六年级英语上册Unit 3 My weekend plan教学设计

六年级英语上册Unit 3 My weekend plan教学设计


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六年级英语上册Unit 3 My weekend plan教学设计【Analysis of the Teaching Material】本单元是义务教育人教版小学英语六年级上册第三单元,围绕My weekend plan 的话题展开,教材首先出示了两个主场景,旨在提示学生利用be going to 的形式表示即将发生的动作,用来谈论自己的周末计划,有效地引出了本单元的主题,本节课以听力和对话的方式张开,旨在创设的语境中学习本单元的主要单词和句型。能了解be going to 表示即将发生的动作,并在真实的场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。【Analysis of the Students】本课教授的重点内容在之前的教学中有过接触,而且进行了适当地渗透,只是没有重点讲解和学习,但很多学生经过之前的学习已有所掌握。因此,对于大部分学生来说,难度大大降低,自由发挥的能力也加大。【Learning Objectives】1.学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。2.学生能够运用句型What are you going to do ? I’m going to … Where are you going ?I’M going to...When are you going ?讨论自己的活动计划。                     3.学生能够合理计划自己的活动。【Learning Key Points】运用句型What are you going to do ? I’m going to … Where are you going ?I’M going to...When are you going ?讨论自己的活动计划。【Learning Difficult Points】运用句型讨论、介绍自己的活动计划。【Teaching Procedures】l Warm-up :1.Greetings:T:Hi,boys and girls,how are you?Ss:...T:Great!2.Flashing Cards:T:First,let’s play a little game.Say the phrases while seeing the pictures.Are you ready?Ss:...(play basketball,play football,wash the clothes,do homework,watch TV,read books,draw pictures/cartoons,go swimming,listen to music,sing a song,dance)【Purpose】通过plashing cards的游戏,复习了学生学过的动词短语,有效地唤醒了学生的词汇盘点,为学生后面谈论周末计划做好铺垫,既活跃了课堂气氛,又能让学生迅速进入学习状态。3.Oral talking:T:Well,Do you know what day is it today?S1:It’s Thursday.T:Yes!And  I’ m very happy.Do you know why?Ss:...T:Because it’s going to be Saturday the day after tomorrow.And I already have a plan for my weekend.I am going to the cinema to see film.The film is about our great country.Do you know the movie.Then  I’m going to the bookstore to buy some books.T:What are you going to do this weekend?S1:...S2:...S3:...l Presentation:1.Let’s tryT:Our friend John has a plan for his next week,What is he going to do ?Have a guess.S1:...   (Maybe )S2:...(I like your idea.)Look,there he is .where is John?S1:He is on his way home.T:Yes,he sees Amy on his way home.Let’s listen what are they going to do ?(播放let’s try 录音)1>What  is Amy going to do?2>What is John going to do ?3>Is the ice cream for John?4>Who is it for?【Purpose】Let’s try先行,通过听音任务呈现对话情景,通过听音做题表格呈现引导学生更深入地关注听力内容的整体理解,为接下来Let’s talk的学习做好铺垫。2.Let’ talk(Listen & answer)T:Is Jack in John’s home now?S1:...T:When is Jack going to come to John’s home?S2:The next week.3.Let’ talk(watch & answer)T:Well,I think John likes Jack very much,because he makes a plan.What is his plan?Where are they going ? What are they going to do ?When are they going? (张贴三张问题条)Let’s watch the flash and try to answer the three questions.(播放课文视频,学生听并回答)T:Where are they going ?S1:They’re going to the cinema.S2:...T:What are they going to do ?S3:They’re going to see a film about space travel.S4:...T:When are they going?(Next Tuesday)S5:...S6:They are going to the cinema next Tuesday.T:How do you know that?(Why they choose next Tuesday ,not next Wednesday ?/Why Amy suggest them to go to the cinema (on )next Tuesday?)S7:...(学生展示原文依据)T:That’s really good .Half price.It means ,on Wednesday,if the price is 60 yuan,on Tuesday,the price will be 30 yuan.T:Well,I searched the price for different movie theaters,where shall I go ?Can you give me suggestions?And please tell me your reason.S8:Why not go to the ...movie theater.Because...(Thank you for your suggestion.)S9:Why not go to the ...movie theater.Because...(Thank you so much.You are so kind.)4.Let’ talk(Try to think)T:If you were Jack, do you like this plan?Why or Why not?S1:...S2:...(Do you have better plans?Where are you going ?What are you going to do ?When are you going ?)【Purpose】学生通过听录音、看动画加深对文本的理解,通过展示重点句型,让学生抓住了文章中的关键句,并加以操练,学生在编撰对话中可以适当拓展,运用积累的词汇和交际用语,使对话内容完善,以完成学习目标1和2。5.Let’ talk(Listen and imitate)T:Now let’s follow the recording .Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Here we go.(播放录音跟读,跟读过程中教师要适时地对易错点进行强调)6. Let’ talk(Read in roles)T:Good job.At this time,let’s read in groups.(分四组读)T:How about some single show? Anyone would like to read Nick’s sentences?Bess?Mum?Dad?(教师要适时地对易错点进行纠正)T:You all did great jobs!【Purpose】通过跟读模仿,纠正学生不准确的语音语调,以完成学习目标1。Practice :1.Try To retellT:Can you retell John’s plan in your own words.Let’s have a try.T&Ss:John and Jack are going to the cinema,they are going to see a film about space travel.They are going to the cinema next Tuesday ,because it’s (it will be )half price then.S1:...【Purpose】通过用自己的语言复述文本内容,巩固知识的同时,锻炼了学生的综合语言运用能力。2.Make a new conversation1>T:Just now ,so many of you haven’t share your weekend plan,now here is a chance for you to share.Now let me do a little survey.Where are they going ? What are they going to do ?When are they going?(张贴三张单词you 和I’m/We’re以替换板书中的they 和they’re.)S1:...S2:...(学生回答问题过程中教师要将学生回答的短语板书在黑板上并总结)T:So,**is going To...(地点)He/She is going to ...(事件)He/She is going ...(时间)2>T:Now,It’s your turn,try to ask your deskmate these three questions,write down the answers on your book.Then try to give a report.(同桌问答,写下答语,投影仪展示并做report.)【Purpose】教师先做示范,为学生的练习和输出做铺垫,学生同桌两人练习问答,对应学习目标2、3。l Summary:T:Well,boys and girls,you all did a really Wonderful job today,and in your daily lives,I hope you may have a  plan for everyday,Think today and speak tomorrow.Here’s the homework for today.Homework:1. Read the conversation as more as you can.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.2. Finish the exercise on your exercise book.《5.3》P13,《5分钟》P19。l Blackboard Design:Unit 3 My weekend plan                                            Let’s talk A  Where are they going ? They’re going to the cinema.  What are they going to do ? They’re going to see a film about space travel. When are they going? They’re going to the cinema next Tuesday.   

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