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1 题型九 按要求完成句子 素养训练提高 S U Y A N G X U N L I A N T I G A O 一、按要求改写句子 【1】 1.(2018 山东烟台,61)Father had his car      (repair) in the 4S shop last week. 2.(2018 山东烟台,62)We’re supposed          (spread) positive energy everywhere we go. 3.(2018 山东烟台,63)Town Cinema has         (comfort) seats than Guangming Cinema. 4.(2018 山东烟台,64)They haven’t made a      (decide) where to spend their summer vacation. 5.(2018 山东烟台,65)The old lady living on the      (five) floor sometimes dances with her husband on the square. 【2】 1.(2018 江苏泰州,66)As China continues developing quickly,the Chinese language becomes           (popular) than before. 2.(2018 江苏泰州,68)My uncle often listens to soft music to relax      (he) after a busy day. 3.(2018 江苏泰州,69)Taizhou and Changzhou          (separate) by the Yangtze River,and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future. 4.(2018 江苏泰州,70)All the family members are busy getting ready for my father’s       (forty) birthday party. 【3】2 1.(2018 山东临沂,61)Children will be in danger in a swimming pool if their parents don’t take good care of      (they). 2.(2018 山东临沂,62)Chinese scientists have successfully cloned(克隆) two        (monkey).They are named Zhongzhong and Huahua. 3.(2018 山东临沂,63)The oceans are      (heavy) polluted by plastic waste. 4.(2018 山东临沂,64)An American father made pretty dresses for his daughter out of his       (wife) old shirts. 5.(2018 山东临沂,65)Every year,about 6.5 million people die because of air       (pollute). 6.(2018 山东临沂,66)Jimmy could not sleep at first.He finally fell      (sleep) when the rainstorm stopped at midnight. 7.(2018 山东临沂,67)It is very      (help) for me to have conversations with friends in English every day.My speaking skills have certainly improved. 8.(2018 山东临沂,68)We should protect the endangered wild animals,or they will        (appear) in the near future. 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 【1】 1.(2018 内蒙古赤峰,81)她已经够大了,可以自己做决定了。 She is old           make her own decision. 2.(2018 内蒙古赤峰,82)迄今为止,机器人还没有引发任何问题。          ,robots haven’t caused any problems. 3.(2018 内蒙古赤峰,83)抱歉,我收回我说的话。 I’m sorry.I take back      I      . 4.(2018 内蒙古赤峰,84)多么糟糕的天气!          weather it is! 3 5.(2018 内蒙古赤峰,85)他们将于后天动身前住广州进行一场比赛。 They are           Guangzhou the day after tomorrow for a game. 【2】 1.(2018 陕西,56)同学们,请靠马路右边行走。 Boys and girls,please walk         side of the road. 2.(2018 陕西,57)离开教室的时候记着关灯。 Remember to            the lights when you leave the classroom. 3.(2018 陕西,58)昨天我买了两张《厉害了,我的国》的电影票。 I bought two movie      to Amazing China yesterday. 4.(2018 陕西,59)马良想为那个孩子画一匹马。 Ma Liang wanted to         for the child. 5.(2018 陕西,60)她的脸上总是带着温暖的微笑。 A        is always on her face. 答案: 一、【1】 1.repaired 句意:爸爸上周在 4S 店修车了。get sth.done,意为“让……被做”,故应填 repaired。 2.to spread 句意:无论我们每到一处,都应该传递正能量。be supposed to do sth.意为“理应 做某事”。 3.more comfortable 句意:城镇电影院的座椅比光明影院要舒服。than 是比较级的标志,seat 是 名词,修饰名词用形容词,故填 more comfortable。 4.decision 句意:他们还没有下定决心去哪里过暑假。make a decision 意为“下决心;作出决 定”,根据句意及短语搭配可知填 decision。4 5.fifth 句意:住五楼那位年长的女士有时候会在广场上与丈夫一起跳舞。floor 是名词单 数,five 意为“五”,修饰名词单数应用序数词 fifth。 【2】 1.more popular 句意:随着中国继续快速发展,汉语变得比以前更受欢迎。than 是比较级的标 志,popular 的比较级是 more popular。 2.himself 句意:我的叔叔经常在忙碌的一天后听轻柔的音乐放松他自己。My uncle 是第三人称 单数,故应用反身代词 himself。 3.are separated 主语 Taizhou and Changzhou 和谓语动词 separate 是动宾关系,应用被动语态, 且表示现存的状态,故用一般现在时的被动语态。 4.fortieth 句意:所有的家庭成员都忙着为我父亲的四十岁的生日派对做准备。party 是名词单 数形式,forty 与名词单数连用需用序数词,forty 的序数词是 fortieth。 【3】 1.them 句意:如果孩子们的父母没有照顾好他们,他们将会在游泳池中遇到危险。of 是介词,后加 宾语,they 的宾语是 them,指 children。 2.monkeys 句意:中国科学家已经成功地克隆了两只猴子,它们被命名为“中中”和“华华”。 two 后加名词复数,monkey 的复数形式是 monkeys。 3.heavily 句意:海洋被塑料废物严重污染了。polluted 是实义动词,修饰实义动词用副词,heavy 的副词是 heavily。 4.wife’s 句意:一位美国父亲用妻子的旧衬衫为女儿做了漂亮的衣服。old shirts“旧衬衫” 是名词,wife 需变成名词所有格修饰名词,做定语。 5.pollution 句意:每年大约有 650 万人因空气污染而死亡。air pollution 意为“空气污染”。 6.asleep 句意:吉米一开始睡不着。当暴风雨在午夜停止时,他终于睡着了。fall asleep“入 睡”。 7.helpful 句意:对我来说,每天用英语与朋友进行对话是非常有帮助的。当然我的口语能力已经 有所提高。very 修饰形容词或副词原级,is 后加形容词。 8.disappear 句意:我们应该保护濒临灭绝的野生动物,否则它们将在不久的将来消失。根据上句 “我们应该保护濒临灭绝的野生动物”可推断否则它们会消失。appear 的反义词是 disappear。5 二、【1】1.enough to 2.So far 3.what;said 4.What terrible 5.leaving for 【2】1.on/along the right 2.turn off/shut off 3.tickets 4.draw/paint a horse  5.warm smile

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