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2015 年秋季学期钦州港经济技术开发区中学 12 月考试 九年级英语 第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分 30 分) I. 关键词语选择(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所 给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. trade B. trip C. train 2. A. warn B. wash C. watch 3. A. soft B. safe C. same 4. A. ticket B. basket C. present' 5. A. keep off B. get off C. turn off Ⅱ. 短对话理解(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有 一个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 6. What is the man's job? 7. What is the man going to do? 8. Which animal is mentioned in the conversation? 9. What sport will the man do this Saturday?[来源:学&科&网] 10. What is the man looking for? 11. Where can the woman park the car? A. By the road. B. In the bui lding. C. Behind the building. 12. How does the man go to work these days? A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By bike. 13. What does the man mean? A. He likes his job. B. He hates his job. C. He often loses jobs. 14. How much will the man pay? A. $20. B. $40. C. $60. 15. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. On a bus. B. In the street. C. In a museum. A.厨师 B.服务员 C.老师 A.骑马 B.演讲 C.钓鱼 A.老虎 B.牛 C.猴子 A.溜冰鞋 B.棒球 C.乒乓球拍 A.眼镜 B.手机 C.手表 III. 长对话理解(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几 个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍,.听下面一 段对话,回答第 16、17 两个小题。 16. What is the weather like? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Windy. 17. What will they do in the end? A. They'll take a taxi. B. They'll have a drink. C. They'll do shopping. 听下面一段对话,回答第 18 至 20 三个小题。 18. What does the woman want to do? A. To have a meeting, B. To buy some tea. C. To interview Mr. White. 19. What time are they going to meet? A. At 1 pm. B. At 2 pm. C. At 3 pm. 20. Where are they going to meet? A. In Mr. White's office. B. At the Bank of China. C. In Sunshine Tea House. Ⅳ.短文理解(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有 5 个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。 21. Where did the old lady put the broken pieces of glass? A. On the road. B. Into the bag. C. Into her pocket. 22. Who were talking on the road? A. An old lady and a policeman. B. A policeman and some kids. C. An old lady and some kids. 23. Why did the old lady pick up the pieces of glass? A. To collect the glass. B. To clean the road. C. To keep the kids safe. 24. What did the policeman do then? A. He punished the old lady. B. He joined the old lady. C. He played with the kids. 25. What can you know from the story? A. The old lady was kind. B. The kids were honest. C. The policeman was brave. V.信息转换(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,填写下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短 文读两遍。 A Sale in Our School[来源:学科网 ZXXK] When There will be a sale next 26 . Who Students from 27 classes are going to take part in the activity. What We can sell used things such as cards, 28 and bookmarks.[来源:学科 网 ZXXK][来源:Z_xx_k.Com] We can 29 used things for what we need. Why We can make 30 use of used things and protect' the environment. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分 55 分) VI. 单项选择 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. “Dad, where are we going” was the hottest TV show last year. It was liked people of all ages. A. as B. by C. with D. for 32. As a doctor , you should be patient _______all the patients. A. in B. with C. on D. of 33. —Dad,I was the first to reach the top of the hill. —Good job, Mary. I’m_______of you. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. careful 34. We should ________good eating habits. A. develop B. grow C. increase D. find 35. I hope I can do something to support . It’s meaningful and important to save some endangered animals. A. ORBIS B. UNICEF C. OXFAM D. WWF 36. Earth Day_______in 1970 to tell us to protect our planet. A. sets up B. set up C. is set up D. was set up 37. Each year quite a lot of food________ around the world. A. was wasted B. is wasted C. wasted D. will be wasted 38. Mum, I’m hungry now I didn’t have breakfast this morning. A. because B. because of C. and D. but 39. The sick man__ _____to hospital by the policeman an hour ago. A. is taken B. was taken C. takes D. took 40. He is not used _______out before breakfast. A. goes B. going C. to going D. to go 41. The car needs checking. It may cause accidents if it _______ soon. A. won’t check B. won’t be checked C. doesn’t check D. isn’t checked 42. ----- Sir, did you see the sign “ No Parking” ? ----- Sorry. I didn’t know parking here isn’t________. A. prevented B. refused C. allowed D. expected 43. A report says that the world’s natural gas deposits (储存) ________ early in the next century. A. will run out B. will be run out C. will use up D. will be cleaned up 44. It is sunny outside. Why not ________ the light and open the window? A. put off B. put away C. turn up D. turn off 45. We didn’t go to the concert because we couldn’t to buy the tickets to it. A. choose B. afford C. offer D. expect 46. — China is a country with ________ resources. — That’s true. But China is also a country with the largest number of people. A. rich B. poor C. high D. low 47. These new clothes______ to the children in the village tomorrow. A. are sent B. were sent C. will sent D. will be sent 48. — The bag looks big. Do you need a hand? — Oh, it is empty. ________. A. Never mind B. You’re welcome C. Thanks, anyway D. It doesn’t matter 49. Which of the following is new energy? A. coal B. oil C. wind D. gas 50. Which of the following actions is NOT part of green life? A. Burning rubbish in the open air. B. Planting trees in spring. C. Walking or riding bikes to school. D. Taking a shopping basket when going shopping. VII. 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Antarctica is in the most 51 part of the world. It’s like nowhere else 52 the earth. It’s nearly twice the size of Australia, much 53 than Europe. Antarctica is the 54 and windiest place in the world, even colder and windier than the Arctic. In summer, the sun shines for twenty-four hours a day. 55 in winter, it’s completely dark for about three months. Very 56 plants grow there, but there is some wildlife, like sea lions and penguins (企鹅). When Captain James Cook traveled around Antarctica by ship 57 , he found nobody living there. Today, a few 58 are studying the Ozone Hol e (臭氧空洞) in Antarctica. The ozone layer (臭氧层) is getting thinner and thinner. The biggest “hole” is over Antarctica, and the 59 there is becoming warmer. These scientists are thinking about ways to 60 Antarctica. Maybe they will find some useful methods soon. 51. A. southern B. northern C. eastern D. western 52. A. over B. at C. on D. above 53. A. smaller B. larger C. smallest D. largest 54. A. coldest B. hottest C. wettest D. driest 55. A. So B. But C. Because D. Since 56. A. few B. little C. many D. much 57. A. in 1770s B. in the 1770 C. in the 1770s D. in the 1770s’ 58. A. scientists B. teachers C. doctors D. policemen 59. A. water B. weather C. surface D. area 60. A. present B. tour C. increase D. protect B Dear Lin Xin, I am going to have a summer vacation soon. My parents said they would 61 me to China. I am so 62 . I will be able to see you very soon. We are going to Beijing first. We will stay there for one week. I have 63 th e Great Wall. I always hope that I can have the 64 to visit it. My dream is going to come true. Then we will go to Hangzhou, 65 my uncle lives there. He 66 as a host (主持人) at a radio station. We haven’t 67 him for five years. But I often write letters to him. He told me that Hangzhou is 68 . He wants to live there forever (永远). Have you ever been to that 69 ? Is he right? Finally, we will fly to Shanghai. You have told me a lot about 70 . Would you like to be our guide? I hope to receive your letter very soon. Yours, Mark 61. A. take B. send C. make D. guess 62. A. upset B. excited C. scared D. bored 63. A. heard about B. depended on C. found out D. heard from 64. A. project B. meeting C. plan D. chance 65. A. although B. so C. because D. but 66. A. takes B. works C. wants D. plays 67. A. missed B. written C. seen D. talked 68. A. strange B. dangerous C. dirty D. beautiful 69. A. city B. town C. village D. country 70. A. them B. here C. him D. it VIII.补全对话(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。 Ann: Thank you for the birthday gift, Dad. It's the best gift I have ever had. Dad: 71 Ann: I've always wanted a computer. 72 Dad: And you need it to chat (聊天) with your friends, too. Ann: I guess you are right. 73 Dad: Send an email? Er, just do like this. 74 Ann: Yes, Dad. I think it's easy. Dad: 75 Ann: I won't, I promise. A. Have you got it? B. Do you need help? C. I’m glad you like it. D. How can I turn it on? E. I need it to do my homework. F. Just don't spend too much time on it. G. Could you show me how to send an email? 第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题,满分 40 分) IX. 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Let’s Go See Papá is a lovely children’s book. In this book, a little girl tells about her life while her dad is working far away from her. “I haven’t seen my dad for one year, eight months and twenty-two days,” the girl writes in her journal. She writes everything she has d one so that her father will never miss a day. Sunday is the cheapest day for long-distance (长途的) phone calls, so that day is special to the girl and her mother. One Sunday phone call brings surprising news. Dad tells his daughter that she and Mom will finally be able to come and live with him in the United States. The girl feels happy, because she can see her father again. But she has to leave her dog and her best friend Rocío behind. A few days later, Mom and the little girl go to the airport. They have to say goodbye to the happy days they spent here. 76. The underlined word “journal” means “ ” in Chinese. A. 作业 B. 自传 C. 日记 D. 录像 77. Whom does the girl get her journal ready for? A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her friend. D. Her pet. 78. When does the girl’s father usually call her and her mother? A. On Mondays. B. On Fridays. C. On Saturdays. D. On Sundays. 79. How does the girl go to the United States with her mother? A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By car. D. By train. 80. What can we learn from the passage? A. The girl keeps a pet cat. B. The girl doesn’t want to go to America. C. The girl’s father has been in the United States for nearly two years. D. The girl feels sad about her leaving because she has no friend to say goodbye to. B Holding doors open, picking up rubbish, thanking people … these acts of kindness seem very small. But students at Tibbetts Middle School know that it’s the small acts that make the world a better place. Eighth-graders from New Mexico, US, took part in the Random (随意) Acts of Kindness Week from Feb 10 to 14. During the week, they tried their best to do kind things for others, or for the environment. Celeste Murray, an English teacher at the school, started the activity. “I believe the world is changed by little things,” she told the local newspaper. Over the week, Murray said she has seen changes in her class. Previously, she asked her students to push the chairs in after class. Now, the students do it by themselves. “The teachers will have less work,” said Elisea Castaneda, one of Murray’s students. Jordin Marshall, another eighth-grader, spent the week giving out praise (赞扬). “It makes that person’s day (使那个人开心),” she said. “Besides helping others, the activity made students feel that they can make a difference,” Murray said. Eighth-grader Haley Echols decided to continue to do at least one act of kindness every week. She believes her acts could encourage others. 81. Random Acts of Kindness Week was started by . A. some eighth-graders B. the school C. a teacher D. some parents 82. What kind of act of kindness is not mentioned? A. Giving out praise. B. Holding doors open. C. Picking up rubbish. D. Donating money. 83. The underlined word “Previously” means . A. since then B. before C. later D. at present 84. Elisea thinks if students push in chairs after class, . A. teachers’ work can be reduced B. the environment will be better C. other students’ time can be saved D. no rubbish will be left 85. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. Random Acts of Kindness Week lasted for seven days. B. Random Acts of Kindness Week made children feel they can make a difference. C. The teachers and students want to make the world a better place with small acts. D. The activity encouraged many students. C Would you like to adopt an animal? Although this sounds very unusual, some children have done just this. The Natural Zoo has given people the chance to adopt animals by paying for all of its food for one year. One of the animals that needed parents was a young tiger named Brocky. The people at the zoo said that it would cost about $900 a year for the food for Brocky. Not many boys and girls have $900 to spend. That is why several hundred children and grown-ups each have sent a little money to the zoo to help pay for Brocky’s food. Some children sent in only a quarter because that was all the money they had. Other children sent in more money than that. Since so many people sent money to the zoo to help pay for Brocky’s food, he now will be able to eat as much as he wants. Brocky surely must be a happy tiger to know that he has so many adopted parents. Many children must also be happy to know that they have hel ped to feed him. It really will be thrilling for those children to go to the Natural Zoo to visit their adopted tiger Brocky. 86. Brocky is________. A. an animal zoo B. an adopted child C. a tiger without children’s love D. a tiger in need of adoption 87. Several hundred people give money to the zoo to help Brocky because ________. A. its food is too expensive for one person to afford B. people don’t want to spend too much money on Brocky C. people don’t love Brocky enough D. the zoo forces them to do so 88. Children will be ________ if they go to the zoo to visit the tiger Brocky. A. frightened B. excited and happy C. nervous D. surprised 89. With so many people’s money, Brocky now can _________. A. play with many toys B. live without being hungry C. eat meat every day D. have an air-conditioned room to live in 90. We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________. A. zoos are too poor to feed the animals B. there are too many animals in the zoo C. many people are kind to animals D. children love animals better than adults do D I’m Lin Min. My sister Lin Li is a teacher, but she isn’t in Beijing with us. She works in a small school in Yushu in Qinghai. She works very hard. Every morning after breakfast, she goes to four of her students’ homes and brings them to school. At eight o’clock, the students have the first morning class. After four classes, they have lunch at school. During the lunch time, Lin Li tells some stories to them. The students like listening to her stories. The afternoon classes start at 13:00 and finish at 16:00. After school, Lin Li sends the four students back to their homes. In the evening, she doesn’t watch TV or play computer games. She usually checks her students’ homework. Then she goes to bed at 22:00. Lin Li wants to do more things for her students. She is a great teacher, isn’t she? 91. Where is Lin Min? A. In Yushu. B. In Beijing. C. In Shanghai. D. In Qinghai. 92. What does the word “hard” mean in Chinese? A.快速地 B.悲伤地 C.简单地 D.努力地 93. Why does Lin Li go to some of her students’ homes in the morning? A. To visit their parents. B. To tell stories to them. C. To bring them to school. D. To help them with homework. 94. What does Lin Li do in a day? ①She watches TV. ②She tells stories to her students. ③She plays computer games. ④She checks her students’ homework. ⑤She sends some students back to their homes. A.②③④ B.③④⑤ C.②④⑤ D.①②③④⑤ 95. What’s the passage mainly about? A. Lin Min’s family. B. Lin Li’s work. C. Lin Min’s school. D. The kids in Yushu. 第四部分 写(共两大题,满分 25 分) X. 单词拼写(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 96. In some countries, black people don’t have the sa me r________ (权利) as whites. 97. My sister works in a company as a s________ (秘书). 98. E________ (教育) plays an important part in people’s life. A child can’t have a good future if he doesn’t go to school. 99. Taking too much exercise after meals is h_______(有害的)to your health. 100. We can’t finish d________(挖)such a big hole without your help. XI. 书面表达(共 1 小题;满分 20 分) 根据要点提示写一篇不少于 100 字的文章。 要点:1.节约能源和资源的好处。 (节约水,电,钱 save;减少了空气、水源的污染 reduce pollution;环保 live a green life) 2.学生节约能源和资源的具体做法 (洗澡时间缩短 take shorter showers;纸用双面;use both sides of the paper;刷牙 时关掉水龙头 turn off the tap when brushing teeth;离开房间时关掉电灯 turn off the lights when they leave a room; recycling empty bottles; 。。。。。。。) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 英语试题参考答案 第一部分 听力 I-IV. 1-5. BCBAC 6-10. ABABC 11-15. CCABA 16-20. ABCAC 21-25. BACBA V. 26. Sunday 27. 7/seven 28. toys 29. change 30. full 第二部分 英语知识运用 VI. 31—35 BBCAD 36—40 DBABC 41—45 DCADB 46—50 ADCCA VII. 51-55 ACBAB 56-60 ACABD 61-65 ABADC 66-70 BCDAD VII. 71-75. CEGAF 第三部分 阅读理解 IX. 76-80 CBDAC 81-85 CDBAA 86-90 DABBC 91-95 BDCCB 第四部分 写 X.96. rights 97. secretary 98. Education 99. harmful 100. digging

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