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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. (2) This information comes from Yang Xuehui at Shili high school in Xihe, Gansu. 我记得 I remember 回顾过去三年时光 Looking back at these past three years 许多往事记在心上 I remember many things 尽力准时赶上晨读 Trying to be on time for morning readings 午餐铃响跑向食堂 Running when the lunch bell rings 记得每年校运会上 I remember the excitement 那些令人兴奋时光 Of the school sports day each year 很长时间运动训练 The many long hours of training 让我战胜恐惧豪情满膛 Pride of overcoming fear 还记得开学第一天 I remember starting day one 班上最害羞的本人 The shyest in my whole class 从不跟人搭讪交谈 Never speaking to anyone 认为很难突破这一关 And thinking I would not pass 可我慢慢结识新朋友 Then slowly I made some new friends 我把他们铭记在心房 To remember forever 彼此帮助完成作业 Helping each other with home-work 好好学习一起向上 Getting better together 为艺术节充分准备 Preparing for art festivals 却制造了许多麻烦 And making a great big mess 新年聚会玩得尽兴 Having fun at New Year’s parties 致以大家最好祝愿 Wishing everyone the best 我们学了不同语言 We have learned a different language 来自另外一个国度 That is from a foreign land 英语带来许多挑战 English brings many challenges 全力以赴将它征服 We work hard to understand 现在到了毕业时候 And now it’s time to graduate 我们离开深爱母校 We will leave our lovely school 很难相信三年已去 I can’t believe it’s been three years 保持冷静不让流泪 I’m trying to keep my cool 忍住不哭何等艰难 But it’s difficult not to cry 思念校园花草树木 I’ll miss the school trees and flowers 那些善良体贴园丁 And our kind and caring teachers 永远变成美好回忆! Wonderful memories of ours Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best .

资料: 29.3万


