Module 2 Grandparents Unit 1 She learnt English教案

Module 2 Grandparents Unit 1 She learnt English教案


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Module 2 Grandparents Unit 1 She learnt English. 一、Teachingobjectives: 1.     Words  and  phrases: learnt  these dancer 2.     Sentences: She learnt English. Did she  learn  any foreign           languages.   He is learningEnglish now. 3.     Grammar: Talking about the past and present. 4.     Teaching properties: word cards  photos   tape. 二、Teaching  procedures. 一、        Warming—up Greeting: T: Hello, Good morning, class.  S: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you today?       S: We are well. T: What day is today?         S: Thursday. T: Are you ready for your English class? S:Yes. We are ready. Game: Review the past tense of some verbs. 二、        New teaching 1.     Use some pictures to learn important sentences. Did you/he /she …..?  Yes, I/she/he did.  No, didn’t. He is doing ……. 2.     Learn new words and phrases. Teacher plays  the  tape and  have  Ss underline  the  new words  and  phrases. Teacher guides to learn by all kinds of  methods. 3.     Listen  and  repeat 4.     Act out the test. (Give Ss some minutes to practise.) 三、        Practice and consolidate. 1.      Show  two  pictures and  have  Ss describe  (use  the important  sentences) 2.      Do activity   3. Have Ss  look  it ,  give  some minutes  to  practise in  pairs ,then  act it  out. 四、        Task—fulfilling Game : teacher  have Ss  take  out  their  photos and  describe  it. The others guess it. 五、        Sum the  lesson 六、        Homework: Try to describe the other persons   to your parents.  

资料: 10.8万


