Unit 1 My school教案(1)

Unit 1 My school教案(1)


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课 题             Unit 1 My school 教 学 目 标 New words: room, library, hall, music, art, playground Sentence patterns: This is …       There is a an … 教材分析 重点 New words: room, library, hall, music, art, playground 难点 Sentence patterns: This is …       There is a an … 教具 Word cards, picture, tape-recorder 教 学 过 程 I. Free talk Ⅱ. Presentation 1.     Bring in a picture of a school and photos or pictures of the different rooms taught in the Unit. 2.     ( Books closed ) Show the picture of you the school, saying This is my school. Give individual pupils the picture and ask them to repeat the sentence. 3.     Show the pictures of the different rooms in the school. Say their names and ask the pupils to repeat them after me Then practise by showing a room and asking the pupils to tell me the name. 4.     Choose a picture and point to something in the picture the pupils know, e. g. a tree, a well-known room and say There’s a/an …Show the picture to individual pupils and ask them to point to the object and repeat the sentence. Point to other known items in the picture and encourage them to make sentences about them. 5.     Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubble. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Ⅲ. Practice 1.     ( Books open ) Show Transparency. Point to the places in the school on the page, saying There’s a classroom, etc. Encourage the pupils to repeat the sentences after you. 2.     Introduce the new character, Mike. Explain that Tim is showing Mike a picture of his school. Teach the pupils the name of the school ( No. 1 Primary School ). 教 学 过 程 3.     Read Tim’s speech bubble. Get the pupils to point to the correct places. Make sentences about the other places using There’s a/an … 4.     Encourage the pupils to make sentences by using there is a /an… while I point to the places in the picture. 5.     Get the pupils to look at each of the rooms. Point at an object in a room and say There’s a …   布置作业 1.     Copybook 1 2.     Workbook 1 3. Write the new words on the notebook. 板书设计 Unit 1 My school words (picture cards) This is my school. There’s an art room. There’s a library. 教学后记 1.     Teaching new words with motions impresses pupils. 2.     Using ‘a’ and ‘an’ should be emphasized. 3. Pupils feel hard in pronouncing the words library, hall, and playground.        
