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补全句子(七) 挑战中考 A ‎1.随着高科技的飞速发展,在不久的将来中国大部分地区将使用5G。‎ With the rapid progress in high technology, 5G             around most parts of China in the near future. ‎ ‎2.听从老师的建议,很快你将解决这个问题。‎ Follow the         and soon you will solve the problem. ‎ ‎3.令我惊讶的是我叔叔在他五十多岁时拿到了驾照。‎ To my surprise, my uncle got his driving licence             . ‎ ‎4.孩子们高兴地在那儿互相扔雪球。‎ The children are happily     snowballs     each other over there. ‎ ‎5.爷爷和我们住在一起。我们都照顾他。‎ Grandfather lives with us. We all             him.  ‎ ‎6.午饭准备好后,妈妈叫我摆放餐桌。‎ When lunch was ready, Mum asked me to             . ‎ ‎7.这是我读过的最好的一本书。‎ This is the     book     I have ever     . ‎ ‎8.大卫的成功不是偶然的,那是他努力工作的结果。‎ David’s success didn’t come         . It was the result of his hard work. ‎ ‎9.虽然他还小,但是他能够独自做很多事情。‎ Although he is very young, he can do many things             . ‎ ‎10.坚持努力学习,你的梦想将会实现。‎ Keep studying hard, and your dream will         .  ‎ B ‎11.互联网在人们的工作和生活中起着重要的作用。‎ The Internet     an important     in people’s work and life. ‎ ‎12.历史上的第一个风筝是由木头做成的吗?‎ ‎     the first kite         wood in history? ‎ ‎13.洗头发的时候不要任由水一直流。‎ Don’t     the water     when washing your hair. ‎ ‎14.我想知道这个演讲是否值得一听。‎ I wonder     the speech is worth     to. ‎ ‎15.老师们对他很满意,因为他取得了很大的进步。‎ The teachers are         him, because he has made great progress. ‎ ‎16.长大后我将更多地帮助别人。‎ ‎ When I         , I’m going to help others more.  ‎ ‎17.在我们出发之前,还有一些规则和建议要讲给你听。‎ Before we         , there are a few rules and suggestions for you. ‎ ‎18.谢谢你带我们参观鄂尔多斯大剧院。‎ Thank you for     us     Ordos Grand Theatre. ‎ ‎19.吃太多的糖会导致牙齿问题。‎ ‎             sugar can lead to tooth problems. ‎ ‎20.青少年应该被允许选择他(她)们自己的爱好。‎ Teenagers             to choose their own hobbies. ‎ C ‎21.鄂尔多斯正在变得越来越美丽,每年夏天有数以千计的游客来度假。‎ Ordos is becoming more and more beautiful, and         tourists come to enjoy their holidays every summer. ‎ ‎22.据说飞行汽车不久将会飞上蓝天。‎ ‎         that flying cars will appear in the sky very soon. ‎ ‎23. 在许多大城市,共享单车能使人们自由地到处旅行又无污染。‎ In many big cities, sharing bikes can make people         freely without pollution. ‎ ‎24.我妹妹很小的时候就开始学英语了。‎ My sister         English     she was very young. ‎ ‎25.在国外旅行时,有些人宁愿参观古建筑,也不愿意购物。‎ When travelling abroad, some people              the old buildings than do some shopping.  ‎ ‎26.肯尼亚蒙内铁路由中国建设并开通运行,它开启了非洲的世纪梦想。‎ Mombasa-Nairobi Railway Line in Kenya         by China and was put into use. It started the African century dream.  ‎ ‎27.昨晚我到家时,我妹妹和我父母正躺在床上。‎ My sister with my parents         in bed when I got home yesterday evening. ‎ ‎28. 中国人民因“一带一路”而骄傲。‎ Chinese         in “The Belt and Road”. ‎ ‎29. 我不确定英国英语和美国英语的不同之处。‎ I’m not sure about the         Britain English and American English. ‎ ‎30.这个男孩子从自行车上掉了下来。幸运的是,他伤得不重。‎ The boy         his bike. Luckily, he didn’t hurt seriously. ‎ D ‎31.我想知道他明天是否要去维也纳。‎ I wonder     he         to Vienna. ‎ ‎32.“我曾经参加过许多比赛。”‎ ‎“比尔也是。”‎ ‎—I have ever entered many competitions.‎ ‎—         Bill. ‎ ‎33.和他的房子比起来,我的房子更大更便宜。‎ ‎         his house, mine is larger and cheaper. ‎ ‎34.讨论的时候,所有的学生被老师分为四组。‎ All the students             four groups by teachers while having a discussion. ‎ ‎35.我爸爸过去常常开车上班,但是现在他坐公交了。‎ My father         go to work by car, but now he takes the bus. ‎ ‎36.那些男孩擅长打篮球,但他们从不炫耀。‎ Those boys are good at playing basketball, but they never         .  ‎ ‎37.每个人应该竭尽所能处理这个问题。‎ ‎ Everyone is supposed to do what they can             the problem.  ‎ ‎38.我们应该采取措施来防止校园暴力。‎ Measures should         to prevent school violence. ‎ ‎39.我爸爸要求我养成一到家就做作业的习惯。‎ My father asks me to                     doing my homework as soon as I get home.  ‎ ‎40.我们一直忙于准备今天的考试。‎ We are busy         today’s exam all the time. ‎ E ‎41.他写的报告真精彩!‎ ‎         wonderful report he wrote! ‎ ‎42.我和他都没完成工作。‎ ‎     I     he has finished the work. ‎ ‎43.那间房子他已经买了十年了。‎ He         that house for ten years.  ‎ ‎44.许多年前她就把那些旧书扔掉了。‎ ‎ She     those old books     many years ago.  ‎ ‎45.公共汽车上人太多,我上不去。‎ There are         people on the bus     I can’t get on.  ‎ ‎46.加利福尼亚全年气候宜人。即使在12月份你也可能会想去游泳。‎ The weather in California is fine all year round.         it is in December, you may want to go swimming. ‎ ‎47.我们班将近三分之二的学生加入了体育俱乐部。‎ Nearly two     of the students in our class have     the PE club. ‎ ‎48.他的新书在上周的书展上并未得到任何关注。‎ No attention             his new book at the book show last week. ‎ ‎49.今天早晨老师进来的时候同学们正在扫地。‎ The students                 when the teacher came in this morning.  ‎ ‎50.妈妈已经离开家快一个月了。我盼望看到她。‎ Mum has         from home for nearly a month. I’m looking forward to seeing her.  ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ A 1.will be used 2.teacher’s advice ‎3.in his fifties 4.throwing; to 5.take care of ‎6.lay/set the table 7.best; that; read ‎8.by accident/chance ‎9.on his own 10.come true B 11.plays; role 12.Was; made of ‎13.leave; running 14.if/whether; listening ‎ ‎15.satisfied/pleased with 16.grow up ‎17.set off 18.showing; around ‎19.Eating too much 20.should be allowed C 21.thousands of 22.It’s said ‎23.travel around ‎24.has learned; since ‎25.would rather visit ‎26.was built ‎27.was lying 28.take pride ‎29.differences between 30.fell off D 31.if/whether; will go 32.So has ‎33.Compared with/to 34.are divided into ‎35.used to 36.show off ‎37.to do/deal with 38.be taken ‎39.get into the habit of 40.preparing for E 41.What a ‎42.Neither; nor ‎43.has had 44.threw; away ‎45.so many; that ‎46.Even though/if ‎47.thirds; joined 48.was paid to ‎49.were sweeping the floor ‎50.been away

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