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第五节 介词和介词短语 第一部分 语法精讲精练 目录 contents 考点突破 考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四 课堂小测 中考模拟演练 考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四 中考导航 目录 contents 考点 广东省卷近五年中考统计 高频 考点 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1. 表示时间的介词 ★★☆ 2. 表示地点和方位的介词 √ ★★★ 3. 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 √ √ ★★☆ 4. 其它常用介词 √ √ ★★☆ 5. 介词短语 ★☆☆ 目录 contents 考情分析: 从近五年考查情况来看,介词和介词短语是每年的必考点,近几年均考查了常用介词的用法及辨析。 2017 年备考时应掌握好常用介词的用法及辨析,不要混淆。 目录 contents 考点预测 : 1. 表时间的介词: for+ 一段时间 , since+ 时间点; 2. 表地点和方位的介词: between,behind,among ; 3. 表方式、工具的介词: with , by 。 考点突破 考点一 表示时间的介词 考点二 表示地点和方位的常用介词 考点三 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 考点四 其它常用介词 考点五 介词短语 目录 contents 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively at 、 in 、 on 表示时间的区别 (1)at 表示具体的时间点,常用于表示钟点及某些词组中。如 : at Christmas( 在圣诞节 ) ; at six o’clock( 在 6 点钟 ) ; at night( 在晚上 ) ; at the end of( 在 …… 结束时 ) ; at the age of( 在 …… 岁时 ) ; at last( 最终,最后 ) 。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 (★★☆) 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively in 还可以表示从现在算起到若干时间以后,意为“在 …… 时间后”,用于一般将来时或过去将来时态。如 : Can you finish drawing a good horse in five minutes? 你能在 5 分钟内画一匹好看的马吗 ? 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively (3) on 用于表示确定的时间,具体某一天或具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上或一般节日等。如 : on December 1st,1994 ( 在 1994 年 12 月 1 日 ) ; on Monday morning( 在星期一上午 ) ; on a cold morning( 在一个寒冷的早晨 ) ; on the night of October 22nd( 在 10 月 22 日晚上 ) ; on Christmas Day( 在圣诞节 ) ; on Teachers’ Day( 在教师节 ) 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively 注意 : 在以 this,that,next,last,tomorrow,yesterday 等开始的表示时间的单词或词组前不用介词。如 : I will go to Beijing next week. 下周我将去北京。 2.for , since , from 表示时间的区别 (1)“for+ 一段时间”意为“已经多长时间了”,强调某动作或状态持续了多长时间,可与过去、现在、将来等多种时态连用,谓语动词只能用延续性动词。如 : She has worked there for four years. 她已经在那里工作 4 年了。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively (2)since 用作介词时,意为“自从,自 …… 以后”,指从某一时间一直延续至今,后接时间点,通常与完成时连用。如 : The factory has been there since spring 1989. 那家工厂自 1989 年春就在那里了。 注意 : since 还可以用作连词,用来引导一个时间状语从句。如 : Great changes have taken place since he left. 自从他离开以后,这里发生了巨大的变化。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively (3) from(from...to...) 表示开始的时间,意为“从 ……”(“ 从 …… 到 ……”) ,谓语可用过去、现在或将来时态。如 : Students go to school from Monday to Friday. 学生们周一至周五上学。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively 3.to , past , pass 表时间的区别 (1)to 介词,大于 30 分钟时,表示“差”。如 : ten to seven(6:50) (2)past 介词,小于 30 分钟时,表示“过”。 如 : ten past six(6:10) (3)pass 动词,表示“经过,过去”。如 : He passed by me. 他从我身边经过。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively 4. 其余表示时间的介词 (1)after 指时间“在 …… 以后”,后面接时间点或时间段均可。接时间段时,多和过去时连用;接时间点时,多和将来时连用。如 : He came back after a few days. 几天后他回来了。 I’ll call you after 4:30. 四点半以后我给你打电话。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively (2)till/until 表示“到 …… 为止,直到 …… 之时,直至”,在肯定句中要用延续性动词。如 : You’d better stay in bed till tomorrow. 你最好在床上待到明天。 I shall wait until ten o’clock. 我将等到 10 点钟。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively 在否定句中, not...until... 意为“直到 …… 才 ……” ,是连词,用来引导一个时间状语从句,谓语动词用短暂性动词。如 : I didn’t go to bed until eleven last night. 昨天晚上直到 11 点钟我才睡觉。 (3)by 表示“不迟于” (not later than) ,常与完成时连用。如 :by then 到那时, by now 到目前为止。 They had seen four English films by the end of last night. 到昨天晚上为止他们已经看过四部英语电影。 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively (4)before 指时间“在 …… 以前”,后面一般接时间点。如 : I will get to Australia before Friday. 我将于星期五之前到达澳大利亚。 (5)during 表示“在 …… 期间”,强调“自始至终”。如 : During those three months , he asked a lot of questions. 在那三个月期间,他问了许多问题。 ( ) 1.(2016 广东 )Many young people put mobile gaming ______ anything else, thinking little of their normal lives. A.along with B.behind C.before D.in front of ( ) 3.Our reading club shares ideas with each other ______ one hour every Tuesday. A.to B.on C.at D.for C 母题训练 中考预测 D 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively ( ) 2.(2011 广东 )It’s time ______ the weather report.Turn on the radio, please. A.to B.in C.at D.for ( ) 4.The accident happened______ a cold winter early morning. A.in B.at C.on D.for D 母题训练 中考预测 C 考点 1 表示时间的介词 Listen attentively 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 (★★★) 1.in , at 与 on (1)in 表示地点,意为“在 …… 内”,用于内部。如 : He put his hands in his pockets. 他把手放进口袋。 (2) on 意为“在 …… 上面”,用于表面接触,指在一个平面上。如 : There was a carpet on the floor. 地板上铺着一块地毯。 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively (3) 表示“在某地”时, at 后接小地方, in 后接大地方。如 : When did you arrive at the station? 你什么 时候到车站的 ? He was born in Wuhan. 他出生在武汉。 (4)at 还有“在 …… 旁边”之意,如 : at the table 在桌子旁边 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 2.above 与 below above 的意思是“在 …… 之上” “高于 ……” ,与物体表面不接触,表示相对高度,不一定是在正上方,它的反义词是 below 。如 : The plane flew above the clouds. 飞机在云层上面飞行。 The Dead Sea is below sea level. 死海的海面低于海平线。 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 3.over 与 under over 的意思是“在 …… 之上”, 与物体表面不接触,表示垂直之上,其反义词是 under 。如 : There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。 There is a boat under the bridge. 桥下有一艘船。 4.by , beside 与 near (1)by 表示“在 …… 旁边”,较 near 更近。如 :My house is by the river. 我的家在河边。 (2)beside 表示“近旁”、“紧靠”,相当于 next to 。如 : Come and sit beside me. 来坐在我的身旁。 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively (3)near 意为“在 …… 附近”,可以表示空间、时间关系等。如 : He sits near the window. 他坐在窗户附近。 5.after 与 behind (1)after 表示位置关系,意为“在 …… 的后面”。如 : Your name comes after mine in the list. 名单上,你的名字列于我之后。 (2)behind 表示位置,意为“在 …… 后面”。如 :The boy was hiding behind a tree. 那个男孩躲在一棵树后。 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 6.through, across, cross 穿过 (1)through 介词,纵穿 ( 从空间穿过 ) 。如 :The soldiers went through the forest. 那些士兵穿过树林离开了。 (2)across 介词,横穿 ( 横过某个平面 ) 。如 : He is walking across the street. 他正在横过马路。 (3)cross 动词,横穿 ( 横过某个平面 ) 。如 : He is crossing the street. 他正在横过马路。 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 7.among, between 在 …… 之间 among 在 ( 三者或三者以上 ) 之间; between 在 ( 两者 ) 之间。常用词组 : between...and 如 : The man who is standing among the students is Lily’s father. 站在学生中间的是莉莉的父亲。 I will be back between five and six. 我将在 5 到 6 点之间回来。 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 8.in , on , to in 表示在范围之内 ( 属于该范围 ) ; on 表示与某一地区接壤; to 表示隔海相望。 如 :Guangdong is in the south of China.( 广东属于中国。 ) Guangdong is on the south of Hunan.( 广东不属于湖南,但与湖南是毗邻关系。 ) Japan is to the east of China.( 日本不属于中国,而且隔海相望。 ) 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 9.outside 与 inside outside 意为“在 …… 的外边”; inside 意为“在 …… 的里边,在 …… 之内”。如 : A woman is waiting outside the office. 一位妇女正在办公室门外等候。 Don’t let the dog come inside the house. 不要让狗进入房子里。 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 10.in front of 与 in the front of in front of 表示“在 …… 之前” ( 范围外 ) ; in the front of 表示“在 …… 的前部 ( 范围内 )” 。如 : There are some trees in front of the classroom. 教室前面有一些树。 Our teacher usually sits in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师经常坐在教室的前面。   ( ) 1.(2012 广东 )—Why are you standing, Alice? —I can’t see the blackboard clearly.Two tall boys are sitting ______ me. A.behind B.next to C.Between D.in front of ( ) 3.—Is your father at home? —No, he is working late______the office. A.on B.at C.of D.to D 母题训练 中考预测 B 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively ( ) 2.(2010 广东 )Connie arrived ______ the village ______ a snowy night. A.at;on B.at;in C.in;at D.in;on ( ) 4.Hainan lies______the south of China, and______the south of Guangdong, too. A.in; in B.to; in C.to; in D.in; to A 母题训练 中考预测 D 考点 2 表示地点和方位的常用介词 Listen attentively 考点 3 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 Listen attentively 考点 3 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 (★★☆) 1.by , in , on 表交通方式 用 by 时,交通工具前不用任何限定词;用 on 或 in 时,交通工具前用限定词。如 : Jenny goes to school by bike. 詹妮骑自行车去上学。 (by bike=on a bike) Mr.Green goes to work by car. 格林先生开车去上班。 (by car=in a car) 考点 3 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 Listen attentively 2.by,in,with 表示手段或工具 (1)with 后跟具体的工具。如 :I often do my homework with a pen. 我经常用钢笔做作业。 (2)in 表示使用某种语言或使用某种材料,语言、材料前不加冠词。如 : Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说吗 ? (3)by 表示用某种方式或手段,在名词前不加冠词,若后接动词,需将动词变为动名词形式。如 : This pair of shoes is made by hand. 这双鞋是手工做的。 He makes a living by teaching. 他靠教书为生。 ( ) 1.(2013 广东 )—Kelly, who’s the girl ______ glasses in the photo? —It’s me.I used to wear glasses and have long hair. A.by B.of C.on D.with ( ) 2.—How do you communicate with your foreign friends? —______writing e-mails, of course. A.With B.By C.At D.From D 母题训练 中考预测 B 考点 3 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 Listen attentively 考点 4 其它常用介词 Listen attentively 考点 4 其他常用介词 (★★☆) 介词 用法 例句 against 表示“反对”“违背”,其反义词为 for 。若表示“强烈反对”,一般与副词 strongly 搭配。 They are strongly against the idea. 他们强烈反对这个意见。 beyond 表示范围、水平、限度、能力等,意思是“超出;多于;为 …… 所不能及”。 His bad behavior is beyond a joke. 他的不良行为超出了开玩笑的范围。 about about “关于”,多用于内容和观点比较一般性的 情况。 What is your excuse about your being late yesterday? 你昨天迟到的借口是什么? 考点 4 其它常用介词 Listen attentively 介词 用法 例句 like 意为“像 …… 一样”,用于说明相似关系,实际 上不是。 He talked to me like my father. 他像父亲那样跟我 谈话。(他不是我父亲) as 意为“作为,以 …… 的身份”,后跟表示职业、职 务、身份的名词。 We chose him as captain of our team. 我们选他当我们的队长。 except 表示“除 …… 之外(不包括在内)”,是从整体中除 去一部分,常和否定代词和概括性代词连用。 We are all here except Li Ming. 除了李明之外,我们都在这里。 考点 4 其它常用介词 Listen attentively 介词 用法 例句 into “往 …… 里(进、蹦、跳)去”,常和动词连用。 Many frogs jumped into the lake. 许多青蛙跳进了湖里。 with/along with 表示伴随,意为“和 …… 一起”。 She lives with her parents. 她同父母住在一起 without 表示“没有”,用作状语。 He left without saying a word. 他什么也没有说就离开了。 考点 4 其它常用介词 Listen attentively 介词 用法 例句 for (1) 表示目的,意为“为了”。 Let’s go for a walk.[HTK] 让我们去散步吧。 (2) 表原因、理由。 Sanya is famous for “Tianya Haijiao” .三亚因“天涯海角”而出名。 (3) 表用途、对象。 I think drinking milk is good for our health. 我认为喝牛奶对我们的健康有好处。 (4) 表示价格。 He sells his books for fifty yuan. 他以 50 元的价格卖掉了他的书。 考点 4 其它常用介词 Listen attentively 介词 用法 例句 along 表示“沿着,顺着”。 We’ve planted more than 1 , 000 trees along the banks of the river .我们沿着河岸种了 1 , 000 多棵树 off 表示“离开,脱离”。 Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地。 ( ) 1.(2015 广东 ) Could you please give me a hand? I can’t complete the task on time ______ your help. A.without B.under C.with D.for ( ) 3.We’ll play basketball ______ Class 3 tomorrow. A.over B.against C.to D.for A 母题训练 中考预测 B 考点 4 其它常用介词 Listen attentively ( ) 2.(2014 广东 ) Most people are ______ building a paper factory near here.They are worried the river will get polluted. A.for B.with C.against D.beyond ( ) 4.Mr.Lin gave the textbooks to all the students ______ the ones who had already taken them. A.except B.including C.among D.with C 母题训练 中考预测 A 考点 4 其它常用介词 Listen attentively 考点 5 介词短语 Listen attentively 考点 5 介词短语 (★☆☆) 1. 介词与动词的常见搭配 listen to 听 laugh at 嘲笑 get to 到达 get on/off 上车/下车 look for 寻找 wait for 等待 hear from 收到 …… 的来信 worry about 担心 think of 想起,认为 look after 照顾,照料 spend...on 花费 agree with 同意 do with 对付,处置 depend on 依靠 talk about 谈论 turn on/off 打开/关掉 turn up/down 调大/调小 regard...as 把 …… 当作 pay for 付款 knock at 敲 ask for 请求,向 …… 要 考点 2 介词短语 Listen attentively 2. 介词与形容词的常见搭配 be fond of 喜欢 be ready for 为 …… 做好准备 be kind to 对 …… 亲切 be sure about 确信 be busy with 忙于 be late for 迟到 be afraid of 害怕 be good at 擅长于 be full of 装满 考点 5 介词短语 Listen attentively 3. 介词与名词的常见搭配 by bike / bus / train 骑自行车 / 乘公共汽车/乘火车 with / without one’s help 在有/没有某人的帮助下 on one’s way to 在某人去 …… 的路上 on time 准时 to one’s surprise 使某人惊奇的是 on foot 步行 at the end of 在 …… 尽头,末尾 at the foot of 在 …… 的脚下 ( ) 1.Don’t ask him to study too late into the night.______,he is only a small child. A.As a result B.After all C.Best of all D.For example ( ) 2.What a nice day! We should go sightseeing ______ watching TV in the hotel. A.because of B.instead of C.together with D.out of B 母题训练 中考预测 B 考点 5 介词短语 Listen attentively 课堂小测 目录 contents 考点一 表示时间的介词 考点二 表示地点和方位的常用介词 考点三 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 考点四 其他常用介词 考点五 介词短语 目录 contents ( ) 1.( 导学号 44372228)(2016 贵州黔东南 ) My little sister was born ______ a sunny morning ______ June, 2003.So my parents named her Xiao Sun. A.on; in B.in; on C.at; in D.in; in A 目录 contents ( ) 2.( 导学号 44372229)(2016 湖北黄冈 )— Junior high school days will be over ______ a week.How are you feeling? —I’m trying to keep my cool because we’ve been together ______ three years. A.in; in B.for; in C.in; for D.for; for ( ) 3.( 导学号 44372230)(2016 四川雅安 ) I have been in China______ 1997. A.since B.for C.in D.until C A 目录 contents ( ) 4.( 导学号 44372231)(2016 重庆 ) Jim lives ______ a small village and the air there is very fresh. A.on B.in C.under D.from ( ) 5.( 导学号 44372232)(2016 北京 ) Paul’s mother is a nurse.She works ______ a hospital. A.with B.on C.of D.in ( ) 6.( 导学号 44372233)(2016 河南 ) It’s so cold outside.Remember to close the door______ you when you leave. A.beside B.before C.with D.behind B D D 目录 contents ( ) 7.( 导学号 44372234)(2016 黑龙江龙东地区 ) Taiwan lies ______ the east of Fujian, ______ the southeast of China. A.on; in B.to; in C.on; to D.in; to ( ) 8.( 导学号 44372235)(2016 湖北鄂州 )— Oh,my god!I’ve left my keys in the room.I’ll have to get in______ the window. —It’s dangerous.You’d better wait for your mom to come back. A.past B.over C.across D.through B D 目录 contents ( ) 9. ( 2016 天津) You can buy almost everything ______ the Internet, and it’s very easy. into B. for C. at D. on ( )10.(2016 四川绵阳 )— What did you get for your birthday, Tony? —An iPad 4, ______ my aunt. to B. from C. with D. for D B 目录 contents ( ) 11.( 导学号 44372236)(2016 江苏苏州 ) A good student connects what he reads ______ what he sees around him. A.for B.with C.in D.on ( ) 12.( 导学号 44372237)(2016 河北 ) Class,let’s see who can spell most words ______ these letters. A.at B.into C.on D.with B D 目录 contents ( ) 13.( 导学号 44372238)(2016 湖北孝感 ) Xiaogan is well known ______ the culture of “Xiao”. A.in B.for C.at D.on ( ) 14.( 导学号 44372239)(2016 内蒙古包头 ) If you are planning a trip to a place of interest, you’d better look in your local library ______ a book about it. A.on B.at C.to D.for B D 目录 contents ( ) 15.( 导学号 44372240)(2016 江苏无锡 ) Although he was ______ my opinion, the old professor didn’t come up with his own. A.against B.on C.for D.in ( ) 16.( 导学号 44372241)(2016 山东德州 ) Nobody could solve this difficult problem alone______others’ help. A.with B.for C.without D.from A C 目录 contents ( ) 17.( 导学号 44372242)(2016 湖北黄石 ) It is necessary ______ us to help our friends out when they meet difficulties. A.to B.of C.with D.for ( ) 18.( 导学号 44372243)(2016 山东济宁 ) We should be kind to the old and take care ______ them in daily life. A.of B.for C.with D.about D A 目录 contents ( ) 19.( 导学号 44372244)(2016 湖北襄阳 )— Who is David looking ______? —His mother.She’s been in hospital for a few days. A.for B.after C.at D.up ( ) 20.( 导学号 44372245)(2016 贵州毕节 ) He borrowed some money ______ me and gave it ______ the poor man. A.to; for B.for; to C.from; to D.to; from   B C 中考模拟演练 目录 contents 目录 contents ( ) 1.( 导学号 44372246)— When is Lang Lang’s concert? —It’s ______ three o’clock ______ the afternoon of December 18th. A.at;in B.at;on C.on;in D.in;on ( ) 2.( 导学号 44372247) The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come ______ four days. A.after B.for C.during D.in B D 目录 contents ( ) 3.( 导学号 44372248)— The charity walk begins ______ 9:00. Don’t be late. —No problem. A.at B.by C.in D.on ( ) 4.( 导学号 44372249) The third China-South Asia EXPO was held in Kunming ______ June 12th to June 16th. A.on B.in C.at D.from A D 目录 contents ( ) 5.( 导学号 44372250) We’re leaving tomorrow.We will be away ______ next Friday. A.from B.until C.on D.since ( ) 6.( 导学号 44372251)______ the exam, we’ll say good-bye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school. A.In B.For C.After D.Through B C 目录 contents ( ) 7.( 导学号 44372252) They usually go shopping______ their lunch break. A.against B.among C.between D.during ( ) 8.( 导学号 44372253) Lucy lived in Beijing from 2008 ______ 2016. A.on B.to C.at D.of ( ) 9.( 导学号 44372254) We’ll fly to New York on Monday morning, and then we’ll stay in New York ______ Wednesday afternoon. A.until B.after C.on D.in D B A 目录 contents ( ) 10.( 导学号 44372255) In cold winter, the temperature in Harbin often remains ______ zero all day. A.above B.below C.over D.under ( ) 11.She had to sell the house even though it was ______ her own wishes. A.above B.on C.for D.against ( ) 12.( 导学号 44372257) You must be careful when you swim ______ the lake. A.across B.below C.over D.through B D A 目录 contents ( ) 13.( 导学号 44372258) Jim sits behind me, so I sit ______ him. A.at the top of B.at the end of C.in the middle of D.in front of ( ) 14.( 导学号 44372259)— I like the weather in Kunming. It’s warm all year long. —Yes.And the temperature stays ______zero all the time. A.at B.below C.around D.above D D 目录 contents ( ) 15.( 导学号 44372260) Teenagers should be encouraged to go ______ and be close to nature. A.inside B.back C.outside D.off ( ) 16.( 导学号 44372261) Mr.Green’s office is ______the 26th floor.You can take the lift there. A.at B.in C.on D.for C C 目录 contents ( ) 17.( 导学号 44372262) On May 10th, a horse was found running happily ______ the busy street in Beijing. A.at B.of C.in D.from ( ) 18.( 导学号 44372263) The castle stands in a quiet place ______ the main road at the far end of the river. A.to B.for C.off D.out C C 目录 contents ( ) 19.( 导学号 44372264) Cambridge is a small city ______ the east of England. A.between B.with C.in D.under ( ) 20.( 导学号 44372265) You see, Kevin is writing ______ his left hand. A.at B.as C.for D.with ( ) 21.( 导学号 44372266) The man makes a living ______ teaching. A.without B.with C.by D.in C D C 目录 contents ( ) 22.( 导学号 44372267)— Could you tell me the way to the Science Museum,please? —Yes,walk along this street.You’ll see it ______ your left. A.on B.in C.for D.over ( ) 23.( 导学号 44372268) The policeman helped the old woman go ______ the road. A.above B.across C.through D.over A B 目录 contents ( ) 24.( 导学号 44372269) Don’t drive so fast! We must slow down when we drive ______ the tunnel. A.past B.across C.over D.through ( ) 25.( 导学号 44372270) We can get fresh water from rain, from rivers, or from ______ the ground. A.across B.under C.over D.off D B 目录 contents ( ) 26.( 导学号 44372271)— Where is Wenzhou Zoo? —I’ve no idea.Why not find it ______ the map? A.at B.for C.of D.on ( ) 27.( 导学号 44372272) There was an exciting moment in our class when a large bird flew ______ the classroom. A.from B.into C.onto D.with D B 目录 contents ( ) 28.( 导学号 44372273) When I got into the room, Green was talking ______ the phone. A.on B.with C.to D.in ( ) 29.( 导学号 44372274) You can improve your English ______reading more. A.in B.with C.by D.of ( ) 30.( 导学号 44372275)— A person’s life is like a road ______ lots of difficulties. —Yes, so we need positive energy. A.by B.with C.along D.during A C B 目录 contents ( ) 31.( 导学号 44372276)— How can we protect ourselves ______ the earthquake? —We should stay calm first. A.with B.about C.for D.from ( ) 32.( 导学号 44372277)— This problem is far ______ me.I’m afraid I can’t work it out. —Don’t worry.We will help you. A.beyond B.beside C.behind D.between D A 目录 contents ( ) 33.( 导学号 44372278) Lin Lin often practices English ______ chatting with her American friend. A.in B.by C.for D.with ( ) 34.( 导学号 44372279) If you keep on, you’ll learn to write______ English. A.in B.for C.at D.on B A 目录 contents ( ) 35.( 导学号 44372280) Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily ______ the windows. A.below B.across C.behind D.against ( ) 36.( 导学号 44372281) It is great ______ us to get so many favorite books on International Children’s Book Day. A.to B.with C.of D.for D D 目录 contents ( ) 37.( 导学号 44372282) Robert Hunt sometimes advises the students ______ common problems. A.in B.about C.with D.for ( ) 38.( 导学号 44372283) We couldn’t finish our work so early ______ your help. A.without B.with C.for D.by B A 目录 contents ( ) 39.( 导学号 44372284) It is important ______ us students to make a plan ______ our studies before a new term starts. A.for;for B.of;for C.to;of D.with;on ( ) 40.( 导学号 44372285)— Tomorrow is our holiday.What ______ going hiking? —That sounds great. A.of B.for C.on D.about A D 目录 contents ( ) 41.( 导学号 44372286)— Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TFBoys.They are very ______ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about ( ) 42.( 导学号 44372287) Jenny’s uncle is a scientist. She is proud ______ him. A.from B.at C.in D.of B D 目录 contents ( ) 43.( 导学号 44372288)— Do you believe that paper is made ______ wood? —Yes, I do.And you can see that books are made ______ paper. A.from;from B.from;of C.of;from D.of;of B 目录 contents ( ) 44.( 导学号 44372289)—The box is too heavy to carry.What’s in it? —Oh, it is ______ books. A.filled with B.covered with C.used for D.asked for ( ) 45.( 导学号 44372290)______her friends,she has now become a famous writer. A.Instead of B.Thanks to C.Thanks for D.With the help A B 谢 谢 观 看 !

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