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英语参考答案 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) 1~5 ACBAC 6~10 ABABC 11~15 CCBBC 16~20 CBAAB 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分) 21~25 BADCD 26~30 ABADB 31~35 CBCDA 第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分) 36~40 BCEGF 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 41~45 ACDCB 46~50 DDBAC 51~55 BADAC 56~60 BADCB 第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) 61.an 62.was destroyed 63.on 64.handful 65.to expose 66.where 67.best 68.modes 69.eightieth 70.piecing 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分) The zheng(筝),a traditional Chinese musical instrument,already has a history of 2,000 years.But we also call∧“Guzheng”.As a widespread instrument,it enjoyed an unmatching ①So ②it ③unmatched popularity in the Qin Dynasty.The guzheng has strings varied from 6 to 23.That is the most commonly ④varying ⑤What used is the 21-string guzheng.However,some musicians still used the 16-string guzheng now, ⑥use main in the coastal provinces of China. ⑦mainly The sounds from the guzheng create a sense of harmonious and peace,relieving of stress. ⑧harmony ⑨ Now the guzheng together with many popular elements bring a fantastic feeling. ⑩brings 第二节 书面表达(满分 25分) 【参考范文】 Dear Chris, Learning that you’re going to visit the history museum this weekend, I’m writing to give the information you’re eager to know. Located in the north of the city,the museum is around 10 kilometers away and opens every day from 9:00 to 16:30,except Monday.Shuttle bus No.5,which runs every five minutes,will take you there from your school gate.Early ticket booking is recommended.Don’t forget to take your passport,wear a mask and get the health QR code ready.Cameras are forbidden in the museum. The exquisite cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty displayed will not only be a feast for your eyes,but will also give you a better understanding of Chinese culture.I’m sure you will find it worthwhile and have a good time. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A 【语篇导读】应用文。介绍了世界最美的四条街道。 21.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“And the pretty turquoise(青绿色)and yellow pavements make the street even more beautiful.”可知,漂亮的青绿色和黄色的路面使 El Caminito 街道更加 美丽。故选 B。 22.A 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“The canal running through the center of the village is surrounded by half-wood houses of different colours(穿过村庄中心的运河被不同颜色的半木 屋所包围).”可知,Old Town Colmar被誉为法国的小威尼斯是因为有运河穿越其中。故选 A。 23.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句中的 “… — the colourful street is only outdone by the views of the boats on the harbour.”可知,这条色彩鲜艳的街道只被海边船只的景色所超越。 故选 D。 B 【语篇导读】说明文。介绍了街道清洁车的发明和改进。 24.C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“The task of street sweeping was not carried out by machines,but workers sweeping garbage with a broom into a container.This method clearly required a lot of labor,…”可知,清扫街道的任务不是由机器完成的,而是工人们用扫帚 把垃圾扫进容器里,这种方法显然需要大量的劳动力。故选 C。 25.D 细节理解题。根据第三段可知:英国的 Joseph Whitworth和美国的 C. S. Bishop发明的机械 街道清洁机是由马拉的,后来 Brooks做了一些改变 — 一辆带有旋转刷子的卡车把垃圾 扫进漏斗。旋转刷子连接在卡车的前部,冬天可以换成刮雪刀来除雪。故选 D。 26.A 推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知,马拉机械街道清洁机最早由英国的 Joseph Whitworth和美国的 C. S. Bishop发明。后来 Brooks做了很多改变:一辆带有旋转刷子的卡 车把垃圾扫进漏斗、旋转刷子连接在卡车的前部,冬天可以换成刮雪刀来除雪。根据最后 一段的内容可知:Brooks还设计了一个改进的容器为垃圾分类,以及车轮驱动的自动转动 刷和刮刀的升降装置;再后来 John M. Murphy开发了电动街道清洁车。由此可知街道清洁 车的出现是一个不断改进的过程。故选 A。 27.B 推理判断题。conservative“保守的”;creative“有创造力的”;cooperative“合作的”;curious “好奇的”。根据全文,Brooks不仅因不断改进街道清洁车而获得专利,还发明了剪票钳, 是一个“有创造力的”人。故选 B。 C 【语篇导读】新闻报道。报道了“中国天眼”于今年 3月 31日正式对外国天文学家开放和中国 近二十年取得的科技成就及其原因。 28.A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“…— officially opened its door for foreign astronomers to use on March 31st this year,…”可知,“中国天眼”于今年 3月 31日正式对外国天文学 家开放。故选 A。 29.D 写作手法题。根据第二段第一、第二句中的关键词“twice as fast as”“up to three times more sensitive”“is also superior to”可知,文章是通过和美国的 Arecibo望远镜做对比来体现“中 国天眼”的优势。故选 D。 30.B 段落大意题。根据第三段第一句“中国正在迅速加强其科技的发展,以减少对外国技术的 依赖”及第二句“在过去的二十年,中国已经建立了世界上最大的高铁网络,最终完成了 北斗地理定位系统,目前正在将月球样本带回地球”可知,本段主要是报道了中国近年来 的科技成就。故选 B。 31.C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中国科技政策专家 Denis Simon 的话可知,中国科技创新 的进步源于探索新思想和承担更大的风险的自由。故选 C。 D 【语篇导读】说明文。介绍了一项考古学家的研究发现—远古的人类可能真的通过冬眠来度 过漫漫寒冬。 32.B 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,开头提到熊和蝙蝠是为了导入“冬眠”这一话题,即远古 人类和这些动物的共性。故选 B。 33.C 细节理解题。根据第二、第三段可知,从世界上最重要的化石遗址之一 Sima 洞穴里发现的 骨头中得到的证据表明,在四十万年前,我们的原始祖先可能是通过冬眠来度过艰难的冬 天。故选 C。 34.D 词义猜测题。根据第六段“现代因纽特人和萨米人虽然生活在同样恶劣、寒冷的条件下, 但并不冬眠。那么,Sima 洞里的人为什么会这么做呢?”及最后一段第一句“Arsuaga 和 Bartsiokas说‘答案是,高脂肪的鱼和驯鹿脂肪在冬天为因纽特人和萨米人提供了食物,因 此排除了他们冬眠的需要’”可推断出“preclude the need”在这里的意思为“对于他们而言, 冬眠就没有必要了”。故选 D。 35.A 标题判断题。本文介绍了一项考古专家的研究发现—远古的人类可能真的通过冬眠来度 过漫漫寒冬。因此标题应该选择“冬眠以度过冬天”。故选 A。 第二节 【语篇导读】议论文。作者通过自己的一场旅行经历告诉我们:别太在乎他人的评论和质疑; 勇敢尝试新事物、欣然接受生活带给我们的新体验。 36.B 考查句间解释和因果关系。上文讲“我”在度假时看到一个奇怪的现象,此句解释了这一 现象的内容,即许多人在整个假期中只参加了一两种活动;下文给出了这个现象的原因, 文中的“they”是提示。故选 B。 37.C 考查句间转折关系。上文提到,我们是来享受生活的,生活确实是一场值得享受的冒险。C 项中的“However”及下文中的“them”是提示。故选 C。 38.E 考查段落主题句。本段讲述了别人的评论和质疑给我们带来的影响。故选 E。 39.G 考查句间因果关系。前一句提到别人的质疑给我们带来的影响:想到要呆在舒适区坚持做 我们最擅长的事情,G项给出其原因:我们从不允许别人认为我们不擅长于我们所做的事 情,“best at”是提示。故选 G。 40.F 考查句间承启关系。上文提到生活就像是度假,在地球上我们有很多可以尝试的东西;下 文讲这可能很困难,但如果能够克服恐惧,我们就会发现我们一生都在地球这个度假胜地 上度假。F项承上启下,文中的“try”是提示。故选 F。 第三部分 语言知识运用 第一节 【语篇导读】记叙文。一位七旬老人希望科学家们能够帮助他克隆已故爱犬,然而高昂的费用 让他最终未能如愿。 41.A 考查名词。caller“打电话的人”;driver“司机”;researcher“研究人员”;acquaintance“熟 人”。这里要表达的意思是:打电话的人说,他的狗刚刚被一辆卡车撞死。前面的“received a call”是提示。故选 A。 42.C 考查动词。tear“撕裂”;touch“触摸”;strike“撞击”;move“移动”。解析同上。故选 C。 43.D 考查形容词。astonished“惊讶的”;calm“平静的”;ignorant“无知的”;upset“难过的”。 这里要表达的意思是:这个极其难过的人有一个简单但很紧迫的问题。故选 D。 44.C 考查形容词。puzzling“迷惑的”;common“普遍的”;urgent“紧迫的”;moral“道德的”。 解析同上。故选 C。 45.B 考查形容词。tentative“不确定的”;definite“肯定的”;random“随意的”;cautious“小心 的”。这里要表达的意思是:作为遗传学和克隆的专家,Ko 给出了肯定的回答:可以的! 故选 B。 46.D 考查名词。assumption“假设”;drawback“缺点”;technique“技术”;condition“条件”。 这里要表达的意思是:自然,克隆需要一个条件:它需要含有完好无缺的 DNA的细胞。故 选 D。 47.D 考查名词。infection“感染”;collision“碰撞”;injury“损伤”;death“死亡”。这里要表达 的意思是:但是在动物死后不久,其组织就开始降解。故选 D。 48.B 考查副词。skilfully“熟练地”;quickly“迅速地”;reasonably“合理地”;abruptly“突然地”。 这里要表达的意思是:Ko知道,如果想要保存动物的基因物质,他们就必须迅速采取行动。 故选 B。 49.A 考查动词。preserve“保存”;find“找到”;select“挑选”;seek“寻找”。解析同上。故选 A。 50.C 考查动词短语。answer for“为……付出代价”;crash into“撞上”;pile into“挤进”;search for“搜寻”。这里要表达的意思是:他和他的两名学生挤进一辆面包车开到这位老人的家, 从刚死亡的小狗身上拿走了所需要的东西。故选 C。 51.B 考查名词。body“身体”;puppy“小狗”;cell“细胞”;tissue“组织”。解析同上。故选 B。 52.A 考查动词。culture“培养”;document“记录”;investigate“调查”;transplant“移植”。这 里要表达的意思是:回到实验室后,他们从样本中培养了一些细胞。故选 A。 53.D 考查动词。distribute“分配”;dispose“处置”;cast“铸造”;create“创造”。这里要表达 的意思是:从理论上讲,他们现在有了创造(克隆)那只狗的基因材料。故选 D。 54.A 考查介词短语。in practice“事实上;在实践中”;on average“平均而言”;on occasion“偶 尔”;in general“总体而言”。这里要表达的意思是:当然,事实上情况将会变得更复杂。 前面的“Theoretically(理论上)”是提示。故选 A。 55.C 考查形容词。typical“典型的”;controversial“有争议的”;complicated“复杂的”;familiar “熟悉的”。解析同上。故选 C。 56.B 考查名词。comfort“安慰”;price“价格”;acknowledgement“承认;感谢”;donation“捐 赠”。这里要表达的意思是:如今,有一些商业公司致力于明码实价地为主人克隆宠物。后 面的“$50,000”及下一段中的“price”是提示。故选 B。 57.A 考查动词。charge“收费、要价”;deposit“储存”;spend“花费”;earn“赚得”。这里要表 达的意思是:其中之一,美国的 Via Gen公司收费 50,000美元。故选 A。 58.D 考查形容词。angry“生气的”;considerate“体贴的”;faithful“忠诚的”;sorrowful“悲伤 的”。这里要表达的意思是:最终,这位悲伤的七旬老人没能克隆他的宠物。故选 D。 59.C 考查动词。offend“冒犯”;disgust“使……恶心”;frustrate“使……沮丧”;annoy“使…… 生气”。这里要表达的意思是:正是这个价格让这位老人感到沮丧。故选 C。 60.B 考查名词。chest“(木制)箱子”;freezer“冷冻机”;safe“保险箱”;tube“管子”。这里要 表达的意思是:现在,他的爱犬的细胞还存放在冷冻机里尚未使用,但如果他改变主意, 理论上这些细胞仍然可以使用。故选 B。 第二节 【语篇导读】记叙文。通过修复因二战沉船而损坏的信件,我们了解到了那些尘封的往事。 61.an 考查冠词的用法。这里要表达的意思是:一位驻扎在Waziristan 地区姓名不详的军人在信 中写道:“亲爱的,照顾好自己,不仅为了我,也为了你自己”。unknown 是元音音素开头的单 词,前面用“an”,故填 an。 62.was destroyed 考查定语从句中动词的时态和语态。定语从句的先行词为“the ship,the SS Gairsoppa”,与“destroy”形成被动关系,这里要表达的意思是:1941年 2月 16日,在距离爱 尔兰海岸不远处,盖尔索帕号轮船被德国 U型潜水艇发射的鱼雷击中,故填 was destroyed。 63.on 考查介词短语。“on board”意思为“在轮船上”,这里要表达的意思是:船上的 86位船员, 仅有一人生还,故填 on。 64.handful 考查名词。这里要表达的意思是:几封较为完好的信件于 2018年在伦敦邮政博物馆展 出,随后该博物馆一直致力于更多受损信件的修复工作以揭秘战争时期的生活。“a handful of” 意思为“几个”,这里指几封信,故填 handful。 65.to expose 考查不定式的固定搭配。解析同上。“intend to expose”的意思为“为了揭开”,故填 to expose。 66.where 考查定语从句中关系副词的用法。这里要表达的意思是:其他的两封信是一位父亲写给 在 Torquay的儿女的,博物馆认为孩子们应该是从 Torquay逃脱的。先行词为地点“Torquay”, 这里“where” 在定语从句里做地点状语,指“从 Torquay”,逗号后为非限定性定语从句,故 填 where。 67.best 考查形容词最高级的固定搭配。这里要表达的意思是:同时,我们不得不充分利用一切, 因为战争扰乱了人们的梦想和生活方式。“make the best of”意思是“充分利用”,故填 best。 68.modes 考查名词复数形式。这里要表达的意思是:战争扰乱了人们的梦想和生活方式。前面的 “dreams” 提示了与其并列的“mode”也应该用复数形式,故填 modes。 69.eightieth 考查序数词。这里要表达的意思是:在纪念沉船 80周年的日子里,把这些信件拼凑 起来,让人感觉既伤感又欣慰。这里指“第 80年”,故填 eightieth。 70.piecing 考查现在分词短语作时间状语。这里要表达的意思是:不可避免的是,在拼凑这些信 件的时候,我和它们建立了一种密切的关系。“while”引导的时间状语从句为省略结构,“piece” 与主句的主语“I”为主动关系,故填 piecing。 听力原文 Text 1 W:How is everything going? M:Everything goes well in my house,except that I can’t go anywhere and feel really dull. Text 2 W:My final exams are just a month away. I plan to look for some important books and study at the library. Do you want to join me? M: Sure. I need to return some books. They are due today. Besides, I want to read some weekly publications,magazines and newspapers. Text 3 M:What’s your plan after graduation? W:I figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. So I want to start by travelling to explore the world outside of the books. M:Sounds great!I want to do some part-time jobs to see what I can handle. Text 4 M:It’s very nice of you to invite me. W:I’m very glad you could come,Jack. Will you take a seat at the head of the table?It’s an informal dinner,please don’t stand on ceremony... Er,would you like to have some homemade juice? M:That would be perfect! Text 5 W:I’m Jenny,your AI guide of the VR experiencing tour. Before we set off,you first can choose a theme for your journey from the 12 options shown on the screen. M:Oh,thrilling! I like these four:the jungle,space,the mine and the Alps. Hard to decide,because they all are attractive. Er,how about the mine! Oh! No! Better be the Alps! I want to challenge the high mountains. W:Settled. Let’s go! Text 6 W: I intend to buy a new phone because the one I have is out of fashion and runs slowly. Can you recommend one to me? M:Well, this one can’t be better! It’s the latest and quite popular among young people. And most importantly,it can take fabulous photos. I’ll show you!One,two,smile!See,how perfect you are! W:Wow,amazing. I like the way it shows my real figure. It’s great,and I will take it. M:Smart choice.It’s a bargain as well...Here is your receipt. W:How long is this cell phone guaranteed? M:You can get a refund for seven days and exchange it within one year. W:Nice after-sale guarantee!See you then! Text 7 W:Well, this is certainly a well-designed house,Mr. Taylor. But it is far from downtown and my workplace. What sort of public transportation is nearby? M:Please,call me John. Well,there’s a subway stop and bus station just around the corner. It’s convenient to go anywhere you want. Do you have children? W:Yes,two. M:Well,in that case,the schools in this area are famous for excellent teachers and advanced facilities. W:We send our kids to private school,but that’s good to know too.I want to find a new house as the one we live in now is too crowded for a family with two children. M:And as far as other conveniences in the neighborhood,there’s a grocery store just up the block,and there are lots of little shops nearby. Your basic life needs will be covered. W:Great. I think it’s a nice house with well-arranged communication.We’ll have to think about it. M:Here’s my card. Just give me a call if you’re interested. Text 8 M:Hi Kate!You look thrilled!What excites you so much? W:I came across a book in the library about my beloved hero.You won’t think I’m crazy,right? M:Absolutely not.I think it’s great for people to have a hero to be inspired. W:Yes!I completely agree.I think that it is important to look up to someone,to admire what they have done.It helps us to lead a better life. M:Who is your hero then? W:My hero is Mother Theresa who devoted her whole life to the poor and the ones in need.She is a real inspiration to me!How about you? M:My hero is David Beckham.He is the best football player in the world!I really admire him and hope to be like him one day. W:Wow,Daren!I didn’t know you wanted to be a football player! M:Oh no,I hate football!I just want to be good looking,rich,and famous! Text 9 W:How long have you been in China,Ken? M:Only a few months.I came here in March to learn Chinese and Chinese culture.You know,I major in Asian Culture and am especially amazed by Chinese traditional culture. W:Well,as a new comer,anything make you feel not at ease? M:Oh,I don’t like my Chinese friends calling me Lao Wai.It makes me feel like I am not one of them. W:I see.But actually it’s natural in our daily talk to add the word“Lao”when addressing someone,which always means respect and closeness. We call our teacher“Lao Shi”.And“Lao Ban”is used to address a boss who is in charge of a company or a business. M:OK. I’m grateful people are so friendly,but sometimes some people tend to be a bit overly enthusiastic. Once I was reading a newspaper in the subway and suddenly a person poked his head over my shoulder and helped himself to my paper. W:Oh,it happens.You must understand that we Chinese tend to share close physical space with each other,especially with friends or families. Closeness is part of our culture and a way to show that two people have a good relationship.You will get used to it if you make more Chinese friends. M:I have some and will surely get more.I’m getting used to the new life here,and I’m really a huge fan of Chinese cuisine as well. Text 10 Welcome to our online Coffee Museum!In fact it’s not well-known that China grows coffee. But it will be logical when considering the temperate climate this vast land enjoys in its southern and eastern regions. Most of China’s coffee fields are in Yunnan Province. The first coffee processing factory was opened in Shanghai in 1935,but it wasn’t until the mid 1980s that the Chinese could taste packaged coffee, produced then by the Kraft Foods’ Maxwell House. According to a statistic from the China Market Database,Chinese people with higher education are most likely to drink coffee,especially the young. Each kind of freshly roasted coffee offers its own unique tastes. Roast and acidity are two of the main characteristics that lend a coffee its special and complex qualities. And different people will always have their own preference for the way coffee is made. Some prefer American-style coffee with no sugar and milk,while others like Latte or Cappuccino with a certain amount of milk.

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