新标准英语第十二册Module 1教案

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‎《英语》(新标准)小学一年级起始第12册 Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog ‎ 总1 电1‎ Teaching aim:‎ Language function:Students know that how to order food and drink. ‎ Language structure:Using simple present tense: want.‎ Sentence pattern : What do you want to eat?‎ I want a hot dog, please.‎ How much is it? ‎ It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.‎ Key points:What do you want to eat? I want a hot dog, please.‎ How much is it? It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.‎ Difficult points :The using way of “What do you want?” ‎ ‎“ How much is it/are they?” cardinal numbers,cola.‎ Preparation: Tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.‎ Ⅰ. Warm-up ‎1. Greetings: T:Hello,boys and girls. How are you?‎ ‎2. Free talk:What is the weather like today? What day is today?‎ ‎  Talk about some interesting experience during the winter vacation.‎ ‎3. Chant and say:Noodle and rice.‎ ‎4. Say the food you know.‎ ‎5. Teaching new words:hot dog,cola.‎ ‎(设计意图:通过课前free talk进行热身,创设良好的英语语言环境。并自然引入到新的饮食话题中来。)‎ Ⅱ. Presentation ‎1.The teacher should show some pictures of foods:‎ For example: dumplings, noodles, bread, hamburger, hot dogs, cola, tea, rice...‎ T: Can you tell me what are Chinese food? And what are western-style fast food?‎ Chinese food: dumplings, noodles, tea, rice..‎ Western-style fast food: bread, hamburger, hot dogs, cola, milkshake...‎ ‎2.The teacher should bring out three kinds of food: hamburger, cola, hot dog T: Can you tell me what are they?‎ S1: hamburger ‎ T: Can you guess how much it is?‎ S2: It's about 3 yuan.‎ T: Down, down, down S3: It's about 4 yuan.‎ S4: It's about 3 yuan and 7 jiao.‎ Then teach "cola" and "hot dog"‎ ‎(设计意图:通过猜价格游戏,学习询问价格及价格的英文表达方法。)‎ Ⅲ.New teaching ‎1. The teacher says: After the exercises, I feel hungry and thirsty. I want something to eat and drink. Can you give me some suggestions?‎ ‎2. Today Daming, Simon and Simon’s father go to the restaurant to have the meal. The dialogue tells us the story.‎ ‎1) Listen to the dialogue between the waitress and the customers.‎ ‎2)Play the cassette and circle the new words.‎ ‎3) Play the cassette and ask some questions.‎ Questions:‎ a. How many food are there in the dialogue?What does Simon/Daming/Dad want to eat?‎ b. T: How much are they?‎ ‎ S: …‎ ‎(设计意图:设计问题,让学生带着问题听课文,整体感知课文内容。学习具体语境下订餐的自然表达。)‎ Ⅳ. Practice ‎ a. Read the text after the tape.‎ b. Practice in pairs.‎ c. Performance ‎ V.Finish the tasks:‎ ‎1. Suppose you are in the restaurant and going to have a meal.‎ ‎2. Investigate the students who went out to tour during the winter vacation.‎ Then make the similar dialogues with other foods.‎ ‎(设计意图:创设真实语言交流环境,让学生充分的时间练习所学语言,在与同伴交流的过程中灵活运用语音,自然交流。)‎ V. Summary and Homework ‎ ‎1. Read the text in role.‎ ‎2. Learn to say in English when you go into a restaurant and have a meal.‎ Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog ‎ 总2 电2‎ Teaching aim:‎ Language function:Practice ordering food and drinks in a restaurant. ‎ Language structure:Using simple present tense: want.‎ Sentence pattern : What do you want to eat?‎ I want a hot dog, please.‎ Can I have some…?‎ How much is it?‎ It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.‎ Key points: Make a short dialogue with the learned structures.‎ ‎ Finish the exercise books of Unit 1.‎ Difficult points :Make a short dialogue with the learned structures.‎ Preparation: Tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.‎ Ⅰ. Warm-up ‎1. Greetings: Say “Hello” to the pupils and ask them several questions.‎ What is the weather like today? What day is today?‎ ‎ What did you have for breakfast?‎ ‎2. A game: Do TPR games, such as “Do as I say, not as I do.” Practice the two words of “eat” and “drink”.‎ ‎3. Say the food you like or dislike.  (接龙游戏)‎ ‎ CAI:I want …../I don’t want….‎ My mother likes…. ‎ ‎(设计意图:通过提供食物图片,学生自由表达自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物,集复习与运用于一体,自然、高效。)‎ Ⅱ. Text teaching ‎1. Today Daming, Simon and Simon’s father go to the restaurant to have the meal. Can you tell me anything about the story? ‎ a. What does Simon/Daming/Dad want to eat?‎ b. T: How much are they?‎ ‎ S: …‎ ‎2. Read the text after the tape.‎ ‎3. Practice in pairs.‎ ‎4. Performance ‎ ‎1. Suppose you are in the restaurant and going to have a meal.‎ ‎2. Investigate the students who went out to tour during the winter vacation.‎ Then make the similar dialogues with other foods.‎ ‎(设计意图:通过问题复习课文内容,强化关键句式的表达,此环节对于学习较弱的孩子尤其重要,要特别鼓励、关注学习较弱同学的发言。)‎ V. Finish the exercise books on P2-3.‎ VI. Summary and Homework ‎ ‎1. Read the text in role.‎ ‎2. Copy the new words and expressions in the text.‎ ‎3. Write a short funny story happened in a restaurant.‎ ‎ ‎ Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?‎ ‎ 总3 电3‎ Teaching aim:‎ Language function: What do you want to eat? I want…. How much is it? ‎ It’s …dollars and …cents in all.‎ Language structure: What do you want to eat? I want…. How much is it?‎ ‎ It’s …dollars and …cents in all.‎ Key points:What do you want to eat? I want…. How much is it?‎ Difficult points:It’s …dollars and …cents in all.‎ Preparation: Tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.‎ Ⅰ. Warm –up : ‎ A game: Do TPR games, such as “Do as I say, not as I do.” Practice the two words of “eat” and “drink”.‎ T: I want to eat./drink/run/…‎ Ⅱ. Free talk:‎ a. T:I want some noodles. ‎ ‎ S: …‎ ‎ b. 即兴表演:In a restaurant S1:What do you want to eat? S2: …‎ ‎(设计意图:通过课前free talk进行热身,j及学生即兴表演,对上节课的主要句型进行复习巩固,发展学生的语言交际及表现能力。)‎ Ⅲ.New teaching Watch the VCR of Part 2,talk about it.‎ a. T:What does the boy want to eat? What does the boy want to drink? ‎ b. T:I want some juice. What do you want to drink?‎ Ss: I want …. What do you want to eat/drink?‎ c. Answer the questions: It’s…dollars and …cents. What is it?‎ T: What do you want to eat? -----What can I do for you? Can I help you? What do you want?‎ ‎(设计意图:T通过谈论对话中的内容及练习,了解新的表达方法及回答:what do you want to eat/drink?,)‎ Ⅳ. Practice ‎ a. Listen and write. ‎ c. Go shopping : In the bookstore, in the fruit shop, in the toy shop.‎ What do you want to eat? I want…. How much is it? ‎ That’s …yuan in all.‎ ‎(设计意图:通过课件创设不同语言交流环境,让学生充分的时间练习所学语言,在与同伴交流的过程中灵活运用语音,自然交流。)‎ ‎ Exercises:Page 4‎ Yesterday, Fangfang and Li Lei went to a restaurant with their mothers.‎ Fangfang’s mum: What do you want, Fangfang?‎ ‎ Fangfang: I want fish and rice, please.‎ Fangfang’s mum: And what do you want to drink?‎ ‎ Fangfang: Apple juice, please.‎ Li Lei’s mum: What do you want, Li Lei?‎ ‎ Li Lei: I want noodles and chicken.‎ Li Lei’s mum: And what do you want to drink?‎ ‎ Li Lei: Cola, please.‎ Waitress: Can I help you?‎ Li Lei’s mum: Yes. We want chicken and fish, rice and noodles, an apple juice and a cola.‎ Waitress: OK. That’s 50 yuan and 20 cents. Enjoy you meal.‎ ‎1) What does fangfang want to eat?‎ ‎2) What does Li Lei want to eat?‎ ‎3) What does fangfang want to drink?‎ ‎4) What does Li Lei want to drink?‎ ‎5) How much is the meal in all?‎ ‎(设计意图:充分利用练习册上的听说训练,让学生从口头表达向笔头表达过度,巩固所学知识。)‎ Ⅵ. Summary and Homework ‎ a. Listen to the tape.‎ b. Ask the price about your things.‎

资料: 10.8万


