英 语 答 题 卡写 作 共两节 满分 分
第一节 短文改错 共 小题 每小题 分 满分 分
When I was in kindergarten, my mom owned a bookstore, there she sold all kinds of magazines and books. That
I loved most was to stay in the store and read everything. It failed to help develop my ability judge a good book, but
it helped improve her reading skills. Later on, though my interest in literature developed, I spent lots of time read
Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. Then my mom buy literature books I wouldn’t find in the store. Well books opened
a window to different worlds I otherwise would had never entered. In an addition, books became advisers when I lived
through a difficult period.
A Small Thing That Touched Me Most
We have met with a lot of things in our life.