M6Unit 2 what does she do at the weekend? 教学设计

M6Unit 2 what does she do at the weekend? 教学设计


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Function: 1.Grasp  this  sentences  “What  does  she  do  at  the  weekend ?” 2.     Talking about “What do you have at school? 一、         Warming  up : 1. Greeting  T:  Hello, boys and girls .How   are you?                  Ss: I’m fine, thank you .And you?                  T: I’m fine too.  And how are you feeling today?                  Ss:  Not bad. 2. Singing a chant               Listen to the clock.               Tick tock, tick tock...               Listen to the clock.               Tick tock.               What’s the time?               It’s two O’clock.               Listen to the clock.               Tick tock. 3. Singing   “Old MacDonald   has    a zoo”      二、New concept 1. T: Oh, you are so great. Now, let us review we’ve learned. Ok?        Ss: Ok.        T: What do you do at the weekend?        Ss: I…….at the weekend.        T: What do you do in the morning?        Ss:  I   ………in   the morning.        T:  What do you have at school?        Ss:  I   have …… and ……        T: Show the Ss some books and pictures, include: “Maths’’ and  “Science ”  “swimming”   “football”    “sleep”  “Chinese 2. Explain  does  是do  的单数形式用于第三人称后面。       For   example:   he, she, it ……                He does ……/she   does…../it does……. Make some sentences: What does she do at the weekend? What does he do at the weekend? Let the Ss practice and answer: She plays basketball. She watches TV. She sleeps. 3. Listen and say, play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let   the Ss repeat the sentences . 4. Text 1) Listen and look. 2) Answer questions:   What does Lingling have at school today?   What does Lingling do at the weekend? 5. Show them some books:   “PE”    “Art”   “Music 三、Homework:      1. Use “does” make two sentences      2. Copy the following sentences two times.        What does she do at the weekend?        She has Music, Art, and PE today.

资料: 10.8万


