外研版必修4 Module 5  A Trip Along the Three Gorges导学资料

外研版必修4 Module 5  A Trip Along the Three Gorges导学资料


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Module Five A Trip Along the Three Gorges 1)词汇能力必学词汇cave, character, cliffs, colleague, deck, detour, dock, exploit, fertile, goods, immense, legend, pagoda, peak, plain, plateau, poet, raft, remote, shore, slope, steep, trade, valley复习词汇bamboo, distant, lake, rush, set, wood 短语construction site, at the age of, at least, be heavy with, in the distance, rip off, get a kick out of2)听说能力obligation(义务), permission(许可), prohibition.(禁止) 3)阅读能力阅读课文和课后 Cultural corner 文章,掌握旅行系列单词,掌握语言点。 4)语法能力情态动词用法(一) 5)写作能力通过单词学习,写有关旅行的文章。 词汇拓展:1. colleague (n.)同事2. trade (vi.)做生意3. legend (n.)传奇,传说4. forbid (vt.)禁止5. remote (adj.)遥远的 6. spot (n.)地点,场所 7. view (n.)景色,风景8. surround (vt.) 围绕,环绕 surrounding (adj.) 周围的 surroundings (n.)环境9. narrow (vi.)变窄 narrow (adj.)窄的 narrowly (adv.)勉强地,仔细地10. distant (adj.)遥远的 distance (n.)距离11. exploit (vt.)开发,利用,剥削 exploitation (n.) exploiter (n.)剥削者12. varied (adj.)多变化的 vary (v.)使不同 variety (n.)多样性,种类 various (adj.)各种各 样的 variable (adj.)易变的13. at the edge of 在。。。。。。的边缘14. at least 至少15. be heavy with 有大量的 16. in the distance 在远处17. rip off 敲竹杠18. get a kick out of 从。。。。。。中得到乐趣19. go through 经过,通过20. take advantage of 利用   【词汇】1 surround v.包围The fence surrounds the school. 篱笆环绕着学校。 surrounding n. 围绕物, 环境 adj. 周围的 surroundings n.环境Come out with your hands up! You’re surrounded by police officers. He likes to surround himself with amusing people.Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see the surrounding hills. I’m not happy in the surroundings.2 distant adj. 远的, 关系远的(亲戚), 疏远的The foreign visitors came from a distant country. 外国游客来自一个遥远的国度。Those two weak boys are distant relations. 那两个瘦弱的男孩是远房亲戚。the distant past 久远的过去 distant events 久远的往事辨析:distant,far,remote 这些形容词都表示在时间、空间或关系上的远离、远隔或分 开,绝大多数情况下可以通用,感觉上区别主要有:far 在 How far …?这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的“远”,否 则总为“遥远的”这一含义。由于  far  是个普通词,所以使用范围较广,含义也较复杂(如:它可以表示相对于观察者的“另一边”),在不同的词组中,其含义也有差异。如: "You'll have to get off here," the conductor said,"This is as far as we go." “你得在这儿下车了,”售票员说,“我们的车就开到这里为止了”。distant 和 remote 虽然都可以表示“遥远的”,但是 remote 强调“偏僻”,而 distant 强调 “两物相距的间隔”。此外,distant 也并不总是表示遥远。如:“应当把书保持在离开眼睛 大约六英寸处。”The book should be held about six inches distant from the eyes.The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets. 将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力。 Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable——as my wife and Idiscovered during a tour through the Balkans. 访问真正偏僻的村庄,很少是令人愉快的——这一点我和妻子在巴尔干地区游览时,有所 发现。distance n. 距离, 远离What distance do you have to walk to school? 你到学校要走多远的距离?In England distance is measured in miles, not in kilometers. 在英国测量距离用英里,不用公里。in the distance 远处;远方3 forbid v. 禁止, 不许(-bade 或 -bad, -bidden, -bidding)forbid 比较常见的结构是:forbid sth./ doing sth. 和 forbid sb. to do sth. Laws forbid speeding.法律规定禁止超速。I forbid you to go swimming. 我不准你去游泳。Most of the parents agree to forbid their children to smoke. 大多数父母都同意禁止自己的孩子抽烟forbidden adj. 严禁的,禁止的 forbidden fruit 禁果the Forbidden City 紫禁城类似 forbid 用法的词还有 allow, encourage, advise, permit 等 4 remote  adj. 遥远的, 偏僻的remote star 遥远的星星the remote future 遥远的未来 a remote village 偏僻的村落a remote relative 远亲5 spot n. 斑点, 污点, 地点, 现场v. 沾污, 弄脏; 认出, 发现 (spot-ted, spot-ting)She had spots on her face when she was ill. 当她生病的时候,她脸上有斑点。 This is a nice spot for a house.  这里是建房的好地方。on the spot 现场,当场6 view n [C, U] 景色;美景;视野;想法;见解 常用短语have a good/ wonderful / bad view (of...) 对......能够很好/不好得观看come into view 看得见;进入视野be in view 看得见;在视野中;考虑中;计划 in one’s view (in one’s opinion) 在某人看来 I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.我坐在公共汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。As we turned the corner, a fascinating castle came into view. 当我们转过拐角,一座迷人的城堡映入我们的眼帘。There was nothing in view except the vast sea. 除了浩瀚的大海以外什么也看不到。 In my view, you must have misunderstood him. 我觉得你一定是误会他了。7 require vt. 需要, 要求, 命令Most plants require sunlight. 大部分植物需要阳光。Students are required to attend classes. 学生必须按规定上课。The school requires that all the students (should) attend classes on time. 学校规定学生必须按时上课。The floor requires washing = The floor requires to be washed. 地板该洗了。8. view  n.  风景,个人的看法  v.把。。。。。。视为,看,观看 come into view 看得见in one’s view 依照。。。。。。的见解 on a long view 从长远看in view of 鉴于with the view of 有。。。。。。的目的 view…as 把。。。。。。看作viewer n.观看者 viewable  adj.可见的辨析:scene, scenery, sight, viewscene 指展现在眼前的情景,也可指 scenery 的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动。 Scenery 指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。sight 可以指场景,眼前看到的景观,也指名胜,风景,表示后者用复数。 View 指从高处远处看到的 scenery 的一部分。The view from the top of the tower was breathtaking.When the car was first built, the design was viewed as high original. The scene after the earthquake was horrible.We have seen the historical sights of London.The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvelous.【阅读】1 He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training colleague.他和另外一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院任教两年。 were to do 所用的结构是:be to do sth, 此处表示安排将要做某事。be to do sth 可以表示的含义分别有: 1) 计划,安排The 2008 Olympic Games are to take place in Beijing. 2) 义务,责任The police are to bring criminals to justice. 3) 决心,注定Man is to land on Mars.2 The first semester finished at the end of January and they had four weeks off for the Spring Festival.一月底,第一学期结束了,他们有四周的春节假期。four weeks off 意思是:离开四个星期,休假四周等。其中 off 表示:不工作,休息 例如:With only one day off in a week working people had barely enough time to arrange the household.一周休息一天时,上班族只能有时间勉强安排家务。 to have Sunday off 星期日休息3 That sounded fine to me. 我觉得听起来不错。sound    此处是系动词,不是用被动形式,表示“听起来……”这一含义。常用的表示感官的 系动词分别有:look, sound, smell, feel, taste 等。请做下面练习:I don’t want like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair .A. to sound B. to be sounded C. sounding D. to have sounded(答案: A)4 We left docks on a beautiful afternoon. 我们在一个美丽的午后离开码头。介词 on 表示在具体的某一天,或一天的某一部分;当某天不确指,但有形容词修饰的时 候,也应该使用 on。on a snowy night 在一个雪夜on May 24th, 2007 在 2007 年 5 月 24 日5 Every rock looked like a person or animal, every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, every hill was heavy with the past. 块块巨石形象各异,条条支流都流淌着传说,座座小山都承载着历史。1) join: to meet and merge with 与…交接或汇合:The creek joins the river.小溪与河流的汇合。2) be heavy with 意思是:有大量的…… trees heavy with plums. 果实累累的李树 6 On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters.远山上写着 20 英尺的大汉字。1)这是一个倒装句,把表示地点的表语 on a distant mountain 提前,正常语序是:A sign in 20-foot characters was on a distant mountain. 表示地点的部分经常提到句子之前,引起完全倒装,以平衡句子结构或强调。On the stage are the girls who are competing in the beauty contest. 台上是正在参加选美比赛的女孩子。Out rushed the excited boy. 兴奋的孩子冲了出来。2)in:made with or through the medium of:用或通过某种媒介: a statue in bronze 青铜雕像;a note written in German 用德语写的便笺7 I’m allowed to stick one in only if I’ve been in a place for more than 24 hours. 只有在一个地方超过 24 小时,我才会插上一个图钉。1)stick 此处的意思是:刺入,穿入。2)if 引导的是一个条件状语从句,only 用来强调这个条件,only if 表示:除非,只有。 I will believe you if you swear. 如果你发誓,我就相信你。I will believe you only if you swear. 除非你发誓,我才会相信你。8 There’s a saying in the travel trade that all tourists are ripped off. 在旅游业中有一句名言:游客无人不挨宰。1) saying 的意思是:话, 谚语She was fond of quoting the sayings of philosophers.  她喜欢引用哲人的话。2) that all tourists are ripped off. 是同位语从句,用来说明 saying 的内容,其中的 that 作为引导词,但不在从句中作任何成分,不能省略。又如:I have to accept the fact that I am late for work again.(同位语从句) 我不得不接受这样一个事实:我又迟到了。She was very fond of the saying that you told her. (定语从句) 她非常喜欢你告诉她的谚语。that 引导的从句修饰 the saying,that 在从句中做宾语, 可以省略。3) rip off 为俚语,意思是:剥削、诈取、欺骗或诈骗,如:a false advertising campaign that ripped off a great many consumers. 欺骗了大多数消费者的虚假广告活动9 It’s been around for 6,000 years, yet it’s a country of the future. 中国已经有六千年历史了,却是一个充满希望的国家。1) around 在此处的意思是:being in existence: 活的:处于存在中:Our old dog is no longer around. 我们原来的狗已经死了。2) yet 此处是连词 conj.意思是:and despite this; nevertheless,仅管如此,虽然, She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time. 她说她会迟到,但她却准时到达了10. Nearly 100 million people live here, most of them in the east. 差不多一亿人住在此地,绝大多数在东部。most of them in the east 为独立主格结构。独立主格结构是由一个名词(短语)或代词(短语)+非谓语动词/形容词(短语)/副词(短语)/介词短语构成的一个独立成分。该 结构不是句子,也不是从句,常用逗号与其主句隔开。Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow.=If weather permits, we are going to visit you tomorrow. There being no bus, we went home on foot.=Because there was no bus, we went home on foot. Everything done, we left.=When everything was done, we left. The meeting over, we all went out.=As soon as the meeting was over, we all went out. He left the office, tears in eyes.=He left the office and tears were in his eyes.   语法:本单元的语法项目是情态动词,以下讲解包含第六模块的知识,第六模块语法部分将以练习为主。 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,可以表示“可能”、“可以”、“需要”、“必须” 或“应当”等之意。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。但不能单独作谓语动词用,必须和不带 to 的不定式连用构成谓语动词(半情态动词 have to / used to 除外)。1、can 和 could (could 为 can 的过去式) 的基本用法 (1)表示能力,如:He can speak English better than you. (2)在疑问句和否定句中表示“怀疑”、“猜测”或“可能性”,如: Can this green bike be Liu Dong's?如果这件事已经发生,则使用 can/ could have done(用在疑问或否定句中), 如: He can’t have finished the work yesterday. 他不可能昨天完成工作。 (3)表示“许可”时 can 可以和 may 换用,如:You can (may) go home now.(4)如果要表示语气婉转,可用 could 代替 can,这时 could 不再是 can 的过去式,如: Could you come again tomorrow?(5)can 和 be able to 都可表示能力,两者在意思上没有什么区别。但是 can 只能有现在 式和过去式,而 be able to 则有更多的形式,如:He will be able to do the work better. 2、may 和 might (might 为 may 的过去式)的基本用法(1)表示允许或征询对方许可,有“可以”之意,如:You may use my dictionary. 在回答对方说“可以做某事”或“不可以做某事”时,一般多不用 may 或 may not,以避免语 气生硬,而用比较婉转的说法进行回答。如:---- May I use this dictionary?---- Yes, please. 或 ---- Certainly.(2)may 或 might 都可以表示可能性,表示“或许”、“可能”之意,如果用 might 表示可能 性,则语气更加不肯定,如:They may (might) be in the library now . 如果这件事已经发生,则使用 may / might have done 3、must 的基本用法(1)must 表示“必须”、“应该”之意,其否定式  must  not,缩写形式为  mustn't,表示“不应 该”,“不准”、“不许可”或“禁止”之意,如:We must study hard and make progress every day. You mustn't touch the fire. (2)对以 must 提出的疑问句,如作否定回答时,要用 needn't 或用 don't (doesn't) have to (不 必)来回答,而不用 mustn't,因为 mustn't 表示的是“禁止”或“不许可”之意,如:---- Must we finish the work tomorrow?---- No, you needn't (don't have to), but you must finish it in three days. (3)在肯定句中  must  可以表示推测,表示“一定”或“必定”之意,如:---- Whose new bike can it be?---- It must be Liu Dong's. I know his father has just bought him a new one. 如果这件事已经发生,则使用 must have done, 如:Liu Dong isn’t in the classroom. He must have gone to the library. 4、have to 的基本用法have to 和 must 的意义相近,只是 must 侧重表示说话人的主观看法,而 have to 则表 示客观需要,如:I must study hard.I had to give it up because of illness. 5、ought to 的基本用法(l)表示根据某种义务或必要“应当”做某事,语气比 should 强,例如: Everyone ought to obey the traffic regulations.(2)表示推测,注意与 must 表示推测时的区别:He must be home by now.(断定他已到 家),He ought to be home by now .(不十分肯定),This is where the oil must be.(比 较直率) ,This is where the oil ought to be. (比较含蓄)6、dare 的基本用法(l)dare (dared 为其过去式) 作情态动词用时,主要用于否定句,疑问句和条件从句中, 如:Dared he bread the traffic regulations again?(2)在现代英语中 dare 常用作行为动词,其变化与一般行为动词相同,如:She dares to stay at home alone at night. 7、need 的基本用法(1)need 作情态动词用时,主要用于否定句和疑问句中,如:He needn't worry about us now.(2)need 也可作为行为动词用,可用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句中,其后可接名词、代 词、动名词或带 to 的动词不定式为其宾语。如:You need to practise reading aloud every day.8、shall 的基本用法(1)shall 用作情态动词时,用于第二、三人称,表示说活人的意愿,可表示“命令”、“警 告”、“强制”、“威胁”或“允诺”等意,如:He shall go first, whether he wants to or not.(2)在疑问句中,shall 用于第一、三人称,表示说话人的征询对方意见或请求指示,如: Shall I open the door?9、should 的基本用法should 作为情态动词可以表示“建议”或“劝告”,有“应该”之意,如: You should learn from each other.10、will 的基本用法 (1)用于各人称,可以表示“意志”或“决心”,如:I have told him again and again to stop smoking, but he will not listen. (2)在疑问句中用于第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问对方的意愿,如: Will you please tell me how to get to the Capital Gymnasium?(3)will    可以表示一种习惯性的动作,有“总是”或“会要”之意,如: Every morning he will have a walk along this river.11、would 的基本用法(1)would 作为 will 的过去式,可用于各人称,表示过去时间的“意志”或“决心”,如: He promised he would never smoke again. (2)在疑问句中,用于第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出请求或许问对方的意愿时,比用 will 的语气更加婉转,如:Would you like some more coffee?(3)在日常生活中,学用“I would like  to…”表示“我想要”或“我愿意”之意,以使语气婉转, 如:I would like to do Ex.2 first.(4)would 可以表示过去的习惯动作,比 used to 正式,并没有“现已无此习惯”的含义。 如:Last year our English teacher would sometimes tell us stories in English after class.During the vacation he would visit me every week. 12、used to, had better, would rather 的用法(1)used to 表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在, 例如:He told us he used to play football when he was young. 在疑问句、否定句或强调句中,可有两种形式。疑问句:Did you use to/ Used you to go to the same school as your brother? 否定句:I usedn’t to / didn’t use to go there.强调句:I certainly used to/ did use to smoke, but it was a long time ago. 其反意疑问句或简略回答中,也有两种形式:She used to be very fat, didn’t she?/ use(d)n’t she?Used you to get up early in the morning? Yes, I did./ used to. (2)had better 意为“最好”,后接不带 to 的不定式,例如:---- We had better go now.---- Yes, we had (we'd better/ we had better).(3)would rather 意为“宁愿”,表选择,后接不带 to 的不定式,例如:---- Wouldn’t you rather stay here?---- No, I would not. I’d rather go there.由于 would rather 表选择,因而后可接 than,例如: I would rather work on a farm than in a factory.   1. We hope that more and more students join us in the campaignagainst pollution in future.A. need B. must C. should D. can2. Mary, you play with the broken glass, you _ cut yourself.A. won’t, can’t B. mustn’t, mayC. shouldn’t, must D. can’t, shouldn’t3. I often see a stranger wandering here. Do you think I _ report it to the police?A. should B. may C. will D. can4. –Excuse me, but I want to use your mobile phone to make a call.--You _ have my mobile phone if you make a long distance call because it’s not available.A. might not B. shan’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t5. –I think I’ll visit Jenny now that she is here.--You . You haven’t been in touch with her for ages.A. will B. may C. have to D. should6. –Bob doesn’t mind lending you his pencil.--He __. I’ve already borrowed one.A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 7. You scold such a pupil who always keeps silent so seriously that you  hurt him.A. should, can B. may, will C. mustn’t, may D. needn’t, must8. We just show our passport and they let us get on the boat.A. should B. must C. may D. had to9. –Well, lost again!--It’s not very important. We forget about it, OK?A. can’t B. may so soon C. might as well D. won’t soon10. –May I talk in class?-- _. It’s forbidden.A. Yes, you may B. No, you mustn’t C. Yes, you can D. No, you can’t11. Don’t panic. The cloud of dust you saw _ by the road construction.A. should be caused B. could have causedC. might have been caused D. must have caused12. Don’t be so anxious about that . Helen _ a note.A. may leave B. might have left C. should leave D. can have left13. –I come all the way to say “Thank you” and we it without you.--Think nothing of it.A. should have done B. mustn’t have doneC. couldn’t have done D. needn’t have done14. –Jenny, I have washed your clothes for you.--Thanks. You _ it. I could manage it myself.A. needn’t do B. needn’t have doneC. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done15. Oh, I have a stomachache, I so much ice cream just now.A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eatenC. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat16. Look! She is crying. She _ have quarreled with her husband.A. might B. should C. can D. will17. We enjoyed ourselves at yesterday’s party. You _ come, but why didn’t you?A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have18. –I’m thinking of losing weight these days.--Oh, you be out of your mind. You’re 50 kilograms at the most!A. will  B. should  C. must  D. may Keys: 1-5 DBABD 6-10 CCDCB 11-15 CBCBC 16-18 ADC    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关 小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How many students died in the accident?A.Two. B.Ten. C.More than ten. 2.Where did Yang lose her glove?A.On tea-table. B.On dressing table. C.On kitchen table. 3.What does the man suggest to the woman?A.To buy a new computer.B.To get a second hand computer. C.To save more money.4.What are they talking about?A.Clothes. B.Clouds. C.Crowds. 5.What does the woman mean?A.She didn’t watch the play yesterday. B.She only watched the first part of the play. C.She didn’t watch the first part of the play.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。6.What’s the result of their failing the test? A.They have to take another one next week. B.They have to inform their parents to school.C.They have to sit in the back of the classroom next week. 7.What will they do after the failure of the test?A.They will spend a nice weekend to forget the failure. B.They will prepare for the test during the weedend.C.They will do nothing but only feel sorry for the failure. 8.What can we infer from the conversation?A.The two speakers failed the test the first time. B.Only the two speakers hadn’t passed the test. C.The two speakers failed the exam more than once.听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。 9.What’s wrong with the man? A.His back aches badly.B.His head aches badly. C.His leg aches badly.10.What is he going to do now? A.Go to the hospital.B.Go on working with the woman. C.Go home and have a rest.11.What happened to the place according to he conversation? A.There is a flood in the area.B.There was a hurricane.C.There is a forest fire towards the farm. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。12.What kind of T-shirt did the woman buy?A.It’s in size M. B.It’s a cotton one. C.Its colour is white. 13.Where does the woman want to go?A.A CD store. B.The bank. C.The school. 14.Which one is true according to the conversation?A.The T-shirt costs the woman 280 yuan.B.The woman bought the T-shirt for her husband. C.The CD store is not difficult to find.听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15.What can we know about Jeff from the conversation? A.He lives in campus.B.He has taken a part-time job so he wouldn’t come back home. C.He will go back home by plane.16.What can we know about Jessica from the conversation? A.She lives off-campus.B.She has taken a part-time job so she wouldn’t come back home. C.She will go back home by plane with Jeff.17.Which of the following can’t be inferred from the conversation? A.Jessica and Jeff are from the same place.B.Tina is both Jessica and Jeff’s friend.C.Jeff is always so busy with his study that it’s hard to find him. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18.When were tea and coffee first introduced to Europe?A.In 19th century B.In 18th century. C.In 1801. 19.Who let the twins do the experiment?A.Themselves. B.Their father. C.The king. 20.What does the story mainly talk about?A.A story about how tea and coffee were accepted in Sweden. B.A story about the difference between tea and coffee.C.A story about how to drink tea and coffee.   单词拼写:1. The driver has been f to drive because he caused two deaths in the accident yesterday.2. Would you be interested in t _ your apples for our tomatoes?3. I live in a house with trees s it.4. She has achieved great success, and she is at the p of her career.5. We are determined to ( 开发) the Yangtze River.6. A green ( 肥沃的) valley is hidden away in the remote northern region of the country.7. The river is heavy with a lot of (传奇故事 ).8. I represented my ( 同事们) to make a decision on it. 单项填空1. If you want to get a good _, you’d better stand on the top of the hill.A. sight B. scene C. view D. look2. The tourists often complained of being by the local peddlers when they buy some souvenirs.A. ripped off B. ripped out C. ripped up D. ripped way3. — Did you have a good rest last night?— Yes. I slept right the thunderstorm.A. on B. in C. at D. through4. — Lily is a happy girl, but today she seems in a bad mood.— Something _ to her.A. must happen B. should have happenedC. could have happened D. must have happened 5. Entering the orchard(果园), you will find apple trees are fruit, fragrance (芳香) drifting around.A. filled with B. heavy with C. loaded with D. mixed with6. — The hill isn’t as beautiful as I have expected.— In fact, it looks better _ the distance.A. from B. at C. off D. in7. — you finish your essay in time?— I am afraid _.A. Can; can’t B. May; not C. Must; needn’t D. Can; not8. As  for  how  to  promote  public  education,  Professor  Li  gave  us  a  lot  of suggestions which reasonable and practical.A. appeared B. sounded C. looked D. listened9. It is estimated that nearly 100 million people live here, most of in the west.A. which B. whom C. that D. them10. As we know, in the airport we’re to smoke only in special areas.A. demanded B. made C. asked D. allowed11. — Is Jay coming by bus?— He should, but he not. He likes cycling along.A. must B. can C. need D. may12. Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we’ve decided to stay for two weeks.A. another B. other C. the other D. other’s13. Doctor Wang at seven o’clock for the conference, but she didn’t turn up.A. should have arrived B. should arriveC. should be arrived D. should be arriving14. In crowded streets, for the safety of people, it is to drive faster than 20mph.A. forbidden B. persuaded C. required D. demanded15. — What’s your favourite sport?---Skiing. .A. I get a kick out of it B. I prefer itC. I choose it D. I’m used to it   1. The village was on all sides by mountains.A. covered B. fenced C. limit D. surrounded 2. The reform of education needs a new development, but this development musttake place in the not too future.A. long B. far C. distant D. remote3. The happy _ of children playing in the garden disappears, and it is quiet again.A. scene B. scenery C. view D. spot4. Li Ping spent two hours _ the maths problem, but he didn’t   it .A. to work on, work, out B. to work out, work, onC. working on, work, out D. working out, work, on5. It doesn’t to me whether she will go with me.A. tell the difference B. make no differenceC. make any difference D. differ from6. Don’t lose heart. and you are sure to win.A. Go on to try B. Go on with C. Go to try D. Go on trying7.   about wild animals that they decided to make a trip to North Africa for further research.A. So curious the couple was B. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple were D. The couple was curious8. Life is harder for Senior Three students throughout China. Hardly   endless exercises or tests.A. does everyday go by with B. does any day go by withoutC. everyday goes by without D. any day goes by with9. Michael never dreamt of for him to be sent abroad very soon.A. being a chance B. there’s a chanceC. there to be a chance D. there being a chance10. –We’ d better hurry, or we’ll be late.-- __? Do you really want to listen to the boring lecture?A. For what B. What if C. If what D. So what11. Zhou Zhou is success, disabled child as he is.A. a, the B. a, / C. the, a D. the, the12. No one likes the way he speaks to others.A. which B. that C. how D. if    单项选择:1. When Yao Ming got off the plane, he found himself the reporters and his fans.A. surrounding by B. surrounded byC. to be surrounded with D. surrounded2. There are a great number of natural resources in the desert, which remain to be  .A. explored B. exploited C. exploded D. exposed 3 There is a board by the road, which  “Parking  _!”A. writes, forbidden B. reading, forbiddingC. says, forbidden D. saying, forbidden4. The temperature _ so rapidly, we couldn’t go on with the experiment.A. falls B. fell C. falling D. fallen5. He required that he an opportunity to explain why he had refused to go there.A. is given B. must give C. should give D. be given6. The reading section of the test contains five , each of which is followed by four questions.A. messages B. paragraphs C. statements D. passages7. Without the mobile phone and Internet, communicating with each other  _ quite difficult today.A. is B. will be C. would have been  D. would be8. If you go from Jinan to Beijing, you a passport.A. needn’t B. don’t need C. needn’t to have D. oughtn’t need9. I _ a book on fashion at this moment, and it in the book that Europeans started to wear top hats in the early 1800s.A. read, is said B. am reading, is sayingC. was reading, was saying D. am reading, says10. All the players came to the sports field at 7:30 and .A. then began the game B. then did the game beginC. when the game began D. began then the game11. If you come, you must be prepared to keep moving, it is too cold to stand and watch for long.A. as B. when C. if D. unless 12. The Chinese Educational Department suggests teachers should receive  _ education to catch up with the development.A. farther, late B. farther, later C. further, lately D. further, latest13. One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.A. what that B. what C. that D. that what14. The water behind the Three Gorges Dam should be higher than down stream.A. sixty-five meter B. sixty-five-meterC. sixty-five meters D. sixty-five-meters15. Many people in the West make a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.A. this B. that C. it D. them 完形填空:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选 项。It was my first day at school. I felt 1__ and scared. I went to all my classes with no friends. I felt no one really __2 me. I listened anxiously to all the lessons and waited for the lunch break. Then finally the bell __3__. It was time to get free of the uneasy atmosphere.During the lunch I met a new friend who wore a hat, and _ 4 I am Jewish, we got along well, and I was so _5 when she said, “Sit with us, at our table.” She __6_ to the one next to the door. So I    7   , and took my tray and was about to walk with her __8   the floor, when suddenly I felt a nudge(用肘轻推). “Hey, I saw you on the bus,” said a __9_ girl in a long skirt. “I _10    your Jewish star necklace. You should sit with us.”At that moment I   11   around, and to my surprise, I   12   the nations of the world isolated (孤立)themselves. The Spanish only sat with Spanish, the Hindus __13 with Hindus, the Russians with the Russians, but __14  the Arabs with the Jews. That’s what I saw __15   my own eyes.Suddenly, I saw the reason why wars got started in the world. Everyone __16      to their own kind. The lunchroom was a 17_ of the world. Why was everyone so blind? I was puzzled.But I wanted a  18__. Determinedly, I turned  19   this tall girl, and went with my new friend. There was no enmity(敌意) in the room. I felt relaxed. I built a    _20    between two worlds when I sat with those different from me. The wholeworld should get close, not apart.1. A. nervous B. happy C. comfortable D. sad2. A. cared for B. stared at C. believed in D. thought of 3. A. sounded B. rang C. came D. cried4. A. when B. although C. if D. while5. A. disappointed     B. relieved C. angry D. upset6. A. went B. pointed C. ran D. got7. A. approved B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed8. A. through B. past C. across D. along9. A. beautiful B. tall C. short D. plain10. A. find B. like C. see D. have11. A. turned B. looked C. walked D. stepped12. A. understood     B. recognized C. noticed D. knew13. A. always B. still C. normally D. occasionally14. A. also B. ever C. never D. even15. A. through B. in C. for D. within16. A. stuck B. turned C. went D. walked17. A. symbol B. sign C. map D. view18. A. leave B. change C. turn D. try19. A. on B. to C. down D. off20. A. tie B. bridge C. friendship D. relation 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the inner part of China. With a total length of more than 6,300 kilometers, it marches toward the East China Sea, singing the songs of the four seasons with its waves. The Yangtze River, only next to the Amazon and the Nile, is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.The Three  Gorges have  showed  the  magic  workings of nature  with  their beautiful mountains and waters. The peaks and rocks on the two sides are telling us the history of the region in the past billion years. Every year, many visitors around the world are attracted by the charming thousand-year-long history of the region, the great ancient relics of human civilization, and the mysterious folk tales. Sandwiched between the mountains, the Three Gorges run across Fengjie and Wushan Mountain in Sichuan Province and Badong, Zigui and Yichang in Hubei Province, extending 193 kilometers long to include Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge andXiling Gorge. The City of White Emperor in Fengjie is the important passage of the west part of the Three Gorges. Nanjinguan in Yichang is the important gateway of the east part. Along the banks of the Yangtze River, the high peaks, overhanging rocks tower, rise into the clouds, dangerous cliffs seem to reach the sky, waterfallsare spraying and sparkling, clouds and thin fogs are curling, rapids and torrents are boiling. On the whole, Xiling Gorge is dangerous for its shallow shores and rapid currents. However, Yichang is regarded by most people as the best start point to tour the Three Gorges.1. The Yangtze River is important to Chinese people, mainly because          _.A. it extends its way from the west to the east of ChinaB. the ancient Chinese civilization began hereC. the scenery on both sides is very beautifulD. the Three Gorges is located on it2. We can see the Three Gorges          _.A. on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau B. in Hubei ProvinceC. in Sichuan Province D. Both BandC3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The Three Gorges have a total length of 193 kilometers.B. The shapes of the Three Gorges are like sandwiches.C. The Three Gorges is famous for beautiful scenery and relics.D. The Xiling Gorge are very dangerous for ships to sail.4. As a tourist, you’d better go to         _ to start your trip to the Three Gorges.A. Nanjinguan B. Wushan C. Badong D. ZiguiBHave you noticed that the majority of human beings seem to focus on the negative? Bad news is often seen in the newspapers, television shows and magazines, but good news is often overlooked.I saw a woman I was not very familiar with. She is a beautiful woman; every time I see her, I am struck by the smile on her face that can light up a whole room. So at one time I walked up to her and said, “You know, you are like liquid sunshine! Every time I see you, you give me so much joy.” I was not quite prepared for her reaction. She was blown away. Her eyes seemed about to shed tears, and she said, “That is so sweet! That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!” It was as if nobody had ever told her how beautiful her appearance was. I was extremely moved by the moment I had shared with this woman.Why not take notice of the positive and spread a little sunshine? When you are looking for beauty, you will begin to see it more and more. When you discover it, don’t be afraid to appreciate it. Not only will it make them feel good, it willmake you feel good as well. I truly believe the saying, “What goes around, comes around.” When you show kindness and sincerity, you will receive it back. You may even discover — much to your surprise — that you become the friend of someone you would never have expected to get along with.5. The woman had tears in her eyes because _. A.The man’s behavior was so rudeB.She was nervous about the man’s words C.The man told her the fact she didn’t know D.She was so excited at the man’s praise6. Which of the following can take the place of “What goes around, comes around”?A. The wise appreciate one another.B. Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.C. There is kindness to be found everywhere.D. Everybody should learn to praise others.7. The best title for the passage probably is _.A.  Spread a little sunshineB. Everyone likes to be praisedC. Pay attention to the positiveD. Each of us has good pointsCThe gigantic dam of the multi-function water control facility would be finished nine months ahead of schedule, said an engineer who is in charge of the Three Gorges Project. He said by June, the workers would have built the half-done dam from the southern bank of the river to the height of 185 meters. The Three Gorges Project will be capable of controlling the floods on the Yangtze by then and generating more electricity. And the level of the water stored in the reservoir will rise from 135 meters at present to 156 meters.Situated near the Xiling Gorge, the easternmost gorge of the Three Gorges on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges Dam is designed to have a length of 2,309 meters and a height of 185 meters.It will also have the functions for flood control, power generation and navigation. It will be built from northern and southern banks of the Yangtze, which has been troubled by floods for hundreds of years.Launched in 1993, the Three Gorges Project, including the 185-meter-high dam and 26 generators on both banks of the Yangtze, is being built in three phases. The preparations and construction of the first phase were carried out between 1993 and 1997. The Yangtze was dammed at the Three Gorges area forthe first time on November 8, 1997.The entire Three Gorges Project is expected to be completed in 2009 and by then, it will be able to generate 84.7 billion kwh of electricity every year. 8. The underlined word in the fourth paragraph might mean .A. places B. periods C. gorges D. dams9. According to the passage, we know _ _.A. the construction will be completed ahead of timeB. the biggest function of the dam is used to control flood C.the Three Gorges Dam will be finished in ten yearsD.the dam will be 156 meters tall when it is finished10. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The Yangtze River was first dammed in the year 1993.B. The water level in the reservoir will remain at 135 meters.C. The Three Gorges Dam is on the easternmost part of the river.D. The first phase of this project is finished in 1997. 书面表达:几乎每一个人都喜欢旅行,喜欢走出家门,领略大千世界的精彩。请你以“Travel      is the  best  teacher”  为题写一篇100词左右的作文,谈谈旅行给人们带来的好处。   听力原文:(Text 1)M:It is said that a dormitory caught fire last week and two students lost their lives. More than 10 students were badly injured.W:Oh, it’s too terrible. The university students should pay more attention to safety.(Text 2)W:Yang has found her glove. M:Where did she find it?W:You’ll never guess! She left it on her dressing table when she looked atthe mirror.(Text 3)W:I can’t decide whether to buy a new computer or to buy a second hand one.M:If you buy a new one, you probably won’t feel sorry in the end. (Text 4)W:Aren’t the clouds beautiful today? M:They look so soft! (Text 5)M:The play yesterday was pretty successful! W:It’s a pity that I missed the first part of it. (Text 6)W:The teacher said we didn’t pass the test. M:Really! Again? Oh, my God!W:We have to sit in for another one next week.M:Oh dear! Then we must do some preparations during the weekend. W:Yes. I really don’t want my mum to know of it.(Text 7)W:Sam, you don’t look well. What’s wrong with you? M:I have a bad headache.W:You’ve been working too hard to help our farm stop the flood.M:But there is so much to do, and the weather keeps coming. W:I think we need to take you to a hospital.M:Don’t worry. I’ll be all right soon.W:Well, Sam, at least go home and get some rest. OK? M:OK. Thanks.(Text 8)M:Good morning, madam. Can I help you? W:I’m looking for a T-shirt for my son.M:What size does your son wear?W:Size L. He is a boy. He likes cotton T-shirts. M:What about this one? It’s made in China.W:OK, let me have a look. How much is it?M:280 yuan. It’s popular with young people, and it’s of good quality. W:But I’m afraid it’s a little more expensive, and I don’t like the colour. M:Do you like this black one? It’s only 108 yuan.W:Hmm, it looks nice. I’ll take it. By the way, is there a CD store nearby?M:Well, look at the map. Let me tell you the way. Go down this street and then turn right at the first crossing. It’s between the bank and the school. You can’t miss it.W:Thanks a lot. M:You are welcome. (Text 9)W:Hey, Jeff! I’ve been looking for you!M:Hi, Jessica! I live off-campus that’s why it’s hard to find me. Here’s my phone number. I’d love you to come over sometime. How do you like your part-time job? W:I love it, although I miss home sometimes.M:Yes, I know! Tina keeps telling me how much she misses you!W:I phoned her the other night. She said she made it into the academy. I wanted to go home for the ceremony but my boss won’t let me.M:I’ll be flying home. So let me know if you’d like me to say hello to Tina for you! Let’s talk later this week. It’s great seeing you!W:Bye Jeff, see you soon. (Text 10)When tea and coffee were first introduced to Europe in the 18th century, people had difficult ideas about their uses. Some said that tea and coffee were harmful to people and they would cause people to die. In Sweden the man who was once a king decided to find out whether this was true or not. It happened that there were two twins who were almost exactly alike in every way. They had bothbeen sentenced to death. The king decided to let them live if one of them agreed to drink several cups of tea each day and the other several cups of coffee. They did as they were ordered. Sure enough, the brothers lived for many years without problems. At last the brother who had to drink tea every day died at the age of 83 and the other died a few years later. Because of this, Sweden is today one of the countries where a lot of tea and coffee are drunk. 听力答案:1-5  ABABC 6-10  ABCBC 11-15 ABACC 16-20 BCBCA 必会基础题: 单词拼写:1.forbidden 2. trading 3. surrounding 4. peak5. exploit 6. fertile 7. legends 8. colleagues 单项填空1-5 CADDB 6-10 DDBDD 11-15 DAAAA1. C。view表示“景色 ”,该句意为“要想看到更好的景色,你最好站在山顶上”。scene表 示“场景”,sight表示“视野”,look表示“外表”。2.  A。rip  off表示“敲诈”,符合句意。这句话的意思是“旅客们在买纪念品时经常被当地的 小贩们敲诈”。3. D。sleep through the thunderstorm表示“一直睡着, 没被……吵醒”。through 表示 “从头到尾,自始至终”的意思4. D。must后加完成时, 表示对过去已经发生的事情的猜测,而且可能性很大。9. D。该句为独立主格结构。10.     D。这句话的意思是“在飞机场里,只有一些特别区域允许我们抽烟”,allow符合题 意。13.  A。should  have  done表示“本来应该做某事,但实际上并没有做”,通常表示遗憾, 埋怨之意。14.    A。这句话的意思是“在热闹的街道上,为了安全起见,汽车的时速不能超过20公里”。 forbidden表示“禁止”,符合句意。15. A。get a kick out of it表示“从中获得很大的乐趣”。 提高拓展题:1-5 DDACC 6-10 DBBDD 11-12 BB 链接高考: 单项选择:1-5 BBCCD 6-10 DDBDA 11-15 ADDCC完形填空:1-5 AABBB 6-10 BDCBC 11-15 BCACA 16-20 ACBCB1. A。 根据and scared得知,作者感到害怕,那这个词自然应和害怕意思相近,所以选 nervous。2.    A。“我”独自一人听课,没有朋友,似乎没有人在乎“我”,用care    for表示“关怀,照 顾”。4. B。我的朋友带帽子(阿拉伯人习俗),她不是犹太人。尽管我是犹太人(although)。6. B。point to 固定搭配,表示“指向……”的意思。7.       D。根据上下文可知,“我”很愿意结交新的朋友,所以“我”同意和他们坐在一起。11. B。表示“我”四处张望。13. A。根据前一句的only可知,印度人总和印度人坐在一起,用always。14. C。相同种族或国家的人坐在一起,而不同国家的人从不坐在一起(阿拉伯人不和犹太 人在一起坐),用never。15. A。用自己的眼睛,through/ with one’s own eyes. 16. A。stick to 是“坚持”的意思。19. C。turn down 是“拒绝”的意思。20. B。“我”在两个不同的世界之间架起了一座桥梁。。 阅读理解:1-5 BDBAD  6-10 AABAC1. B。 由第一段最后一句“is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.”可知正确答案为B。4. A。由最后一段中的最后一句话“Yichang is regarded by most people as the beststart point to tour the Three Gorges”以及第三段“Nanjinguan in Yichang”可知宜昌是 游三峡的起点,而南津关就在宜昌,故答案为A。 5. D。这位女士听到“我”的赞扬,根据这位女士与“我”的对话可知,她非常感动,因此热泪盈盈,故D项为正确选项。6. A。根据第三段“Not only will it make them feel good, it will make you feel good as well.”可知,尊重别人,赞扬别人的同时,你也会得到别人的尊重和赞赏,尊重和赞赏 总是相互的,故A项说法比较符合句意。7. A。根据全文可知,该文章主要是告诉大家要学会赞扬别人,在感动他人的同时,自己 也会赢得尊重,感激和友谊。故A项的标题最符合。书面表达:Travel Is the Best TeacherTravel  is  the  best  teacher  and  always  results  in  lifelong  lessons.  The advantages of travel are countless. Here are some of them.Traveling   to   another   place,   we   expose   ourselves   to   a   new   learning environment, where we gain new knowledge. At the same time, travel helps usrelieve the pressure of work. We all need some time off to go traveling for relaxation. What’s more, it also enables us to learn something useful. We may learn to speak new languages, cook something different, or live better.Indeed, the more often we travel, the more we learn about the world.

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