牛津小学英语1A Unit5教案

牛津小学英语1A Unit5教案


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                                                        课题  Unit  5  Fruit       (1A)     课型   新授 课时  2 主备人 汤雪莲 教学日期 教 学 要 求 1. Using formulaic expressions to greet people.2. Using simple present sense to indicate habitual actions.3. Learn the song. 教 学 重 难 点 Simple present tense. I take my bag and book to school. 教 具 学 具 Multimedia,  cassette 教 学 活 动 内 容 教学活动内容与主要问题的设置 执教人修改内容 师生活动要点 Pre-task preparation1. Do the actions. Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book. Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Come here, please. Go back to your seat.2. Say a rhyme learned in last class.While-task procedure1. Greeting each other. Good morning, A. Good morning B.2.  Teach word, teacher. (Point myself) T: I’m a teacher. Let Ss repeat: teacher.3.Say I take a pencil, and do the action.4. Teach word school. Show a picture of school. Let Ss say my Say a rhyme learned in last class. 教 学 活 动 内 容 教学活内容与主要问题的设置 执教人修改内容 师生活动要点 5.   (Teacher act and say). T: I take my bag and book to school. 6.  I take my bag and book, my bag and book to school. 7.  Listen to the tape. 8. Sing after the tape. Post-task activitySing and act the song. HomeworkSing a song . Sing a song
