三年级英语下册Unit 5 How old are you? Story time教学设计

三年级英语下册Unit 5 How old are you? Story time教学设计


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Teaching contents  教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives  教学目标1. 能准确认读新词:two, eight, nine, lovely。2. 能理解、朗读并说出日常交际用语How lovely! How old are you? I’m .../Here you are.能在情景中综合运用所学的日常交际用语进行会话。3. 能认识和朗读Story time部分的句子。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty  教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能用英语询问年龄并做出相应的回答。2. 能在情景中综合运用所学的日常交际用语进行会话。教学难点:1. 能正确朗读日常交际用语How lovely! 2. 能在情景中综合运用所学的日常交际用语进行会话。Teaching procedures  教学过程Step1 Pre-reading1.Free talk 呈现玩具熊Learn “How lovely!”T: Look at the pear. How is it?S: How nice! T: We can also say “How lovely!”(Teach: How lovely!)T: (指向边上的小熊) Look at the bears!S: How lovely!2. Sing a songT: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like songs?S: Yes.T: Let’s enjoy a song Ten in the bed.T: Oh, what numbers do you hear? Let’s count.T: One …S: One, two, three, … ten.(Teach the new words: two, eight, nine.)3. Intuoduce groupsT: Now, I will divide you into 10 groups. Introduce yourself. Are you ready?S: Yes. T: Go.【设计意图:通过歌曲,在调动课堂气氛的同时,学习数字1-10。同时,通过介绍各个组的形式进一步巩固数字的学习,为后面的学习做铺垫。】Step 2 While-reading 1. Introduce the backgroundT: (呈现第一幅图) Look at the picture. Who are they?S: Mike, Helen and Dad.  板书T: Who’s the little baby? He’s Tim.(Teach the name: Tim) 板书T: Where are they?S: 在商店里,在博物馆里。T: They’re in the toy museum. (Teach: toy museum.)T: What can you see in the toy museum?S: A robot, a panda …T: We can see “Welcome to Toy Museum”.(Teach: welcome to Toy Museum.)【设计意图:通过读图,找出图中的人物信息,认识了新朋友Tim;同时,通过读图,明确任务所在的地点。读图能力是三年级孩子应该培养的一个重要能力。】2. Watch and findT: Boys and girls, look, there are a lot of toys here. But different toys are for different ages. So how to ask ages? Let’s watch the video and find the answer.(播放动画)T: How to ask ages?S: How old are you?(Teach: How old are you?)  what is the title of this text?3. Read and matchT: But how old are Mike, Helen and Tim? Can you ask them?S: How old are you, Mike? How old are you, Helen? How old are you, Tim?T: Let’s read the story and match them to different ages.5. Let’s checkT: Let’s make a dialogue and check the answer. “How old are you, …?” “I’m …”6. Read and findT: Look at the worker at the Toy Museum. When she gives the toys to the children, what does she say? Please read and underline the sentences.S: This is for you. Here you are.Step 3 Post-reading1. Read after the tape. (标注升降调。)2. Read together.3. Read in roles.4. Act the story in groups.5.Make a making map about our friends’ birthday and the presents.Step 4 Summary1. One day, Mike , Helen and Tim are in the toy museum. Mike is ____, this ____ is for Mike. ____ is eight, the ____ is for her(她). Tim is only (只有) ____ ,  the panda(熊猫) is for ____. They are all very happy.【设计意图:通过读图,找出图中的人物信息,认识了新朋友Tim;同时,通过读图,明确任务所在的地点。读图能力是三年级孩子应该培养的一个重要能力。】2.Enjoy a song Can You Count To Ten 【设计意图:通过歌曲,进一步巩固所学的1-10数字,加上动作表演,让孩子们记忆深刻,体验成功的愉悦,爱上英语。】Homework 家庭作业1. 听录音,有感情地跟读课文4遍,并表演对话。2. 学校的图书馆里面有各种类型的儿童读物,请同学们去选择一本适合自己的图书。四人或五人一组进行表演,其中一人扮演图书管理员,其他同学扮演来借书的同学。Useful sentences:How old are you?     I’m ...This … is for you.Here you are.    Thank you.3.用英语说说家里父母的手机号码,自己家的车牌门牌号码。Teaching aids  教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学PPT板书设计:                       Unit 5 How old are you?(story time)

资料: 10.8万


