Bk4 M6 Unit2  教案

Bk4 M6 Unit2  教案


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Bk4 M6 Unit2   Title Book fourModule 6 Unit 2 we are helping her. Aims Comparing routines with current actions Focus Language: Today is gandma’s birthday and we are helping her. Function: Comparing routines with current actions Aids Word-cards 教 学 过 程 Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Re-preparation 一.Warming up and revision 1.Greeting. 2. Sing a song 二.leading-in Draw two circles on the board. In one write “usually” and in the other write “now” 三.Listening and reading activities 1.Show the picture about the text. Play the tape. 2. Write the words on the board. 3.Play the tape, sentence by sentence. 4.Draw the table on the board. Usually Now Grandma Father Girl 5. look and say Choose four students to come to the front of the class to do some mimes. 6.Look at the picture, talk about it. Teach the sentence: I usually … but now I am … 7.listen and say then say the poem. Before saying the poem: 五.Homework Make a dialogue with your partners.   1. Greeting 2.Sing the song “I am listening to music. The student suggests activities and writes them around the circles. Then they can pick one activity from each circle and make sentences. 1.Look at the picture. Guess what happen in this girl’s home? Listen and find the words don’t understand. 2.Read two by two 3.Read after the tape. And do some mime. 4.Look at the table then ask and answer. 5.Each student should perform two mimes. The first mime is what usually happens. The second mime is what is happening now. Other students answer what are they doing. Say it one by one. Then say it together 6.Look at the picture and talk. (A girl is sick in bed and she is thinking about playing with her friends) 7.Listen to the tape, do some mimes. Feed back  

