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第20讲 优秀作文赏析 题一:假如你是李梅,英文名Lily,在新生见面会上,你要做一个自我介绍,请你用英文写一篇文章来介绍你自己。 ‎ 要求:‎ ‎1. 词数80左右;‎ ‎2. 内容完整,语句通顺,语意连贯;‎ ‎3. 文中不得出现真实的人名与校名。‎ ‎ ‎ 亮点 l I am an outgoing girl with many interests and hobbies. ‎ l Sports not only make me healthy but also give me chances to make new friends.‎ l Besides sports, I also enjoy reading and ‎ travelling.‎ l Both can open up my eyes and build up my mind. ‎ l As a student, I always remember study comes first.‎ l I love all the subjects because they make my school life colorful.‎ l I am always ready to help the people in need, so you can ask me for help at any time. ‎ 题二:假设你是林梅,你的英国笔友Dave对中国人的周末生活很感兴趣,请你以你的家庭为例写一写你们通常是怎样度过周末的。‎ ‎1. 提示词:‎ usually, sometimes, after that, homework, housework, watch TV, play sports, go to the movies, visit, shopping...‎ ‎2. 信的开头和结尾已给出。‎ Dear Dave,‎ 5‎ ‎ I’m very glad to get your letter. You asked me about my family life on weekends. Now let me tell you something about it.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours, ‎ ‎ Lin Mei 亮点赏析 l My family are always busy on weekends.‎ l First of all, I must finish my homework and at the same time my parents need to do some cleaning in our house.‎ l If there isn’t much homework, I will help them with the housework too. ‎ l After that, we usually cook together.‎ l Sometimes, we go to the movies. ‎ 5‎ l I like action movies but my mother likes romantic ones.‎ l On the afternoon of Sunday, we go shopping to prepare for the coming week and then visit my grandparents.‎ l This is our way to spend most weekends.‎ 内容与结构 l 结构清晰(分段,分层,有头有尾,过渡词)‎ l 选材得当(新颖)‎ l 有要点、有拓展 l 词汇丰富,避免重复 l 句式准确,适当修饰,形式多样 5‎ 第20讲 优秀作文赏析 题一: ‎ ‎ My name is Li Mei and Lily is my English name. I am an outgoing girl with many interests and hobbies. ‎ ‎ I like sports, such as swimming, basketball and table tennis. Sports not only make me healthy but also give me chances to make new friends. Health and friends are very important to me. Besides sports, I also enjoy reading and travelling. Both can open up my eyes and build up my mind. ‎ ‎ As a student, I always remember study comes first. I love all the subjects because they make my school life colorful. I study hard and I hope to be one of the top students in my class. I am always ready to help the people in need, so you can ask me for help at any time. ‎ ‎ I believe we can get on well with each other. Let’s enjoy our school life together. ‎ 题二: ‎ Dear Dave,‎ ‎ I’m very glad to get your letter. You asked me about my family life on weekends. Now let me tell you something about it.‎ My family are always busy on weekends. We have to do a lot of work. First of all, I must finish my homework and at the same time my parents need to do some cleaning in our house. If there isn’t much homework, I will help them with the housework too. ‎ After that, we usually cook together. The big dinner on weekend is very important for us. We often choose to eat dumplings, hot pot or barbecues. ‎ ‎ Sometimes, we go to the movies. I like action movies but my mother likes romantic ones. On the afternoon of Sunday, we go shopping to prepare for the coming week and then visit my grandparents. ‎ This is our way to spend most weekends. How about yours in your country? I am waiting for your letter. Best wishes. ‎ ‎ Yours, ‎ ‎ Lin Mei 5‎ 5‎

资料: 3.6万


