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高 二 年 级 期 中 考 试 ‎ 英 语 试 题 2018.10‎ 时间:120分钟 满分:150分 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分10分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题0.5分,满分2.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ ‎1.What does the man want to do?‎ A. Order some food. B. Pay the bill. C. Change the food.‎ ‎2.What happened to Bella?‎ A. Her alarm broke. B. She missed her class. C. She fell asleep in class.‎ ‎3.How does the woman feel?‎ A. Friendly. B. Annoyed. C. Sorry.‎ ‎4.How does the man want the woman to help?‎ A. By lending him some money. ‎ B. By finding something online. ‎ C. By lending him her credit card.‎ ‎5.What might the man be?‎ A. A librarian. B. A shop assistant. C. A college professor.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。‎ ‎6.What will the speakers do?‎ A. Go fishing. B. Go out for dinner. C. Stay at home.‎ ‎7.How does the man feel about the action?‎ A. Confident. B. Careful. C. Afraid.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8和第9两个小题。‎ ‎8.Who will pick up the parcel?‎ A. The man. B. The woman. C. The man’s friend.‎ ‎9.How does the man tell the information?‎ A. By writing it on the parcel. ‎ B. By bringing it to his friend. ‎ C. By phoning the woman.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至第12三个小题。‎ ‎10.What is the man doing now?‎ A. Doing his homework. B. Watching TV. C. Doing the housework.‎ ‎11.What do you think of the woman?‎ A. Strict. B. Gentle. C. Careless.‎ ‎12.Where does the conversation probably take place?‎ A. In the office. B. In a shop. C. At home.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至第16四个小题。‎ ‎13.What does the woman phone for?‎ A. To ask for help. B. To rent an apartment. C. To find a job.‎ ‎14.What is the man probably?‎ A. A manager. B. A customer. C. A host.‎ ‎15.What does the woman need to pay every month?‎ A. Apartment rent and electricity fees. ‎ B. Apartment rent and a deposit. ‎ C. Apartment rent and parking fees.‎ ‎16.What will the woman do tomorrow?‎ A. Go to sign her name. ‎ B. Go to look at the apartment. ‎ C. Go and pay for the apartment.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至第20四个小题。‎ ‎17.What is Kelly at present?‎ A. A team leader. B. A college student. C. A nurse.‎ ‎18.What do her parents want her to do?‎ A. To be a professional cheerleader. ‎ B. To find a normal job. ‎ C. To be a sportswoman.‎ ‎19.What happened to Kelly?‎ A. She was badly injured by accident. ‎ B. She had to find a job herself. ‎ C. She was with her teammates again.‎ ‎20.How can we describe Kelly’s character?‎ A. Careless. B. Persevering. C. Simple.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)‎ 第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从题中所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A ‎ "Did you hear what happened to Adam Last Friday?"Lindsey whispers to Tori. With her eyes shining,Tori brags,"You bet I did.Sean told me two days ago." Who are Lindsey and Tori talking about?It just happened to be yours truly,Adam Freedman,I can tell you that what they are saying is (a) not nice and (b) not even true.Still,Lindsey and Tori aren't very different from most students here at Linton High School,including me.Many of our conversations are gossip(闲话).I have noticed three effects of gossip:it can hurt people,it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction,and it can cause social pressures in a group. An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about.Usually,gossip spreads information about a topic--breakups,trouble at home,even dropping out--that a person would rather keep secret.The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is,the juicier the gossip it makes.Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie.People often think of gossipers as harmless,but cruel lies can cause pain. If we know that gossip can be harmful,then why do so many of us do it?The answer lies in another effect of gossip:the satisfaction it gives us.Sharing the latest rumor (传言) can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don't.Similarly,hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the"in group."In other words,gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority. Gossip also can have a third effect:it strengthens unwritten,unspoken rules about how people should act.Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group.Translated into high school terms,this means that if everybody you hang around with is laughing at what John wore or what Jane said,then you can bet that wearing or saying something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention.The do's and don'ts conveyed through gossip will never show up in any student handbook. The effects of gossip vary depending on the situation.The next time you feel the urge to spread the latest news,think about why you want to gossip and what effects your"juicy story"might have.‎ ‎21.The author uses a conversation at the beginning of the passage to ______ .‎ A. introduce a topic B. present an argument C. describe the characters D. clarify his writing purpose ‎22.An important negative effects of gossip is that it ______ .‎ A. breaks up relationships B. embarrasses the listener C. spreads information around D. causes unpleasant experiences ‎23.What advice does the author give in the passage? ______ ‎ A. Never become a gossiper B. Stay away from gossipers C. Don't let gossip turn into lies D. Think twice before you gossip.‎ B ‎ A mystery surrounds my grandmother’s collection of salt cellars (盐瓶). No one in the family seems to know when she started collecting them, or exactly how many she had.‎ ‎    My grandmother died just over two years ago. At 91, she had spent 30 years without her right leg, which was removed due to cancer the year I was born. She was a poet, an artist, a food lover and a salt cellar collector. The funny thing about the salts, as she called them — I never once heard her say salt cellar — was that although everybody knew they were her hobby and everyone was always searching for them at yard sales or in stores, nobody seemed to know what they meant to her and they just wanted to make her happy. Grandma kept her salts in a dark wooden corner display case in the living room. Since her death the case has remained exactly as she left it. Grandpa tries his best to preserve his memories of her just as they are.‎ ‎    Now I am collecting, too. Collecting memories about my grandmother’s hobby, a way she spent her time. And as I hold one of them in my hand, I picture her holding it in her hand on the day she got it. She is smiling. My mother and her two sisters all have small collections, but my mother admits that she was more interested in finding salts to send to Grandma.‎ ‎     Grandma once wrote a poem titled “When April Comes”. The poem contains the line, “When April comes and I am not around, remember me when daffodils are found.” Now, Grandpa is working on a poem with the line, “April came and you were not around”.‎ ‎    But she was, somehow. She was there in the memories left behind by her possessions.‎ ‎24.In writing the text, the author expressed_______.‎ A.her sadness at losing her grandma B.her desire to collect more salt cellars C.her love for her grandma D.her curiosity about her grandma’s possessions ‎25.The underlined part “her possessions” in the last paragraph refers to _________.‎ A.Grandma’s experience B.Grandma’s hobby C.Grandma’s talent D.Grandma’s strong will ‎26.It can be inferred from the text that the author’s family______.‎ A.are very proud of their interesting family history B.value the wonderful poems Grandma wrote C.are much influenced by Grandma’s interest D.know much about grandparents’ love ‎27.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.Grandma’s Salt Cellar Collection B.The Mystery of Grandma’s Salt Cellars ‎ C. Grandparents’ Lifelong Devotion ‎ D. A Family’s Collection History C ‎ As the parent of two teenagers who have played multiple sports over the years, I’ve seen the good, the bad, the ugly and the absolutely cruel. ‎ ‎    However, when I think about the value of sports and why my kids continue to play, I realize sports teach kids lessons to become successful adults. Through sports, kids learn how to work in teams, how to take risk, how to challenge themselves to be better, and how to behave when they lose—and when they win.‎ ‎    Whether kids play soccer, baseball, football, or cheer, they learn they are part of a team where one person depends on another. When my son plays baseball, he’s not the only one who needs to play well; he depends on his defense to make the plays in the field. When my daughter plays tennis, she depends on her partner to cut off the ball at the net and win the point, and the tennis team depends on each person in order to win the overall match. Sports also teach children to trust and respect the decisions of someone who understands how the entire team needs to work in order to succeed.‎ ‎    Sadly, though, youth sports have suffered from the “winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing” attitude. They have become too much of a reflection of professional sports. Winning is a happy result, but the lessons from losing are even more important. When my daughter loses tennis match, her coach reminds her that you learn more from losing than from winning. Losing makes you focus on improving your skills and your strategy. We’re going to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them.‎ ‎    I believe that participating in youth sports is much more than building a sound body winning a scholarship to college. Sports are the best way to shape and build more self-motivate and happier children and help them become more self-motivated and happier adults.‎ ‎28.What is the authors attitude to youth sports?‎ A.Critical. B.Positive. C.Doubtful. D.Unclear.‎ ‎29.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?‎ A.What sports the author’s kids take. B.What the authors kids do in sports. C.How sports benefit the authors kids. D.How the authors kids continue to play sports.‎ ‎30.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?‎ A.Teenagers don’t have to win every time. B.Winning is the only goal for teen players. C.Teenagers should work together to succeed. D.Winning is not the most important in sports.‎ ‎31.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Youth Sports Build Better Adults B.Teenagers Suffer from Youth Sports C.Losing Brings More than Winning Does D.Teenagers Perform Better than Adults in Sports D ‎ A California wind farm will become the first in the U. S. to avoid charges if a limited number of eagles are injured or die when they run into the huge turning blades(桨叶), the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday.‎ ‎    The Shiloh IV Wind Project LLC, 60 miles east of San Francisco, will receive a special permit allowing up to five golden eagles to be accidentally killed over five years. Previously, such eagle deaths could potentially draw criminal charges and discourage private investment in wind farms.‎ ‎    Agency Director Daniel Ashe said the permit encourages development of renewable energy while requiring the wind company to take steps to protect eagles from turbines(涡轮机)and power lines. The move will help California reach its goal of producing one-third of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, he said.‎ ‎    Michael Hutchins of the American Bird Conservancy said he believes the five-year permit for the California wind farm is reasonable, but he said the rapid expansion of wind energy has gotten ahead of the science and regulation to protect all types of birds. Too often, he said, wind farms are built in ‎ migratory patterns or near wetlands.‎ ‎    Birds on the hunt can become dizzy by what’s on the ground and fly into the blades, Hutchins said.‎ ‎    “Is it really green energy if it’s going to kill hundreds of thousands of birds or bats each year?” he said. “The whole system needs a much harder look.”‎ ‎    Shiloh IV Wind Project is a 102-megawatt wind farm operating since 2012 and made up of 50 turbines in Solano County.‎ ‎    Shiloh is the first to obtain a permit. Marie Strassburger, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s regional migratory bird chief, said that obtaining one requires a lengthy process, and because this is the first of its kind, officials have carefully made conversation plans with the wind company.‎ ‎    “It’s not a quick, efficient process by any means,” Strassburger said.‎ ‎    Federal wildlife officials in California, Nevada and Southern Oregon are working on two more applications for five-year eagle permits and one for 30 years, said Scott Flaherty of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento. Eagles are not listed as endangered, but they are protected under a federal act.‎ ‎32.Shiloh IV will be breaking the law if ___________.‎ A.its turbines injure any birds in California B.it withdraws its private investment in wind farms C.its equipment kills over five golden eagles in five years D.it builds wind farm in migratory patterns or near wetlands ‎33.Why is California giving Shiloh IV the permit?‎ A.To encourage green energy B.To protect big turning blades C.To prevent criminal activities D.To support research on eagles ‎34.What was Hutchins’s attitude to wind farm’s rapid development?‎ A.Tolerant B.Uncaring C.Surprised D.Critical ‎35.When drafting the five-year permit, officials ________.‎ A.showed great caution B.reached an agreement quickly C.wanted to list eagles as endangered D.had already singed two similar permits 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎    3D printing is becoming more and more popular.    36   People and businesses are able to create the things they need very quickly and easily using 3D printers.‎ ‎        37    Some scientists are trying to revolutionize the dining experience by doing this. They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will become as common as the microwave. Scientists say that they are easy to use: you simply have to select a recipe and put the raw food “inks” into the printer. You can also change the instructions to make the food exactly how you want it.     38    Using 3D printer to create your meals would also save the environment because there would be less need for traditional growing and transporting processes.‎ ‎         39    It could take away many jobs, including those for growing and transporting food. Imagine a world where there is no need for farming or growing crops and the same tastes and textures(外观) can be printed from a raw “food ink”. Likewise, traditional cafes and restaurants might lose business. Additionally, there are concerns about the nutritional value of printed food.    40     ‎ ‎    What’s more, cooking and eating together with family and friends has long been a traditional and enjoyable activity. It is hard to imagine a world where cooking is dead and meals can be created at the touch of a button.‎ A. But can you imagine printing food?‎ B. Not all 3D printers use the same technology.‎ C. 3D printing technology will change the way we live in the future.‎ D. This means it would be very quick and easy to create tasty meals.‎ E. Is it really possible to get the nutrition we need from food-based inks?‎ F. We are now able to print things such as clothing, musical instruments and car models.‎ G. However, some people think that a future of 3D-printed food would be a disaster.‎ 第三部分(共35小题;满分55分)‎ 第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)‎ ‎ A US mum and her six boys decided to grow their hair together. They would donate some hair to children 41 . On Monday, Mary and her six sons had their hair ‎42 in a special activity. Mary told The Huffington Post that the hairdresser (理发师) helped the family 43 their goal. The hair was donated to Children with Hair Loss. It is an organization that 44 hair for children and young adults with hair loss for free. The proud New York mum shared photos of the 45 on Facebook. The family's 46 to grow and donate their hair was a (an) 47 decision. "Three years ago, my friend 48 her son because of cancer. He was a twin and very close in 49 to my twins", Mary told The Huffington Post. One year after his death, Mary's eldest three boys donated their hair in honor of him. "Since their 50 two years ago," she said, "our lives have continued to be 51 by cancer. It's everywhere. My boys want to 52 the people who suffer from hair loss. Donating their hair is 53 they do it." Despite their kind act, the journey hasn't been 54 for the boys."They have been 55 by everyone because of their long hair," Mary wrote in a Face post. "But they didn't let that 56 them. They had a 57 and stuck to it. They really set a good 58 to their little sister." "I am so 59 of my boys," she said. The day after their cuts, Mary was still getting used to her newly short-haired sons. "I didn't 60 my own children", she told ABC News with a sigh.‎ ‎41.A. in need B. in power C. in place D. in trouble ‎42.A. dried B. cut C. injured D. decorated ‎43.A. construct B. challenge C. expect D. achieve ‎44.A. divides B. sells C. provides D. cures ‎45.A. ceremony B. convenience C. collection D. activity ‎46.A. description B. decision C. solution D. defeat ‎47.A. previous B. severe C. consistent D. complex ‎48.A. lost B. protected C. switched D. suspected ‎49.A. union B. organ C. victim D. age ‎50.A. appearance B. discovery C. donation D. experience ‎51.A. affected B. destroyed C. frightened D. caused ‎52.A. defeat B. assist C. expose D. control ‎53.A. what B. why C. how D. where ‎54.A. eager B. enthusiastic C. difficult D. easy ‎55.A. laughed at B. run after C. consisted of D. broken away ‎56.A. recycle B. squeeze C. change D. stop ‎57.A. task B. responsibility C. goal D. reward ‎58.A. fire B. example C. record D. rule ‎59.A. proud B. confident C. amazed D. attractive ‎60.A. realize B. recognize C. arrange D. understand 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎(I) ‎61 a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie lost his life when fighting with the poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope. The reason why the poachers kill the antelope is that the wool of the Tibetan antelope is 62 (expensive) in the world. For poachers the profits can be huge. Often 63 (work) at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelope at a time. The animals 64 (skin) on the spot and the wool taken to India,where it is made into the shawls. The business is 65 (legal). In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelope in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve and made some progress. International co-operation seems to be working too. Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again. ‎ ‎(II) Cupping treatment(拔火罐) is __66___ancient form of alternative medicine in ___67____a doctor puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction(吸力). People get it for many purposes such as helping with removing pain, blood flow, relaxation and well-being. Cupping treatment ____68___(support) believe that cupping treatment gets rid of harmful things and poisons ____69___(hide) in the body to improve health.‎ ‎    Cupping treatment dates back___70_____ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Middle Eastern cultures. One of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, Ebers Papyrus, describes how the ancient Egyptians used cupping treatment in 1 550 BC. But the___71___(popular) use has been in traditional Chinese Medicine.‎ The cups may be made of glass, bamboo and clay. There are different means of cupping, ___72____(include) the dry and the wet. During both types of cupping, your doctor will put something, such as alcohol, herbs, or paper in a cup and set it on fire. As the fire__73____(go) out, he will put the cup upside down on your skin. As air inside the cup cools, it will create a vacuum(真空). This causes your skin __74___(rise) and become red. Generally speaking, the cup ___75____(leave) in place for several minute.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎ There was a man who had a lot of money but hated sharing with it, even with his wife. When he was close to die, he made his wife promise that she’d put all her money in the casket with him, for he wanted to take away all his fortune. Soon the man died and his funeral took place. After the casket was closed, his wife shouted to wait a minute and put the box inside. Everyone was amazed, thought she was a woman of her promise. After the casket buried, one of the man’s dearest friends asked the wife if she had really put all the man’s money in the casket. The wife immediate answered that she had to keep her words. She said she had put all his money into her account and then wrote him a check.‎ 第二节 ‎ 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假设你是李华。你的美国笔友Susan最近收到了某所大学的录取通知书,但由于经济原因准备放弃入学资格。请根据以下要点给她写一封信,劝说她不要放弃:‎ ‎1.上大学的重要性;‎ ‎2.如何解决所面临的困难。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.信的开头已给出,但不计入总词数;‎ ‎3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Susan,‎ ‎    I am sorry to hear that you have decided not to go to college._________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 高二期中英语答案2017.10‎ ‎1-5.CBBCA 6-10.AACAB 11-15.ACBAA 16-20.BBBAB ‎21-23 ADD 24-27.CBCA 28-31.BCBA 32-35.CADA ‎36-40. F; A; D; G; E ‎41-45 ABDCD 46-50BCADC 51-55 ABCDA 56-60 DCBAB ‎ 语法填空 ‎61.On 62.the most expensive 63.working 64.are skinned 65.illegal ‎66.an; 67. which; 68. supporters; 69.hidden; 70. to; 71.most popular; 72.including;‎ ‎73.goes; 74.to rise; 75.is left 短文改错 There was a man who had a lot of money but hated sharing with it, even with his wife. ‎ ‎ 删除 When he was close to die, he made his wife promise that she’d put all her money in the casket ‎ ‎ death his with him, for he wanted to take away all his fortune. Soon the man died and his funeral took ‎ place. After the casket was closed, his wife shouted to wait a minute and put the box inside. ‎ ‎ Before a Everyone was amazed, thought she was a woman of her promise. After the casket ^ buried, one ‎ thinking was of the man’s dearest friends asked the wife if she had really put all the man’s money in the casket. ‎ The wife immediate answered that she had to keep her words. She said she had put all his money ‎ ‎ immediately word into her account and then wrote him a check.‎ ‎ written One possible version:‎ Dear Susan,‎ ‎    I am sorry to hear that you have decided not to go to college. I am writing to trying to persuade you not to do that. The reasons are as follows.‎ ‎    First, education has a long­lasting influence on our future. No one can ignore the fact that well­educated people usually perform better in their career and enjoy a better life. Second, we all meet certain difficulties in our lives and what we should do is take up the challenges and trying to overcome them. Third, you can apply for a student loan or take part­time jobs to earn some money. Of course I will trying my best to help you too.‎ ‎    In short, I hope you can accept the offer from that college.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎21.A.推理判断题.该题考察文章的写作技巧.作者开篇引用一则对话作为一个实例,用来引出"闲话"这一话题.第三段第五句"Many of our conversations are gossip.",其中,conversations为关键词,因为作者引用的就是一个conversation.因此,选A. 22.D细节理解题.根据文章第四段第一句"An important negative effect of gossip is ‎ that it can hurt the person being talked about." 可知,说别人闲话最消极的影响就是会伤害到被讨论的人,即会导致不愉快的体验.故正确答案为D. 23.D.细节理解题.根据文章第七段,八卦的影响因情况而异.作者认为,下次当你想要传播最新的新闻时,要知道你为什么想要八卦,以及你的"蜜汁故事"可能会有什么影响,要三思而后行.故选D. 古有谚语"谣言止于智者",本文用一则对话引出"八卦"这一话题,并深入分析了"八卦"所带来的既有消极方面,也有积极方面的影响,建议人们想要传播最新的新闻时,要知道你为什么想要八卦,以及你的"蜜汁故事"可能会带来什么影响,要三思而后行. 做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.‎ ‎41.A.考查介词短语辨析.A. in need急需;在困难中的;B. in power执政的;当权的;C. in place适当的;D. in trouble处于困境中.根据上文提到的donate可推断,他们留长发是为了捐献一些头发给急需的人.故选A. 42.B.考查动词辨析.A. dried使干燥;B. cut切;剪;C. injured使受伤;D. decorated装饰.根据上文可知,玛丽和她的六个孩子要捐献他们的头发,因此在一项特殊的活动中他们剪掉了头发.故选B. 43.D.考查动词辨析.A. construct建造;B. challenge挑战;C. expect期待;D. achieve达到;实现.根据下文their goal可推断,理发师帮助这个家庭实现目标.故选D. 44.C.考查动词辨析.A. divides 分开;B. sells卖;C. provides提供;D. cures治愈.根据下文for children and young adults with hair loss for free可推断,这个组织免费为失去头发的孩子和年轻人提供头发.故选C. 45.D.考查名词辨析.A. ceremony仪式;B. convenience方面;便利;C. collection收集;D. activity活动.根据上文提到的On Monday, Mary and her six sons had their hair ______in a special activity.可知,这位骄傲的妈妈在脸书上分享了这次活动的照片.故选D. 46.B.考查名词辨析.A. description描述;B. decision决定;C. solution解决方法;D. defeat打败.根据下文提到的decision可知,留长发并捐献他们的头发的决定是一个一致的决定.故选B. 47.C.考查形容词辨析.A. previous以前的;B. severe严厉的;C. consistent一致的;坚持的;D. complex复杂的.根据下文Despite their kind act, the journey hasn't been______for the boys. "They have been_______by everyone because of their long hair,"可知,这是一个长期坚持的决定.故选C. 48.A.考查动词辨析.A. lost失去;B. protected保护;C. switched转换;D. suspected怀疑.根据下文because of cancer三年前我的朋友因为癌症失去了她的儿子.故选A. 49.D.考查名词辨析.A. union联盟;协会;B. organ器官;C. victim受害者;D. age年龄.他是孪生兄弟与我的双胞胎年龄相近.故选D. 50.C.考查名词辨析.A. appearance外貌;B. discovery       发现;C.donation捐献;D. experience经历.根据上文One year after his death, Mary's eldest three boys donated their hair in honor of him.可推断,此处指玛丽大儿子捐献头发.故选C. 51.A.考查动词辨析.A. affected影响;B. destroyed毁坏;C. frightened使害怕;D. caused导致.根据语境推断,自从两年前捐赠以来,我们的生活继续被癌症影响.故选A. 52.B.考查动词辨析.A. defeat打败;       B. assist援助;帮助;C. expose   暴露;D. control控制.根据语境可知,我的孩子们想要帮助那些遭受头发损失的人.故选B. 53.C.考查表语从句.A. what所…的事物(或人);B. why……的原因;C. how如何;以……方式;D. where……的地方.根据上文My boys want to______the people who suffer from hair loss.可知,男孩们想要帮助遭受头发损失的人,捐献头发是他们如何帮助人的方法.故选C. 54.D.考查形容词辨析.A. eager渴望的;B. enthusiastic热情的;C. difficult 困难的;D. easy容易的.根据Despite their kind act推断,尽管他们是善意的行为,但是对于这些男孩子也是不容易的.故选D. 55.A.考查动词短语辨析.A. laughed at嘲笑;B. run after追赶;C. consisted of       由……组成;D. broken away脱离.根据下文because of their long hair可推断,因为长头发他们被嘲笑.故选A. 56.D.考查动词辨析.A. recycle再循环;B. squeeze挤压;C. change改变;D. stop停止.根据上文可知,男孩们因为长头发被嘲笑可推断,但是他们没有让那些阻止他们行动.故选D. 57.C.考查名词辨析.A. task任务;B. responsibility责任; C. goal目标;D. reward奖励.根据下文stuck to it可推断,他们有目标并坚持目标.故选C. 58.B.考查名词辨析.A. fire火;B. example榜样;C. record记录;D. rule规则.他们为他们的小妹妹做了好榜样.故选B. 59.A.考查形容词辨析.A. proud骄傲的;B. confident自信的;C. amazed惊奇的;D. attractive吸引人的.孩子们乐于助人,妈妈应是为之感到骄傲.故选A. 60.B.考查动词辨析.A. realize意识到;B. recognize认出;C. arrange安排;D. understand理解.根据上文The day after their cuts, Mary was still getting used to her newly short-haired sons.可推断,玛丽叹口气告诉ABC新闻"我不能认出我的孩子".故选B. 本文是日常生活类阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了一位母亲和她的留个孩子决定留长发然后减掉捐给那些需要头发的孩子,这是他们一直坚持的做法. 近几年高考试题中的完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高.做完型填空首先要通读全文,了解大意.一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以,必须先通读一至两遍,才能大概了解文章的内容.千万不要看一句,做一句.其次要逐句分析,前后一致.选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等.答案全填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅了,用词得当,意思正确. ‎

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