Stopping stomachache.‎ B. Stopping toothache.‎ C. Stopping headache.‎ ‎12.What's the man's opinion?‎ A. To save our world.‎ B. To make people more comfortable.‎ C. To make our world cleaner.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.What is the conference about?‎ A. Water pollution. ‎ B. Wasting problem.‎ C. Air pollution.‎ ‎14.Where is the conference being held?‎ A. At the University‎ of ‎California.‎ B. At the University‎ of ‎Stanford.‎ C. In San Francisco.‎ ‎15.How long will the conference last?‎ A. One month. ‎ B. Two weeks.‎ C. Seven days.‎ ‎16.Who will pay the man's expenses?‎ A. The University‎ of ‎Stanford.‎ B. The government.‎ C. The University‎ of ‎California.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17.In what way did scientists once think animals are different from men?‎ A. Animals can't speak.‎ B. Animals can't listen and write.‎ C. Animals can't make things.‎ ‎18.Why can't ape join words to make sentences?‎ A. Because they can't understand things.‎ B. Because they can't learn words.‎ C. Because they have no language.‎ ‎19.At what age can a child speak their own language very well?‎ A. Four or five. ‎ B. Two or three.‎ C. Six or seven.‎ ‎20.Which of the following do scientists not know?‎ A. What happens inside our body when we speak.‎ B. What the differences between men and animals are.‎ C. Why children can't learn language.‎ 答案:1-5 CCBBB 6-10 ABACB 11-15 CACBB 16-20 CACAA 听力原文 Text 1‎ W:Do you think you could fix the television for me today?‎ M:Sorry, I've got my hands full now.‎ Text 2‎ W:As far as I know, the agriculture of America is very developed.‎ M:So is China. As a matter of fact, ancient Chinese were the pioneers of farming science.‎ Text 3‎ M:Will you take up biology and geography next term?‎ W:I've had enough science courses.‎ Text 4‎ M:What do you think we should do to increase the sale of our products?‎ W:I think it's a good idea to make our products known to the public.‎ Text 5‎ M:What's the weather going to be like this weekend?‎ W:Wet and cold.‎ Text 6‎ W:Hello! 577618.‎ M:Hello! Could I speak to Tom?‎ W:I'm sorry he's out. He's at the cinema at the moment.‎ M:Is that Mrs Brown?‎ W:Yes, this is Tom's mother. Do you have anything important to tell him? Can I take a message?‎ M:Sure. This is Bill. We're going to have a picnic next Sunday. Please ask him to bring some delicious food.‎ W:OK. I'll leave the message on his desk.‎ M: Thanks a lot. Bye!‎ W:Bye!‎ Text 7‎ W:How long have the Chinese been making paper?‎ M:For 2000 years.‎ W:Do you think paper is one of the most important inventions in Chinese history?‎ M:Yes, I think so. In fact, paper is one of the four great inventions in ancient China.‎ W:How did the Chinese keep records before writing was developed?‎ M:People used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.‎ W:That sounds quite interesting. What happened after writing was developed?‎ M:They carved words on animal bones, pieces of wood and bamboo.‎ W:And what happened later?‎ M:They used silk for writing; it was very light but much too expensive for everyday use.‎ W:They were very clever, weren't they?‎ M:Yes, of course. They were the first to make paper in the world.‎ Text 8‎ W:Did you know that over a quarter of all the world's medicine are based on plants?‎ M:Yes, that's right.‎ W:People are suffering from cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.‎ M:And millions of people who take aspirin to stop headache.‎ W:They all owe their recovery, at least partly, to the powerful medical properties of plants.‎ M:What's the problem?‎ W:Well, the problem is that these plants may not be there forever. For example, a single square kilometer of rainforest may contain thousands of different types of plants, some of which have not been discovered.‎ M:But people are destroying those rain forests.‎ W:Yes, we are told that every day five kinds of plants disappear from the earth forever because of the pollution.‎ M:Oh, help save our world for the benefit of our children and our children's children.‎ Text 9‎ W:Why don't you sit down? Now,there are several questions I must ask if you don't mind.‎ M:Not at all. Go ahead.‎ W:What is the purpose of your visit to the States?‎ M:I'm going to attend a conference on air pollution.‎ W:When and where is this conference on air pollution?‎ M:It's being held in the first two weeks of February at the University of Stanford in California.‎ W:Who will pay your expenses?‎ M:The University‎ of ‎California. Here is the official letter of invitation.‎ W:I see. Fine. When do you want to go?‎ M:I'd like to leave in mid-January if my passport is ready by then.‎ W:That shouldn't be difficult. Why don't you phone me about January 10th? I should be able to give you an answer then.‎ M: Thank you.‎ Text 10‎ Man has a big brain. He can think, learn and speak. Scientists once thought that men are different from animals because they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, rats, and birds can learn too. Scientists are beginning to understand that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals cannot speak. They make noises when they are afraid, or angry or unhappy. Apes can understand some things more quickly than humans, and one or two of them have learned a few words. But they cannot join words to make sentences. They cannot think like us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak their own language very well when they are four or five—but no animals learn to speak. How do children do it? Scientists do not really know. What happens inside our body when we speak? They do not know. They only know ‎ that man can speak because he has a brain.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A When you're curious_about something, and want to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers. The steps below can guide you during the research(研究).‎ Step 1 On a notecard or piece of paper, write down the subject that you are interested in. Just get the main idea down. For example, you might write: Discover more about dinosaurs.‎ Step 2 Next, stop and think for a moment about what you already know about your subject. List what you already know like the sentences below:‎ ‎(1) Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.‎ ‎(2) Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.‎ ‎(3) Some dinosaurs fed on(吃) plants, some on meat.‎ Step 3 What can you do with what you want to learn? By asking questions. On your paper, start writing down questions about the dinosaurs as you think of them:‎ ‎(1) What's the best weather for dinosaurs to live in?‎ ‎(2) How many kinds of dinosaurs are there?‎ ‎(3) Have dinosaurs really disappeared?‎ Step 4 Armed_with_your_list_of_questions,_you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you learn more about your subject, you'll probably discover some new questions. For example, you might discover that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. Why? What happened? Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely. ‎ If you always find something interesting to research, take time to organize (组织) your thinking by asking good questions. And remember learning more always brings more questions.‎ ‎21.The underlined phrase “curious about” means ________.‎ A. worried about B. bored with C. eager to learn about D. ready to do 答案:C 词义猜测题。由语境“want to know more about it”以及“asking questions”可推测curious about 意为“对……好奇”而“急于去了解”。‎ ‎22.When you do some research, you should take the following steps ________.‎ a. list what you want to know b. choose a research subject c. list what you already know d. discover new questions A. d, c, b, a        B. a, d, c, b C. b, c, a, d D. c, b, d, a 答案:C 细节理解题。综合短文的四个步骤,可以看出首先要选择一个研究课题,只有C项第一个步骤是此步骤。‎ ‎23.From the passage, we know ________.‎ A. dinosaurs appeared after human beings B. not all the dinosaurs fed on meat C. dinosaurs lived on the earth for 65 million years D. dinosaurs lived in warm season 答案:B 细节理解题。由Step 2中的“Some dinosaurs fed on plants, some on meat.”可知,并不是所有的恐龙都以肉为主食,有些还吃植物。‎ ‎24.What does “Armed with your list of questions” mean?‎ A. Putting your list of questions under your arm B. Discussing your questions with your classmates C. Writing down your list of questions D. Taking your list of questions with you 答案:D 细节理解题。由Step 4第一句中的“you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research”可知,是去图书馆或者上网开始你的研究课题,因此应该是带着你的问题。‎ B ‎(2014·辽宁卷)‎ Would it surprise you to learn that, like animals, trees communicate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation?‎ UBC Professor Simard explains how trees are much more complex than most of us ever imagined. Although Charles Darwin thought that trees are competing for survival of the fittest, Simard shows just how wrong he was. In fact, the_opposite_is_true:_trees survive through their cooperation and support, passing around necessary nutrition “depending on who needs it”.‎ Nitrogen (氮) and carbon are shared through miles of underground fungi (真菌)networks, making sure that all trees in the forest ecological system give and receive just the right amount to keep them all healthy. This hidden system works in a very similar way to the networks of neurons (神经元) in our brains, and when one tree is destroyed, it affects all.‎ Simard talks about “mother trees”, usually the largest and oldest plants on which all other trees depend. She explains how dying trees pass on the wealth to the next generation, transporting important minerals to young trees so they may continue to grow. When humans cut down “mother ‎ trees” with no awareness of these highly complex “tree societies” or the networks on which they feed, we are reducing the chances of survival for the entire forest.‎ ‎“We didn't take any notice of it” Simard says sadly. “Dying trees move nutrition into the young trees before dying, but we never give them chance.” If we could put across the message to the forestry industry, we could make a huge difference towards our environmental protection efforts for the future.‎ ‎25.The underlined sentence “the opposite is true” in Paragraph 2 probably means that trees________ . ‎ A.compete for survival B.protect their own wealth C.depend on each other D.provide support for dying trees 答案:C 词义猜测题。从文中下一句的“trees survive enough their cooperation and support , passing around necessary nutrition ‘depending on who needs it.’”可知本题答案为C项。‎ ‎26.“Mother trees” are extremely important because they ________.‎ A.look the largest in size in the forest B.pass on nutrition to young trees C.seem more likely to be cut down by humans D.know more about the complex “tree societies”‎ 答案:B 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句的“She explains how dying trees pass on the wealth to the next generation transporting important minerals to young trees so they may continue to grow”可知本题答案为B项。‎ ‎27.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ________.‎ A.how “tree societies” work B.how trees grow old C.how forestry industry develops D.how young trees survive 答案:A 词义猜测题。第四段说的是树的社会系统,而第五段的第一句话的意思是:我们以前没有注意到这个事情。故本题答案为A项。‎ ‎28.What would be the best title for the passage?‎ A.Old Trees Communicate Like Humans B.Young Trees Are In Need Of Protection C.Trees Are More Awesome Than You Think D.Trees Contribute To Our Society 答案:C 主旨大意题。本文介绍了植物界的一种现象:树和树之间是相互依存的关系。‎ 母亲树会在临死前把营养传给下一代让它们继续生长。可知本题答案为C项。‎ C When you are curious_about something and want to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers. The steps below can guide you during the research (研究).‎ Step 1.On a note card or a piece of paper, write down the subject that you are interested in. Just get the main idea down. For example, you might write: Discover more about dinosaurs.‎ Step 2: Next, stop and think for a moment about what you already know about your subject. List what you already know like the sentences below: ‎ ‎1. Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared. ‎ ‎2. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.‎ ‎3. Some dinosaurs fed on plants, some on meat. ‎ Step 3:What can you do with what you want to learn? By asking questions. On your paper, start writing down questions about the dinosaurs as you think of them: ‎ ‎1. What's the best weather for dinosaurs to live in? ‎ ‎2. How many kinds of dinosaurs are there? ‎ ‎3. Have dinosaurs really disappeared? ‎ Step 4:Armed_with_your_list_of_questions,_you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you learn more about your subject, you'll probably discover some new questions. For example, you might discover that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. Why? What happened?Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely. The next time you find something interesting to research, take time to organize(组织) your thinking by asking good questions. And remember learning more always brings more questions. ‎ ‎29.The underlined phrase“curious about” in the first paragraph means ________.‎ A.worried about B.bored with C.eager to learn about D.ready to do 答案:C 词义猜测题。由语境“want to know more about it”以及“asking questions”可推测curious about意为“对……好奇”。‎ ‎30.When you do some research, you should take the following steps:________.‎ ‎①list what you want to know ‎②choose a research subject ‎③list what you already know ‎④discover new problems A.④③①② B.①④③②‎ C.②③①④ D.③②④①‎ 答案:C 细节理解题。综合短文的四个步骤,可以看出首先要选择一个研究课题,只有C项的第一个步骤是此步骤。‎ ‎31.What does the underlined sentence “Armed with your list of questions” mean?‎ A.Putting your list of questions under your arm.‎ B.Discussing your questions with your classmates.‎ C.Writing down your list of questions.‎ D.Taking your list of questions with you.‎ 答案:B 细节理解题。由Step 2中的第三条“Some dinosaurs fed on plants, some on meat.”可知,并不是所有的恐龙都以植物为主食,有些还吃肉。‎ ‎32.The best title of this passage is ________.‎ A.Discovering Dinosaurs B.Asking Good Questions C.Finding Subjects D.Having Interesting Answers 答案:B 主旨大意题。由最后一段归纳得知。最后一段主要阐述学得多问题就多,应该拿出时间来考虑一些高水平的问题。‎ D In 1950 an ordinary but imaginative electrical engineer named Christopher Cockerell began an experiment that was soon to change the world. He came up with an idea to make boats go faster by using a vacuum cleaner(真空吸尘器).‎ ‎ Using his wife's vacuum cleaner he was able to reverse(使倒转)the motor so that it blew instead of sucking. The air that blew out beneath(在下面)acted as a cushion(垫子) against surfaces. Years later, his principle (原理)of cushioned air made it possible for the first hovercraft(气垫船)to be successfully built and tried out. A journey along the Amazon River proved to the world that the hovercraft was both wonderful and useful. ‎ ‎ The invention that began in the kitchen and the boatyard of an ordinary home led to a thousand other inventions. Today hovercrafts carry passengers in comfort over rough channels and seas.‎ 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,文章主要介绍了Christopher和他发明的气垫船。‎ ‎33.The passage is mainly about ________.‎ A.the description of Christopher B.Christopher and his wife's vacuum cleaner C.Christopher and his invention D.Christopher and a vacuum cleaner 答案:C 主旨大意题。文章介绍了Christopher和他发明的气垫船。‎ ‎34.The aim of the experiment in 1950 was ________.‎ A.to speed up the boats B.to change the world C.to make the boats more comfortable D.to improve vacuum cleaner 答案:A 细节理解题。文章第一段提到1950年Christopher“提出一个想法,使用真空吸尘器使小船跑得更快。‎ ‎35.The underlined word “sucking” in the second paragraph probably means ________.‎ A.taking with great force B.drawing with great force C.pushing with great force D.pulling with great force 答案:B。词义猜测题。前面说的“使倒转”“吹”,加上instead of表示相反的意思,可以猜测sucking是“用力吸”的意思。‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ It's such a common event that you probably never asked yourself why you sleep. __36__ In fact, for sleep researchers, it's one of the biggest unanswered questions in the field.‎ Stop and think about it for a second. Why should we sleep?__37__ But we sleep every night, even when we have had plenty of rest. There are,no doubt,several different answers to this question, but let's just consider one general purpose of sleep: __38__ Human beings are creatures that are normally active during daylight hours, when our senses function most effectively. __39__ We can't see objects well, our color vision is entirely lost, and we don't have the smelling or hearing sharpness of other animals. So it actually does make sense to have us stay where we are during the dangerous period when night-waking animals are walking here and there. And one sure way to make sure we don't fall down everywhere and get lost or eaten is to have us not move for seven or eight hours, rising again only when the light is back and our survival chances are better.‎ It's not the only reason we sleep. __40__Perhaps even the most important one.‎ A. Is it because we get tired?‎ B.Should that put human beings in a terrible situation?‎ C.But from a scientific point of view, this is far from an ordinary matter.‎ D.But in terms of evolution, it may have been one of the first reasons.‎ E.Furthermore, if you were designing an animal, would you have it come into long periods of unconsciousness every twenty-four hours? ‎ F.Sleep as a survival approach.‎ G.At night, humans do rather poorly. ‎ 答案:36~40 CAFGD 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ How is a photograph produced? It is produced by the effect of __41__ on certain chemicals. Certain chemicals change __42__ light reaches them. __43__ the light is strong, they get less dark. For this reason the “negative” (底片) picture__44__ by a camera shows light objects as dark shapes, and __45__ objects as lighter shapes.Only whenscientists__46__something about the effects of light was__47__possible to take photographs.‎ Scientific__48__have important effects on society. The discoveries about light__49__by scientists had far-reaching__50__ . Life would not be the same__51__the camera, and the television set.‎ When Sir Alexander Fleming __52__penicillin, he was not able to know the effect on society__53__ his new medicine would produce. The effect of penicillin __54__a human body is to kill some of the dangerous germs (细菌) quickly__55__they have time to produce very harmful effects on the __56__person. Before penicillin was discovered, millions of people died every year of illnesses__57__ by these germs.__58__deaths was greatly reduced by penicillin. So the effects of penicillin on human societies were to make them__59__ larger by adding millions of people to the numbers which__60__ before.‎ ‎41. A. color B. light C. picture D. scene 答案:B 根据下文的提示可知是光对某种化学物质作用的结果。‎ ‎42. A. before B. after ‎ C. when D. until 答案:C 当光到达的时候,某种化学物质会发生变化。‎ ‎43. A. Where B. When ‎ C. Because D. Since 答案:A 光强的地方,化学物质的颜色就变得不那么深。where引导地点状语从句。‎ ‎44. A. taking B. to take ‎ C. taken D. being taken 答案:C picture与动词take之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作定语,‎ 且take动作发生在谓语动词之前,故选C。‎ ‎45. A. freezing B. fascinating ‎ C. light D. dark 答案:D 底片上浅色的物体呈现出深色的形状,而深色的物体颜色却浅一些。根据上文的“shows light objects as dark shapes”的提示可知此处应为dark。‎ ‎46. A. discover B. discovered ‎ C. are discovering D. had discovered 答案:D 根据主句中的was可知动词discover应使用过去完成时。‎ ‎47. A. that B. what ‎ C. it D. this 答案:C 此处it为形式主语,代替后面的to take photographs。作形式主语的it不可用其他代词代替。‎ ‎48. A. discoveries B. inventions ‎ C. products D. organizations 答案:A 科学发现对社会有重要的影响。根据下句中“The discoveries”的提示可知选A。‎ ‎49. A. making B. made ‎ C. to be made D. being made 答案:B made by scientist为过去分词短语作定语,修饰light,与light构成被动关系,且发生在谓语动词之前。‎ ‎50. A. efforts B. effects ‎ C. affects D. energy 答案:B 科学家对光的发现有深远的影响。have (an) effect on为固定搭配,“对……有影响”。effort“努力”;affect“影响”,为动词;energy“能量”。‎ ‎51. A. without B. with ‎ C. for D. as for 答案:A 没有照相机和电视机,生活将完全不同。‎ ‎52. A. produced B. made ‎ C. invented D. discovered 答案:D discover表示“发现客观存在而不为人知的事实”,符合题意。‎ ‎53. A. what B. which ‎ C. where D. who 答案:B 此处which引导定语从句,修饰the effect,在从句中作produce的宾语。‎ ‎54. A. on B. with ‎ C. in D. at 答案:A the effect on...“对……的影响”,为固定搭配。‎ ‎55. A. when B. after ‎ C. before D. in case 答案:C 盘尼西林的作用就是在细菌对病人造成伤害之前快速将其杀死。‎ ‎56. A. abandoned B. ordinary ‎ C. sick D. healthy 答案:C 根据常识可知是对病人的作用。‎ ‎57. A. caused B. causing ‎ C. to be caused D. being caused 答案:A 此处为过去分词短语作后置定句,修饰illnesses。‎ ‎58. A. A great many B. A great deal of ‎ C. A number of D. The number of 答案:D the number of“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式,符合题意。其余三项均表示“大量的,许多的”。‎ ‎59. A. very B. fairly ‎ C. many D. much 答案:D 四个选项中只有much能修饰形容词比较级larger。‎ ‎60.A. survived B. existed ‎ C. contracted D. expanded 答案:B 先前就已经存在的数目。exist“存在”;survive“死里逃生,大难不死”;contract“收缩”;expand“膨胀”。‎ 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A man bought a donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval. Now the man owned several donkeys already and he knew each one's character very well.‎ One of the donkeys was very strong and brave. Another was eager to please people by working quickly but soon got exhausted. One donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as he __61__(possible) could all day long. He always tried to be the last __62__ the other animals were being loaded up so that he would get the __63__(light) load.‎ The man led the new donkey into the yard. For a moment he stood __64__(sniff) at his new companions. Then, without hesitation, he came up to the lazy donkey and began feeding comfortably at __65__ side.‎ ‎__66__ it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new donkey out of the yard, straight back to the market. ‎ ‎“You cannot have given him __67__ fair trial yet,” said the merchant. “It is only ten minutes since you __68__(buy) him.”‎ ‎“I don't need to try him any more,” replied the man. “I know just __69__ he is like from the friend __70__ he chose for himself. Take him away and give me my money back. I can do without donkeys like him.”‎ ‎61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______‎ ‎66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______‎ 答案:‎ 文章大意:本文是一个小故事,讲的是一个人从一头驴所交的朋友知道驴的本性。‎ ‎61.possibly 考查词形转换。空处修饰句子的谓语动词could(do sth.),因此用possible的副词形式possibly。‎ ‎62.when 考查状语从句。空处引导时间状语从句,用when。‎ ‎63.lightest 考查形容词最高级。这头驴很懒惰,再根据空前的“the”可知,应用最高级lightest“最轻的”修饰load。‎ ‎64.sniffing 考查非谓语动词。空处是stood的伴随状语,sniff与he为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式。‎ ‎65.his 考查代词。空处指的是the lazy donkey's,故用his。‎ ‎66.Though/Although 考查状语从句。it was late in the day与the man immediately led the new donkey out of the yard为让步关系。‎ ‎67.a 考查冠词。trial“试用”在此处为可数名词,其前应用不定冠词a,此处是指“你还没给它一个公平的试用呢”。 ‎ ‎68.bought 考查时态。根据上下文时态可知,此处应用一般过去时。‎ ‎69.what 考查宾语从句。空处引导宾语从句,从句中like后面缺宾语,因此用what。‎ ‎70.that/who/whom 考查定语从句。空处引导定语从句且在从句中作宾语,从句修饰先行词the friend,故用that/who/whom。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎ Recently, Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman with 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At customs, he took a fey minute to look for his passport. “You had been to France before, sir ?” ‎ the customs officer asked joking. Mr. Whitint admitted to that he had been to France previously. “Then you should know enough to have my passport ready.” The American said, “The last time I was here, I didn't have to show them.” “Impossible. Americans always have to show passports on arrival in France!” The American gave the Frenchman long hard look. Then he quietly explained, “Well when I came in 1944 to help liberating this country', I couldn't find some Frenchmen to show it to.”‎ 答案:‎ Recently, Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At customs, he took a fey to look for his passport. “You been to France before, sir ?” the customs officer asked . Mr. Whitint admitted to that he had been to France previously. “Then you should know enough to have passport ready.” The American said, “The last time I was here, I didn't have to show .” “Impossible. Americans always have to show passports on arrival in France!” The American gave the Frenchman long hard look. Then he quietly explained, “Well when I came in 1944 to help this country', I couldn't find Frenchmen to show it to.”‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 请根据下列表格中的内容,写一篇100个词左右的英语短文,说明整个实验的内容。‎ 实验目的 不打破鸡蛋取走蛋壳 实验用品 一只玻璃杯,一个小煮锅(saucepan),水,一个鸡蛋,约250毫升醋(vinegar)‎ 实验步骤 ‎1.先把鸡蛋放在锅中煮十五分钟左右 ‎2.把鸡蛋放在玻璃杯中 ‎3.往玻璃杯中放醋,醋要漫过鸡蛋 ‎4.把鸡蛋放在醋中浸泡24小时 实验结果 ‎24小时后蛋壳完全消失 实验结论 醋中的酸性物质与蛋壳中的碳酸钙(calciumcarbonate)反应生成二氧化碳(carbon dioxide),蛋壳(shell)消失 ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:‎ The aim of the experiment is to move the shell from an egg without breaking the egg.‎ To do the experiment, you need to prepare the following things: a glass, a small saucepan, water, an egg and about 250 ml vinegar. When all these things are ready, you can begin the experiment. ‎ First, boil the egg for about 15 minutes in the saucepan full of water. Next, put the egg into the glass and cover it with the vinegar. After that, leave the egg in the vinegar for 24 hours.‎ ‎24 hours later, you can see the shell disappear completely. So we can draw the conclusion that the egg shell disappears because it is made of calcium carbonate and the vinegar is an acid. The two substances react to form the gas—carbon dioxide. ‎

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