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  2013学年第一学期第一次月考教学质量检测七年级   英语试卷    卷首寄语:     亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获,老师一直投给你信任的目光。请认真审题,看清要求,仔细答题,祝你成功。听力部分(15分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分)。(  )1.A.hi        B. hello      C.OK     D.fine(  )2.A.evening   B. afternoon. C.noon    D.morning(  )3.A,Helen    B. Cindy      C.Eric     D.Bob(  )4.A.good     B. Grace      C.Bob     D.go(  )5.A.white     B. black      C.green    D.blue(  )6.A.NBA     B. UN        C. MTV     D.UFO(  )7.A.map      B. jacket      C. milk     D.dog (  )8.A.key      B. quilt        C. fine      D.nice(  )9.A.ruler     B. this         C.please   D.spell (  )10.A.color    B. good        C. what     D.Red二、录音,选出你所听到的句子(5分)。(  )11 .A. Good morning,Alice!     B. Good morning,Eric!(  )12 .A. What’s this?               B. What’s this in English?(  )13 .A. How are you?              B. How do you do?(  )14 .A. Color it,please.            B. What color is it?(  )15 .A. It’s a pen.                  B. It’s a pencil.笔试部分(85分)   三、字母(20分)   (A)按顺序写出英语的26个字母(包括大小写)。     (B)按字母表顺序写出5个元音字母(包括大小写)。 四、单项选择(15分)(    ) 16. 英语中共有______ 个字母,其中______个元音字母。      A. 26; 5         B. 26; 6           C.28; 5           D. 28; 6(    )17.下午遇见老师时,应说:___________        A. Good morning!       B. Thanks         C. Good afternoon!       D. Hi!(    ) 18. —Hello !                       —_________!       A. Hi   B. OK   C. Fine   D. Thanks(    ) 19. —How ______ you ?            — I ______fine. Thank you.      A. are; is         B. are; am        C. Am; are        D. am; am(    ) 20.This is _____ orange and that is _______ ruler.   A. a, an        B. an; a          C. a; a             D. /; a(    ) 21. —What ______ that?         — Its —an orange.        A. am            B. is             C. Is             D. are(    )22. —______                      —K-E-Y.      A. What’s this?   B. Is it a key?   C. Spell it, please.    D. What’s this in English? (    )23. —What’s that?             —____________        A. It’s a pen.        B. Yes, it is.      C. No, it isn’t.       D. It is black.(    ) 24. —______.                 —Good morning, Helen.      A. How are you?                    B. Good morning, Cindy.      C. Hello.                          D. What’s this. Bob.(    ) 25. ______. What’s this in English?     A. Hi        B. Hello      C. Excuse me     D. Oh, good(    )26.What’1. s this? _____a bookA. It           B. That        C. It’s        D. That’s(    ) 27. Mum, ______ my teacher, Miss Li.     A. it is           B. this is          C. she is           D. It’s(    )28. 别人帮助了你,你应该说 “______”.     A. Hello       B. Hi      C. I’m fine       D. Thank you(    ) 29. —Nice to meet you , Bob.        —______.     A. How are you                     B. Spell it, please    C. Nice to meet you, too              D. Thank you(    )30. Han Mei , _____is Susan.  A. the            B. this         C. it          D. you五、 完型填空。(10分)   A: Good morning!   B:   31   !   A:   32   your name, please?   B:   33   name is Amy. And you?   A: I   34   Peter. Nice to meet you!   B:   35   !   A: What’s this   36   English?   B: It’s   37   .   A: And   38   this in the picture?   B:   39   Kate. She’s English(英国人).   A: Thank you very much.   B:   40   .  (     ) 31. A. Thanks      B. Thank you      C. Good morning      D. I’m nice  (     ) 32. A. What        B. What’s         C. Who             D. Who’s   (     ) 33. A. I           B. I’m            C. My               D. My is  (     ) 34. A. am         B. is              C. name             D. name’s  (     ) 35. A. Nice to meet you       B. Thank     C. Thank you       D. OK  (     ) 36. A. for        B. at               C. in               D. with  (     ) 37. A. picture      B. a picture         C. the picture        D. an picture  (     ) 38. A. What       B. What’s           C. Who             D. Who’s  (     ) 39. A. It’s         B. Its              C. It                D. He’s  (     ) 40. A. Thanks      B. Thank you       C. Yes               D. You’re welcome   六、阅读对话,判断正误。对的打(T),错的打(F)。(10分)   A: Hello. My name is John Brown. What’s your name?   B: Hello. I’m Kate Smith.   A: Nice to meet you, Kate.   B: Nice to meet you, too.   A: What’s your telephone number?   B: It’s 435-9988.   (    ) 41. The boy’s first name is John.  (    ) 42. The girl’s family name is Kate.  (    ) 43. The boy’s last name is John.  (    ) 44. The girl’s first name is Kate.  (    ) 45. The boy’s telephone number is 435-9988.七、从第二栏中找出第一栏相应的答语。(10分)(     )46.Good afternoon, class.             A:Thank you.(     )47.What’s his name?                 B:Good afternoon, teacher.(     )48.What’s your phone number?        C:It’s 2450432.(     )49.Sit down, please.                 D:His name is John.(     )50.Is that your backpack?             E:Hi, I’m Jim.(     )51.Hello, I’m Kate.                  F:It’s red.(     )52.What’s this in English?            G:Yes, it is.(     )53.What color is your pen?            H:No, it isn’t. It’s her backpack.(     )54.How do you spell it?              I:It’s a watch.(     )55.Is this her pencil case?         J.K-E-Y, key.八、.连词成句。(10分)56. my , Cindy , this , friend , is (.)   ____________________________57. is , brother , Peter , your , that (?)  _____________________________58. too , you , to , nice, meet (.)  _____________________________59. English  , this , what , is , in (?)  _____________________________60. you , are, how, hi (?)  _____________________________九、阅读理解(根据短文选择正确答案)。(10分)      Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m Li Hong. I’m an English boy. Li Hong is my Chinese name. Look, this is a picture of my family. The tall man is my father. His name is Ken Martin. This is my mother, Sandy Jordan. Who’s that little girl? She is my sister, Lucy. Can you find me in the picture? I’m the boy in blue.   (    )61.This is ________ family.   A.a Chinese    B.an English    C.a Japanese    D.an American  (    )62.There are ________ people(人)in the picture.   A.one         B.two         C.three         D.four  (    )63.________ is my father.   A.Sandy       B.Ken         C.Mrs. Martin    D.Mr. Jordan  (    )64.________ is my mother.   A.Ken Jordan     B.Ken       C.Mrs. Martin    D.Mr. Jordan  (    )65.What color am I in? I am in ________.    A.brown       B.black        C.blue          D.red
