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重庆市永川区双石中学2012-2013学年七年级下学期第四次月考英语试题  人教新目标版(全卷共八个大题,满分:150分,考试时间:120分钟) 亲爱的同学,请将试题答案写在答题卷上, 考试结束后只交答题卷。请仔细答题,祝你考试成功! 第I卷(100分)Ⅰ. 听力测试 (30分)第一节:情景反应 (每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的答语。 第二节:对话理解 (每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的答案。7. A. She is reading books.     B. She is playing chess.      C. She is sleeping.8. A. A sports club.           B. A dancing club.          C. A music club.9. A. Half an hour.            B. Two hours.             C. Three hours.10. A. No, he doesn’t.           B. Yes, he does.           C. He likes dogs.11. A. Sorry, I don’t know.  B. Yes, it is.               C. No, it isn’t.12. A. At 7:00.                B. At 6:30.                C. At 8:30.第三节:短文理解 (每小题1.5分,共12分)根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的答案。A13. Peter’s neighborhood is ________.A. quiet            B. dirty            C. noisy14. There is a ________ next to Peter’s house.A. restaurant        B. hospital          C. post office15. Peter and his mother ________ in the park in the morning.A. play games       B. take a walk       C. sing and dance16. Peter likes to spend time in the ________ on weekends.A. park         B. police station           C. zooB17. What’s the date?   It’s ________.A. Sunday       B. August 15th        C. October 5th 18. How’s the weather in the mountains?   It’s ________.A. windy and cool             B.sunny and windy    C. cold and raining19. What’s Kate doing by the lake?    She’s ________.A. reading a  magaz ine          B. drinking some juiceC. drawing a picture20. Where does Bob’s uncle live?   He lives in ________.A. Australia           B. America           C. Canada Ⅱ.单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. My parents often ______ TV in the evening.    A. watch     B. see     C. look     D. look at22. I’m waiting ______ my friend.    A. to      B. for     C. at      D. on23. ---_______ do you want to go to a mov ie?  ---Let’s go at 6:oo.A. Where        B. When       C. Why        D. How24. ---Is Bob doing homework?----No, he   __  . He is  _    a letter.  A. doesn’t, write  B. isn’t, writes   C. isn’t, writing  D. isn’t, writeing25. I often ______ the cleaning after school. Now I ______ the cl eaning, too.     A. do, doing   B. am doing, do   C. am doing, am doing  D. do, am doing26. ---Thanks a lot ________ us so many books.     ---You’re welcome.   A. to give       B. giving      C. gives      D. for giving27. Everyone in our class _______ a new dictionary.      A. have       B. has        C. is having        D. are having28. I like pandas, elephants, koalas and some ________ animals.  A. others        B. other       C. the other       D. another29. ---____________?       ---It’s very hot.      A. How’s the weather      B. How’s it going     C. How are you           D. When is it30. It’s often snowy and cold         winter         Harbin. A. in, of B. on, in C. in,in      D. on, at31. ______, is there a post office near here?    A. I’m sorry      B. Excuse me      C. Thank you    D. Hello32. The Xisan Park is a good place _______.   A. have fun       B. to have fun      C. having fun     D. to fun33. The bank is _______ from the supermarket.   A. cross      B. crossing       C. across      D. near34. --- Is there a pay phone _______ the neighborhood?    ---Yes, it’s ______ Center Street ______ the right.   A. in, down, on      B. on, on, is      C. in, on, is      D. on, down, on35. Mrs. Green enjoys ______ in the supermarket on weekends.     A. to shop      B. shops      C. shoping     D. shopping36. ---_____________?       ---He is short with short hair.   A. Why do you like his hair           B. What does he look like   C. How does his hair                 D. How does he look like37. Linda loves ________ time ________ her grandparents on weekends.   A. to spend, with      B. to have, in     C. taking, with     D. to spend, on38. Tony _______ tall and he is _______ medium build.   A. has; of        B. is; of        C. is; on       D. is, has39. My brother ________ glasses.A. isn’t wear     B. wearing      C. doesn’t wear     D. wear40. ---Do you know Susan? ---Yes. She is a beautiful girl but she is _____ quiet and shy. A. a kind       B. kinds of      C. a little      D. a kind of Ⅲ.完形填空 (每小题2分,共20分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能正确填入相应空格的最佳答案。Here are my favorite photos. __41__ the first one, you can find it’s __42__. I’m wearing a T-shirt and sitting on the grass. The __43__ one is a photo of my family. I’m __44__ computer games. My sister is playing the violin. My father is __45__ a newspaper. My grandmother is talking about the TV play __46__ my grandfather. And my mother is __47__ the table. I love this photo very much. In the third one, there are two __48__. They are my friends, Tim and his brother. They are playing basketball. In the last one, I’m singing and my friends are dancing. __49__ I see the photos, I’m very happy. Because they make(使) me think of the happy __50__. I will keep the photos all my life. 41. A. In          B. At           C. For           D. On42. A. snowing     B. night         C. summer       D. winter43. A. first         B. second       C. third          D. two44. A. going        B. doing        C. playing       D. listening45. A. watching     B. seeing        C.1ooking at     D. reading46. A. at           B. with         C. about         D. for47. A. cleaning      B. sitting       C. buying        D. cutting48. A. girls         B. boys         C. women       D. dogs49. A. When        B. Where       C. Why          D. Before50. A. week        B. age          C. hour          D. time Ⅳ.阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)  阅读下列材料,根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。( A )Welcome to the zooOpen time Age Ticket priceMonday to Friday10:00 – 6:00 Over 15 $ 6.00Saturday and Sunday8: 00 – 8:00 8 ~14 $ 3.00 Under 8 FreeTelephone Number:  023-58595198 51. On Sunday, the zoo opens at _______.A. 10:00 am    B. 8:00 am    C. 6:00 pm   D. 8:00 pm52. The zoo is open _______ days a week. A. one         B. two       C. five        D. seven 53. You are 13 and yo ur little sister is 6. Your parents, you and your sister all go to the  zoo, how much do you have to pay?A. $9.00.   B. $12.00.    C. $15.00.    D. $18.00.54. If you want to go to the zoo, you may call the zoo at _______.A. 023-56895198            B. 02358965819    C. 02358595198             D. 023585695298(B)Mineral City is an interesting place to visit. It is a beautiful little town with many old buildings.Take a walk through the center of the town on Main Street. Look first at the Mineral City Hotel. It is on the corner of Main Street and Glenn Avenue. It is about 150 years old and people still stay there. There is an interesting old building across the street from the hotel. This is the old post office. Now it is a store  for books and videos. There are many places to eat on Main Street. You can get lunch or dinner in one of these places. There is a park between Main Street and Oak Street. You can sit on a bench(长凳) in the park. It’s nice and quiet, and you can enjoy the trees and flowers.You can also take a walk down Glenn Avenue. Look at the old buildings and interesting little stores on this street.55. How old is the Mineral City Hotel? A. About 50 years old.    B. About 100 years old.  C. About 150 years old.   D. About 200 years old. 56. What’s the old building across the street from the hotel? A. A post offi ce.       B. A park.      C. A bank.       D. A school.57. What can you do in the park? A. Get lunch or dinner.             B. Buy some books and videos. C. Enjoy the movies.              D. Sit on a bench.   (C)Lin Fang is a pretty girl. Today is Saturday. It is sunny. She and her friends are sitting on a bus now. They are going to the cinema this afternoon.   An old woman gets on(上车) the bus. Lin Fang stands up and says to the old woman, “Come and sit here, please.” The old woman goes over and sits down. She says, “That’s ver y kind of you. Thanks a lot. You are a good girl.” Lin Fang answers, “You’re welcome.”  “Are you a student? Where do you stu dy?” the old woman asks Lin Fang.“Yes, I am. And I am in Wanzhou Middle School.” answers Lin Fang. “Wanzhong? That’s a good school. My son works there. He is an English teacher,” says the old woman.  “An English teacher? Excuse me, grandma. Can you tell me your son’s name, please?” asks Lin Fang.   “Gong Lin,” says the old woman.  “Ah, ah, Mr. Gong. He is my English teacher. He is great. We all love him.” Just then, the bus stops near the movie house. Lin Fang says goodbye to the old woman and gets off(下车) the bus. The old woman smiles(微笑) to Ling Fang.58. 句子 “the bus stops near the movie house”中“stop”意思是______.      A. 车站      B. 开      C. 关      D. 停 61. Which is right?   A. Lin Fang is a student in the No.2 Middle School.   B. Lin Fang and her friends go to the cinema in a car.   C. The girls are going to the school for classes this afternoon.   D. The old woman’s son is Lin Fang’s English teacher.(D)Miss Li is going for a trip in some c ities in the country. She wants to go to Beijing or Hangzhou by plane. But she doesn’t know what the weather will(将) be like tomorrow. Now she is watching the weather forecast(预报) on TV.“Good evening! And here is the weather report for the next twenty-four hours. Most of north Chi na will have a cold day with a lot of snow. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huaihai River. In the south it will be fine in the day, but at night it will be rainy. The rain will be very heavy in some places. Beijing will have snow. The temperature(温度) will be from 0℃ to 3℃.Hangzhou will be foggy(有雾的) with the temperature from 6℃ to 14℃.”62. What is Miss Li going to do? A. She’s going for a trip in the country.     B. She’s going to give the weather forecast on TV. C. She’s going to watch the weather forecast on TV. C. She is going to visit her friend in some cities.     63. What’s the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?A. From 6℃ to 14℃.   B. From 0℃ to 3℃.   C. From 3℃ to 14℃.  64. Can Miss Li go to Hangzhou by plane tomorrow according to(根据) the weather   forecast? Why or why not?   A. Yes, because it will be a fine day tomorrow.    B. No, because it will be rainy there tomorrow.    C. No, because it will be cloudy there tomorrow.   D. No, because it will be foggy there tomorrow.    65. Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?    A. It will be rainy in Beijing tomorrow.    B. It will be fine at night in the south.    C. Beijing and Hangzhou don’t have fine weather for trips tomorrow.     D. Most of North China will be windy and rainy. 第Ⅱ卷(50分) Ⅴ.任务型阅读 (每小题2分,共6分)阅读下文并回答问题。Do you know S.H.E? It's a singing group from Taiwan, China. There are three lovely girls in it. They are Selina, Hebe and Ella. They are very popular.Lots of young people like Seline because she is very beautiful. She has long, straight hair. She is of medium height and thin. Ella is really cool! She looks like a boy. She is of medium height and a little heavy. She always has short straight hair and wears a jacket and pants. Many fans think she sings very well. Hebe is a nice girl. She isn’t tall and she is medium build. She has long, straight hair. Sometimes she wears a cute hat. .66. What is S.H.E?                                            67. Do many young people like Seline?                                            68. What do the fans think of Ella?                                            Ⅵ.完成句子 (每空1分,共8分)根据所给提示,完成下列句子。每空一词,含缩略词。69. We read English in the morning.(改为一般疑问句)   _______ you _______ English in the morning?70. There are some people here on vacation.(改为否定句)   There ________ ________ people here on vacation.71. The students are cleaning the classroom. (就划线部分提问)What ________ the students ________?72. 老师希望你努力学习。The teacher _________ you to ________ hard. Ⅶ.口语应用 (每小题1分,共5分)    阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。M ichael: Hey, John.   John: Hi, Michael.Michael:      73     John: Reading a book.Michael: Do you want to come over to my house?    74    John: OK. Where is your house?Michael:     75     It’s a noisy street off Fifth Avenue.John: Oh, OK. I know where that is.     76     Michael: Yes. Th ere’s a small supermarket on the street.     77    John: OK, Let’s meet at half past three this afternoon. Bye!Michael: See you. A. We can watch a video.B. Our house is just across from the supermarket.C. How’s the weather tomorrow?D. What are you doing?E.  It’s on Bridge Street.F. How can I get to your house?G. It’s in the center of the town, right?       Ⅷ.短文填空 (每空2分,共16分)根据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。It is Sunday morning. The ___78___ is fine. Mr. and Mrs. Green take their daughter to the park. There are many ___79___ there. Some women are ___80___ tea at a table under a big tree. Some boys are playing games in ___81___ of a house. A girl is ___82___ on a chair. She is reading a ___83___. There are a ___84___ of birds in the trees. They are singing. A cat is running up a tree. ___85___ wants to catch(抓)the birds. Ⅸ.书面表达 (15分)请根据以下信息,简单介绍一下你在学校的好朋友。英文名字: Tina               外貌:中等身高,有点瘦,黑色短发。语言:汉语。                 喜欢的学科:英语,因为很有趣  爱好:看书,绘画,打篮球     梦想:做一名英语教师 要求: 1. 60词左右,书写工整,卷面整洁。2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。My Friend                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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