Module 1 Changing Unit 2 She didn’t have a television教案

Module 1 Changing Unit 2 She didn’t have a television教案


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Module 1 Changing Unit 2 She didn’t have a television. Teaching objectives: 1.     Word and phrases: fire, radio, telephone, field, hope. 2.     Sentences: She worked in the fields. She didn’t have a television. 3.     Grammar: Talk about the life of past and now. Teaching procedures: 一.Warming up. 1.     Greetings. 2.     Act out last text. 3.     Free talk: Compare ‘Old China and New China.’ 二.Lead in       Yesterday, Lingling saw the programme about China, she missed her grandmothervery much. So she writes a letter for Daming, tells about that programme and herfeeling. 三.Newteaching.     1.     Show some questions. a.      What programme did Lingling watch last night? b.     What was the old lady’s life like many years ago? c.      Who does Lingling miss? 2.     Listen to the tape-recorder and find answers. 3.     Learn new words. a.      Show some object and cards. b.     Correct pronunciation. c.      Practise new words in different kinds of method. 4.     Listen to the tape-recorder and act out it. 四  .Practise 1.      Play a game. Put nine cards on the desk. Two studentsuse cards to make dialogue. For example: A: Where was he/she seven days ago? B: He/She was … A: What did he/she do there? B: He/She … 2.     Do A B Unit 2 exercise1. a.      Listen to the tape. b.     Understand generalization. c.      Choose right answer. 五.Homework   Introduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home.     教学后记:由于本班学生的基础水平较低,所以在接触一般过去时的句子时,学生对规则动词的变化,肯定句的意思还能理解,遇到不规则动词的变化,由肯定句变否定句就难以理解了。我们教师急于求厂成,一次讲完,应循序渐进,并与生活实际紧密联系。

资料: 10.8万


