M7U1 I helped Mum 教学设计

M7U1 I helped Mum 教学设计


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一、     Warming-up Sing an English song:  I was fat.      I was fat,but now I’m thin.      I was slow.Now I’m fast. I can win.      I was a baby,but now I’m big.      I was cute.Now I’m not.I’m an old pig. 二、Presentation T: Oh,I love your voice.Today we’ll learn M7U1 I helped Mum.First look at the learning aims: 1.我能听说读单词 phone cook wash computer  认读单词really didn't love him 2.我能用一般过去时谈论过去的动作。    I cooked noodles. I helped Mum. 3.我能流利、准确、有感情的朗读对话。 T:Are you clear? Ss:Yes. T:Yesterday was Wednesday.I had a very busy day.Now Let’s enjoy my yesterday. Show the pictures: Yesterday I phoned Grandma.(learn “phone” phone Grandma) Yesterday I cooked fish.(learn “cook” cook noodles) Yesterday I washed clothes.(learn“wash” wash clothes) Yesterday I played on the computer.(learn“computer” play on the computer) Yesterday I watched TV.but I didn’t read a book) Now let’s review my busy yesterday. Please look carefully!What did you find?(让学生来发现动词原形的变化规律)         原形          过去式        phone           phoned        cook           cooked        wash          washed        play            played        watch           watched        help            helped  (read it together) Tk Good job.I love you.Let’s look at the picture.     温馨小提示  ed, ed 小尾巴, 动词后面跟着它, 如果动作已发生, 千万不要忘记它。 We should know: 温馨小提示:  一般过去时 过去发生的事, 用“一般过去时”; 句中见动词, 就用“过去式”; Yesterday,yesterday是昨天, 昨天是标志。 T:Are you clear? Ss:Yes. Tk.I had a very busy yesterday.What about Amy? On Monday Amy phoned Grandma.What are they talking about? Now let’s watch the video.What did Amy/Sam/Tom do? 第一遍:watch the video What did Amy/Sam/Tom do?Now let’s read and follow it. 第二遍:read Now read it in your groups.Talk about:What did Amy/Sam/Tom do? 第三遍:read in groups and talk about T:What did Amy do?Who can? Amy cooked noodles. Amy helped and washed clothes. T:What did Sam do?Who can? Sam played on the computer. Sam watched TV. T:What did Tom do?Who can? Tom helped Mum.(边演示图片边板书) T:Now let’s read the dialogue in your groups.(模仿语音语调,看哪个小组读的最好? Now let’s retell the dialogue.(情景再现) 三、     Practise T:They did many things.What about you?Now let’s talk about in groups:I …yesterday.” Group1:I watched TV yesterday.       I cooked fish yesterday.       I played on the computer.       I talked to my friend. Group2:…… Group 3:…… Group4:…… 四、     Summary What did you learn in this class?(谈收获) S1:… S2:… You did a good job.I love you.Now let’s chant together: help  helped  I helped Mum. phone  phoned  I phoned Grandma. cook  cooked  I cooked noodles. wash  washed  I washed clothes. play played  I played on the computer. T:Good.I love your voice.Let’s see which group is the winner?The present is in the box.Look: Helping others is helping ourselves. 五、     Homework Make a survey,introduce your family,friends What did they do yesterday?Talk about in your groups,Ok? Goodye boys and girls.Thank you!  

资料: 10.8万


