PEP六年级上册英语Unit 4 I have a pen pal第二课时教案

PEP六年级上册英语Unit 4 I have a pen pal第二课时教案


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第二课时 课时内容 A Let’s try; Let’s talk 课时分析 本课时是人教版六年级上册第四单元的第二课时,与第一课时紧密相连,继续围绕“兴 趣爱好”的话题展开。主要通过谈话的情景学习单词和词组 pen pal, Jasmine Flower, idea 以 及继续巩固表达兴趣爱好的句型。培养学生通过了解兴趣爱好结交朋友的意识,持续培养学 习英语的兴趣。在第一课时中句型 What are your hobbies? I like...的学习,为本课时的学习奠 定了基础。本课时的重点是句型 What are...’s hobbies? He/She likes...的掌握。 本课时包括 Let’s try 和 Let’s talk 两个版块。Let’s try 是听力训练,呈现的张鹏和 Oliver 聊天的场景。通过听力的练习获得 Let’s talk 部分的人物和场景信息,为进入正式的对话学 习做好准备。Let’s talk 通过呈现是张鹏和 Oliver 打电话的场景,使学生感知核心句型 What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes...的语义及语用情景。本课时谈论他人兴趣爱好的话题,真实,贴近 学生的生活,很能激起学生的求知欲,激发学生想要用英语表达的欲望。 本课时出现的词组 Jasmine Flower 是一首著名的中国民歌,在教学中可以播放歌曲,供 学生欣赏。 本课时出现的句型很多,我采用游戏等活动引导学生复习旧知,利用新旧之间的联系引 出新知。借助教材设置的情景学习新知,然后运用角色表演、仿编对话、小小调查员等活 动巩固新知。 课时目标 1. 能够听、说、认读单词:pen pal, Jasmine Flower, idea 2. 能够听、说、读、写句型: —What are Peter’s hobbies? —He likes reading stories. 3. 能够理解对话大意并能按照正确的音及语音、语调朗读对话。 4. 能够在情景中运用句型 What are...’s hobbies? He/She likes...交流相关内容。 5. 培养学生通过了解兴趣爱好结交朋友的意识,持续培养学习英语的兴趣。 课时重难点 1.重点 (1)能够听、说、认读单词:pen pal, Jasmine Flower, idea (2)能够听、说、读、写句型: —What are Peter’s hobbies? —He likes reading stories. (3)能够理解对话大意并能按照正确的音及语音、语调朗读对话。 (4)能够在情景中运用句型 What are...’s hobbies? He/She likes...交流相关内容。 2.难点 能够在情景中灵活运用句型 What are...’s hobbies? He/She likes...谈论兴趣爱好。 教学准备 多媒体课件、词卡、录音机和磁带、 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning ,boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: Before our class, let’s play a game. 2. Review some phrases (1)我来做,你来说。 讲桌上摆放一些卡片,如:sing, dance, read stories, play football, do kung fu。请一名学生到 讲台前,随意拿起一张卡片,然后根据卡片的内容做出动作,其他学生猜出单词和和短语。 (2)说出动词的现在分词。 教师依次呈现 sing, dance, read, play , do 的词卡,学生说出对应的现在分词,并拼出来。如: 教师呈现 sing 的词卡,学生说出 sing, singing, S-I-N-G-I-N-G。 3. Ask and answer T: What are your hobbies? S1: I like... What are your hobbies? S2: I like... ... 学资源:词卡 设计意图:复习和巩固上节课的知识,为学习新知做好铺垫。 Step 2 Lead in T: In our daily life, we have many friends. How do we make friends? Sometimes we make friends online. For example, we can make friends through emails or letters. We don’t have to meet them in person. We call them pen pals. (板书 pen pal,带读,齐读。) 设计意图:谈话导入自然的引起下文。 Step 3 Presentation 1. Let’s try (1)T: Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about his pen pal, Peter. What are his hobbies? Guess. Does he like playing football?(引导学生猜测。) (2) 听录音,引导学生读题并回答,核对答案。 教学资源:录音机、磁带 设计意图:听力练习为进入正式的对话做好准备。 2. Let’s talk (1)T: Do you want to know more about Peter? Look at the picture.(呈现 A Let’s talk 的人物图。) What is he doing? Ss: He’s reading books. T: Yes, he likes reading. He has many hobbies. What are his hobbies? Let’s have a look at the text. (2) 带着问题自读课文,并用直线画出答案。 Where does Peter live? What are Peter’s hobbies? (3)理解课文。 a. T: What are Peter’s hobbies?(板书句子。) S1: He likes reading stories/doing kung fu/swimming/singing.(板书句子,注意 like 后面 的 s 要用不同颜色标出,理解句子,齐读句子,解释 like 后面动词-ing 形式的用法。) T: Where does he live? Ss: He lives on the farm.(课件呈现句子,理解句子。) T: So sometimes he reads to the cows.(课件呈现句子,理解句子。) b. 齐读句子,特别强调在肯定句中动词第三人称单数形式的词尾变化。 He likes reading stories. He lives on the farm. So sometimes he reads to the cows. c. T: What are Zhang Peng’s hobbies? Ss: He likes singing. T: So, he is going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”.(引导学生回答,课件 呈现句子。教学 Jasmine Flower,理解句子,带读句子,齐读句子。) d. 播放 Jasmine Flower,学生欣赏。 (4)播放录音,学生跟读。 (5)分角色朗读课文。 (6)仿编课文,指组表演。 Step 4 Practice 1. 心有灵犀 请两名同学上台,一名学生根据教师的纸条提示表演动作,其他学生提问:What are her/his hobbies? 另一名学生回答:He/She likes...可以进行男女生对抗赛,看哪一组在规定时 间内猜出的最多。 设计意图:巩固和操练核心句型 What are her/his hobbies? He/She likes... 2. 小小调查员 调查同桌好朋友的兴趣爱好,然后汇报。 调查问题:Who is your best friend? What’s he/she like? What are his/her hobbies? 学生汇报示范: ______ has a friend. Her /His name is_______. She/He is _______. She/He likes__________. 设计意图:培养学生综合运用语言的能力和提高书面表达能力。 Step 5 Summary T: What did you learn about this class? 学生们自由说,教师总结。 T: 1. like 后面动词加-ing 形式的用法。 2. 学习了兴趣爱好的句型:What are...’s hobbies? He/She likes... 设计意图:总结的环节帮助学生归纳知识点,理清思路,有助于学生对知识的记忆。 课堂作业 一、按要求写单词。 1. 2. 3. 4. 二、单项选择。 ( )1. What are________ hobbies? A. Peter’s B. Peters C. Peter ( )2. I’m going to teach ________an English song. A. he B. him C. his ( )3. He ________drawing cartoons. hobbies 原形 swim 现在分词 like 三单形式 to 347.. 同音词 A. likes B. liking C. like ( )4.— ________is your best friend? —Zhang Peng. A. Where B. What C. Who 三、选择合适的句子补全对话。 Lisa: 1.___________________ Li Mei: 2.___________________She lives on a farm, so sometimes she dancing to the animals. Lisa: 3. ___________________ Li Mei: She likes listening to music and playing ping-pong. Lisa: Really? Me too. Li Mei: 4.____________________ Lisa: Oh, you like singing, too. Li Mei: Yes.5. ________________ Lisa: Good idea. 板书设计 B Let’s talk What are Peter’s hobbies? pen pal 笔友 He likes reading stories/doing kung fu/swimming/singing. Jasmine Flower (like+动词-ing) 茉莉花 A. That’s interesting. B. What are Anna’s hobbies? C. She also likes singing. D. I’ll teach her the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”. E. She likes dancing. Answers: 一、1.hobby 2.swimming 3.likes 4.too 二、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 三、1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D

资料: 10.8万


