M6U1 You can play football well教案

M6U1 You can play football well教案


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教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)能够听说读写单词:well  team  fantastic  control  badly  catch   really (2)通过情景创设及任务操练能够听说认读句型. 2、能力目标: (1)能熟练运用I can……well. I ……badly.  Can you……? Yes,I can.No,I can’t.进行情景交际,培养学生的口语交际能力。 (2)能够听懂理解课文内容。 3、情感目标: (1)根据学生的实际水平设计教学活动,关注全体学生的发展,培养学生积极参与活动的意识和与同学合作的精神。 (2)引导学生学会自我调整,保持一颗快乐的自信的健康心态。 教学重难点: 1、听说读写单词well  team  fantastic  control  badly  catch  really 2、运用I can……well. I ……badly.  Can you……?Yes,I can.No,I can’t.句型询问表现出人的一种能力 教学方法:真实运用任务法 情境法 课前准备:课件,录音机,卡片, 磁带,  画有球类的图片等 教学过程: 一、Warm—up Sing an English song《I can hear the bell》 I can hear.I can hear.I can hear the bell. Ding-a dong    Ding –a dong Ding- a dong    Ding dong I can hear the bell. I can hear.I can hear.I can hear the rain . Pitter-patta    Pitter-patta I can hear the rain. (设计意图:因为本节课的内容是学会用英语介绍和询问别人的能力,所以我先播放一首含有can的单词,创设了轻松愉悦的学习氛围,激发学生的学习热情。) T:Do you like this song? Ss:Yes,I do. T: Can you sing a song? S1: Yes,I can. T: Can you sing an English song? S2: Yes,I can. T:Can you play football? S3: Yes.I can. Tk,very good.Today we’ll learn M6U1《You can play football well.》. 师生问候引入新课。                                          T:read it follow me. “well”(learn the word) T: first look at the learning aims 导学目标: 1.能听说读写本课的词汇:well team control badly really catch fantastic 2.能熟练运用I can……well. I ……badly.  Can you……? Yes,I can.No,I can’t.进行情景交际, 3.能听懂理解课文内容. 4.学会自我调整,保持一颗快乐的自信的健康心态。 (设计意图:出示导学目标,能够让学生对本节课的目标有所印象,明确学习目标,对后面的学习具有促进作用) T:Today we are four teams.football team,basketball team,table tennis team,baseball team.(learn the word “team”) Let’s come on.Which team is fantastic? .(learn the word “fantastic”) football team,fantastic fantastic fantastic   basketball team, fantastic fantastic  we’re fantastic table tennis team, fantastic fantastic we’re fantastic baseball team, fantastic fantastic we’re fantastic (设计意图:本单元中主要出现了team这个单词,我就将全班划分了四个小组,football team,basketball team,table tennis team,baseball team, fantastic fantastic fantastic激发学生的竞争意识。) 二、Presentation T:Look at here.(老师拿出一个篮球) Ss: It’s a basketball. Took at me.I can control the ball.(老师做出控制球的动作,拍球)   (边拍边说) I can control the ball. I can control the ball well.(learn the word“control” ) T: Can you control the ball? S1:Yes,I can.( 做出控制球的动作) T:Very good,fantastic.You can control the ball well.Can you control the ball? S2: Yes,I can. ( 做出控制球的动作,但是没有控制好) T:Oh,sorry.You control the ball badly. (learn the word“badly” ) Took at me.I can catch the ball. (老师做出接住球的动作)   I can catch the ball. I can catch the ball well. (learn the word“catch” ) T: Can you catch the ball? S1:Ye,,I can.(老师扔过球去,学生接住) T: Oh,You can catch the ball well. I can jump high (老师做出跳的动作).Can you jump high? S1:Yes,I can. (学生做出跳的很高动作) T:Oh,fantastic.You can jump really high. (learn the word“really” ) 运用单词卡片练习单词。(设计意图:创设情境,学习单词control badly catch really,贴近学生的实际生活,让学生在情境中感受所学单词,激发学生的学习兴趣) Task1:Words and phrases(词汇)                 Check in groups (用自己喜欢的方式组内练习)                     Group show (用自己喜欢的方式展示) (设计意图:把单词进行分类,副词,动词,形容词 名词,让学生进行小组合作并以不同的方式进行展示,体现了小组合作的团队精神和竞争意识) Football team: say the words one by one. Basketball team:together Table tennis team:say Chinese  say English Baseball team:Boys say and girls say T: Very good,You are fantastic.Now Let’s chant together. well   well     catch the ball well     badly   badly    control the ball badly high    high  jump really high    fantastic   fantastic our team fantastic (设计意图:把学过的单词编成chant的形式,学生读起来朗朗上口,比较有韵律感,激发学生的学习兴趣,并且能够在最短的时间内记住所学单词。) T: Very good,You are fantastic.boys and girls,We all know “can”.Can you tell us“What you can do? What you can’t do?” S1:I can play football. S2: I can fly a kite. S3:I can’t play basketball. T:Can you play basketball.? S4:Yes,I can. T: Can you jump high? S5:No,I can’t. …… T: Very good,You are fantastic.Look at it. can 的用法心中记 没有人称,数变化 后加v.原表肯定 变否定,也简单 后面要把not添 变疑问,也好办 直接需把can提前 I can……well.      I……badly. (设计意图:把学过的can 的用法编成一个顺口溜的形式,学生读起来朗朗上口,比较有韵律感,激发学生的学习兴趣,并且能够在最短的时间内记住can 的用法。) Task2: Sentences(句子) Find out the sentences with“can can’t well badly”                    Check in groups (用自己喜欢的方式组内练习)                    Group show (用自己喜欢的方式展示) T:listen to the tape and find out the sentences with“can can’t well badly” S1:… S2:… S3:…. … T:You are fantastic.So many sentences.Now work in groups and show: 1.Can you run fast?No,I can’t. 2.Can you control the ball?Very badly. 3.But you can jump really high. 4.And you can catch the ball well.Yes,I can. 5.I think I can do that well. 6.You can play football well. (设计意图:通过训练这些重点句子,突破了本单元的重难点,为下一步学习课文做好基础。) Group show: Task3:Text(课文) Listen ,repeat and answer these questions:       1.Can Lingling run fast?       2.Can Lingling control the ball?       3.Was Lingling very good at basketball?       4.Can Lingling catch the ball well? (设计意图:听音跟读并回答问题,锻炼了学生的口语与听力能力) T:Now,read the dialogue and do it Lingling wants to be in the football team. She can’t______(run)fast.She can’t ______(control) the ball.But she can______(jump) really high.She ______(be) very good at basketball in China.And she can_____(catch)the ball well.She is a fantastic goalkeeper. (设计意图:将对话整合成一篇小短文的形式,让学生对本单元有一个整体的把握和理解) 三、拓展 Practise in groups with the pictures(小组之内介绍一下自己的能力) Group show(用自己喜欢的方式展示) I can……well. I …… badly. Can you……? Yes,I can. No,I can’t.                       (设计意图:通过出示一系列的图片,让学生通过can 的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句训练学生的口语交际,培养学生的英语交际能力)                    T: Who is he? S1:He is Liuxiang. T: What can he do? S1:He can run well. ……. …… T:They are so fantastic.I believe you are so fantastic,too. You can do what you want to do. Believe in yourselves. You are fantastic! (相信自己所能做到的,因为你是最棒的!) (设计意图:通过出示一系列的图片,让名人的模范作用来感染学生。) 四、知识树小结 T:What do you learn? Words: well team control badly rea lly catch fantastic Sentences: I can play foot well.          Can you run fast?Yes,I can.          You can catch the ball well.          You were very good at basketball in China. Texto you understand?Yes,I do. 课文  句子  词汇  知识树     (设计意图:通过出示单元知识树,让学生总结本单元的知识点,锻炼了学生总结知识的能力) 五、Homework 设计一个调查表,来调查你的家人或者朋友,他们会干什么,而不会干什么.用“She/He can……well. She/He ……badly.” (设计意图:设计调查表,让学生学会以不同的人称来锻炼所学句式,培养学生的口语交际能力) 播放结束本课教学。

资料: 10.8万


